Codley and the Sea Cave Adventure

Read Codley and the Sea Cave Adventure Online

Authors: Lisl Fair,Ismedy Prasetya

Tags: #Children's eBooks, #Animals, #Marine Life, #Literature & Fiction, #Bedtime & Dreaming, #Codley Series: Book 1

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Brainy Connections

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One bright morning under the sea, Codley the octopus swam out of his cabin in a shipwreck.

"What a beautiful morning!" he said, rubbing two of his tentacles together.

"A beautiful morning for an adventure!"

Codley set off, swimming out into the wide, blue ocean. He stared around at the deep-sea wonders. Maybe today I will make some new and interesting friends, he thought.

"G-good morning, Codley!" a squeaky little voice called.

Codley turned to see his friend, Pokie the puffer fish, swimming toward him. Pokie was small and round, with tiny spikes covering his body.

Pokie could puff himself up like a big balloon whenever danger was near.

"Good morning, Pokie! Would you like to come on an adventure with me?"

Pokie looked fearfully down at the sea floor.

"I-I don't know, Codley. Wh-what kind of adventure?"

“We’ll find out!” Codley said.

“Come on, Pokie! I hear there's a mysterious cave not far from here; let's go see it!”

Codley kicked his long tentacles and began swimming away, but Pokie did not move. Codley looked back and called:

“This way, Pokie!”

Codley continued swimming out into the open water. Pokie gave a reluctant flip of his fins and began to follow his friend.

They came to the edge of the reef where the water turned a deeper blue.

Suddenly, a large, rocky shape rose out of the sea floor in front of them.

What could this be?

Codley and Pokie swam closer…

They saw a mountain of dark rock. In the middle of it, a black hole gaped wide. It was the entrance to the cave!

"A-A-are you sure we should go in, Codley?" Pokie asked, staring wide-eyed.

"Don’t worry, Pokie. We'll be careful!"

Codley swam into the darkness, with Pokie following close behind. They swam until the dim light began to brighten. Golden sunshine filtered through a large gap in the rocks, close to the surface of the sea.

Codley and Pokie looked around in wonder. Bright corals clung to the walls of the cave and stretched towards the light. They glistened like diamonds.

"L-L-ook at those corals, Codley!"

"They are beautiful!" Codley gasped.

Suddenly, a large shadow passed overhead. It blocked the gap in the rocks and the light in the cave dimmed.

"Huh, C-c-odley!" Pokie stammered. "Wh-what can that be?"

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