Claimed by the Order (S-Gods, #1) (17 page)

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Authors: J. Johanis

Tags: #BDSM, #gay erotica, #M/M erotic romance, #m/m fantasy, #dark fantasy, #mythology

BOOK: Claimed by the Order (S-Gods, #1)
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“I belong to you now,” Marduk said, burying his face in Akad’s chest.

Chapter 23

kad glanced across the table at his father. Though they were accustomed to dining together, Anshar barely spoke. Akad took a drink of his wine, gazing out the window at the mountains. Just over a week had passed since he first met Marduk in the gardens. His heartbeat quickened, and a smile came to his lips. Marduk was like a drug that had pulled him in, possessed him fully, and took him under; his touch thrilled Akad like nothing ever had.

His mind drifted back several days to when Marduk had fallen apart in his arms in the forest. Marduk’s pain had surfaced before, but this time Akad was sure Marduk’s tears had nothing to do with him. He wished he could be with Marduk every day and never leave his side. He hated having to hide their love. They had been together just hours earlier, and their kiss upon parting had been long and passionate. Their daily rendezvous in the forest were getting longer and longer, and each day it became harder to part than the last.

“Are you ill, son?” Anshar asked, startling Akad out of his daydream.

“No, father, I was just thinking,” Akad replied, averting his eyes. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been staring out the window.

“Well, tell me what’s on your mind.”

Akad shot him a glance, shifting in his chair.

“I was thinking about the college here at the temple. I’m the same age as the other students, so I was wondering why I’m not—”

“That school is bad news, Anu. Forget about it.”

“How could it be bad if the great god Shamash is the director?”

“Yes, Shamash is the director, but the Egyptian god Seth is an instructor at that college, and Seth likes nothing more than to take a young god and destroy him.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve already explained this to you, Anu. Do you want me to explain it again? I warned you about getting too close to powerful gods. You are young, and if a god like Seth wanted to crush you and make you his bitch, he would do so without hesitation.”

Akad lowered his eyes and sat in silence. The way his father tried to protect him made him feel weak. That Anshar felt the need to hide him away from the world was insulting.

“You know the extent of my powers, father. Even without my powers, I’m strong, and I can fight. How could you possibly imagine I’d be taken down so easily?”

Anshar laughed aloud, raking his fingers through his thick beard and his eyes darkened.

“Anu, I’ve seen how you look at powerful gods. If a god like Ra or Shamash seduced you into his bed, would you really be throwing punches? No, I’m afraid by the time the thought crossed your mind, it would be too late! He’d have his dick lodged in your ass, fucking you until you were nothing but his little fucking whore!” Anshar shot up from his seat, disgust etched in his face as he glared down at him.

Akad averted his eyes, his face burning. When Anshar stormed out of the room, Akad felt like he could breathe once again. He had taken Marduk many times; did that make Marduk a whore? Marduk was so strong, so confident, and so alive. Marduk was his lover. Akad wished he could argue this point with his father. He wanted to rail against everything Anshar had said, but nothing would come of it. If Anshar ever knew he had a male lover, he would likely bring the whole world crashing down on him.

Akad mulled over Anshar’s paranoia about the school. He wanted to dismiss what Anshar said about the instructors, but Marduk attended this school. Marduk was also young and beautiful. Was it possible that any of the powerful gods were harassing him in this way? Akad recalled the way Marduk had sobbed when he broke down in his arms. He was sure he’d done nothing to provoke it. He had felt so helpless in that moment, holding Marduk and trying to console him. Though he’d asked him what was wrong, Marduk would say nothing, and the elusive cause of his breakdown had unsettled him ever since.

Akad suddenly felt uneasy about his father’s warnings. He had been so focused on concealing his love for Marduk that he’d never attempted to seek out Marduk’s company in the evenings. He had no idea what Marduk did or whom he hung out with. Akad wanted to be sure Marduk was in no danger. If this meant exposing their affair, he would have to take that chance.

Akad left his father’s quarters and began to navigate the torch-lit corridors. When he arrived at the door to Marduk’s bedchamber, he stared down at a crescent bronze knocker in the middle of the wooden door. He thought of knocking and his stomach tightened. Would Marduk be in his room alone, or would he have company? If he had company, how would Akad explain his visit? Pushing his hair back from his face, Akad leaned against the wall with his hands on his forehead. He wanted to make sure Marduk was okay, but his visit was unplanned and awkward. Akad finally decided to leave. He resolved to broach the subject when they met in the forest the next day.

