Chinese For Dummies

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Authors: Wendy Abraham

BOOK: Chinese For Dummies
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Chinese For Dummies
, 2nd Edition

Published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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About the Author

Dr. Wendy Abraham
has taught courses on Chinese language, literature, history, and culture at Hunter College, Georgetown University, NYU, and Stanford University. She spent a year researching Shang Dynasty oracle bones in Taiwan, which sparked her deep interest in the development of China's written language. Wendy has directed Chinese language programs for American students in Beijing and Shanghai, and she has interpreted for high-level arts delegations from China. Her doctoral dissertation was on the Chinese Jews of Kaifeng, a subject about which she has written widely and continues to lecture frequently throughout the United States. Her interest in all things Chinese since the age of three continues unabated.


This book is dedicated to Oszkar and Shandy, with love for the Iakab family — then and now.

It is also dedicated to my father, György, my mother, Marilyn, my sister, Susan, and my new brother-in-law, Michael.

Author's Acknowledgments

The first million thanks go to my mother for making this past year (and me) possible. It would never have happened without her and our late night Scrabble games, and I will be forever grateful.

The next million thanks go to my father for filling this past year with amazing new conversations, lots of love, and a letter to his newly found cousins.

Thanks also go to my sister and brother-in-law for their collective sense of humor and for reminding us about all the things in life for which we should be grateful.

To Gerard and Jean Russak for extending the welcome mat, music, and deep friendship to me and the ever-growing brood of cats on the Upper West Side.

To all those who made miracles happen this year: Csongor Nyulas (Hungarian translator par excellence), Bob Edelstein, Anna Mekulinova, Hila Turkienicz, Itzhak Fouxon, Nehama Rosenberg, Malka Spitzberg, Leon Fishbein, my wonderful Elly Ne'eman, and Am Hazikaron. My family will always be grateful for your help in finding Oszkar and Shandy while writing this second edition of
Chinese For Dummies

Needless to say, this book would not have been possible without the remarkable folks at Wiley: Stacy Kennedy (the wonderful and efficient Acquisitions Editor), Tim Gallan (the calm and collected Project Editor), Constance Carlisle (who labored tirelessly to get the audio CD just right), and Megan Knoll (whose eye for Chinese typos without even knowing the language was stupefying). Great team, all.

Finally, thank you Cynthia Reidlinger, Ollie, Tommy, and the extended Sargent clan for contributing so much to this book and providing a great dose of inspiration along the way.

Publisher's Acknowledgments

We're proud of this book; please send us your comments at
. For other comments, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at 877-762-2974, outside the U.S. at 317-572-3993, or fax 317-572-4002.

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Chinese For Dummies
, 2nd Edition

to view this book's cheat sheet.

Table of Contents


About This Book

Conventions Used in This Book

Foolish Assumptions

How This Book Is Organized

Part I: Getting Started

Part II: Chinese in Action

Part III: Chinese on the Go

Part IV: The Part of Tens

Part V: Appendixes

Icons Used in This Book

Where to Go from Here

Part I: Getting Started

Chapter 1: Chinese in a Nutshell

Grasping Chinese Dialects

Pīnyīn Spelling: Beijing, Not Peking

Sounding Off: Basic Chinese Sounds

Starting off with initials

Ending with finals

Perfect pitch: Presenting the four tones

Adding Idioms and Popular Expressions to Your Repertoire

Chapter 2: The Written Word: Checking out Chinese Characters

Perusing Pictographs, Ideographs, and the Six Scripts

The Chinese Radical: A Few Clues to a Character's Meaning

Following the Rules of Stroke Order

Rule 1

Rules 2 through 9

Which Way Did Those Characters Go? Unraveling Character Order

Separating Traditional and Simplified Characters

Using a Chinese Dictionary . . . without an Alphabet!

Chapter 3: Warming Up with the Basics: Chinese Grammar

The Basics of Chinese Nouns, Articles, and Adjectives


Definite versus indefinite articles


Getting Into Verbs, Adverbs, Negation, and Possession



Bù and méiyǒu: Total negation

Getting possessive with the particle de

Asking Questions

The question particle ma

Yes/no choice questions using bù between repeating verbs

Interrogative pronouns

Chapter 4: Getting Started with Basic Expressions: Nǐ Hǎo!

Making Introductions

Acquainting yourself

Introducing your friends and family

Asking people for their names

Greeting and Chatting

Addressing new friends and strangers

Conversing around the clock

Talking about the weather

Finding out where people are from

Taking (that is, rejecting) compliments

Saying goodbye

Chapter 5: Getting Your Numbers, Times, and Measurements Straight

Counting in Chinese

Numbers from 1 to 10

Numbers from 11 to 99

Numbers from 100 to 9,999

Numbers from 10,000 to 100,000 and beyond

How 'bout those halves?

