Christy Miller's Diary (3 page)

Read Christy Miller's Diary Online

Authors: Robin Jones Gunn

Tags: #teen romance, #Christy, #Hawaii, #Little Mermaid/Lille Havfrue, #Copenhagen, #epistolary story, #diaries, #diary, #journal, #Todd, #missions trips, #travel in Europe, #Salzburg, #The Sound of Music, #boarding schools, #Valentine's Day, #juvenile fiction

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So do you think “My Pal” called me? No. I waited all Valentine’s Day for a call. No call. I didn’t expect him to send me a card. But I thought maybe he’d call. I waited five days for him to call and got more and more depressed each day.

Today I was over at Katie’s and she convinced me to call him. I haven’t heard from him in two weeks and with Todd, unless he calls me I have no way of knowing if he was just busy or if he was unconscious in some hospital somewhere.

So I called, and he answered on the second ring. He acted like nothing was wrong. He talked about how the waves were up for the winter swell and how he went surfing this morning. After about four minutes I finally asked if he got my Valentine’s present and he said, ‘“Yeah, but why didn’t you just put the candy hearts inside the box? I had to peel off the glue before I ate them.”

I practically screamed in the phone at him! You should have seen my face! Katie was fanning me as if she thought I was going to pass out. I must have gotten pretty red.

Can you see why I said it was a disaster of a Valentine’s Day? No cards. No call. And Todd ATE my secret message!

Now Katie is telling me I need to think of a better idea for an Easter present for Todd and I’m telling her I’m not in the mood to lay any more eggs, decorated or not!

March 28

Don’t have much time, DSF,

But wanted to write down the words to a song I heard today before I forget it. I don’t remember all the words, but here’s part of the song:

You never gave up on me

Your arms are still open

Waiting for me

So here I come,

I got your invitation

Here I come

No more hesitation

Here I come

Back to your heart again.

It has a really pretty tune. It made me think of God and how He’s always waiting for me with open arms. He’s my Valentine every day of the year.

By the way, it’s a week until Easter and I decided not to send anything to Todd. He’s been calling me a little more often and I think he might come down here to Escondido to see me during Easter vacation. But it’s an hour and a half drive each way. I don’t know if ole Gus is able to come this far.

I’ve begun to realize that this really, truly is a friendship with Todd. It’s not a boyfriend/girlfriend thing, even though he gave me the bracelet and kissed me and everything.

In some ways I wish he hadn’t kissed me because that makes me think it’s more of a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. But his kisses, both times—when he gave me the flowers and when he gave me the bracelet—have been short and sweet and not like a mushy movie kind of grab-her-and-kiss-her-good kind of kiss. And they weren’t pushy kisses like Rick’s two kisses were.

I wonder what kisses mean to Todd? I think they mean something different to him than they do to Rick. Maybe I’m making more of all this than I should. Todd’s and my relationship, or should I say friendship, is so eternally knit together and at the same time it’s held really loosely. I can’t figure it out.

Oh well. I’ve gotta fly. My dad is taking us out to dinner for my mom’s birthday and I think everyone is about ready to go.

April 10

Dear Silent Friend,

I haven’t told you yet but I’m going to try out for cheerleading. I’ve been swamped with school stuff and church activities and now cheerleading practice. I talked to Todd about it and he thinks if I do this, I should do it for the Lord because if I become a cheerleader, I’ll have an audience. People will be watching me and watching how I react in certain situations. Maybe I should pray more about this.

Lord, I want to do this cheerleading thing for You. I know Todd’s right—that if I become a cheerleader, people will look up to me and respect me. That will give me a better chance to tell them that I’m a Christian and maybe invite them to church or something. I just want whatever is best, and I want to be a good example to others.

I talked to Rick after school today. He was so sweet. Sometimes that guy can say just the right thing. For several months I hardly ever saw him. Now he’s being super friendly again. I was getting discouraged about trying out for cheerleading but he convinced me I should give it my best try. He said I have “killer eyes” and that it’s because of my innocence.

I told him he makes me feel like Play-Doh and then he hugged me right when Renee, my major rival for cheerleader walked by. At cheerleading practice Renee kept giving me the dirtiest looks. I know Renee would love it if I dropped out. But I’m not going to. Not now. I’m committed.

