Claimed by the Order (S-Gods, #1) (19 page)

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Authors: J. Johanis

Tags: #BDSM, #gay erotica, #M/M erotic romance, #m/m fantasy, #dark fantasy, #mythology

BOOK: Claimed by the Order (S-Gods, #1)
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“Why are you here?” Marduk asked, but Akad just stared at him with a serious expression.

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Akad asked in a low tone. Marduk lowered his gaze. Akad was seeking answers he was unable to give.

“After you left, I fell asleep, and when I awoke it was morning, and you still had not returned,” Akad continued.

“Akad, I’m sorry. I had detention. I disrespected one of my instructors, so he made me copy a book until I fell asleep.”

Akad knitted his brow. “In the middle of the night?”

“Yes, I—” Marduk stuttered, but his thought was interrupted by the arrival of Isis. The goddess had just stepped into the pool. Class was beginning. “I promise I’ll explain everything after class.”

As Isis glided toward the front of the pool, her kohl-lined eyes gravitated toward Akad.

“I see we have a new student today,” she said, smiling. “Welcome, Anu-Akad, son of the esteemed council member Anshar. I am delighted to see so many sons and daughters of council members in our course this year.” She returned her attention to the class.

“Yesterday’s exercise was the art of oral pleasure, but today we will be focusing on passionate face-to-face lovemaking. I want you all to choose partners suitable for this exercise and commence whenever you are ready.”

Marduk reached under the water and grabbed Akad’s hand, but Akad still stood staring at Isis, his mouth wide open. Then his gaze flickered toward Marduk, and Marduk pulled him into his arms. He could feel the tension in Akad’s body. He knew Akad disliked the idea of displaying their love, but they would appear more awkward if they did nothing. Marduk hugged Akad tightly to his chest, his lips hovering over his. Akad’s jaw tightened and his lip twitched.

“Akad, if you don’t kiss me now, she’s going to assign us new partners.”

Akad glanced once more at Isis and then moved in close to Marduk, running his hands into his hair and kissing him deeply. Marduk’s body blazed with heat, his heartbeat quickening. Then Akad lifted Marduk’s legs, wrapping them around his hips, and pressed two fingers inside him. No one could see beneath the water’s surface, but what they were doing would soon be very clear. Akad worked another finger in, stretching his opening, and Marduk began to pant against his neck.
Akad was actually doing this; he was going to lay claim to him in front of them all.
Marduk tried to block out everyone but Akad, but it proved impossible. When Akad finally came into him, Marduk buried his face in Akad’s neck, biting down hard on his lip. He hooked his ankles behind Akad’s back, his cheeks growing hotter with each thrust.

He had been fucked so many times in front of the gods of the Order, but never had he been taken before his peers. Akad’s slow, deliberate thrusts resonated deep within him, his pleasure building to an unbearable state. He stifled a groan, and Akad’s hot mouth took possession of his. The kiss and the sensation of Akad’s hard sex driving into him pushed him over the edge. Marduk’s body convulsed in Akad’s arms, his climax shattering all sense of himself. He was oblivious to his own cries of passion, unaware of whether he’d revealed his ecstasy to all. Akad held him tightly in his arms; he belonged to Akad, and that was all that mattered. Marduk had no idea how long he was floating on that high, but when he came down, Akad had pulled out of his body and was leading him out of the pool.

Once out of the water, Akad continued to hold his hand. He flashed Marduk a knowing look and smiled. Marduk realized in that moment that he was completely and utterly in love with this god. He was in love with Akad, and there was no possible way he could hide it any longer.

Chapter 27

heir union in the pool burned brightly in Akad’s mind and body. They walked through the gardens in silence, Marduk’s hand still in his. Akad would be savoring that moment for a long time to come, but something about Marduk’s disappearance last night still unsettled him.

“So was it Shamash who came to your door last night?”

Marduk looked up and caught his breath, but Akad continued to stare at him, waiting for a response. Marduk furrowed his brow.

“Yeah. How did you know?”

“Well, I went to his class this morning and he asked about you.”

Marduk blushed. “What?”

“When I didn’t see you, I was worried, but when Shamash asked to speak with me after class, I suspected it was him. At first he wanted to talk to me about my father’s refusal to allow me in the school. He said he was going to talk to Anshar about it to help smooth things over. Then he mentioned you. He seemed to know we were friends, and ...”

“And what?”

Akad stared at Marduk. “Well, he asked if I had anything to do with you skipping your classes.”

