Claimed by the Order (S-Gods, #1) (9 page)

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Authors: J. Johanis

Tags: #BDSM, #gay erotica, #M/M erotic romance, #m/m fantasy, #dark fantasy, #mythology

BOOK: Claimed by the Order (S-Gods, #1)
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When Shamash rolled off him, he pulled Marduk to his chest and ran a hand through Marduk’s thick hair. A dying candle flickered on the table beside the bed, and his eyes fixed on the dark bronze curtains across the room.

“I love your tears,” Shamash whispered, kissing the moisture on his cheek. “When you came to the Order, I was sure you would be a fighter. I never imagined you would be this tender and vulnerable.”

Marduk’s stomach lurched. He pulled back and stared at Shamash.

“What do you mean?”

Shamash smiled. “I heard how you stood up to Seth the first day of class. We were expecting you would put up a fight at your induction, but you surprised us all by submitting.”

Marduk sat up, still staring at Shamash. He knew he hadn’t fought. He had submitted to Shamash, completely falling for his seduction. Marduk looked away and covered his face with one hand.

“I’m not complaining, Marduk.” Shamash sat up next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I love your emotions. When you submit, your tears tell me so much. How you suffer is so alluring that whenever I taste your tears, I just have to take you again.”

Marduk felt a stab to his gut. He pushed Shamash away and rose from the bed, but Shamash immediately followed, wrapping his arms around him. Marduk closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was trapped in this god’s arms and desired nothing but to get away. When Shamash tried to kiss him, he turned his head. He wasn’t sure what he wanted; he just knew he couldn’t think straight in this god’s presence.

“What if I refused you? What would you have done if I hadn’t submitted?”

“Marduk, there’s no point in discussing—”

“No, I want to know. What would have happened if I told you to fuck off?”

Shamash laughed. “Of course we would have taken you anyway. There are plenty of gods who desire a pet they have to wrestle and pin to the ground before fucking, but I personally prefer sweetness.”

Anger welled in his chest, and his body tensed. Since the day of his induction, he had felt weak for submitting, but now he knew the truth. No matter what he said or did, the result would have been the same.

“Marduk,” Shamash said, kissing his neck. “I already explained this. The moment you entered the lower hall, your fate was sealed. You belonged to us, and there was no turning back.”

“I need to sleep in my own room tonight,” Marduk said.

“Kiss me and I’ll think about it.”

“No, I can’t sleep in your bed anymore!” Marduk pushed Shamash away again. “I won’t! If you want me sweet and submissive, it’s not going to happen. The only way I’ll sleep in your bed is if you beat me, force me down, and tie me there.”

Shamash laughed.

Marduk’s chest boiled. He shook his head and turned away, but Shamash caught his arm.

“Marduk.” Shamash pulled him close, still smiling. “I’m just playing with you. I have no problem with letting you sleep in your own bedchamber. I was actually wondering when you would ask. Just remember I still own you.” He ran a finger over Marduk’s lips and trailed it down his neck. “Now get back in my bed. I’m not done with you yet.”


hen Marduk finally made it to his room, he walked in without lighting a candle and collapsed on his bed. He lay there for a while, fighting his exhaustion. He needed time to think. Since the night of his induction, the Order had barely given him a chance to breathe. It was only when Shamash mentioned Marduk’s submission that Marduk finally woke up. He still wasn’t sure what he could do, but he wanted a way to be something other than a toy for the Order. He had to make a change, but he had no idea how. The Order would get off on him fighting just as much as they did from his submission. Marduk mulled over the dilemma until sleep finally took him.

He opened his eyes to faint light seeping in through the closed shutters of his balcony. He gazed at the table and bookshelf next to the balcony, before sitting up and staring at the fireplace at the foot of his bed. No fire burned, yet the air was warm. Then he realized it was much too light. He had slept through Shamash’s class and had likely missed his sexuality course as well. Cursing his luck, Marduk scrambled to get ready and rushed out the door. When he arrived at the hot springs, his classmates were just beginning to undress. Marduk caught his breath and began to remove his clothing. He had slept in his own bed last night, but he still felt as if he had no time to think. The moment his classes were over, he’d be back in the lower hall, thrown back into the lion’s den. He wondered what he should do. Should he fight them? Should he refuse to give in? He had to do something different, but his head hurt thinking about it.

Marduk knelt down to unlace his sandals, and as he stood back up, a hand grabbed his bare ass. He spun around to find Poseidon standing over him, his long blond hair tied back.

