Claimed by the Order (S-Gods, #1) (3 page)

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Authors: J. Johanis

Tags: #BDSM, #gay erotica, #M/M erotic romance, #m/m fantasy, #dark fantasy, #mythology

BOOK: Claimed by the Order (S-Gods, #1)
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“Hi,” Marduk said. “I’ve seen you around, but we’ve never been introduced.” He held his hand out. “My name is Marduk.”

Aya smiled. “I’m Zaqar, but everyone calls me Aya.” He took Marduk’s hand, his touch sending a shock of heat through Marduk’s body.

Marduk’s mouth fell open. “Uh ... okay,” Marduk stuttered. Aya’s touch was messing with his mind. Was he actually choking? Pulling his hand back awkwardly, he averted his gaze. He tried to collect his senses, but he could still feel Aya’s eyes on him.

“So....” Marduk said. “If your name is Zaqar, why do they call you Aya?”

“Oh, it’s just a sweet name.” Aya’s lips quirked into a smile.

Marduk laughed. “I didn’t know gods had sweet names.”

“Well, some gods do,” Aya said, eyeing him seductively

Marduk’s breath hitched, his face growing hot. His entire body tingled and came alive as they gazed at one another. Then Aya finally smirked, and Marduk looked away, feeling like he was about to come apart. No one had ever made him so nervous. In the next moment, Shamash arrived, climbing the rocks to sit among them, and began his lecture on the history of the gods. Marduk imagined under different circumstances he would be drooling over Shamash, but he found he could hardly follow a word the god was saying. He kept his eyes on their instructor, but Aya’s closeness kept his body on alert throughout the class.

Chapter 4

hen the lecture concluded, Aya stayed behind with Shamash while Marduk followed the rest of the students to their next class. They followed a path beneath the vine-thatched roof of the gardens until they reached the thickly foliaged alcove on the map. Aya caught up with the class just as a bearded mortal priest dressed all in white stepped out of the foliage to greet them.

“Welcome to the Hot Springs Oasis.” The man bowed reverently. “The goddess Isis will join you shortly. She has requested that you all remove your clothing before entering the pool.”

Giggling, Shala and Nanya immediately began to strip, but the blond brothers Zeus and Poseidon stood their ground, staring at the mortal with their arms folded over their chests. The young god Zeus was strongly built, but Poseidon’s form was larger and more imposing.

“Are you saying we are to attend this course without clothing?” Zeus asked, glaring at the mortal. The man blushed, bowing again.

Poseidon laughed, slapping Zeus on the back. “I know you like to fuck with your clothes on, brother, but the goddess Isis is going to teach you the right way to do it.”

“I know how to fuck; I don’t need a class for that,” Zeus scoffed, yanking the white chiton off his body.

Marduk shook his head and began to undress. After untying his rope belt and unfastening his flax skirt, he slipped his dark tunic off over his head. Nakedness had never bothered him. The gods had always been drawn to his smooth youthful face, his solid body, and his thick, wavy hair that caressed the nape of his neck. When he finished unlacing his sandals, he stood up and looked around. Nanya and Shala had already disappeared through the foliage, and Aya was nowhere in sight.

Marduk tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and stepped through the break in the foliage. On the other side was a small round pond surrounded by tall bushy trees and climbing vines. A smattering of pink flowers grew out of the tall grass surrounding the pool, and sunlight filtered through breaks in the vine-thatched roof, illuminating the steam rising off the water.

The warm water rippled as Marduk stepped in. He let his eyes drift over his classmates and spotted Aya on the far bank of the pool. He wanted more than anything to go to Aya, but when their eyes met, Aya looked away. Marduk’s stomach twisted, and he moved toward Nanya and Shala instead.

After the last of the students had entered the pool, the esteemed goddess Isis appeared from behind the foliage. All eyes drifted toward her as if in a trance, and the entire class went silent. Isis stood naked before them with her long, black hair falling over her firm, bare breasts. The sound of dripping water and twittering birds came to his ears. Then Isis waded into the pool, her dark kohl-lined eyes inspecting each of them as she moved. When her gaze finally fell on Marduk, he held his breath, his eyes never shying from hers. After arriving before a flat rock on the bank, Isis slid her bottom up onto the ledge.

“Welcome to Sexuality and Pleasure.” Isis said, with an alluring smile. “Gods and goddesses are the most unbelievable lovers in this world. We are never shy, nor are we bashful. Yet some of you appear to be hiding beneath the water’s surface. So our first lesson will be about loving your bodies. You are all beautiful beings, and you should never be afraid to show it.” She gracefully rose to her feet on the stone. “Before we begin, I want you all, one by one, to stand up on this ledge and introduce yourselves to the class. Remember: You are divine. So I expect you to stand before us with confidence in your beauty.”