Marduk stopped in his tracks.

“Look, Akad, we don’t have to go to the remaining courses. I never go to Seth’s class anyway. Let’s just go to the clearing right now.”

“No. I’m looking forward to meeting your instructors.”

Marduk lowered his eyes, making no more objections.

When they arrived late at Seth’s class, every eye drifted toward them. All the students were seated on the stone stairs surrounding the theater, and Seth stood before the class, clad in black leather armor, staring them down as they took their places.

“Welcome, Anu,” Seth said, sauntering toward them. “I heard about your performance in class this morning, and I have to say, you landed a fine piece of ass.” Seth smirked at Marduk. Akad glared at Seth, whose words had sparked a fire in his chest.

“Very impressive,” Seth continued, his eyes back on Akad. “So you’re good at fucking. How good are you with a sword?”

“I can hold my own,” Akad said curtly. Seth smiled, picked up two swords, and threw one to Akad. After catching the sword, Akad’s expression darkened.

“Come on down, and show me what you’re made of,” Seth said, still smiling.

Akad sized Seth up as he stepped down from the seating. Seth was much bigger than him, but having trained every day since age seven, Akad was ready to do some damage. He followed Seth onto the field, tightening his grip on the sword and bracing himself for battle. Seth came at him, swinging hard, but Akad redirected the force of his attack, and struck his sword against Seth’s ribs as he flew forward. Seth caught his footing, whirled around, and charged at him again. When Akad deflected Seth’s attack, Seth grabbed his tunic, attempting to throw him down, but Akad threw his fist into Seth’s face. The blow knocked him back, and Akad punched him three more times in rapid succession. Before Seth could recover, Akad smacked his sword against the side of Seth’s head. Then he punched him again and kicked him in the gut. Seth flew backward, crashing to the ground. There, he lay stunned for a moment. Then he tried to rise. But Akad stomped his foot in the middle of Seth’s chest, slamming him back down.

“Do you still think you can fuck with me?” Akad asked.

“Next time you won’t be so lucky,” Seth growled.

“There won’t be a next time. If this is all you’ve got, I’m not going to waste time in your class. So, if there’s ever a next time, it won’t be over until I’ve snapped every bone in your body.”

Akad removed his foot and turned toward Marduk. Seeing him made his heart nearly explode with exhilaration. The light in Marduk’s eyes spoke volumes. Akad was sure he was Marduk’s hero. They left Seth’s class together and laughed as they ran through the gardens.

On their way to their final class, Akad spotted two goddesses in white flowing dresses walking toward them. One had long, black hair, and the other was a beautiful blonde. They were on the edge of the garden where the vine-thatched roof ended. When Marduk noticed the goddesses, he stopped and squeezed Akad’s hand. The dark-haired goddess marched up to them and planted her hands on her hips.

“Good afternoon, Marduk,” she said, her voice cross. “We’ve been in class together all day, and you haven’t bothered introducing your new friend.”

Marduk’s face colored. “I apologize, Shala. This is Anu-Akad.” Marduk turned toward him. “Akad, these are my friends, Shala and Nanya.”

Shala glared at Marduk for a moment before turning her attention to Akad.

Akad smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Shala,” he said, holding his hand out for her to take.

Shala stared at him a moment, then took his hand, shaking firmly. Akad was starting to feel uneasy, and wondered if there was a problem, when Shala’s expression softened.

“It’s nice to finally meet you too, Anu.”

Akad’s stomach twisted. After shaking hands with Nanya, the goddesses took their leave.

“What was that about?” Akad asked. “Did you tell them about me?”

Marduk shook his head, appearing pale. “I told them I have a lover. I didn’t tell them your name. They’re only guessing it’s you because of this morning.”

Akad stared at Marduk and smiled uneasily. “Okay, I thought at first that she was going to smack me. What did you tell her about me?”

“Only good things,” Marduk said, giving him a wink.

Akad shook his head and looked away. The possibility of keeping Marduk a secret from his father was becoming less and less probable.

Akad and Marduk continued to traverse the gardens until they arrived at the haunted ruin. They entered the stone structure and took seats on the ground to await the beginning of class. After all the students arrived, the great god Nanna-Sin made an entrance, his short black hair scruffy and unkempt, and his black cape undulating in the breeze.

“Welcome, Anu-Akad,” Sin said, grinning. “I’m not sure if your classmates have told you, but this course is not for everyone. Do you have any experience with commanding the spirits?”

