Choosing Happiness (2 page)

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Authors: Melissa Stevens

Tags: #Romance, #Arizona, #suspense, #ex-military

BOOK: Choosing Happiness
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"Damn it all," she muttered, wishing she hadn't taken her gym bag into the house that morning. At least she would have had some way to protect her dress, not to mention shoes that would be easier to work in.

Freeing the spare, she grabbed the old blanket she kept in the back for emergencies and partially unfolded it before spreading it out next to the shredded tire. After retrieving the good tire and the jack, she kicked her heels off, preferring to work barefooted over trying to balance on the spikes.

She struggled for several minutes but managed to loosen the lug nuts so the tire wouldn't spin in the air if she tried to do it later. Once she had all the nuts loose, she bent low so she could see under the tilted frame, and placed the jack in the right spot.

Her head was still under the car when the pop of tires on gravel told her someone had pulled off the road behind her.

"Need some help?" A deep masculine voice asked as she pushed herself to her feet. When she saw him she stopped short for just a moment. Something about this man niggled the back of her mind, told her she'd seen him before. He was tall but not bulky and the snug fit of his t-shirt and jeans told her he was all muscle. Something about him called to her and made her stomach flip-flop. She couldn't help but smile as he approached wearing a friendly smile under his baseball cap as he offered his assistance.

"I'd appreciate it," she admitted. "Normally I'd have no trouble doing it myself but I'm not exactly dressed for the job." She spread her arms wide, showing off her turquoise dress. It was cut to flatter her thick frame, showing off all her curves well and stopping just above her knees.

"At least you had the sense to lose the heels." He took her place beside the car and bent to check the placement of the jack before he started lifting the car. "You already break the nuts?" He stopped and looked at her for a moment before the tire cleared the ground.

"Yes." She stepped back into her shoes and tried to stay out of the way as he finished changing her tire and put the blanket and damaged tire into the back of the vehicle. "Thanks so much." She extended one hand. "Can I get your name? I'd like to do something to thank you. This has been a huge help."


t's really no problem. My name's Jake, Jake Walters." He took her offered hand and shook it. "But you don't have to do anything, it's always a pleasure to help a pretty lady, especially one dressed so nicely." He looked her up and down again, from the top of her head where her hair was pulled back in some elaborate style, down her curvy body, and well-shaped legs. He liked what he saw. She hadn’t changed much in the years since he’d first met her.

"Now I remember.” Her eyes widened and a smile bloomed across her face. "You're Ben’s friend. He brought you home with him on leave a few years ago."

"I am."

"You here for the wedding?"

"Yes and no. I’ll be there, but I've recently moved to the area."

"That's great.” A car blew past them on the road, barely slowing as it went by. “Look, I'm sorry to do this but I've got to go. I'm late already."

"No problem. I'm sure I'll see you around."

"You probably will. That tends to happen in a town this size."

Unable to resist the urge, he stepped closer, reached out and lifted her chin with one finger as he bent closer.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time.” He paused just a few seconds. “Say no if you don't want it, too." He whispered the words against her lips then slowly his mouth covered hers. Softly at first, because he expected her to stop him at any moment, but after a few seconds he poured more intensity into the kiss. Using his thumb on her jaw, he coaxed her mouth open and he swept his tongue inside, tasting her. After a few moments, and one thorough kiss, he broke away, looking down at her sweet face.

"I...I've really got to go." She blinked, trying to regain her composure, though she seemed to want to stay instead.

"Go, I'll see you again." He smiled again.

She climbed back into the same little SUV she’d been driving when he first met her and pulled back on the road.


everal minutes later, still flustered from the unexpected kiss, Andrea rushed into the church hoping her tardiness wouldn't be noticed.

"There you are!" Sophia spotted Andrea as soon as she stepped into the building. "You said you were going to be here twenty minutes ago. You're never late, I was worried."

Andrea hugged her mom. "I blew a tire and had to take care of it. I'm fine"

"Dressed like that?" Sophia frowned.