Chapter 24

arduk stormed out of the lower hall, the door slamming behind him. Tears pooled in his eyes, and his chest was on the verge of exploding. Ever since Poseidon’s party, his existence in the Order had been nothing but a downward spiral. Every day, he reported to the lower hall after class; but for the first time ever, he arrived to find Shamash absent. There were several members in the room, so Marduk sank down in a seat near the fireplace to wait for him. He was gazing at the flames licking the sides of the fireplace when the sound of a door bolt slamming into place startled him. Marduk jumped, looking up to behold Seth standing in front of the door, a sinister grin on his face.  He sprung to his feet, scanning the room as he backed away. Every god had vacated the hall, and there was nothing in his grasp he could use as a weapon.

When Seth came at him, Marduk tried to fight, but Seth effortlessly slammed Marduk’s face into the wall, pinning him with his weight. Then Seth thrust his hand between his legs and grabbed his balls, crushing them in his grasp. Marduk cried out, still struggling.

“Do you know why Shamash isn’t here?” Seth growled in his ear. “Shamash stepped out to give me a go at you. You see, Marduk, you fucked up. Instead of bringing Anu to the Order, you’ve been fooling around with him. So now I’m going to fuck your pretty ass, and if you meet with Anu one more time without inviting him, we’re going to make him the Order’s pet, and you’ll just be my personal fuck toy.”

Marduk trembled, terror rushing through him. He refused to believe a word Seth was saying. Shamash wouldn’t let Seth do this. He was going to walk in any moment to save him, but Seth’s weight continued to crush him, and Seth’s hand reached around and grasped his shaft. Marduk tried not to panic. He tried to stay calm, but the memory of being impaled on Seth’s cock flooded his mind. He was in the dark forest once more, and he felt it all over, the pain, his desperation, and how he came after just one thrust. Marduk suddenly snapped out of his memory, becoming aware of his body, and his world came crashing in on him. His sex was betraying him once more, giving in to the terror Seth incited in him. Marduk came in Seth’s hand, while Seth’s laughter rang out in his ears; and in the next moment, he was free from Seth’s grasp, fleeing from the room.

Marduk stumbled through the corridors, wondering why Seth had released him. Seth was not one for idle threats. Then he felt something warm running down his thighs. He was bleeding and torn, his insides shredded and burning. He collapsed to the floor and threw up, pain shooting into his gut as he retched. The assault was obscured in his mind, but his body told him all that had happened. Marduk lay curled in a ball, shivering for some time, before he made it to his feet again. All he wanted was to fall into his bed, close his eyes, and forget. His divine body would heal overnight, erasing all evidence of what Seth had done to him.

On the way to his room, Marduk came upon the courtyard and stepped in. He approached the tall dark fountain in the middle, stepped over the ledge, and sank fully clothed into the fountain pool. Water trickled off the stone base of the fountain, slowly wetting his hair and face. He ignored the stabbing pain in his body as he soaked, taking no notice of the cool night air. As he washed Seth’s filth from his body, the tears began to fall. The Order had fucked him repeatedly for over a month. Why should this time be any different? He wanted to wipe Seth from his mind, but Seth’s words came crashing down on him. The Order was going to take Akad. If he met with Akad one more time, they would lay claim to him. A shock jolted his heart, as he realized what he must do. He could no longer go to Akad. He had to break it off with him or the Order would take him away. It was over.

Cold seeped into his bones as he wept and trembled. When he finally rose from the pool, his heart and mind were as frozen as his body. Marduk walked out of the courtyard and immediately bumped into someone. He stumbled backward, but strong hands caught him, pulling him into a warm embrace. Marduk stared up into Akad’s green eyes.

“Marduk,” Akad said, releasing him and taking a step back. “You’re drenched. What happened?”

“I just—I fell in the fountain,” Marduk said, his heart pounding. This was his first time seeing Akad in the temple.

“What are you doing here?”

“I was just taking a walk,” Akad replied.

Marduk stared at him, suddenly remembering what he had to do. He had to break up with Akad. The Order would know if they were ever together again. Averting his eyes, Marduk grabbed Akad’s hand and pulled him into the courtyard. Moonlight fell on the tall stone fountain, casting a shadow over them both.

“Are you okay, Marduk?” Akad squeezed his hand.

