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Cinderella Substitute (20 page)
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Nell Dixon
Cinderella Substitute
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Instinctively, she crossed to his side to sit on the edge of
"Nate, wake up. It's a bad dream, wake up."
At first she thought he couldn't hear her, that he had gone
"Jenni?" He looked up at her as if he thought she might vani
"I'm here," she whispered, stroking the wild curls from his
His skin felt damp with sweat under her fingers. His hand cl
"Don't leave me."
She caressed his cheek, watching with relief as his eyes clo
* * * *
The early morning sound of the seagulls wheeling and screami
She listened, hoping Nate might be downstairs, but the house
The sitting room and the kitchen were empty, although the fi
Jenni looked out of the kitchen window, wondering how far th
A chill ran down her spine as she watched them draw nearer,
Nate wasn't sure how far he'd walked. It had been one of the
He reached the top of the cliff and began to walk back towar
* * * *
Jenni busied herself filling the teapot. She didn't want Nat
"I've just made some tea, would you like a cup?" Her courage
"We have to go back." His words took her by surprise.
"Back?" she echoed.
"Sit down, Jenni." He pulled out one of the kitchen chairs f
"What's the matter? What's happened?"
Nate took the teapot from her and sat down on the chair oppo
The blood drained from Jenni's body as the implications of h
"She's in hospital. The police found her this morning, wande
Tears sprang unchecked into Jenni's eyes. "What happened?" S
"They wouldn't tell me much because I'm not family. They sai
Dazed, she tried to take it all in. "Is she hurt?"
Nate shook his head. "No, mild hypothermia and shock they sa
"How did they know where to find us?" she asked.
"Tracey told them where you worked. They traced us from ther
"Oh." Jenni realized he still held her hands. The warmth of
"I'm very sorry, Jenni." He squeezed her hands.
All the while she cleaned and packed, his words kept going r
On the drive home, she wanted to ask him what he'd meant, bu
By the time they pulled into the hospital car park, Jenni's
"Mr. Mayer, Miss Blake, I'm glad you were able to come home
She led the way to a small side room. When they had been sea
"Your mother was found in a distressed state, Miss Blake, by
Nate leaned forward. "I don't know if you're aware of the ci
"I was given up for adoption. I only traced my mother recent
"Are you aware of her home circumstances?" she asked.
Nate told her everything they knew, including the findings o
"Was my mother attacked?" Jenni blurted the question. She fe
The police officer shook her head. "Not exactly. When the be
"What happened?" Jenni couldn't take her eyes from the young
"When she thought it was safe, she went back inside. She fou
Nate swore softly under his breath. Jenni gasped with horror
"Your mother was in a state of shock when she was found. She
Jenni wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.
"I'd like to see her."
Nate glanced at her. "Are you sure, Jen?" His voice sounded
Jenni nodded. "She needs me, and I want to see her, talk to
The policewoman stood up.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Nate offered.
She looked at his face, seeing his tired eyes and the days'
"Go home, Nate. You've done enough already." She knew he mus
At first, she thought he wasn't going to agree, but somethin
* * * *
The bullets of warm water pelting his skin might have been c
An hour later, his mind still filled with thoughts of Jenni,
She opened the door. As he stood in front of her, his heart
"Tracey needed some rest, so I came home. I just got in." Je
"I brought your bag." He indicated her overnight bag, which
"Jenni, are you alright?" He had never seen her look so unha
"I'm fine. I just need a little time to take everything in.
Disappointment clawed at him. "Take as much time as you need
"I'm sure I'll have things sorted out by then. I'll meet you
"Jenni, promise me if you need anything, anything at all, yo
She gave him a weak smile. "I promise. Thanks for everything
* * * *
Jenni leaned on the back of the closed door. A single tear t
The rest of the week passed quickly as she helped Tracey sor
Nate rang her every night after she had returned from the ho
Saturday morning dawned as one of the bright, crisp, clear w
She had started on her way back to the flat when she spotted
"I suppose there's no harm in trying it on," she mused to he
* * * *
She had felt a little guilty at going to the party and wonde
"Go to your party and enjoy yourself. We've plenty of time t
Jenni had been surprised at her mother's statement.
"From everything you've told me, Jenni, you were a good and
Jenni swallowed hard at the sadness on Tracey's face.