"I didn't have anything else. But I didn't have to do it all, someone stopped and changed it for me." She struggled not to blush. "Otherwise I'm sure I would be later than I am now. What still needs to be done?" She tried to distract her mother.

"Can you check on your brother? Make sure he's ready? We have a little while before everything starts but people have already started arriving and are being seated. I need to check on that. Once you’re through with Ben can you check in on Jeanie?"

"Can do. He's on the left, right?"

"Ben's on the left, Jeanie's on the right."

Andrea knocked on the door before opening it slightly. "Are you decent?"

"As decent as I ever was," came Ben’s voice.

She pushed the door open and stepped inside, closing the door behind her. "Mom sent me to make sure you're ready."

"Well? Do I look presentable?" He held his arms out so she could get a good look at him.

She looked at him carefully, starting at his feet and working upward, looking for flaws. He was wearing a soot-colored suit with a soft green shirt and emerald green tie. She knew that the groomsmen would be dressed similarly. His shoes had been polished to within an inch of their lives and she thought he looked pretty sharp, until she got to the knot of his tie.

"Who tied your tie?" She tilted her head to one side.

"I did. Why?" He turned to look at himself in the mirror.

"Because generally, the front piece, the wider one? It's longer than the skinny back piece."

"Crap, it took me twenty minutes to make it lay right." He fumbled with the piece, only making it worse.

"Don't worry about it. Come here." She drug a chair close while he took off his jacket. She kicked off her heels again and stepped up onto the seat.

Normally, the difference in their heights didn’t matter. Ben was nearly a foot taller than her at 6'5". She was used to it, but while tying his tie she needed a better angle. When she finished the new knot, she had him turn around so she could flip down the rest of his collar, then patted him on the shoulder. "There, go check the mirror and see what you think."

He shrugged back into his jacket and checked the mirror. "Thanks, Andy." He narrowed his eyes. "Wait a minute. Where did you learn to tie a man's tie?" He gave her a shrewd look in the mirror.

She lifted one eyebrow. "We all have our secrets, don't we?" She glanced at the clock on the wall. "You about ready?"

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Yeah, let's do this."


"A little, I mean who isn't? But I know Jeanie's the one and that makes it all worth it."

She smiled at him, surprised by her brother's philosophy. "I guess you’re right. If she's the one and you know it, then the rest is just icing. Hang on a sec, let me see if they're ready for you."

She got him to the front of the church with no problems and was headed back to the rear of the church when she spotted
seated a couple rows behind her parents. It had been more than an hour an and a half since she’d seen him last but her face heated. She’d known Jake would be there, why was she blushing? She smiled at him and headed back up the aisle to go check on Jeanie.


fter the ceremony, guests and family made their way to the reception. It was an informal party with only a few scheduled events. While Ben, Jeanie and the rest of the wedding party were busy taking the posed pictures, Andrea helped get the meal set up. She was setting out utensils to all the dishes when Jake approached her.

"I told you we'd run into each other again." He grinned.

"You did." She smiled back, admiring how different he looked in a suit.

He bent close to whisper "Did you know Ben used to carry your picture in his Kevlar?"

She frowned. “I had no idea.”

"I saw it often. I know it took you a few minutes to recognize me this afternoon, but I knew who you were as soon as I saw you.” He looked down at her a moment. “Ben and I were battle buddies, you know."

"You said you moved here? Is that why?" She let his comment about being battle buddies go without comment.

"Yep. I was looking for a job on a police force somewhere in the area and Ben let me know about an opening."

"So you're a police officer." She put together the bits of information he was letting drop.

"I am."

"That's good to know. You know, in case I need rescuing or something." She winked.

"I'd like to have dinner with you."

"I have to help serve, but if you'll save me a spot, I’ll eat with you when I’m done."

"Better yet, how about I help you serve? Then we can eat together."

"I can't let you do that. You're a guest."

He made a noise deep in his throat. "Ben and I got to be closer than brothers while we were deployed. Helping serve at his wedding is nothing. Just another family thing."

"Well," she hesitated.