“My father has instructed me in demonology.”

“I’m glad to hear it. Maybe you can show us some of what you’ve learned. Poseidon has excelled in this course. I’ll let you two have it out.”

Akad rose to his feet just as Poseidon stepped forward and approached. Sin placed a hand on Poseidon’s shoulder and regarded them both.

“The object of this match will be to knock out your opponent. No physical contact is allowed. All of your fighting must be through spirits or demons. Let’s take this outside.”

Once in the gardens, Poseidon stood before Akad with a smug look on his face. When Sin announced the beginning of the duel, Poseidon closed his eyes and began to chant. Akad smiled. He had no need for chanting. Anshar had taught him to summon demons and spirits by name.

“Mukil Res Lemutti,” Akad whispered. Then the temperature dropped and the pressure in the air shifted around him. No one could see the demon he’d summoned, but Akad could sense its presence. “Make Poseidon suffer.”

Poseidon’s chanting stopped, and he grabbed his head, crying out in pain. Akad had called on the demon of headaches. A splitting migraine would prevent Poseidon from conjuring spirits, but the contest wouldn’t be over until Akad knocked him out. Akad closed his eyes, calling on the storm spirit Zu. Dark clouds began to converge around them. Then the air-pressure dropped, and a bolt of lightning struck Poseidon in the chest, flattening him to the ground. A roar of applause and excited shouts erupted from the watching students.

“Unbelievable display, Anu,” Sin said as he approached. He placed a hand on Akad’s shoulder. “Your father taught you well. Though your skill far exceeds the level of my class, you are welcome to attend. If you don’t mind, I may ask that you assist the other students.”

Marduk joined Akad’s side just as Poseidon sat up, dazed and confused, and looked down to inspect the black singe on his white garment. Then Poseidon shot an ugly scowl in Akad’s direction. Marduk took one look at Poseidon, laughed, and hugged Akad tightly. Akad beamed. He once again had the impression he was Marduk’s hero.

Chapter 28

kad lay naked in the grass, holding Marduk snug in his arms. They had made love for the second time that day. Akad couldn’t remember ever being happier, but the probability of gossip reaching his father’s ears made his gut twist. He could explain away his encounter with Marduk as a class exercise, but Anshar would doubtfully forgive him for attending classes. He hoped his victory over Seth would help with his case.

Akad suddenly noticed the tension in Marduk’s body and realized it had been a while since he last spoke. His stomach tightened as he remembered their discussion in Marduk’s room the night before. Since then, Akad had made love to Marduk twice. Though he’d been gentle, he had taken control of Marduk both times.

“Is everything alright, Marduk?” Akad asked, kissing his neck softly.

Marduk rolled toward him, gazing into his eyes. “I was just thinking about today in the pool. I could tell you were afraid to touch me in front of the others. Even kissing me was difficult for you at first.”

Marduk ran his hand along Akad’s hip and squeezed the back of his thigh.

“I was wondering why you insisted on hiding our love,” he said, still squeezing him.

Akad stared at Marduk, unsure of how to respond.

“I guess I’m afraid of what my father might do if he knew about us.”

Marduk’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean? Does he have a problem with gods loving one another?”

“I’m not entirely sure; I just don’t want to take any chances,” Akad said, but Marduk continued to watch him as if he was waiting to hear more. Akad realized then that Marduk would never understand his fear of Anshar unless he told him about Talos, and what his father had done to him. The thought of repeating what happened made him feel depleted and hollow. Akad had imagined he would never tell another soul about Talos, but he trusted Marduk and wanted only to be closer to him.

Akad took a deep breath and squeezed Marduk’s hand. Just thinking of Talos made his eyes begin to tear.

“Several years ago, I loved a mortal boy. I kissed him, and my father caught us together,” Akad said. He lowered his eyes and fought to keep from trembling.

Marduk sat up beside him and kissed him on the lips. Then he pushed a strand of Akad’s hair away from his face and tucked it behind his ear. Akad took a deep breath.

He told Marduk the story in the shortest, least painful way possible, only recounting what he could bear to choke out. Then he stopped talking, and the color washed away from his face. Looking down at his hands, he took another deep breath. He felt he could say no more without breaking into tears. When he finally looked up, he was relieved to find Marduk’s eyes cast down and wet with tears. Then Marduk met his gaze and kissed him, pulling him into his arms. Akad hugged Marduk back, feeling a weight lift from his chest. He felt closer to Marduk than he had ever felt with anyone.

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