Coming Home (Homeward Bound Series Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Coming Home (Homeward Bound Series Book 1)
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Chapter 8





It was taking too long. Too fucking long. The length of the corridor was exactly twenty-eight paces. There were three nurses at their station chatting mindlessly about some chick flick I had no interest in. I’d read and reread the notices pinned to the board so many times I could probably recite them on request.

“Shit!” I muttered, running my hands through my hair. I needed a distraction. My imagination was running away with itself and it wasn’t headed in a pleasant direction.

I fumbled my phone in my pocket and texted Kane. I would be the first to admit he was my lifelong pain in the ass, but he was also my voice of reason. I knew that no matter what I needed, he’d never turn me down. Sure he’d give me shit for the rest of my days and never let me forget my moments of weakness, but he’d never say no. Just like I would never deny him.


Spencer: Need a favour.


I hated that he made me wait. I hated that he could have been doing it on purpose. I knew him as well as I knew myself. It was exactly something he’d do. Hell, I’d done it to him more than once, so I was honestly shocked when moments later my phone vibrated, causing me to almost drop it on the scuffed linoleum.


Kane: It’ll cost ya.


“Bastard!” But that was Kane. Before I had a chance to promise him the world, another text came through.


Kane: What you need?


Spencer: Zoe needs clothes.


As I typed out the words I almost choked. I hated that this was happening. I didn’t need Zoe to tell me the specifics, I didn’t want her to confirm my thoughts. I had my suspicions. I’d had them from the moment I found her hunched over on the side of the road, but I couldn’t focus on that. Right now my priority was cleaning up this mess.


Kane: On it.


After re-reading his response for the third time, I slipped my phone back in my pocket and before I knew it, I found myself standing outside her room. I couldn’t hear the words, but the sobs reached through the flimsy wooden door and wrapped themselves around my heart. With each heart breaking sniff, I felt like I was being suffocated.

Without hesitation, I pushed open the door. “Okay, that’s enough!” I announced, stepping into the room.

The sight before me almost killed me. Zoe’s eyes were red and puffy and I knew she’d been crying. Her hair was matted and screaming to be brushed. There she was cowering under a thin blanket, Derek’s hands wrapped around hers. Even his face was covered in complete and utter devastation. The conversation I’d just brought to an abrupt halt had obviously been deep and dark.

“Spencer,” Derek’s tone was laced with warning but one look at Zoe and I knew the only way he was getting me out of the room was if he dragged me out in handcuffs.

“Everything okay in here?” I asked, my voice shaking.

“Yeah,” Derek mumbled.

Without waiting for an invitation, I walked determinedly to the other side of the Zoe’s bed and took a spot on the end. For some strange reason it was where I needed to be. My place. Right next to Zoe.

“So…what happens now?” Zoe asked, her voice no louder than a murmur.

“Well, now you go home, have a long hot bath and a nap, and we can try to get back on track,” I promised her.

“Not quite…” a voice echoed from the door. “If it isn’t almost trouble,” Nurse Foreman smiled from the doorway.

“Oh,” Zoe’s face fell and my heart sunk.

“Where’s the other troublemaker?” Nurse Foreman asked with a sly smile. Damn small towns.

“Troublemaker reporting for duty,” Kane grinned widely as he breezed into the room, arrogance radiating from his every pore.

“Kane!” Zoe’s face lit up and the whole room felt it. They had to have. All of a sudden everything felt lighter, easier, simpler. Zoe was smiling. Nothing else mattered.

“My God, Zoe! How do you put up with so much ego and testosterone in one room?”

“In small doses.”

Everyone laughed and it sounded perfect. In that moment I knew I’d do whatever it took to keep Zoe smiling. It sounded awesome.

“So, what happens next? Can I get out of here any time soon?” Zoe asked timidly.

“Boys?” Nurse Foreman asked, raising her eyebrows. I didn’t care what she wanted…I had no intention of leaving.