"Besides, if I help serve then we’ll actually get to have dinner together. If not, I'll be done long before you get a plate." He seemed to be hoping to convince her. "It’s not like you're forcing me. I volunteered."

"All right, I guess it won't hurt anything."

She handed Jake an apron and put one on herself before taking up her position in front of the large roaster full of shredded beef. Jake stood next to her, manning the barbecue sauce, ready to serve anyone who wanted some.

Ben walked up behind them and tugged at the apron Jake was wearing. "Bro, what are you doing on this side of the table?"

"I insisted on helping." Jake shot Andrea a smile. "Why should the rest of your family do all the work?"

"I'm glad you're making yourself at home and known to everyone. Sorry I haven't had a chance to introduce you around. It's been crazy with the wedding and all."

"I get it. I don't need my hand held. You go enjoy your big day. I'll pitch in where I can."

"Thanks again." Ben clapped one big hand on Jake's shoulder. "When we get back, I'll have more time."

"When's that gonna be?" Jake asked.

"Not for a couple weeks.” Ben shook his head. “We’ve got a cruise to Hawaii. It leaves tomorrow afternoon."

"Sounds fun."

"It should be, as long as neither of us gets sea-sick."

"Nah, you’ve got an iron stomach, you'll be fine. If either of you does get sick, go to the customer service desk or the first aid station on the ship. They should have some Dramamine."

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."

"Now get in line so we can serve you. The rest of your guests are getting hungry and won’t eat until after you."

"I'd hoped being discharged would make you less bossy. Guess not."

"Nope, wasn't a military thing, it's just me. Get used to it."

Ben chuckled. "You're gonna fit in just fine around here."

Andrea shot Jake a grin as her brother grabbed a pair of plates and started through the line, filling not only his, but one for Jeanie too.

"He seems different from the last time I saw him." Jake said to Andrea as Ben walked away.

"He is different. Jeanie's softened him some but somehow made him stronger at the same time."

They were soon too busy to talk, serving the guests that filed by. Andrea called everyone by name and had something unique to say to each person as she served them. After the last of the guests had gone through the line they fixed plates for themselves and took a pair of seats at a nearby table that had been filled and emptied again as people finished eating.

"There's quite a few people here." Jake looked around the room. "There weren't this many people at the church."

"No, the church wouldn't hold them all. They only invited their closest friends and family there. There were a lot more invited to only the reception. Ben and Jeanie both have a lot of friends, so naturally there are a lot of people to help them celebrate."

"Naturally." They chatted and got to know each other while they ate. Afterward, Jake helped pick up the extra tables and chairs, making room on one end of the room for a dance floor.


ater in the evening, after people started to leave, Jake asked Andrea to dance. It was a slow song and he had his arms around her. He leaned in until his lips brushed against her ear. "I'd like to take you home with me."

Andrea smiled. "I’d like to take you up on that but I need to stay, at least until Ben and Jeanie leave. I have to help Mom load the gifts. She's going to take them home and keep them for Ben and Jeanie until they get back."

"That's fine. I can hang around and help."

"That's really sweet of you, but you don't have to. I'm sure you have to be up early tomorrow."

"Actually, I'm off. There's nothing stopping me from staying out all night if I want."

"Well," her face heated. "I also don't want my family thinking I would pick someone up at my brother's wedding and go home with him." She looked down so he wouldn’t see her blush.

"No problem." He smiled against her ear. "I'll hang around and help. When we’re done we can leave separately and meet somewhere else. We can go to my place or we can go out for coffee. I don't know about you, but after all this," he motioned around them, where the flashing lights and loud music vibrated through their bodies. "I'm going to need to decompress for a bit before I'm anywhere near ready to sleep."

She looked up at him a moment, seeing his point. "What part of town do you live in?"

"The northwest side, why?"

"So I don't tell you to meet me someplace in the opposite direction." She fell silent for a few seconds as she thought about places that would be open when they finally got out of there. "In the Ranch district, that's what that side of town's called, I don’t know why. There's a Denny's on the corner of Maple and Waterson. You know where that is?"

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