Claimed by the Order (S-Gods, #1) (8 page)

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Authors: J. Johanis

Tags: #BDSM, #gay erotica, #M/M erotic romance, #m/m fantasy, #dark fantasy, #mythology

BOOK: Claimed by the Order (S-Gods, #1)
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“Shamash asked me to train you, so you belong to me tonight,” Sin said. Marduk’s breath left him, the color draining from his face. He took a step backward, and a cool grin slipped onto the devilish god’s lips. How could he forget that Sin was in the Order?

“Don’t fret, Marduk.” Sin’s expression darkened as he closed the distance between them. “Last night, you had the entire Order to please, but tonight you only have me.” Sin unfastened the top of Marduk’s skirt, and let it drop around his ankles. Marduk’s stomach sank. He was already hard, and Sin’s long fingers tightening around his shaft sent a shiver through his body.

“Magnificent equipment,” Sin said admiring his member, “but I can tell from how you tremble in my grasp that your cock is untrained. Tonight I’m going to teach you how to control it.”

Sin released his grip and ripped a long strip of cloth from his cape. Then he tied the strip around the base of Marduk’s shaft, wrapping it snug around his balls. He secured another piece of cloth around Marduk’s hips, pinning the head of Marduk’s cock to his stomach.

“If I’m going to train you properly, I need you to obey my rules. Do you think you can do that?”

“Yes.” Marduk inhaled sharply as Sin secured the binding, the fabric rough on his sensitive skin.

“Your training won’t be easy. So if at any time it’s too much for you to handle, just ask for Shamash, and I’ll stop what I’m doing and deliver you directly to him.”

Marduk swallowed. He preferred whatever torture Sin planned for him over admitting defeat to Shamash.

“Yes, Lord Sin,” Marduk said, shifting uncomfortably, trying to ignore the pressure building in his restrained sex. Grinning, Sin turned him around, bent him over, and pressed a hard object into his opening. Marduk groaned and grabbed his cock. The intrusion made him feel like exploding. He was so hard, his dick bound and pulsing in his hand. He began to stroke his sex, desperately seeking release.

“Did I say you could touch yourself?” Sin boomed, smacking Marduk in the head. Marduk flew forward, falling to his hands and knees on the stone. Then he heard Sin unfastening his belt and the sound of leather sliding off Sin’s skirt. His body tensed. In the next moment, the belt snapped his buttocks. He jumped just as another lash hit him, jolting the thing lodged in his ass. The lashes kept coming until Marduk cried out, every small jerk of his body straining the bindings on his cock. When his ass was raw and burning, Sin stopped, pulled Marduk to his feet, and tied his hands in front of him. He backed Marduk against the wall, stretched Marduk’s hands up, and looped his bindings over a stake in the stone. Marduk’s heart began to race. He was hanging against the wall, his feet barely touching the ground.

With a sinister smile, Sin took a step back and smacked Marduk’s bound cock with the belt. Marduk cried out, pain streaking through him.

“Nanna-Sin. Please don’t,” Marduk pleaded as Sin struck again. “Ahhh! Please!” White-pain blanked out his vision. Then the strap struck at his cock again and again. “Oh gods. Fuck!” he cried but the lashes didn’t stop. His body writhed against the wall as pain twisted in his gut.

“Gods no!” he panted, tears streaming down his cheeks. Then Sin paused and ran the belt along his swollen erection. The touch sent a shock through his entire body. A low laugh rumbled in Sin’s throat, followed by another crack, and Marduk saw stars. Then Sin’s hand tightened around his tortured sex, eliciting a sharp intake of breath.

“This cock is mine, Marduk. You’re not allowed to touch it, and you’re not allowed to come.”

“Yes, my lord,” Marduk stuttered, unable to form coherent thought. “I’m yours, please just... oh gods.”

He closed his eyes. His blood throbbed inside him. Sin’s grasp on his raw pulsing sex was too much. Sin pressed Marduk’s shoulders to the wall, lifted Marduk’s legs up over his shoulders and, after removing the plug from his ass, thrust his cock deep inside him. Marduk gasped and cried. His sex strained in the binding as Sin pounded his ass, driving him into the wall.

“Nanna, please,” Marduk pleaded, more tears falling, but Sin never slowed his pace. His entire body burned and ached as Sin hammered him, until the pressure was too much. His insides were on fire, and his release climbed within him.

“Don’t come!” Sin ordered, grabbing Marduk’s shaft like a handle, his thumb caressing the slit while his cock slid into him.