"I was so young, just seventeen and your father was the same
Jenni cried with her, tears coursing down her cheeks as all
"I tried to manage, but after a while I knew I wasn't being
She sighed. "I tried to choose the best for you, Jenni. I al
For the first time in her life Jenni felt as if she knew who
* * * *
Jenni took a taxi to the Langstone just after lunch. The hot
Jenni checked all the presents on the list and ensured Nate'
Reception phoned Jenni's room just as she stepped out of the
"How am I going to do this?" she whispered to herself as she
* * * *
Nate wasn't looking forward to the evening ahead. Lots of pe
"I should have hired a Santa." Even as the words passed his
The only good thing was that he would have a chance to talk
* * * *
Jenni added the finishing touches to her hair and stepped ba
She jumped when a short, peremptory knock rattled her door.
His dark blue eyes traveled the length of her body from the
"I, er, thought we might have a drink together before everyo
"In that case, I'd be honored to escort you to the bar." He
A lone barman polished the glasses ready for the champagne,
"It's so pretty out there. Like a little bit of magic." She
"It's very pretty in here too, Jenni. You look very pretty."
She felt a rush of heat at the suggestion in his voice. "Nat
"Best for whom, Jenni?" The anger in his voice startled her.
"It wouldn't work, Nate. We wouldn't work." Jenni tried to s
"I see."Nate's voice sounded clipped and icy. "You've obviou
How could she explain her feelings? Nate didn't love her, he
She took a deep breath.
"Jenni! Are we too early?"
She turned to see a group of girls from the administration o
"We'll continue this conversation later, Jenni."
"I think we've said all there is to say, Nate."
As she walked across to meet the giggling secretaries, she f
* * * *
Nate watched Jenni walk away from him to meet the admin girl
The party soon got into full swing. Everyone appeared to be
Time and again, he caught up with her talking in some group,
Nate checked himself from rushing to her side. Perhaps she p
"I think it's time the hostess danced with the host, don't y
Jenni flushed a delicate pink color. He thought she might be
"If you two don't mind, I'll just go get a drink." The accou
"What was that about? I can take care of myself." she asked,
"I know, but I think it's time you and I danced together bef
She viewed him with suspicion. "Maybe I don't feel like danc
"Well, I do. Everyone expects it." He willed her to accept.
Her beautiful eyes flashed fire. "That's blackmail."
She took his hand and he led her onto the crowded dance floo
"Relax, Jenni, it's just a dance." He heard the indignant hi
"Why are you doing this, Nate?" she murmured against his ear
"We need to talk. About you and me." He surprised himself by
"Time for you to be Santa." She hadn't given him any indicat
"Promise me we'll talk."
He noticed her swallow as if nerves had made her throat as d
"Alright, but you'd better go and change." Nate nodded. If J
* * * *
Jenni watched him go with a troubled heart. What had she let
At last it had ended. The last of the guests had gone. Jenni
Jenni didn't want to talk to him. She felt sure she knew alr
"I've ordered coffee for us." Nate came over to where Jenni
"I'm so tired, Nate. I think I'd just like to go to bed." Je
He raked his hand irritably through his hair. "We need to so
"There's nothing to say, Nate." To her dismay, she burst int
He sank down beside her on the couch. "We can't turn back th
"I..." Her voice failed her and she shrugged lost in misery.
She watched the color drain from his face, leaving him pale
"That's not true, Jenni. After the time we've spent together
"You know he doesn't." She felt astonished that he could sti
"Then what else do I have to do to convince you, Jenni?" His
She was desperate to believe him but how could she? "No, you
"Cerys is my past, Jenni. You taught me that." He rubbed his
"I'm not right for you, Nate. You need someone like Jo March
He rounded on her, "Are you listening to anything I'm saying
Jenni stared at him, struggling to accept what he had just t
"If you don't feel the same way then say so, Jenni. I know I
The anguished note in his voice betrayed the depth of his fe
"Oh, Nate." She slipped her arms around his neck. She though
"I love you, Jennifer Blake." He slipped from the edge of th
She leaned forward and kissed him tenderly on the lips. A fi
"Of course, there is one thing," she added.
A shadow passed over his face, "What's that?"
"Well, I will have to make sure it's you inside that suit. I
His eyes sparked at her words, "If you marry me, Jenni, I pr
"You're the only one I want, Nate. Now and for the rest of o
Coming Soon
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