Coming Home (Homeward Bound Series Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Coming Home (Homeward Bound Series Book 1)
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Chapter 34





“You get laid last night or what?”

The taunts started before my truck had barely rolled to a stop.

“What?” I asked, jumping out of the cab into the sun. Adjusting my sunglasses, I walked towards the half-finished house. It had been a while since I’d been on site. Usually I was trapped in the office dealing with the paperwork. Some days, when the sun was high in the sky, I hated Kane.

“What’s with the grin, pretty boy?” Kane asked as he leapt from the scaffolding, landing with a thud.

“Who’s happy?”

“Don’t even fucking deny it. That grin on your ugly mug can’t get any bigger.” Kane clapped his hand on my shoulder heavily.

“Deny what?”

“Either you got some or you’re going to. Nothing else makes a guy that happy this early in the morning.”

“Is that all you think about it?”

“Fuck yeah.”

“Well, sorry to disappoint you, but it’s not like that,” I explained, waving him off. “Windows here yet?”

“Yeah, arrived yesterday. Half are already installed. Don’t try and change the subject. What do you mean it’s not like that?”

“It’s just not.”


“Yep. She’s coming home.” I couldn’t hold back the smile as it consumed me. I felt my heart race but didn’t care. Zoe coming home felt too damn good to pretend otherwise. It was about time.

“Home?” Kane queried, shooting me an odd look.

“Yeah?” I didn’t understand his question.

“Nothing,” he dismissed, leading me across the site as I settled my hard helmet on my head.

For the next couple of hours I managed to forget everything and concentrate on the house in front of me. It was taking shape―and ahead of schedule. I checked over plans, the construction, and caught up with the guys on site. Since Kane and I had started this business a couple of years ago we’d made the commitment to employ only local workers. As long as they showed up, did the work, we’d never had to look outside for help. Today wasn’t any different. Of the half dozen guys clambering around the house, dressed head to toe in fluorescent yellow, I recognised all of them. Calling out my hellos as I passed by, I filled two pages in my notebook with things to be looked at later.

Tossing my hard hat in the backseat, I slipped into the truck and headed back to the office. As I put the truck in gear, I heard my name being called out.


“What?” I replied, looking around before my eyes landed on Kane jogging towards me.

“You heading to the office?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Just thought you’d be heading home to your wife!” Kane laughed.

“Asshole,” I cursed, shaking my head. “You home tonight?”

“Nah. I’ll leave you two to your reunion. I’m sure I can find a special somebody to keep me warm.” Kane mocked as he strutted towards the house.

Without another word, I bounced off the gutter and pulled out onto the road. Now Kane had put the idea in my head, I realised I didn’t want to go back to the office. There was no way I’d be able to concentrate. Not now. Even with the pile of notes and a to-do list longer than my arm, I couldn’t find the energy to care. I may have been able to forget about Zoe for a while, but at the mention of her imminent return she once again consumed me. I felt the smile sneak across my face. There was no way in hell I’d be able to play it cool. Not this time. She was already on her way. I couldn’t have been more excited.

Half an hour later, music blasting so loudly it shook the windows, I was on my hands and knees in the bathroom, almost choking on the bleach smell that permeated everything. If Zoe was on her way, I wasn’t going to let her walk into a pig sty. I thought about calling Mum to come and give me a hand but my pride wouldn’t allow it. For some unknown reason, I felt like this was something I had to do myself. Taking my time, I worked methodically, determined not to miss anything. After scrubbing the bath, shower, and toilet, sweat dotted my forehead, but I ignored it. I was on a roll. After being out of town for the better part of a week, the house was looking exactly like you’d expect a bachelor pad to look. Magazines and empty take out boxes scattered everywhere, smelly socks abandoned through the house, and the bathroom sink filled with hair. All in all it was gross. There was no way in hell I was going to let Zoe come home to this.

As the song changed, I couldn’t help but start singing. Loudly. Offspring echoed through the house as I finished up in the bathroom. Replacing the smelly, damp towels, I danced down the hall and tossed them in the machine.

It took the better part of three hours before I collapsed on the patio with a beer. I was exhausted and exalted at the same time. Checking my watch for the eighteenth time in twenty minutes, and knowing that Zoe couldn’t be very far away, I couldn’t hold back the wide smile.

“Seriously, what it is about this chick?” Kane’s voice broke the peaceful silence as he stepped out the back door and slumped into the chair opposite.

“Kane,” I growled, my voice thick with warning.

“Fuck off, Spence. I just came home…to my house, mind you…and I barely recognised it. What the fuck is that smell?”

My frustration was bubbling barely below the surface. Right now Kane seemed like he was on a mission to push every single one of my buttons. “That smell is clean. Not something you’d recognise. By the way, has anyone ever told you you’re a slob?”

“They’ve never said it twice.” He grinned a shit-eating grin that I barely restrained myself from slapping from his face.

Taking a long pull from my beer, I tried to force down my rage. I couldn’t tell if Kane was being a bigger asshole than normal or if I was just more on edge. When he dropped his mud-covered boots in the centre of the table, I lost my shit.