Kneeling down, Isis grabbed a large green leaf off the stone.

“I understand this exercise may be uncomfortable for some,” she said, fanning her face with the leaf. “So if you’re particularly shy today, please feel free to cover with this leaf while making your introduction.” She smiled, setting the leaf back down on the stone before slipping back into the pool.

Marduk was the first to come forward. After rising to his feet on the stone, he gazed down confidently at the class. He knew he was beautiful and was not afraid to show it, but his mind was still whirling around Aya.

“My name is Marduk. I’m the Mesopotamian storm god, and I’m twenty-two years old.” He could hear his voice as he spoke, but the sound of his heartbeat drowned out his words. He had no fear of speaking before a crowd, but knowing Aya’s eyes were on him warmed the blood in his sex, threatening to make him hard in front of the class. As he stepped down from the ledge, Marduk’s eyes met with Aya’s, and a smile came to his lips. Aya smiled back and Marduk’s heart soared.

Then a whistle broke his thoughts. “Nice ass, Marduk!” Poseidon said, smiling at him wickedly. Marduk’s lips tightened as Poseidon splashed by him toward the stone.

Poseidon mounted the ledge, taking a wide stance and rolling his shoulders as he grinned down at the class.

“You all know me as Poseidon, supreme god of the sea and son of his mighty eminence, Cronus.” He grabbed his massive cock, and flashed another smile at his audience. “I know a thing or two about this topic, so if any of you darlings need help studying, let me know, and I’ll be glad to assist.” Poseidon winked at a group of goddesses, who giggled as he hopped back into the water.

Marduk’s upper lip twitched. Poseidon’s arrogance made him want to vomit. He glanced over at Shala and Nanya and was glad to see they took no interest in the prick. Poseidon winked at Marduk as he passed, but Marduk just glared. Unless Poseidon was after Aya, Marduk had no interest in competing with him.

Shala was next up, followed by Zeus and then Sekhmet. Nanya opted to hide behind the leaf along with several other goddesses Marduk had never seen. When it was Aya’s turn to come forward, Aya grabbed the leaf before rising on the rock. Strands of his damp, black hair draped over his shoulders, and his slim, defined build made him seem taller than he was.

“Lose the leaf, sweetheart!” Poseidon called out, inciting laughter among the students. Aya’s face colored, his black lashes fluttering before he spoke.

“My name is Aya-Zaqar,” he said, shifting his weight uneasily. “I’m twenty years old, and I’m the Egyptian god of dreams.”

Marduk stared at Aya, unable to hide his fascination. Then Aya met Marduk’s gaze before stepping down from the stone.

“Well done,” Isis said, “It seems we have a nice mixture of Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Greek deities this year. It is also refreshing to see so many heirs of the esteemed members of the Council of Gods. Welcome, Sekhmet, daughter of the esteemed Ra; and welcome to you Poseidon and Zeus, sons of the great god Cronus.” Isis glided back to the front of the pool and slid back onto the ledge.

“So some of you might still be wondering why we have an entire course on sexuality and pleasure. The sad fact is that too many deities suffer from the same issues as mortals, but learning to love yourselves will launch you on a path toward experiencing the fullest extent of pleasure and intimacy. I understand that not everyone in this course is here with a lover, so I will be asking you to find the most suitable match to be your lover for this class. For today’s exercise, we will begin with the most basic element: the kiss.” Isis smiled and turned toward Marduk.

“Come forward, Marduk.”

Marduk’s heart leapt and he moved to the middle of the pool before Isis.

“Young Marduk, your reputation for being a fascinating lover precedes you, but I intend to take you out of your comfort zone. It appears you have no fear when it comes to the ladies, but what is your experience with gods?” Marduk stared at Isis, his voice catching in his throat.

“I don’t really have experience.” Marduk wanted badly to steal a glance at Aya, but he kept his eyes on Isis, suppressing the temptation.

“Aya-Zaqar, come forward,” Isis said, still not breaking her stare with Marduk. Heat flushed into Marduk’s face, and blood rushed to his groin. Isis was going to be his undoing. Marduk sank lower in the water and turned to watch as Aya waded toward them. Seeing the pink in Aya’s cheeks made Marduk even harder. By the time Aya stopped before him, Marduk’s heart was beating out of his chest.

“Marduk, I want you to demonstrate a kiss for the class. Please give us a glimpse of the passion and intensity that you are known for.”