“So, sweetheart, are you going to be my partner today?”

“What’s your deal, Poseidon? Are you so hard for me that you have to ask me every day?”

“Come on, Marduk, you know you want this cock in you,” Poseidon said, palming his erection.

Marduk tightened his lips, trying not to look down. “You’re not my type.” He turned around and headed for class. Every day since his induction, Poseidon had made a point to mess with him. It was as if Poseidon picked up on Marduk’s defeat and felt he had to poke at him or find some way to humiliate him. Once in the pool, Marduk headed directly for Sekhmet who had been his partner every day that week. A few moments later, the goddess Isis walked through the entrance with Poseidon following shortly behind. After sinking into the water, Isis glided to the middle of the pool.

“Today I would like to do something different,” she announced with a gracious smile. “I will be giving you the opportunity to participate in a domination challenge. This challenge is particularly popular among the gods, though goddesses are also free to participate. The only rules are that you challenge someone of the same sex and that your challenge must be accepted to proceed. If someone refuses a challenge, then there will be no contest, but this also means he accepts defeat, admitting he is weaker than the challenger. If the challenge is accepted, the victor of the contest will lay claim to the looser.” Isis paused, letting her gaze sweep across the class before continuing. “Anyone who would like to make a challenge, please step forward.”

Poseidon and the goddess Sekhmet approached Isis. When Poseidon turned and winked at Marduk, his stomach dropped and his blood seemed to drain away. Before Poseidon even opened his mouth, Marduk knew what he was going to do. No matter what, he had no way of escaping this trap.

“I challenge the Mesopotamian storm god Marduk.” Marduk heard Poseidon’s words, though his mind was detached. He couldn’t do this. Poseidon would either fuck him in front of the class or make him admit defeat. Marduk raised his eyes, wishing he was anywhere but there.

“I accept your challenge.” Marduk heard the words escape his own lips, and then his mouth went dry. What was he thinking? School was his only haven, the only place where the gods weren’t jamming their cocks into him. His stomach turned inside out as Poseidon came toward him. Poseidon was going to take him down. Lowering his eyes, Marduk prayed for strength to make it through the ordeal. Then Poseidon’s hands were on him, making his skin crawl, but Marduk made no attempt to retreat. Poseidon ran a hand along Marduk’s waist, and with the other, he grabbed Marduk’s hand and guided it to his cock beneath the water.

“Grab it!” Poseidon ordered.

Marduk obeyed without thinking, wrapping his fingers around Poseidon’s cock. Suddenly, Marduk couldn’t breathe. Poseidon was so large that Marduk’s fingers didn’t come close to touching. He struggled to remain composed.

“You ever have something that big up your ass?” Poseidon asked. Laughter erupted in the pool, and Marduk suddenly felt ill. What was he doing? Why was he submitting to this fucker? Without stopping to think, he yanked Poseidon’s cock as hard as he could and slammed his fist into Poseidon’s face. A look of surprise flashed in Poseidon’s eyes as he flew backward. Then Marduk jumped on him, hitting him again, and shoved him under the water. Poseidon attempted to fight from beneath the surface, but before he could gain an upper hand, Marduk rammed his head into the rock ledge. Poseidon stopped struggling, and Marduk pulled him out of the water, heaving him over the ledge. The class erupted in applause and merriment.

“Very impressive, Marduk,” Isis said, as Poseidon came to and raised his head up off the rock. “Now you can lay claim to him.”

Poseidon stared at Isis, his eyes full of alarm. Marduk had Poseidon bent over the ledge before him. He imagined fucking Poseidon in front of the class, and his mind went numb. If he did it, Poseidon would be mortified. He would never mess with Marduk again. Marduk suddenly felt sick to his stomach. He hated Poseidon, but he couldn’t do this. He grabbed Poseidon’s hair, pulling his head back.

“I accepted your challenge so you’d fuck off and stop trying to dominate me. Do I need to put my dick in you to prove my point?”

“No,” Poseidon growled under his breath.

“That’s good to hear, because I have no desire to fuck you. I can’t even get it up for you.”

After Marduk released Poseidon’s hair, Isis initiated applause, and the class followed suit.

Chapter 13

hat day after class, Marduk arrived at the lower hall to find Shamash waiting for him alone.