“Get your fucking feet off the table!” I growled menacingly.

“Calm the fuck down, Spencer.”

“Don’t fucking push me.” My jaw was locked tight.

“What is it about this chick? Seriously, Spencer, what makes Zoe so fucking special? I’ve seen you pussy whipped before but this is totally another level. I bet she’s not even putting out, is she?”

“Get the fuck out!” I boomed, jumping to my feet.

“Fuck off, Spencer! You think you’re king shit. News flash hot shot…I live here too.”

“Not any more. Get out. You’ve got a week to get your shit out of my house. We’re done here.”

I’d hadn’t once considered kicking Kane out before but as soon as the words left my mouth I knew it was what I wanted. What I needed. He might have been my twin brother, and he’d always been my best friend, but it was time for us to get some space. Living together and working together was suffocating us. If we didn’t get some distance soon I had no doubt in my mind it would end in a blood bath.

“Fuck you, Spencer!” Kane snarled, his face contorted with rage.

“Just go,” I sighed heavily. I’d had enough. I was more than ready for this conversation to be over.

Without another word, Kane stomped into the house. Finishing my beer, I stayed outside in the sun. I wanted another beer. I needed one, but I wasn’t about to go in and grab it. I’d let Kane get out first.

A minute later that back screen door was almost ripped from its hinges as Kane kicked it open, his duffle bag slung across his shoulder and a beer in his hand. With a satisfied smirk playing on his lips, Kane strode purposefully towards the shed. I watched on in silence as he pushed his bike from the shed and tied down his bag. It took a few attempts before it groaned to life and Kane downed the last of his beer before tossing it in the direction of the bin but coming up short. He zipped his leather jacket up and climbed on before walking the bike across the yard.

As he reached the edge of the driveway, Kane looked back. “You know, Spence, no one has ever come between us. Not ever. Zoe must have bourbon flavoured nipples for you to kick your own brother out.”

Shaking my head, I couldn’t believe how filled with sadness I was. Kane was right. In all our years not one person, man or woman, had ever come between us. Right now, we’d never been further apart.

“I’ll see you around,” I offered, my rage evaporating and loneliness settling it. I didn’t wait for Kane to ride away before heading inside. Part of me couldn’t watch him leave. Fuck, I was turning into a sap. What a pussy. What the fuck was Zoe turning me into?









Chapter 35





I turned into Spencer’s driveway just as a motorbike roared past me. The figure looked menacing. With his tough leather jacket and intimidating black helmet, I felt the eyes hidden behind the tinted visor track my every move. With a roar of the motor, it sped off down the road, leaving a trail of dust in his wake.

Killing the ignition, I sat there for a long moment, unable to move. I’d driven straight through, stopping only to fill the tank and grab a chocolate bar, the breakfast of champions. Now I was here I was having second thoughts. Well, that wasn’t one hundred percent true. I was having second and third and even fourth thoughts. The niggling part of me in the back of my brain kept reminding me that this was a bad idea. When I’d driven past the spot I referred to as the depths of hell, I held my breath and pushed down on the accelerator. I didn’t care that I was speeding, I just needed to get as far away from there as quickly as possible. Taking a few deep breaths, I pushed open the door and stepped out into the afternoon sun. Adjusting my sunglasses, I grabbed my handbag and headed for the front door.

I didn’t want to admit it and I wasn’t sure where they’d come from, but the nerves converged. Swallowing them down, I knocked with trembling, tentative fingers.

“Hang on!” I heard Spencer’s deep velvety voice echo and a calm settled over me unexpectedly. I hadn’t even seen him and he’d already made everything better. Easier. Calmer. The moment he stepped into the doorway my heart soared. “Hey, Pippi,” Spencer said as a wide smile broke out across his face.

Then the dam burst. I didn’t think I had any more tears left in me, God knows I’d used more than my fair share over the past couple of days, but there they were. Unmistakably trickling down my cheeks.

“Ah shit,” I heard him sigh as the door opened and I was swept into the safety of his arms.

I don’t know how long we stood on the front doorstep wrapped in each other, but neither of us seemed to care. Spencer just stood there holding me, one hand stroking my hair tenderly. This man had my heart. My whole heart. I’d never tell him, let alone say it out loud, but I loved him with everything I was. There was a reason I always came back to him. There was a reason he was always there when I needed him. There was a reason that I’d move heaven and earth to see him happy.

My tears dried and Spencer pushed me away from his body, but didn’t let go. Bending down so we were eye to eye, I thought Spencer could see straight through me. I felt exposed. Vulnerable. I wanted to shrink away and hide. He held firm and I knew I wasn’t going anywhere.

“Stop! Just stop thinking whatever it is that has you tied up in knots.”

Squeezing my eyes shut, I sucked in a deep breath and instantly regretted it. I kept forgetting about the pain in my ribs. “Ah,” I grimaced, grabbing at my side.

As soon as the whine escaped my lips, Spencer dropped his grip on me and stepped away. It was almost like he was scared to break me. Like I was a fragile flower. “Your bag’s in the car?”