Ignoring the fluttering in his stomach, Marduk pressed up against Aya’s body, slid his arms around his waist, and drew him in. Aya gasped, his eyes growing wide as Marduk smiled down at him. Never had he imagined touching Aya before an audience, but he wanted this god more than anything. He ran his hand up Aya’s slender back and slid his fingers into Aya’s long hair. Then he leaned into Aya, claiming his mouth. When Aya opened up for him, the taste of peaches invaded Marduk’s senses, and a surge of warmth pulsed through his body. A nagging thought entered his mind, but Aya’s sweet taste and his hard body against his transported him far from the pool. Aya melted into his body, and in a matter of moments, they were drowning in each other. Marduk felt a pause in his existence, as if his world had stopped turning, leaving nothing but the heat of Aya’s flame and the movement of their lips and bodies melting into one another.

Marduk was suddenly aware of a need to possess Aya. His hardness pressed urgently against Aya’s abdomen beneath the water, and he almost forgot about all the eyes on them. As their kiss deepened, Aya’s legs came up, wrapping around his hips. Marduk’s chest compressed and his breath left him. Grabbing his ass, he ground Aya’s body hard against his swollen cock. The thought of sliding into Aya right there made his heart almost burst, and he groaned, his desire to take Aya leaving him flushed and breathless. When he finally woke from his trance and broke their embrace, he realized other couples had come together and were kissing passionately. Aya still clung to him tightly, trembling in his grasp as if waiting for Marduk to take him.

“Don’t stop,” Aya whispered in his ear, and the thought that had nagged him before resurfaced. Aya tasted like the sweetest peach, and his voice when he whispered was just like the whisper in his ear from last night. Marduk furrowed his brow, staring intently at Aya.
Could he be my mystery god? Would Nanya and Shala be so daring?
Aya suddenly looked pale and lowered his eyes. Marduk continued to watch him, trying to decipher Aya’s worried expression.

“Last night ... it was you.”

Aya raised his gaze, his black eyes plagued with fear and his face flushed with color.

In the next moment, Isis was by their side.

“Amazing, Marduk,” Isis said. Marduk heard her but couldn’t bear to look away from Aya. He had to know if it was true. He continued to stare at Aya, his breath heavy in his chest. Then Aya looked away and vacated Marduk’s arms. Marduk’s stomach tightened into a knot as he stared after Aya. If Aya was his mystery god, why wouldn’t he just say so? Marduk’s desire to take him had been far stronger than anything he had ever felt with a goddess. If it was Aya in his arms last night, and Marduk was sure now it was, what was the point of holding back? Was Aya ashamed of what they’d done? Marduk continued to puzzle over Aya. The rest of the class was a blur. For all he knew, the gods and goddesses around him could have been on another planet. Class was over before long, and after leaving the pool, Marduk began to dress. As he pulled his brown tunic over his head, Poseidon’s voice broke through his haze.

“You are so fucked, Marduk!”

Marduk looked over at Poseidon with a furrowed brow. Poseidon flung the white cloth of his chiton over his shoulder, regarding Marduk with a smug expression.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Really, Marduk, you should pay more attention to what goes on around you. Every idiot deity in this world knows that Aya belongs to Seth. When Seth hears about your little stunt—that you practically fucked his sweetheart in front of our class, he’s going to rearrange your face and rip you a new hole!”

Marduk frowned as he choked down Poseidon’s words, but he could not respond. The idea of Aya belonging to another made the feeling fade from his limbs and his stomach twist. Aya had just been in his arms, and he wanted more. The threat of Seth’s violence was nothing compared to the loss that engulfed him. After he finished dressing, Marduk looked around, but Aya was nowhere in sight. Glancing down at the schedule, he noticed that Seth was their instructor for Divine Warfare, their next class. His frown deepened. Maybe Poseidon was just messing with him. He hoped it was all a lie.

Chapter 5

arduk arrived at an abandoned stone theater on the edge of the gardens and walked in. Most of the students were already seated on graduated steps that surrounded the round open space. Unlike their class at the pool, the sky was wide open above them, and the only foliage was the grass growing up between the stones. Nanya and Shala were seated three rows up, and Aya sat alone several rows higher with his eyes cast down. Joining his goddess friends, Marduk’s eyes drifted over to Aya, who was once again dressed in his silver-embroidered tunic, with long, damp strands of his black hair lying over his chest. Aya met his gaze, making the heat in Marduk’s body rise. He wished he had sat next to Aya, but Poseidon’s jeering still haunted him.

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