Katie hasn’t been as supportive of all this as I thought she’d be, but then all she’s talked about lately is who is going to the prom with whom and so there’s not much point in talking to her about anything else. I wonder if Todd is thinking about asking me to his prom. He’s a senior and all seniors go to their prom, don’t they?

April 13

My Dearest Silent Friend,

Earlier tonight I thought about writing to you about this enchanted spring evening. I really, really thought tonight was going to be a memory I’d always save in my “Todd” scrapbook of memories. And I guess I will, but not for the reasons I thought I was going to.

When Todd came for dinner tonight, he asked if we could go for a walk. We went for ice cream and on the way he held my hand and recited some verses to me from I Corinthians 13. The verses were about love and I thought he and I were having about the most romantic evening in the whole world.

Then we got to the ice cream parlor and everything went crazy. Katie came in and told me she told Rick I was going to ask him to the prom and then Rick came in and he and Todd “met” by bumping into each other. Rick didn’t realize I was with Todd so he came over and sat by me, like he was waiting for me to start talking to him as if we already had plans to go to the prom and then Todd came back and oh, man. What a disaster!

Todd and I walked home, and we had this sort of argumentish discussion and I started crying. I apologized later and Todd said I didn’t need to apologize. Then, just when I thought everything was clearing up and going back to being cozy between Todd and me again, he told me he’s going to the prom with a girl from his school named Jasmine!

I’m crying again, now. Sorry if my tears are getting your pages wet.

About an hour ago everyone else went to bed. It’s been painfully quiet around here. I took off my Forever bracelet and I buried it along with all my romantic feelings for Todd. I put it in with all the dead carnation petals from that first bouquet he gave me. You know how I told you I’ve been keeping them in an old Folgers coffee can? Well, now the brown carnations and the bracelet are both buried in the deepest corner of my closet.

If I could only bury my feelings as easily so I could get some sleep. I can’t sleep at all. I can’t stop crying, either. I sure don’t feel like praying right now. Oh, DSF. Do you have any idea how deep this hurt is?

May 2

I haven’t paid you a visit for quite some time, have I, DSF?

I just read that part I wrote about how I wanted to become a cheerleader for God, but above all, to pursue this cheerleading dream so I could be a good example of a Christian. Well, that’s sure been a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. And it seems like I ended up doing it more for me than for God.

But I won! I’m on the squad. And since I am a cheerleader, Lord, I’m going to do it for You now. I’m going to let all the girls on the squad know that I’m a Christian. I’m going to be a good example of You to them and the whole school.

May 18


Since that last entry so much has happened. I gave up my cheerleading spot for Teri since she’s going to be a senior next year and I’m only going to be a junior. Teri deserved to be on the squad. I know she would have won instead of me if she hadn’t twisted her ankle at tryouts.

Todd surprised me by coming to the assembly where they announced next year’s squad and he showed me pictures from his prom. Jasmine was in a car accident awhile ago and now she’s permanently in a wheelchair. What actually happened was that Todd took her to dinner with their friends, but they didn’t go to the dance. Jasmine looked so happy in that photo. I was ashamed of myself for being so jealous and so mad at Todd.

I’m glad he took Jasmine. I’m glad I didn’t go to the prom at my school, either. Katie went with Lance and had an okay time until she ended up coming home by herself, which was pretty low of Lance to send her off like that while he stayed.

Anyway, I think things got sort of smoothed over with Rick after the whole prom mix-up. He’s speaking to me, at least.

June 6

Hello, DSF!

This Thursday is the last day of school and Katie and I are going to have a party here at my house with just the two of us to celebrate. It’s been quite a year. I can’t believe how fast it went. I’m more ready for summer vacation than I’ve ever been before in my life!

July 5

Hello, DSF.

How are you? I’m happy. I’m having a great summer, so far. We celebrated the Fourth of July at my aunt and uncle’s yesterday. Todd was there and we went for a long walk together on the beach at sunset. My brother and my mom came with us, but it was still fun and kind of romantic, even though we didn’t hold hands or anything.

