Coming Home (Homeward Bound Series Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: Coming Home (Homeward Bound Series Book 1)
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Chapter 38





It took every ounce of self-restraint I possessed to keep my eyes on the road. The truck was filled with the scent of vanilla that wafted from Zoe’s hair, which now looked like she’d been ravaged. And her lips. Fuck! They’d tasted better than I remembered. Now they were bruised and swollen from my kisses. I felt like a fucking rock star. I was the one responsible for the satisfied smile on her face. And I wasn’t done yet. Not by a long shot.

With my eyes locked on the road, I suggested Zoe look in the glove box.

“What exactly am I looking for?”

“You’ll know it when you see it,” I taunted.

“Seriously! Just tell me what…Spencer?” her voice trembled.

“You okay?”

“Wh-what’s this?” she stammered.

“It’s yours, Pippi.”

“What’s it…?”

“Our house.”


Risking a glance at her, I couldn’t contain the smile that consumed me. With wide eyes and her mouth gaping open, she was beautiful when she was stunned into silence. Pulling the truck onto the shoulder of the dirt path, I killed the engine and turned to face her.

“Zoe,” I started softly. “I just told you I love you. And I meant it. I want you to come home. It doesn’t have to be today or tomorrow, but I want you home. In our home. In our bed. With me. Always. And that, Princess, is the key to the front door.”

She didn’t say a word and I felt my heart sink. Maybe I’d pushed too hard. Too fast. Maybe I’d read everything wrong. I’d fucked it all up.

Pushing open the door, Zoe jumped from the truck as I watched in the rearview mirror. She paced up and down the dirt road, kicking rocks that dared to get in her way. For a few minutes I just watched. She obviously needed some space and I wouldn’t deny her.

“FUCK!” she screamed loudly, causing a wave of birds to take flight.

Pissed off with her reaction, I couldn’t stop my feet from following her out of the cabin. She was supposed to be happy about this. She was supposed to say thank you and hug me. She was supposed to never want to leave.

“Zoe!” I called out, my harsh voice capturing her attention.

She stopped pacing and spun to face me. Tears were streaming down her face, leaving a thick, black trail in their wake. “What?” she snapped back forcefully.

“Stop! Whatever the fuck you are doing right now, just fucking stop.”

“Spencer,” she softened as she bent forward and put her hands on her knees.

I took a step towards her. Just one step. I wanted to run to her side and sweep her into my arms. I wanted to never let go. I thought that’s what she wanted. After seeing this reaction I had no fucking idea what the hell she wanted anymore.

“Zoe. Talk to me. Please,” I begged.

Looking up at me through blurry tear-filled eyes, Zoe straightened her back and broke into a run. Without saying a word she leapt into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist and squeezing. Instinctively my hands found their way under her butt and held firm. I wasn’t letting her go. Not now. Not ever.

“Please, Princess. You’re killing me here. Talk to me.”

“Y-you love me,” she mumbled between sniffles.

I felt her wipe her eyes on my shoulder and the material dampen. I didn’t care. I couldn’t. “You had any doubt?”

“No, but―”

“No buts, Zoe. I love you and you’re mine. It’s time for you to realise that. It’s time for you to come home. Come home to me. Come home to us,” I murmured into her ear.

“I love you, Spencer. You’re my world.”

I felt myself exhale the breath I didn’t know I’d been holding. This girl was going to kill me. But what a way to go. Really. When I’d got the key cut yesterday and picked out the sparkly ‘Z’ key ring to hold it, I’d never imagined this reaction. I couldn’t have prayed for this reaction.

“Thank fuck!” I laughed, kissing her tear-stained cheek. “Can I please take you home now?


I could have put her down and headed back to the car. I should have. That would mean I’d have to let go and I wasn’t quite ready to do that. Instead I hoisted her up a little higher and carried her back to the car. With every step I took, Zoe giggled in my ear. It was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard.

Carefully I sat her on the passenger seat, like she was the most precious thing in the world. And she was. The most precious thing in my world, anyway. I kissed her again. Now I’d done it once I didn’t want to stop. I didn’t know if I could.

When she mumbled, “Take me home,” I wasn’t about to argue.

As we pulled into the driveway, I looked at Zoe, whose hooded eyes were dark and filled with wanting. “How much time have we got before we have to go tonight?”