I watched as Zoe’s gaze flittered over Derek and Kane before settling on me. It didn’t take her long to concede. “It’s okay, they can stay.”

I felt guilty. I didn’t want Zoe making herself uncomfortable just to placate us. We could handle it. Right now, I wasn’t sure she could.

“You sure?”


“Okay. Well, you can go home. You probably just want a long hot shower and get some sleep, and that’s exactly what you should do. Your body needs time to heal. Take the time. Pushing yourself won’t help, not in the long run. Other than that, here’s a prescription for some pain killers for your ribs. Unfortunately, broken ribs are painful, but there isn’t much we can do to fix them. You’ll need to get your stitches removed in ten days. As for some tests…” her voice trailed away. I knew there was something she wanted to say but she was worried to say it in front of us.

I heard Zoe suck in her breath and hold it. She was afraid too. Without thinking I shifted and wrapped my arm around her shoulders, offering her my strength. “It’s okay…” she lied. I knew it was a lie. Her shoulders shivered under my touch.

“You need to follow up with your GP about the HIV tests.”

“HIV tests?”

“Zoe, I know it’s a lot to take in right now, and we tested you already, but with HIV you need to have regular follow up tests. I’m sure you’ll be okay, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

“Yeah,” Zoe whispered.

I watched as Kane shifted stealthily around Nurse Foreman and took position at Zoe’s other side. It felt right. My Zoe was safe between my brother and me. No one would ever get near her now.

Turning her attention on us, Nurse Foreman smiled. “Right, boys. Out! Zoe needs to get dressed so we can let her out of here. I’m sure she would appreciate a moment…”

“No troubles,” Kane agreed, dropping a kiss on Zoe’s head before strutting out the door.

“Zoe, if you need anything, or if this boof head gives you any trouble, just call me,” Derek assured her with a squeeze of her foot.

“Thanks, Derek.” Zoe forced a smile.

I watched as my brother and best friend shuffled out of the room, but I had yet to move a muscle. I was thankful for their support and their discretion, but then Nurse Foreman’s attention turned on me. “Spencer…can you give us a minute?”









Chapter 9





This was a nightmare. But it was worse than that. It was a nightmare I couldn’t wake up from. There were pregnancy tests and HIV tests and broken bones. Not to mention the stitches and scratches. And Spencer. And Kane. And Derek. It was all too much.

“Zoe?” Spencer’s voice shook me from my thoughts.

“I’m fine. I just want a shower!” I admitted with a nonchalant shrug.

“Well, let’s get you out of here then,” He smiled and I couldn’t help it. My breath hitched.

“Spencer McLaren,” Nurse Foreman chided, “if you want me to let Zoe break out of here, you need to give us a minute to get her up and dressed and then you can take her home.”

“Um…sorry, but…”

“What is it, Zoe?”

“Um, clothes…I don’t have―”

“All taken care of,” Spencer announced with a wicked smile.

“I don’t―” Nothing was making sense. Spencer hadn’t left my side since I’d woken. How could he have taken care of everything?

“Kane went and got your bag for you. He also fixed your car and it’s now sitting in my driveway,” Spencer explained thoughtfully.

I’d known him a long time. He was the person I trusted above all others with my life. He was my rock. My life line. Now he was my knight in shining armour. But as long as I’d known him, I’d never seen his caring, kind, and considerate side. Experiencing it firsthand knocked me sideways.

“Th-thank you,” I stuttered.

“Spencer―out! Zoe needs to get dressed,” Nurse Foreman shooed him. I couldn’t stifle the laugh. The pout on his face was priceless…like a small child who didn’t get his way.

I watched as he shuffled out. I was scared, but now wasn’t the time to fall apart. I needed to be alone before I let fear and reality beat me.

“Zoe, sweetheart. I know this is scary and hard, but it’s time to get up and get dressed. Bathroom’s just through there if you need it.”