“Please, I can’t ...” Marduk gasped, as a flame enveloped his body and his cock exploded in Sin’s hand. Heat burned into his face as he tried to catch his breath, but he was trembling and numb from Sin’s torture. When Sin finally vacated his passage and stepped back, Marduk fell limp against the wall.

“You failed me, Marduk!” Sin hissed. “I told you not to come, but you were too weak to hold back.” He grasped Marduk’s deflating organ and squeezed. “I’m afraid you’re going to need remedial training. This dick needs far more attention than I’m able to provide alone. I have no choice but to deliver you to the Order.”

Marduk stared at Sin, his eyes wide. He wanted to protest, to beg him not to do it, but pleading would lead to nothing. Marduk averted his eyes, defeat crushing down on him. His stomach revolted at the thought of enduring more.

After arousing him once again, Sin replaced the plug in Marduk’s ass and tightened the binding on his cock and balls. Then he pulled up Marduk’s skirt, fastening the belt so it trapped Marduk’s cock to his belly. Marduk wasn’t sure how he made it through the gardens to the temple. By the time they arrived before the lower hall entrance, he was on the verge of tears. When the door swung open, all thought of the torturous binding evaporated. Candle-light illuminated the gods of the Order who stood around him, dressed all in gold with matching masks that covered their eyes. Marduk cringed at the sight. It was clear they had been awaiting his arrival. He had never had a chance. Sin had planned to bring him to the Order all along. No matter how much he tried, Sin would have made sure he climaxed, and then punished him for it.

Marduk walked into the candle-lit room, dread consuming him with each step. The moment the door shut behind him, Sin stripped him down, dropping Marduk’s skirt to reveal his bound sex. Marduk lowered his eyes, his face flushed under their scrutiny. Excitement railed in their voices as they commented on Sin’s handiwork, stroking Marduk’s abused shaft while inspecting him. Marduk stood rigid and mortified; fighting back tears until Shamash finally appeared before him. Shamash brushed his chestnut hair over his shoulder, and a smile slowly worked its way to his lips.

“God, you’re gorgeous,” Shamash said, still looking Marduk over. He pulled Marduk into a deep penetrating kiss. More tears flowed down his face as the rough golden fabric of Shamash’s garb scraped against his swollen sex. Then the great god’s fingers glided down his torso, closing around his abused shaft. Marduk gasped, breaking their embrace. Smiling mischievously, Shamash dropped down to his knees, untied Marduk’s genitals as if unwrapping a present, and ran his tongue along the head of his dick.

“Ahhh,” Marduk cried, almost collapsing from the sensation.

“Sin said you need extensive training,” Shamash said, looking up at him. “Let me help you.” Then Shamash grasped Marduk’s cock at the base and took it into his mouth.

“No. Don’t ...” Marduk’s knees gave way, and the gods at his side caught him. “Oh gods, please,” Marduk pleaded, heat flaring throughout his body as waves of pleasure consumed him. His whole body burned and quivered. “Oh fuck!” The heat of this god’s mouth was too much. He was going to explode any moment.

Shamash suddenly broke free. “Don’t you dare come in my mouth!”

“Please stop,” Marduk begged, but Shamash devoured him once more. Then the plug was removed from his ass, and a cock plunged deep inside him. Marduk closed his eyes, and his body erupted, pain and pleasure taking him down all at once. Hot fluid flooded the great god’s mouth, making him gag and fall back.

“Little fucker!” His hand flew at Marduk’s face, slapping him so hard that he was knocked away from the god fucking him.

“You only come when you’re told to do so!” Shamash glared down at him. “I don’t care if it takes being fucked all night; you’re going to learn to control that cock of yours.”

“Shamash, please,” Marduk said, but the gold-masked gods were already collecting him off the floor. Panic swept into his heart as they dragged him to a back room and threw him onto a bed surrounded by golden curtains. The gods of the Order swarmed around him, pulling him to his hands and knees. One kissed him, while others pinched his nipples and teased his tortured sex. A cock was shoved into his mouth, while another invaded his anus. Marduk was hard again, and flooded with sensation, but he did his best to disconnect from all that was happening. Then, soft lips closed around his erection, sending waves of pleasure coursing through him. He closed his eyes, struggling to numb the sensations taking over his body. He wasn’t sure how he made it through this first attempt, but the gods rewarded him with smacks to his tortured cock. Marduk cried, squirmed, and pleaded, but endured their torment without coming once. He refused to let weakness defeat him. No matter how many times they fucked him, he refused to climax. By the time the gods handed him back to Shamash, Marduk had no idea where he was. Swaying slightly as the gods held him up, he slowly opened his eyes to behold Shamash standing before him. Shamash smiled and ran the backs of his fingers over his cheek.

