Cinderella Substitute (15 page)

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Authors: Nell Dixon

BOOK: Cinderella Substitute
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They started to dance to the music. He could feel her standing stiff and ramrod straight in his arms.

"Relax, Jenni, it's just a dance." He heard the indignant hiss of her breath and took the opportunity to pull her closer.

She remained rigid in his grasp, then relaxed a little and 137

The Cinderella Substitute

by Nell Dixon

leaned into him. Her body felt soft and warm against his. He smelt the faint vanilla perfume she always wore.

"Why are you doing this, Nate?" she murmured against his ear, her voice breathy with an emotion he couldn't define.

"We need to talk. About you and me." He surprised himself by his choice of words, but he knew he had to make Jenni listen to him. The song ended and he felt her move out of his reach.

"Time for you to be Santa." She hadn't given him any indication of whether she might be prepared to hear him out or not.

"Promise me we'll talk."

He noticed her swallow as if nerves had made her throat as dry as his own.

"Alright, but you'd better go and change." Nate nodded. If Jenni had given him her word he knew she wouldn't break it.

He hurried upstairs to change into the Santa suit and collect the gifts. He just hoped he would be able to find the right words.

* * * *

Jenni watched him go with a troubled heart. What had she let herself in for? Hadn't it been just a few days ago he had told her in this very building
"I was in love once'
? She flinched. The words still had the power to hurt her. After everything he had gone through with Cerys, he wasn't looking for the kind of relationship that Jenni knew she wanted. The kind of relationship she deserved. One where she was loved 138

The Cinderella Substitute

by Nell Dixon

for who
was and not some ghostly imitation of another woman.

At last it had ended. The last of the guests had gone. Jenni and Nate remained alone. She felt dead on her feet. The strain of the evening sucked all the emotion out of her, leaving her lifeless and numb. The bar staff remained busy collecting the last of the empty glasses. Jenni felt as flat as the champagne dregs.

Jenni didn't want to talk to him. She felt sure she knew already some of the things he would say. How he could never fall in love with anyone again, and how it might be better if she looked for another post in the New Year.

"I've ordered coffee for us." Nate came over to where Jenni sat in a small alcove that overlooked the gardens.

"I'm so tired, Nate. I think I'd just like to go to bed." Jenni wished her heart would stop its painful thumping every time she looked at him. Even dressed as Santa Claus, he was sexy.

He raked his hand irritably through his hair. "We need to sort things out between the two of us, Jenni."

"There's nothing to say, Nate." To her dismay, she burst into tears.

He sank down beside her on the couch. "We can't turn back the clock, Jenni. Is that what you'd like to do?" His eyes locked with hers.

"I..." Her voice failed her and she shrugged lost in misery.

She could see their reflections in the window pane, a tired woman in a blue velvet gown and a handsome man dressed as Santa Claus. Two strangers framed in a gold glow, like the scene on a Christmas card. "I just can't go on like this, Nate.


The Cinderella Substitute

by Nell Dixon

I don't want to be anyone's second best and I know that's all I will ever be to you."

She watched the color drain from his face, leaving him pale and ashen in the mellow light of the alcove lamp.

"That's not true, Jenni. After the time we've spent together, you must know that." His eyes darkened with anguish. "Is there someone else, Jenni? Does Mike Walker mean something to you?"

"You know he doesn't." She felt astonished that he could still have any doubts about her feelings for Mike.

"Then what else do I have to do to convince you, Jenni?"

His voice shook with suppressed emotion. "I love you."

She was desperate to believe him but how could she? "No, you don't! You loved Cerys, everyone knows that. I'm just Jenni, the mousy girl in your office, remember. The one who gets to go play pool and eat pizza."

"Cerys is my past, Jenni. You taught me that." He rubbed his face. "I love you, Jenni. You and your silly Christmas tree and lousy flower arranging. I love the way you play pool and walk round a freezing field in the dark with my stupid dog. I love

"I'm not right for you, Nate. You need someone like Jo Marchant, someone sophisticated and elegant. I'm not like that."

He rounded on her, "Are you listening to anything I'm saying to you? I love you, Jenni. You're worth ten of Jo Marchant any day. Don't you see? Cerys was the one who was the imitation of what love should be about, not you."


The Cinderella Substitute

by Nell Dixon

Jenni stared at him, struggling to accept what he had just told her.
Nate loved her.

"If you don't feel the same way then say so, Jenni. I know I've been an idiot, but over the last few weeks I've finally come to appreciate what love really is. You've shown me that because for me, that person is you."

The anguished note in his voice betrayed the depth of his feelings.

"Oh, Nate." She slipped her arms around his neck. She thought of all the things he'd done for her, the risks he'd taken. The truth had been there in front of her face and her own self-doubt had blinded her.

"I love you, Jennifer Blake." He slipped from the edge of the sofa to kneel at her feet. "I love you, and I'm asking you if you'll do me the honor of becoming my wife."

She leaned forward and kissed him tenderly on the lips. A fierce hunger swept through her at the brief contact, setting her heart soaring free from the iron bands of pain which had tormented her for so long. "I love you, Nate, and I would be honored to accept."

"Of course, there is one thing," she added.

A shadow passed over his face, "What's that?"

"Well, I will have to make sure it's you inside that suit. I don't want to end up as Mrs. Claus by mistake," she said. "It's not every day a girl gets a proposal from Santa."

His eyes sparked at her words, "If you marry me, Jenni, I promise you can check as many times as you like." He swept her into his arms and sealed his promise with a kiss that took her breath away.


The Cinderella Substitute

by Nell Dixon

"You're the only one I want, Nate. Now and for the rest of our lives," she promised.


The Cinderella Substitute

by Nell Dixon

Coming Soon


Moonlit Romance

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The Cinderella Substitute

by Nell Dixon

Steve Richland is passing time in small town Glen Meadow until his California dream job comes through. Providing math and baseball instructions to Ryan keeps him in sexy Cindi's playing field, but will it keep him from leaving Glen Meadow and surrendering his freedom for fatherhood?

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