Codename Winter (11 page)

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Authors: Aubrey Ross

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Codename Winter
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“Are you sure?” His lips moved against her folds, keeping her body simmering.
“Yes. I want your cock inside me.”
He shifted her back as he pulled his fingers out. She sat on his chest and he moved his hands to her hips. “Say it out loud. Tell me exactly what you want.”
“I want you to fuck my ass.”
His gaze glowed brighter than ever before, his primal features fully transformed. “Hands and knees, in front of me.”
As she moved into position, he retrieved the bottle of lube. Excitement twisted through her, speeding her pulse and compounding the tension already knotting her stomach. His warm hands stroked over her hips and across her lower back. Then his lips pressed light kisses across her ass. He eased his hand between her thighs and lightly rubbed her clit, building her arousal and easing her anxiety.
“I won’t hurt you, love. We’ll take it really slow.”
His fingers pushed back into her ass and she sighed at the familiar fullness. He’d taught her how good this could feel. Spreading his strong fingers and twisting his wrist, he stretched her and prepared her for a much more substantial penetration. She wanted this, needed the exotic joining as much as he did. He slid his fingers free and positioned his cock against her rippled opening.
“Ready?” He growled the word, part demand, part plea.
She folded her arms and lowered her head, then pushed back against him. Her body opened before him, spreading around his cock head by slow degrees. Hot and hard, his shaft felt so much different than the toy. She pushed harder, taking him deeper, and a strangled cry tore from his throat. She smiled, thrilled by his obvious pleasure.
The pressure was intrusive, overwhelming yet wonderfully intense. She arched her back and bit her lip, fighting back a spontaneous scream. There was no pain, just raw emotions and the inescapable fullness of his cock.
He slipped his arms around her, caressing her breasts and her clit. She raised her head and tossed her hair out of her eyes.
“Perfect.” She coupled the assurance with a firm squeeze.
“Holy fuck! You’re tight enough. Try to relax or I’ll never be able to move.”
“Wanna bet?” She rocked forward, dragging her body nearly off his cock, then reversed direction and impaled herself just as slowly. It was heady, unlike anything she’d experienced before. She felt liberated by sampling a taboo, freed to experience whatever life had in store.
With one hand lightly teasing her pussy and the other grasping her hip, he moved in and out of her ass. The long, slow strokes took her breath away then gave it back with each burst of sensation. She moved with him and around him, giving and taking without hesitation or reserve.
Passion flowed between them, intensified by each gasp and amplified with each rotation. Soon both his hands steadied her hips and his strokes grew sharper and faster. His balls slapped against her pussy, the impact stimulating her clit. She was surrounded by him and filled with him, and she never wanted it to end.
He growled, the sound perfectly echoing the feelings surging through her. She felt primal, savage, his equal in every way. She gasped and slammed back against him, taking his full length with each forceful lunge.
Leaning down, he opened his mouth wide against the curve of her shoulder. His sharp teeth pressed into her flesh, the pricks of pain only heightening the pleasure. She threw back her head and screamed as all the sensations coalesced within her.
His arms wrapped around her body and his cock rammed home one final time. They shook and panted as pleasure swept reality from their minds. For one perfect moment they hung suspended beyond place and time, aware only of each other and the significance of their joining.
Ulrick rolled them to their sides, drawing them back to reality. Winter blinked into the darkness, stunned beyond words. His hand stroked along her side, coming to rest on her hip.
“This is so much more than sex,” he whispered, sounding rather confused.
She smiled, biting her bottom lip to keep from laughing. “Is that going to be a problem for you?” She was so sleepy she couldn’t keep her eyes open.
He carefully separated their bodies and rolled her to her back. Slipping one arm under her neck, he stared down into her eyes. “Valtorians mate for life. Is that going to be a problem for you?” he countered.
“Not as long as the Valtorian is you.” She pulled his face down to hers and kissed him with all the joy bubbling in her heart. “This is unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome.”
“So tell me about this surprise.”