“You did so well, Marduk, that I’m going to reward you.” Shamash kissed his lips without touching any other part of his body. “I want you to come now, but you must do so without direct touch.” Smiling, Shamash fell back on the dark fur blankets of the bed, extracted his erect member, and held it stiff in his hand. “Come impale yourself on my cock, Marduk. If you can come from this alone, then you are free to do so.”

Without hesitation, Marduk climbed on top of Shamash and slid down on his shaft until he could go no farther. He closed his eyes for a moment. Warmth flooded his body, but he was too sore and exhausted to move. Despite his fatigue, his tortured, swollen sex began to pulse with need, and Marduk lost all semblance of himself. He rode Shamash hard, desperate for friction, until frustration brought him to tears. The gods had just trained him not to come, but Marduk kept riding the god until his insides began to curl, and his body teetered on the brink of release. His breath hitched, his stomach knotting as he braced for the pain. Then Shamash grabbed Marduk’s hips, thrusting into him with great force until his climax tore through him, derailing his mind and body, and a wall of darkness dropped over his eyes.

Chapter 11

nu-Akad stood by the helm, gazing out at the thin strip of land on the horizon. The afternoon sun glistened on the ocean’s surface, and a fine spray of water dusted over his face. Akad and his father, Anshar, had sailed many times through the Aegean, but this would be their first time landing on the mainland. Though they had been sailing for over a month, finally having the chance to meet other gods was well worth the wait. After years of training at sea, he longed for companionship and the chance to join with another. He scanned the ship, checking to see that all was in order. Most of the crew was seated on long rows of benches lining the sides of the deck; the men were rowing hard at the oars while the large square sail above them hung slack. Akad glanced at the captain’s cabin behind him. Just inside the tan, flax tent flap, a bench was visible, but Anshar was nowhere in sight. Closing his eyes, he commanded the winds to blow. A steady breeze picked up in the west, blowing at his back, and propelling the ship forward. A smile spread to his lips. Though shifting the wind was a minor task, he rarely had a chance to use his powers. In the next moment, Anshar emerged from the captain’s cabin and stood by his side at the helm.

“All is in order,” Akad said, “We should be making landfall well before sunset.”

The black-bearded Anshar scrutinized him closely before glancing up at the large inflated sail.

“Anu,” Anshar said, staring at him intently, “in this situation, there is no harm in cheating, but you need to remember your powers won’t be enough to remedy every situation. When we arrive at the Temple of Power, you will experience existence without your powers for the first time. You will have to rely solely on your physical strength, intelligence, and common sense. I have prepared you all these years, so this will be your first test.”

“Yes father,” Akad said, holding his head high and shoulders straight, trying hard to exude the confidence Anshar desired to see.

Anshar watched him closely before continuing.

“When we arrive at the temple, I will introduce you to the gods. As my heir, you will one day hold a seat on the Council of the Gods. Your conduct is of the utmost importance. Although you are young, I expect you to keep in mind the position you stand to inherit. You will one day be the supreme god of the world. I don’t want you to be arrogant, but I want you to remember you are more powerful than any of the gods you will meet. No matter how old or prominent they are, you will one day rule over them all.”

“Yes, father.” Akad nodded his ascent. Anshar always spoke of his power and the position he stood to inherit, but the reality of his future rule seemed so far removed from the world in which he lived. In his father’s eyes, he was nothing but a disappointment, a prince who failed him at every turn. Akad remained silent, waiting for the threats to come, but Anshar stood staring out into the sea and said nothing more.

Chapter 12

ach day following his classes, Marduk reported to the Order just to be stripped down and passed around until the party died down. Then, he retired for the night to Shamash’s bedchamber, only to wake the next morning and repeat the same cycle. After a week of this treatment, Marduk was finally on the verge of breaking. The night’s party had long since ended, yet he lay pinned beneath Shamash, the god’s hard cock driving into him. As his master, Shamash took pleasure in Marduk whenever he wanted. Shamash finally came inside him, and tears flowed freely over Marduk’s temples. Marduk had once desired Shamash, but something between them had broken. The respect and reverence he once had for this god had long since vanished.

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