“Keys?” he asked, extending his hand. Digging into my purse, I felt my fingers graze the cool metal and pulled them out. “Head inside and I’ll meet you there.”

“Okay,” I mumbled, shuffling inside.

“Hey Zoe?”

At the sound of his voice I spun around and looked him directly in the eye. “Yeah, Spence?”

“It’s good to have you home.”

Home. Was I home? It felt like it. It felt like this is exactly where I was supposed to be. I didn’t want it to be, but I couldn’t deny it. This was my home. Shaking the ridiculous idea off, I headed straight for the kitchen and filled the kettle.

A moment later Spencer slipped into the bar stool at the bench, his eyes following me.

“What?” I asked, grabbing a mug from the cupboard and dropping in a tea bag.


“What about me?”

“You look like you belong here.”

I felt all the blood drain from my face. It was like Spencer could read me. Like he knew me better than I knew myself. Like he could read my thoughts. That turned my legs to jelly beneath me. I stumbled but I didn’t have time to hit the floor before Spencer was there, steadying me.

“Listen, woman! Would you just sit down and let me make you a cup of tea before you hurt yourself?”

I giggled. Spencer was trying to be domineering and tough, but I knew better. He was neither of those things. If anything he was the opposite. “Fine,” I conceded as he manhandled me onto the stool.

I watched as Spencer moved confidently around his kitchen getting my tea, and when I took a sip, I realised how perfect he really was. He’d made my tea exactly the way I liked it. Grabbing himself a beer, he lent back against the sink and popped the cap.

For a long time we just sat there in silence drinking. The sun was setting, turning the sky a vivid combination of orange and purple. In the distance a kookaburra called once again, reminding me that just beyond that door was wide open spaces. Not like at home. There were no sirens, no cars, no voices, no noises being carried on the breeze.

“So Zoe?”

“Yes, Spencer.”

“What would you like to do tonight?”

Sighing heavily, part of me wanted to say anything you want. I wouldn’t lie to him. Not again. I’d done it once and it hadn’t turned out all that well. “Honestly?”


“I want to sleep.”

“Oh, thank God.”

“Thank God?

“Zoe, I’m so damn tired I could go to bed now and sleep straight through.”

Spencer’s admission made me giggle. I knew exactly how he felt. My bone weary body was screaming for rest. “Sounds perfect.”

“Why don’t you go have a bath while I find some food?”

“You sure? I’ll cook if you want,” I offered weakly.

I didn’t want to cook. I wanted to soak in a bath for a thousand years. Even the thought of the steaming hot water made my whole body feel boneless.

“Nice try. I saw the effect the word ‘bath’ had on you, Pippi, but thanks for the offer. Go on. Go soak for a while and I’ll scrounge up something.”

Dropping a chaste kiss on his cheek, I scurried away before he changed his mind.

The hot water felt amazing. It soothed my aches and melted away my stresses. I don’t know how long I lay there, but when my heart was racing and sweat was beading on my forehead, I knew it was time to get out.

As I made my way into the kitchen my stomach growled loudly.

“You right there?” Spencer enquired with a smirk.

“Yeah. Why?” I asked, confused.

“You mean other than the fact that you’ve obviously been raiding my closet. Again. Or that very loud, very unladylike noise your stomachs making?”

Perching on the bar stool, Spencer slid a plate in front of me filled with grilled chicken and some sort of asparagus and snow pea salad. “Looks good,” I commented, stuffing an overfull forkful into my mouth.

“Thanks,” he acknowledged, slumping down beside me. He was so close I could feel the warmth from his thigh as it brushed against mine and it was oddly comforting.

Quickly we both cleared our plates. I hadn’t realised how hungry I was until I started eating. Once I started I couldn’t stop. Pushing the empty plate away from me, I yawned loudly.

“Why don’t you go find a movie while I finish cleaning up, then we can relax for the night?” Spencer offered.

“I could. Or…you could go find a movie and I’ll do the dishes.”

“You’re a guest, Zoe. Guests don’t scrub pots.”

“They also don’t go into your closet and help themselves.” I smiled as I started rinsing.

“Fine, you win.”

Spencer shuffled off and I was thankful for a moment to myself. I needed a minute. I’m not sure why but he had me rattled. I took my time scrubbing the pots and pans before turning my attention to wiping down the counter. When I’d finished, I stumbled into the lounge. He’d already pulled the heavy curtains shut and closed the door before flopping onto the couch.

“You comfortable?”

“Actually, I am. Thanks!”

“You gonna make room for me?”

“Always.” He smiled, scooting over and pulling me down next to him.

“Hey, Spence?”

“Yeah, Pippi?”

“Where’s Kane?”

“Don’t know.” There was a strangeness in his voice I couldn’t place. Something had happened, but the frown on his face told me not to push. “Don’t worry, he won’t be back tonight.”

Quickly I decided to drop the subject, not wanting to put him in a bad mood. Snuggling against his side, I needed to change the subject. “What crappy movie have you selected for us this evening?” I taunted.

“You’ll see.” He chuckled as his arm dropped around my shoulders, tucking me against him. Turns out I wouldn’t see. Before the previews had even finished, my heavy eyes closed.

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