“No, I’m fine. I’m just cold.” Marduk forced a smile and kissed Akad’s lips, attempting to change the subject.

Akad broke their embrace, staring at him for a long moment. Then he pulled Marduk in and hugged him tightly.

“You’re freezing. Let me take you to your quarters. I can help you warm up.” Akad smiled down at him. Marduk’s heart swelled, and tears threatened to fall. He had to do it, he had to break up with Akad, but he couldn’t bear to speak the words.

“My room is just around the corner.” Marduk loved Akad. How could he leave him? As he headed toward his room with Akad at his side, he realized his only other option was to seduce him. The Order would only take Akad if he was a virgin. They would surely punish Marduk when they found out what he had done, but at least Akad would be safe. Marduk resolved to do it. The Order was forcing his hand; he had to pull himself together and make it happen. He had to bend Akad to his will or lose him to the Order.

Chapter 25

kad followed Marduk into his room and watched him light a candle, setting it on a large round table between his bed and the balcony. The bed was covered with brown fur blankets, and a matching rug lay draped across the floor. Marduk slipped off his wet clothing, sank onto the bed, and wrapped a fur blanket around himself. Akad gazed at Marduk, wanting badly to touch him, but first he needed to clear the worries from his mind.

“Are you sure you’re okay? You seem distracted,” Akad said, taking a seat by Marduk’s side.

“No, I was just surprised to run into you.” Marduk slid into Akad’s arms and kissed him, but his kiss was devoid of passion. Akad broke their embrace and stared at Marduk, but Marduk’s expression was solemn, washed of its usual smile.

“Marduk,” Akad said, holding his face in both hands. “Sometimes I feel like there’s something bothering you, and right now, I know it to be true.”

“I’m sorry,” Marduk said.

“Just tell me what’s wrong.”

Marduk lowered his eyes but said nothing. Akad puzzled over him. Then he rose and shuffled to the fireplace at the end of the bed to start a fire. He was sure there was something Marduk was hiding. When the fire was ablaze, Akad turned to face him.

“You know, I asked my father today about the temple school, and I told him I wanted to join.”

Marduk looked up. “Akad, I promise you’re not missing anything.”

Akad rose and returned to Marduk’s side.

“Marduk, I’d rather spend my days by your side than alone. Plus, you go to class every day. It can’t be that bad.”

Marduk remained silent for a moment. “Well, when you asked your father about the school, what did he say?”

“He said the instructors harass the students.” Akad searched Marduk’s eyes. “Is that true?”

Marduk winced. “I—I don’t know.”

“What happened?”

“It’s nothing.” Marduk shifted his weight and looked away.

“My father said that Seth is the worst; that he has a reputation for messing with young gods.”

Marduk stared at him, his face turning white.

“Seth is a prick,” he finally said. “He tried to fuck with me the first day of class. He challenged me to a fight. Then he pinned me down and threatened me, but I broke free and punched him. After that, I stopped going to his class.”

Anger boiled in Akad’s chest. Something told him there was more than what Marduk was saying.

“Well, I’m glad you put him in his place, Marduk, but I want you to know that from now on, I have your back. If any god ever messes with you, I’ll beat the fuck out of him. I don’t care how old or powerful he is, I’ll fuck him up.”

Lowering his eyes, Marduk stretched out on the bed beside him and ran his hand up Akad’s thigh.

“Do you realize we’ve never been together in a bed?” Marduk asked, a playful smile on his lips.

Seeing Marduk laid out naked on the bed made all thoughts of the school evaporate. Akad pushed him to his back, crawled on top of him, and kissed him. Marduk immediately rolled on top of him, stripping Akad’s clothes off, stealing kisses along the way until they were both skin to skin, naked upon the furs.

“Let me pleasure you,” Marduk said, teasing his tongue over Akad’s nipple, sending a shiver through Akad’s body. Akad complied with Marduk’s wishes, allowing him to trail wet kisses down his chest, across his belly, and finally licking along the inside of his pelvic bone. He suppressed a groan. Marduk’s attention was making him harder and more impatient to take him. Then Marduk’s lips were on his hardness, taking him in fully, and Marduk swallowed his cock, shocking him with waves of pleasure. Marduk continued sucking, bringing him close before suddenly slipping a finger inside Akad’s ass. Akad’s body tensed, and in the next moment, Marduk was on his back beneath him, wrists pinned to the bed.

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