As I swung my legs over the side of the bed, I realised how badly battered I was. Maybe I’d been pretending that it wasn’t as bad as it really was. Maybe it was a self-protection mechanism. Maybe it was denial. Maybe it was just naivety. But seeing my bare legs and how banged up they were made everything real. I’d never been more thankful to Nurse Foreman. I didn’t want anyone seeing me like this. It was bad enough I had to see me like this. I didn’t want someone else to. Especially not Spencer.

“Here’s your bag.” Nurse Foreman smiled, setting my overnight bag on the end of the bed. “I’ll let you have a minute. Just buzz if you need me.”

I waited until she was gone before I started sorting through my bag. It took barely a breath before I was overwhelmed. When I’d packed for my weekend I hadn’t planned on anything going wrong. Instead I’d packed to impress. Now I was fucked. Actually it was worse than that. I know I’d promised myself I wouldn’t fall apart until I made it to the privacy of my hotel room, but I couldn’t hold it back.

“Fuck it!” I swore crudely as the contents of my bag ended upside down on the floor. “I hate this!”

And then came the tears. The fat, ugly tears. The snotty sobbing. I couldn’t hold it back. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t have been able to stop the torrent. The more I cried and gasped for breath, the more my ribs ached. Sliding from my bed, I ended up on the floor. I didn’t even care about the cold. It seeped into my skin and froze my bones, but I didn’t care. Instead I sat there, sifting through the pile of skinny jeans, fitted jumpers, and lacy lingerie. I don’t remember what had possessed me to pack them, but there they were, staring back at me. Taunting me. I cried harder and harder.

When the door burst open, I didn’t even have the strength to be embarrassed. I knew my hideous hospital gown was gaping open. That my legs were on display for the world to see in all their bruised and battered glory. But I couldn’t care less. Right now I couldn’t summon the strength to care.

“Zoe!” Spencer’s voice was panicked. “What happened? Did you fall?”

Before I had time to respond he’d swept in, scooped me up in his arms and had me in a bundle in his lap, clothes scattered around us. “I didn’t fall. I…I just…” I couldn’t get the words out. They were stuck in my throat, choking me.

“It’s okay, Pippi. You’re okay.” At the mention of the childhood nickname he’d given me, my heart soared. I hadn’t heard it in so long, there was something wonderful about him using it. It was our own private language. In that moment, it meant the world.

“Pippi, hey?” I queried.

“Yep. Pippi. My Pippi.”

“You know you’re the only one who’s ever called me that?” I sniffled, wiping my nose with the back of my hand.

“Doesn’t surprise me. No one else knew about it,” he declared honestly. “So, now you’re smiling…well sort of. Want to tell me what the problem is?”

I looked at Spencer and saw a softness in his face I didn’t recognise. How did I explain to him that I was sitting on the floor, surrounded by the contents of my bag crying because I had nothing to wear? How did I make him understand something like that without sounding like a complete drama queen?

Sensing my hesitation, he prodded, “Well? Come on? Spit it out, Zoe.”

“I-I―Fine. I’ve got nothing to wear,” I sighed dramatically, completely aware of the irony of the situation.

With a smug grin, Spencer chuckled deeply. “I told you I’ve got you sorted.” With a wink he clambered to his feet, taking me with him. When he sat me on my feet the whole room spun. I was surprised to feel light-headed and dizzy. It was a disgusting feeling that brought with it a fresh wave of nausea.

“Steady there,” he hushed under his breath as he helped me onto the bed. Once I was sitting, I watched as he stuffed all my clothes back in the bag, moving like a machine as his large hands grasped my delicates. A deep red embarrassment crept up his face. “Right now, I thought these might help.” He smiled, handing me a pair of overly large sweat pants and sweater.

A funny look must have crossed my face. “Don’t worry, they’re clean.”

“How did you…?”

“Pippi, did you forget who you’re talking to?”

“Yeah, I guess I did.”

“I’ll just wait outside so you can get dressed,” he offered, rising to his feet and heading to the door.

“Spencer, no!” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. Catching my breath and gulping down the hesitation and bile, I faced Spencer, terrified. “Please…stay.”

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