“Enough!” I promised, reading her thoughts. Every dirty one of them.









Chapter 39





Everything was a blur. The whole day had been a whirlwind. When I’d woken this morning I could never have dreamt something like this would happen. After spending the last couple of hours tangled in the sheets with Spencer, I knew everything was exactly as it should be. I wasn’t used to being this happy. Maybe that’s why my head was so messed up.

Stealing a glance at the man sleeping beside me, I realised how lucky I really was. I might have had to go to hell and back to get here, but now I wasn’t leaving. The only obstacle I had left was how to make it permanent. I knew Spencer, maybe better than I knew myself. He wouldn’t let me face this alone. He’d be there every step of the way, whether I wanted him to or not, he’d be right beside me. That’s what he did. Who he was. It was what he’d always done. Been there in the big moments when I needed him most, he’d not once let me down.

I shuffled to the edge of the bed, trying not to wake him.

“Where you sneaking off to?” he asked, his voice sleepy.

Leaning over, I kissed the tip of his nose tenderly. “I need to start getting ready if you want me to look presentable,” I teased as I pulled on his discarded t-shirt. It smelt like him. I would have been more than happy to spend the whole night dressed in nothing else, but instead I had to pull on some pretentious dress and crazy hooker heels.

“You look ready to me,” he groaned, rolling onto his back.

I giggled. “Your eyes aren’t even open!”

“Come back…” he whined like a mischievous child.

“Nope. You need to start thinking about getting up anyway.”

“I am up.” He smirked as his eyes opened, filled with a wicked glint.

I managed to dodge his grabby hands as he groped about, trying to get hold of me. Dashing to the bathroom, I heard him call out, “You’re a wicked, wicked woman.”

Standing in the bathroom, I risked a glance in the mirror. As I’d predicted, my hair was in complete disarray, but there was something there I didn’t recognise. There was a light in my eyes that I couldn’t remember ever seeing before. The smile that covered my face was infectious. I wanted to be happy, and I was. It was weird.

It took longer than normal and longer than I’d have hoped, but eventually I was ready. Somehow even my confidence had returned. I strutted arrogantly into the living room and my mouth fell open. All the nerves came racing back when my eyes landed on Spencer. From my spot in the doorway, all I could see was his back, and still my mouth went dry.

The suit jacket hung on his wide shoulders like it was made for him. It might’ve been a little tight around his biceps, but somehow that just made him even sexier. He must have heard me because when he spun around, I was treated to the full package. And what a package. My knees buckled and dropped me on my ass. If his jet black suit and crisp white linen shirt didn’t do me in, then the cocky, confidence in his eyes destroyed me.

“See something you like?” he asked, prowling towards me.

“Mmm-maybe,” I mumbled, barely coherent.

Spencer reached my side and stepped directly in front of me, his hands finding their way to my hips. Bending down so we were at eye level, he grinned widely. “You, my dear, look fucking hot!”

I had no answer. When I’d left home yesterday I’d thrown my most modest dress on the backseat. The only thing I’d had in mind when I’d pulled it from the wardrobe was that it was in no way revealing, but I wouldn’t look like a nun either. Now here he was, barely a breath away from me, looking at me like I was dessert.

Nerves flooded me. Wiping my clammy hands on my thighs, my gaze dropped. I couldn’t look him in the eye. I didn’t want my fears to ruin our night or the wonderful day we’d shared.

“Zoe! Zoe, look at me,” Spencer demanded, placing his finger under my chin and raising my face until I was staring straight into his hypnotic eyes. “Stop worrying about it. Please. You look absolutely stunning and I am the luckiest guy in the world that I get to walk in with you on my arm. Please. Don’t let those thoughts convince you otherwise. And if they start to, you just tell me and I’ll keep reminding you how amazing you are.”


“No, Zoe. This is it. I already told you. You’re it for me. I meant every word.” He winked and my heart soared. Somehow he knew what I needed before I did. Kissing my lips so lightly that I barely felt it, he let go and stepped back. “Right. Now we’re back on track, you need to show me exactly what it is you’re wearing, because you’re fucking gorgeous.”

“Spence…” I whined, folding my arms across my chest protectively. The way he was looking at me was making my blood boil.

“Come on, Pippi,” he encouraged. “Spin for me.”