“Congratulations, Marduk, you have passed the first phase of your trial. You survived and prevailed despite everything the Order has thrown at you since your induction. I heard about your match with Poseidon today. Your victory in this contest as well as the confidence you showed me last night are proof that you are ready to take the next step. Instead of entertaining for parties, you will only be required to entertain one god at a time.”

Marduk stared blankly at Shamash. He had no idea the Order had milestones he could achieve.

“What’s the next step after this?”

“I’ll let you know when it happens,” Shamash said, smiling.

For three nights straight, Shamash delivered him to the bedchambers of different members. Marduk was always surprised to see which god lay behind the door, for the only gods who had revealed their identities up to that point were Shamash, Seth, and Nanna-Sin. Despite Marduk’s continued servitude, taking one god as opposed to twenty gave him a chance to recover, and with each passing day, he felt stronger and bolder.

On the fourth night, Shamash delivered him to the Mesopotamian god Ninurta. When Marduk walked into the room, Ninurta lay on a bed of silky green sheets, candlelight illuminating his naked form. Ninurta gave him no commands. He just lay there watching Marduk, until Marduk had crawled up on the bed and was hovering over him. The god had fine features, jet black hair, and a slender athletic build. He was beautiful.

“I want you to take me,” Ninurta finally whispered.

Marduk lost his breath. The god’s request threw him off guard. Marduk was the Order’s pet; no god had ever asked this of him. After recovering from his shock, he pulled the god to his chest and kissed him passionately. Taking Ninurta in his arms made his confidence soar. He realized then that he didn’t have to submit to each and every god in the Order. He knew how to seduce a goddess; there was no reason he couldn’t do the same with gods.

A few days later, Shamash delivered Marduk to the bedchamber of Emesh. Once in the room, Marduk stood by the door, appraising the god before him. Emesh, with his bronze hued eyes and long sun-streaked hair, was fairly handsome. Marduk sized him up as he sauntered into the room. The god’s slight build would be no match for him in a fight. Marduk walked right by Emesh without a word and went to the window. He heard the god’s short intake of breath at the slight but pretended to take no notice. Marduk peered out the window for a moment, before closing the shutters.

“Young Marduk, your place is on my bed,” Emesh finally ordered, staring at Marduk with a reddening complexion.

“Is that how it was when you were their toy; you just lay down and took it?” Marduk asked, turning toward him, amusement shining in his eyes.

“You belong to the Order, and you’ll do as I say.”

Marduk walked slowly toward Emesh, smiling down at him. He was slightly taller than the nervous young god. Emesh swallowed.

“You want me in your bed, and that I can do, but I have no interest in playing by your rules.”

“You forget your place—” Emesh stuttered. Marduk grabbed Emesh by the hair and pulled him to his chest.

“Unhand me!”

“What are you going to do, call for back-up?” Marduk’s smile broadened as he pulled Emesh in tighter. “Do you want to be the god who couldn’t master the Order’s toy?”

Marduk let his lips brush lightly against the god’s hot cheek, making Emesh’s body shudder. Then Marduk loosened his grasp on his hair, but Emesh made no attempt to flee.

“Do you remember what it was like to serve them? Do you miss having a god take hold of you?” Emesh began to tremble in his arms. Marduk’s hand slid down the god’s skirt, grasping his ass as his lips grazed his neck. Emesh’s body stiffened in his grasp.

“Don’t worry. When I leave here, they’ll all assume it was you who bedded me,” Marduk whispered, pushing Emesh back on the bed, and crawling on top of him.

He pinned Emesh’s arms to the bed and kissed his trembling lips, biting and sucking until his mouth opened up, allowing Marduk’s tongue to invade its warm sweetness. Marduk kissed him hungrily until he kissed him back, and Emesh’s body arched up, pressing urgently against his own. Heartbeat quickening, Marduk pulled off Emesh’s tunic and ripped his skirt down over his hips, before expelling his own clothing. After securing a phial of oil, Marduk greased his cock while Emesh watched, his body trembling and eyes wide. Then Marduk leaned forward, kissing him again, and slid his cock between the god’s buttocks, gliding it up and down, teasing his hole. Emesh groaned and arched his back, grinding his ass down on Marduk’s cock, as if desperate for penetration. Marduk plunged his tongue deeper into his mouth and slipped a finger into his opening at the same time. Emesh whimpered, bearing his body down on Marduk’s finger. Marduk began to sweat, warm desire pooling in his gut, his own teasing becoming too much for him to handle. Emesh finally broke free with a gasp.

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