She laughed at his tenacity. “I’m not sure I can pull it off. That’s the only reason I won’t tell you. The good news is you don’t have long to wait. It will either happen tomorrow, or my plans will fall apart, and I’ll have to think of another surprise.”
“What’s the bad news?” His features finally smoothed, the incandescence fading from his eyes.
“Does there have to be bad news?”
“No, but fate seldom offers one without the other.”
It was a valid point, but she didn’t let it ruin the playful mood. “The bad news is you’ll have to live without me for one night. I’ll see you again on Sunday.”
“This better be some surprise,” he grumbled, then lowered his mouth for another kiss.
Chapter Six
“Is this really necessary?” Dr. Jocelyn Grier fiddled with the long black wig concealing her chestnut hair.
“Yes!” Autumn and Celinna chorused.
Winter sat in an armchair in the corner of Celinna’s luxurious suite and enjoyed the show. Watching someone else’s transformation was far more fun than experiencing the transformation firsthand. The doctor was younger than Winter had expected and much prettier.
Jocelyn’s black T-shirt and khaki fatigues had been replaced with a slim skirt and quilted bustier. She refused to consider high heels, so Celinna rummaged through her massive walk-in closet and found a pair of thigh-high boots. Even having watched the transformation every step of the way, Winter was having trouble finding any trace of the doctor in the woman standing in front of her now.
“Surveillance is unavoidable,” Autumn reminded. “You’ll end up on the security feed somewhere, so hide behind your hair as much as you can. Ra’jen will kill me if you’re identified.”
Tugging at the top edge of her bustier, Jocelyn frowned. “Well, this is certainly a departure from my usual look.”
“Our escort’s name is Mick.” Winter stood and crossed to the three-paneled mirror in front of which the others had congregated. “He’s sharp, fast, and accurate. We’ll be in and out before you know it.” The observations were as much a reminder to her fluttering stomach as encouragement for her nervous partner. Winter had worked with Saroji for several hours each afternoon for the past three days, and then tested her skills on three different guards. Saroji was pleased with Winter’s progress, and Winter felt a lot more prepared for this mission than she had for her first.
Winter’s outfit was similar to Jocelyn’s—short skirt and revealing neckline. She’d also donned a wig to disguise her true appearance. The style was short and sassy, the color flame red. Rather than trust a one-shot mister as she had with Ulrick, Winter had stashed everything she’d need in a satin clutch.
“We’ve been over the plan twice. Do either of you have any questions?” Autumn glanced at Winter, brow raised quizzically.
“I just want to get this over with,” Jocelyn murmured.
Celinna smiled then winked at Winter. “The first trick is always the hardest.”
Winter was sure that was true, but she never intended to find out.
With Mick piloting the skimmer, they headed out a few minutes later. It took forty-five minutes to reach Med Center B, so Winter tried to keep Jocelyn’s mind occupied. “How long have you served in the Protectorate?”
“Three years.” She stared out the viewport, her profile partially hidden by her hair.
“You’re human?”
Glancing away from the passing scenery, Jocelyn asked, “Aren’t you?”
“I am. I just didn’t realize the Protectorate had drafted anyone that recently.”
“One of the lesser generals spotted me during the pandemic and presented me to General Noirte as a gift. Luckily for me, General Noirte wasn’t amused. He assigned me to work with Saroji, and I’ve been at the clinic ever since.”
This was the most Jocelyn had said since her arrival at the embassy. Unfortunately it left Winter with more questions than answers. “You are familiar with Gathosian technology, aren’t you?”
“General Noirte knows what he’s doing,” Jocelyn muttered as she turned back to the viewport.
So much for small talk. There was obviously more to the story but Winter wasn’t going to pry. The doctor was already uncomfortable. Winter relaxed back in her seat and closed her eyes, running through the coming events in her mind.
Their arrival was uneventful. Mick left the skimmer near the only side entrance accessible to visitors. They still had to pass through a security checkpoint, but the scanner was automated, its target parameters very specific.
“Why didn’t Mick’s pistol set off the alarm?” Jocelyn whispered as they hurried down the stark white corridor.