There was a playfulness in his eyes that made me want to do anything, be anything just to make him happy. If me twirling around like an idiot brought a smile to his face, then damn it, I would spin. With one hand on my hip and the other raised dramatically in the air, I crossed my legs and twirled. A wolf whistle fell from his lips.


“It’s just a dress.”

“No. It most certainly is not. It’s you. In the dress.” I ducked my head, embarrassed. “No, Zoe. Not tonight. Tonight you’re beautiful and you’re mine. Now we need to leave before I peel you out of it and we don’t make it out the front door.”

Sensing Spencer’s tension, I couldn’t help but want to knock him off balance. After all, I was feeling slightly wobbly already. “Now doesn’t that sound like fun?”

He didn’t answer. Well, at least not in words. Instead he grabbed my hands and led me to the door with a grunt. Spencer’s inner caveman was lying awfully close to the surface tonight. This was going to be fun.









Chapter 40





Fuck me, my girl looked hot, and she didn’t even know it. When I tried to tell her, she didn’t believe me. That was going to change. I don’t know what type of douche bags she’d been dating for the past couple of years, but that girl should feel beautiful every minute of every day. From this moment on, I vowed to make damn sure she did.

The moment I caught her staring at my ass, my knees felt weak. Most people would call me a pussy and in that moment I wouldn’t have argued with them. That girl had me by the balls. Her black hooker heels made her legs look impossibly long and showed off those pins in a way that had my mind replaying the afternoon events. Then there was the way her dress clung to her like a second skin. Fuck me. It was conservative, even by Zoe’s standards, but I understood why that would be her choice. If she thought that wearing something that covered her boobs made her look any less attractive, then she had rocks in her head. If anything it made her look even more delectable. Every guy’s imagination was going to be running away with them as they were forced to picture what was going on beneath the dark green material.

We drove in silence towards the club. Stealing a glance at Zoe, I knew she was nervous. She had no reason to be. There was no way I was going to let her out of my sight, not for a moment. I was going to make sure it was clear to every bastard in there that she was mine. I was a possessive asshole but I didn’t care. I wasn’t stupid. I wasn’t about to risk some cocky, young shit head thinking he could go there.

When I pulled into the gravel parking lot a few minutes later, I heard Zoe sigh heavily. She might look the part, but I wasn’t convinced she was ready for this.

“You okay?” I asked nervously. If she’d have said no I would’ve had her back home, in her pyjamas before she knew what hit her. Or maybe out of them.

“Yeah,” she murmured unconvincingly.

“I’m right here. The moment you want out, we’ll go. No questions asked,” I promised as I reached for her hand.

“I’ll be fine,” she declared, squaring her shoulders. “Let’s do it,” she finished, kissing my cheek and climbing from the car.

Before she’d a chance to smooth down her dress I was at her side, my arm wrapped possessively around her. Kissing her temple, I led her slowly across the car park and up the stairs. Teetering on those heels, she was almost as tall as I was, and I’ll be fucked if that didn’t send my already horny body into overdrive.

Stepping inside the hall, I barely recognised it. It looked like someone had spewed streamers and balloons and sparkly lights everywhere. By the end of the night I’d have a migraine if they kept flickering. People were scattered across the room, gossiping and drinking merrily. I felt Zoe move even closer to me and I couldn’t help but feel like I could fly.

“Let’s get a drink,” I suggested.

Zoe looked like she needed some liquid courage if she was going to survive. With my hand on her back I led her through the maze of tables towards the refreshments. After ordering our drinks, a short, stacked woman in a black dress sauntered up to us and wrapped Zoe in a fierce hug.

“You look beautiful, Zoe,” she gushed. As soon as I heard the voice I relaxed. Mum was even less likely to hurt Zoe than I was.

“She sure does,” I added, handing Zoe her mineral water. “Hi Mum.” I kissed her offered cheek.

“Hi honey. Don’t you clean up nicely?”

Somehow Mum managed to embarrass me. Again. In her eyes I’d always be her baby boy no matter how big I got or how many birthdays I’d celebrated.

“Big surprise, isn’t it?”

“Nah, you always looked good, my boy. Would it have killed you to wear a tie?”

“If I’d done that, what would you have to complain about?”