Todd is going to Hawai’i in three weeks with my uncle which I think is totally unfair. Oh, sure, he has to help paint Bob’s two condos, but he’ll still have plenty of time for fun. And three long weeks of it!

Paula, my old friend from Wisconsin, is coming to stay with me for two weeks while they’re in Hawai’i so I can’t exactly complain too much. I’m looking forward to seeing Paula, but I’m pretty nervous about it, too. We haven’t seen each other in a year and if Paula has changed at all like I’ve changed in the last year, then it will probably seem like two strangers trying to start all over becoming friends. Paula will be here for my sixteenth birthday on July 27th, but Todd won’t be.


Seems like I never can have everything the way I want it.

Oh, P.S. Katie took her driver’s license test today and she missed one too many on the written part so she has to go back and take the written again tomorrow. Then she’ll probably have to wait a week or so before she can take the driving part. I’m halfway through driver’s training summer school classes and my dad’s been taking me practice driving. He makes me sooooo nervous! I’ll be glad when driver’s training is over but then I’ll be really nervous about taking my driver’s test. Especially since Katie said her brother said it was easy and then she didn’t pass it.

Well, one worry at a time. And right now my next worry is getting ready to go babysit. I’m glad I keep getting asked to babysit for these three families who call me all the time, because I really need the money. But the last time I sat for this little boy he was such a brat. He wouldn’t mind me at all. I hope he’s better this time!

July 27

Hold this for me, DSF,

Dear Future Husband,

I turned sixteen today, and I know it may seem weird writing this to you now, but this letter is sort of my way of making a promise to you in writing.

Maybe I already know you, or maybe we haven’t met yet. Either way, I want to save myself for you. I want my whole self, my heart and body and everything, to be a present I’ll give you on our wedding day.

I don’t care how long it takes or how hard it gets, but I promise you I won’t let anybody else “unwrap” me, so on our wedding night I’ll be the kind of gift you’ll be happy to receive.

I know I have a lot of years ahead of me before we get married, whoever you are. That’s why I want to make this promise now, so that no matter whom I go out with, I’ll always think of myself as a present I want to give to you alone one day.

I also want to start to pray for you, wherever you are, whoever you are, that God will be preparing you for me and that you’ll save all of yourself for me too.

I already love you.

Your future wife, Christina Juliet Miller

August 10

Aloha, DSF!

I wrote that letter to my future husband when we were in Hawai’i. My aunt surprised us after we picked up Paula from the airport and said we were all going to Maui to spend the week with Uncle Bob and Todd. It was a dream come true, but even before we left I found myself wishing Katie was coming with me instead of Paula because Katie and I have gotten so close this past year. Paula and I tried to pick up where we left off in our friendship but we’d both changed so much. Then when we got there, Paula seemed set on capturing all of Todd’s attention, which made me furious.

On my birthday we went swimming in this cove where we could snorkel and see lots of fish. I loved it! Todd came swimming out to my raft, and we talked and it was like nothing had changed between us just because Paula was flirting with him.

That was my favorite part of my birthday because the morning was a disaster and the luau and hula show with everyone that evening wasn’t exactly my idea of a good time. I mean, it was a good time, but I would have been just as happy walking barefoot along the beach holding hands with Todd. At the luau they had us go up on the stage and dance the hula and it was so embarrassing.

August 11

Aloha, again, DSF!

I had to go to the grocery store with my mom so I had to stop writing that last entry before I told you everything about Hawai’i. It’s after 11:00 pm now and everyone else is asleep. I like summer nights like this when it’s warm and quiet. My window is open and I can hear the nocturnal critters out there making all their happy summer night sounds. There’s one cricket or frog or something that keeps making this one high note over and over. Maybe it’s a bird. Anyway, my window is open and I can smell the jasmine from the front of the house. It’s so sweet! I’d love to stay up all night on a night like this.

Now, on to the rest of the Maui trip.

The big adventure of the week was when we went to Hana and then on to some waterfalls and pools where we went swimming. Todd jumped off this bridge—his bridge. When he was a kid he went camping with his dad in that part of Maui and his dad jumped off the bridge into the pool of water below but Todd didn’t jump. He decided he wanted to jump now and he did.

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