“All of my weapons are registered,” Mick explained. “A chip in the handle tells the scanner I have legitimate reasons for needing them.”
“You can pass through any checkpoint without question?” The doctor seemed surprised.
“If the station is manned, guards usually ask for identification.”
“These are standard Protectorate policies,” Winter told her. “Do they have you stashed away in a cave somewhere?” This sure as hell wasn’t boosting her confidence in the good doctor.
“Just about.”
They lapsed into silence as they took an elevator to the fifth floor. Winter took a deep breath and retrieved the mist canister from her clutch. According to the information Ra’jen had provided, the stasis tubes were the only thing on the entire floor. It was impossible to walk into any building on Earth and not find vacant rooms. The phenomenon should work to their advantage. Personnel would be minimal, and there was no surveillance except in the shuttle lots and lobbies.
Mick fell back as they exited the elevator. Security escorts were trained to be unobtrusive.
Winter looked at Jocelyn and smiled. “I’ll do the majority of the talking, but try not to look quite so terrified.”
“I’m not afraid,” Jocelyn insisted, but her face was unusually pale, and her hands were fisted at her sides. It didn’t matter. With her breasts pushed up by the bustier and her long, shapely legs on display, the guards wouldn’t be looking at her face.
The corridor branched off in either direction, but they’d been told to go right. At the end of the main corridor they could only go left, so Winter didn’t hesitate. Their heels clicked an anxious tattoo as they rushed along. They passed through swinging double doors and entered a small reception area. Beyond the lobby was a massive bank of windows displaying rows and rows of stasis chambers in a cavernous room.
Refusing to be distracted by the view, Winter focused on the guards. There were only two as they had expected. So far so good.
Winter tucked her clutch up under her arm and sauntered toward the guards. They were seated at a small table, playing some sort of card game. “Good evening, gentlemen. I believe we have an appointment.”
The smaller, meaner-looking guard stood and looked her over before he spoke. “What happened to Crystal and Vanessa?”
“Crystal wasn’t feeling well, and I don’t know about Vanessa.” She crept closer, Mick on one side, Jocelyn on the other. “The embassy guarantee is always in effect. If you aren’t completely satisfied, Mistress Autumn will refund your credits.”
“Show me your tits. If they’re not natural, this is a waste of time. I can’t stand plastic tits.”
It was a test. Only a pleasure ambassador would be so uninhibited.
Carefully hiding the mist canister behind her clutch, she handed both to Jocelyn. Then she unfastened her blouse button by button, her gaze fixed on the guard’s face. Lust ignited in his gaze as she parted the material and revealed her black lace bra. After a brief pause, she unfastened the front clasp and offered him an unobstructed view of her breasts. “See. No silicone in sight.”
He lunged for Winter, hands outstretched, and Jocelyn shot the mist directly into his face. Set in motion by the first guard’s lunge, Mick rushed the other guard, knocking him unconscious with one well-placed punch. The guard slumped forward onto the table and Mick turned back to the women.
“Go find Aric,” Winter told Jocelyn. “That was great work, by the way. We make one hell of a team.” Jocelyn handed her the canister and clutch then hurried into the large room beyond the guard station.
“Which one is Gregory?” she asked Mick. Gregory had been chosen to replace Aric in the stasis tube and she was to implant the false memory in Keono’s mind.
“That’s Gregory.” Mick pointed to the one slumped over the table. “The one with the big mouth is Keono.”
She retrieved a second mister from her purse and held it beneath Gregory’s nose. Waiting for the guard’s next inhalation, she discharged the sedative. The last thing she needed was for him to wake up while she was working with Keono.
Mick moved to the doorway, dividing his attention between the two women as Winter knelt beside Keono. Winter took out the succubus and pressed the master against her temple. After placing the slave on Keono, she waited for the device to initialize.
The momentary jolt of disorientation was familiar now. She accepted the sensation, allowing the colorful rush to pull her consciousness onto the metaphysical plane. Keono stood there in the vast, gray void, features blank, waiting for her command.
“You’re sitting at the card table, bored out of your mind. Gregory failed to report again and no one bothered to send a replacement.”

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