I couldn’t help but laugh as she rolled her eyes. “Have you seen your brother?”

I hadn’t told Zoe what had happened with Kane yesterday. We’d been having such a great time together, I didn’t want to ruin it by telling her what my idiot brother had been up to.

“Not since yesterday,” I offered, not really giving anything away.

“Okay then. Enjoy your night, you two,” Mum said as she turned and walked away.

“Oh don’t worry, we will,” I whispered into Zoe ear.

“Will we now?” Zoe replied, smiling suggestively.

“Come on. Let’s grab our seats,” I proposed, propelling Zoe through the tables.

I watched her as she moved across the room. It was hard not to. She was so damn beautiful it was an effort to take my eyes off her. As she passed by groups of people, they stopped their conversations and watched her go by. Some wanted to know who she was, while others already knew every detail. That was the disadvantage of growing up in a small town. Everyone knew everything about everyone. Nothing was ever forgotten.

“Here we are,” I indicated, pulling out her chair. She collapsed into it and exhaled loudly. “You okay?” I asked nervously.

“I’m hanging in there,” she admitted with a yawn. The night was already taking its toll. I’d leave as soon as she said the word.

“Just let me know.”


Taking Zoe’s hand in my own, I held it in my lap. If she needed to borrow my strength I wouldn’t deny her. For a long moment we just sat in silence staring at each other. We were in a room full of people but honestly I wouldn’t have known. The only person in my vision, the only person who mattered was the beautiful woman beside me.

“Zoe? I didn’t know you’d be back again this weekend!” Katie giggled as she slipped into the seat next to her.

“Yeah, it wasn’t in the plan but―”

“Oh. My. God. Are you two like together?” Katie squealed loudly, causing eyes around the room to search for the cause.

“Shhh. Katie,” Zoe tried to calm her.

“Are you?”

“Are we what, Katie?” I asked, unable to keep the exasperation from my voice.

“Back together? I mean, I always thought you’d make a great couple…” Katie started babbling but she couldn’t hold my focus. Zoe had that. Looking into her wide eyes, I could tell she was freaking out. It was something I just knew without her saying a word.

“I-I-I’m―” Zoe couldn’t even form words. Her hands were suddenly clammy and trembling as her face fell pale.

“We’re just taking things one day at a time,” I cut in, not wanting to see Zoe suffer any more than she had to.

“Cool,” she bubbled. “I’m just going to run to the bar before dinner is served. Do you two love birds want anything?”

“I’m fine, thanks,” Zoe said quickly.

“I’m good.”

I watched her go, making sure she was out of earshot before turning my attention back to Zoe. “You okay?”

Sucking in a deep breath, she couldn’t hide the pain as she winced. “Yeah. I just―I didn’t know what to say to her,” Zoe explained, dropping her eyes and focusing on our interlaced fingertips.

“What do you mean you didn’t know what to say to her?”

“Exactly that. I don’t know what to tell people. I mean, I don’t even know what we are to each other, let alone, trying to explain how this is going to work.”

“Hey hey hey,” I tried to calm her. “Princess, we don’t need to have all the answers tonight. Let’s just be here and enjoy it. We’ll deal with the rest of it tomorrow. Together. Okay?”


I couldn’t help myself, I stole a kiss.

Someone clearing their throat behind me made me pull away from Zoe quicker than I’d have liked.

“I’m not interrupting, am I?” Derek asked as he flopped into the seat beside me and clasped my shoulder heavily.

“Absolutely!” I smirked back, reaching out and shaking his hand.

“Suck it up. Hey, Zoe, how you doing?”

“I’m fine, thanks. You’re looking pretty spiffy tonight, Derek,” she flirted.

“Spiffy, hey. Well, since you’re looking absolutely gorgeous, maybe I should take you for a spin around the dance floor. Show you what a real man can do?” Derek grinned, winking at me conspiratorially.

I hated it. It was surprising and shocking how quick the jealousy consumed me. Derek was my best friend. He was one of the only other people who knew what Zoe had endured. The sight of him hitting on her filled me with envy.

“Sounds good to me.’ Zoe giggled as she squeezed my hand.

Instantly I knew my life with her would never be boring. She’d keep me on my toes, that was for sure. I wouldn’t change it for anything.

While we sat there chatting, just the three of us in our little bubble, dinner arrived.

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