Ordinal numbers

Asking how many or how much

Telling Time

Asking and stating the time

Specifying the time of the day

Save the Date: Using the Calendar and Stating Dates

Dealing with days of the week

Naming the months

Specifying dates

Celebrating Chinese holidays

Sizing Up Weights and Measures

Chapter 6: Speaking Chinese at Home

Hanging Out at Home

Hunting for an Apartment

Decorating Your New Digs

Appointing Your Rooms, Fēng Shuǐ Style

The bedroom

The bathroom

The kitchen

The living room

The basement

The attic

Part II: Chinese in Action

Chapter 7: Getting to Know You:Making Small Talk

Establishing a Connection

Posing simple introductory questions

Chatting about family

Making Small Talk on the Job

Talking About Where You Live

Chapter 8: Dining Out and Shopping for Food

All About Meals

Satisfying your hunger

Sitting down to eat and practicing proper table manners

Getting to Know Chinese Cuisines

Dining Out

Understanding what's on the menu

Placing an order and chatting with the wait staff

Dipping into some dim sum

Finding the restrooms

Finishing your meal and paying the bill

All the Tea in China

Taking Your Chinese to Go

Making comparisons

How much is that thousand-year-old egg?

Chapter 9: Shopping Made Easy

Going to Stores

Getting What You Want at a Department Store

Just browsing

Asking for help

Shopping for Clothes

What's your size?

Comparing quality: Good, better, best

Comparing two items

What are you wearing? Chuān versus dài

Asking about the color and material

Shopping for Other Items

Hunting for antiques

Buying high-tech and electronic things

Getting a Good Price and Paying

Negotiating prices at the night market

Paying for your purchase (or demanding a refund)

Chapter 10: Exploring the Town

Attending a Performance

Exploring different types of music

Buying a ticket

Asking whether someone has done something

Exploring Museums and Galleries

Visiting Historical Sites

Going to the Movies

Hopping Around Bars and Clubs

Chapter 11: Taking Care of Telecommunications

Getting Familiar with Telephone Terms

Going Mobile with a Cellphone

Making a Phone Call

Calling your friends

Ringing hotels and places of business

Phoning a client

Sorry, I'm Not Home Right Now . . .

Listening to messages that people leave you

Recording and understanding greeting messages

Leaving messages

Using the Internet

Checking Your E-Mail

Chapter 12: Chinese at School and at Work

Going to School

Schools and supplies

Teachers and subjects

Exams and semesters

Degrees and diplomas

Settling into Your Office Digs

Conducting a Meeting

Scheduling and planning a meeting

Making the initial greeting

Starting the meeting

Making a presentation

Ending the meeting

Discussing Business and Industry

Chapter 13: Recreation and Outdoor Activities

Naming Your Hobbies

Exploring Nature

Tapping into Your Artistic Side

Striking Up the Band

Playing on a Team

Part III: Chinese on the Go

Chapter 14: Planning a Trip

Talking about When You Want to Travel

Celebrating the Chinese Holidays

Where To? Deciding on a Destination

Passports and Visas: Don't Leave Home without 'Em

Packing for Your Trip

Enlisting the Help of a Travel Agency

Chapter 15: Making Cents of Money

Staying Current with Chinese Currency

Rénmínbì (RMB) in the PRC

Xīn Táibì in the ROC

Hong Kong dollars

Singapore dollars

Exchanging Money

Spending Money

Using cash

Paying with plastic

Doing Your Banking

Making withdrawals and deposits

Accessing an ATM

Tips on Tipping

Chapter 16: Getting Around

Flying Around the Airport

Making it past the check-in counter

Boarding your flight

Going through customs

Navigating Around Town

Hailing a cab

Hopping on the bus

Riding the rails

Chapter 17: Asking for Directions

Avoiding 20 Questions: Just Ask “Where?”

Different strokes for different folks: Saying nǎr versus saying nǎlǐ

Getting direction about directions

Understanding the answers to “where” questions

Expressing Distances (Time and Space) with Lí

Using Ordinal Numbers to Clarify Points of Reference

Specifying Cardinal Points

Chapter 18: Finding a Place to Stay

Making a Room Reservation

Checking In Before You Hit the Pool

Taking Advantage of Hotel Service

Counting on convenience

Getting problems fixed

Checking Out Before Heading Out

Chapter 19: Handling Emergencies

Calling for Help in Times of Need

Receiving Medical Care

Deciding whether to see a doctor

Describing what ails you

Discussing your medical history

Making a diagnosis

Treating yourself to better health

Calling the Police

Acquiring Legal Help

Part IV: The Part of Tens

Chapter 20: Ten Ways to Learn Chinese Quickly

Listen to Chinese-Language Tapes, CDs, and CD-ROMs

Check Out a Peking Opera Performance

Cook with a Wok

Shop for Food in Chinatown

Surf the Net

Watch Kung-Fu Flicks

Exchange Language Lessons

Make Chinese Friends

Study Chinese Calligraphy

Be Curious and Creative

Chapter 21: Ten Things Never to Do in China

Never Accept a Compliment Graciously

Never Make Someone Lose Face

Never Get Angry in Public

Never Address People by Their First Names First

Never Take Food with the Wrong End of Your Chopsticks

Never Drink Alcohol Without First Offering a Toast

Never Let Someone Else Pay the Bill Without Fighting for It

Never Show Up Empty-Handed

Never Accept Food, Drinks, or Gifts Without First Refusing a Few Times

Never Take the First “No, Thank You” Literally

Part V: Appendixes

Appendix B: Chinese Verbs

Appendix C: On the CD

Appendix D: Answer Key

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