Coming Home (Homeward Bound Series Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Coming Home (Homeward Bound Series Book 1)
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Chapter 19





He thought he was funny. He thought he was so fucking hilarious. Truthfully, it was, but I wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of seeing me laugh. With the opening credits running, Spencer tugged at my hair and I couldn’t help it. Grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl in my lap, I launched it in his direction.

“You’ll be cleaning that up,” he growled, trying to look menacing, but failing pathetically.

“Make me,” I dared, popping a buttery piece in my mouth.

We spent the afternoon wrapped in each other watching movies. After his attempt at hilarity I knew I had to get my pay back, and boy was revenge sweet. It was almost as if Jenna knew what sort of crap Spencer would pull and when she’d done the drive by delivery earlier, she tossed in a couple of chick flicks for good measure. They were the ones guys didn’t want to watch. After I endured the endless torment of
Pippi Longstocking
, I made Spencer watch
Mamma Mia
followed by
My Girl
. I cried, but then again, I’m a big, fat cry baby. I always cry at movies. And TV shows. And the occasional ad. When I looked over at Spencer, just after Thomas J dies in
My Girl
to see tears streaming undisturbed down his face, I felt guilty. Maybe I’d pushed him too far.

I tried to climb off him, but he held me tighter, squishing me to his side. The pain burned through my body, I didn’t want to make him feel worse, so I just gritted my teeth and breathed through it. I felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, still Spencer didn’t budge.

“Want to grab that?” I asked, wiggling out of the way so he could get to it.

“No,” he stated firmly, intertwining his fingers with mine.

“Okay,” I whispered, slinking down into the lounge and pulling the blanket up even higher to shield me.

The rest of the movie was spent in silence. Neither of us spoke or moved a muscle. I was aching all over and all I could think about was getting out of the house. Just for a minute. I wasn’t going to push my luck. I’d had my fun. I’d watched Spencer squirm. As fun as it had been to torture him, I think he was quickly approaching breaking point. It was time for me to back off and behave. Or at least try.

As the credits rolled, Spencer wiped at his face roughly. I think he didn’t want me to see him cry and I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I’d felt the vibrations of his sobbing throughout the movie. He slipped out from under me, and then I watched as he made a mad dash towards the bathroom. Poor guy. It was just a few bee stings that got Thomas J.

With a moment to myself, I stood up and stretched, regretting it instantly. Shooting pain consumed my whole body, and with every twist and turn I made, something else creaked and cracked. Once the pain subsided, it felt better. Much better. Feeling the need to move, I started cleaning up our mess…picking up errant pieces of popcorn, empty chocolate wrappers, and cans before straightening the lounge. It felt good to be doing something constructive for a minute. I wasn’t used to being wrapped in cotton wool, and as it turned out, it didn’t suit me. Not at all.

“You don’t have to do that,” Spencer’s smooth steady voice rolled over me, scaring the living shit out of me.

“Shit, Spencer!” I growled, clutching at my chest where my heart was threatening to burst through my already broken ribs.

“What?” he taunted with a mischievous grin and a wicked gleam in his eye.

“Hasn’t anyone ever told you it’s not nice to sneak up on people?”

“Yeah, you’re not people…you’re my Pippi!” He winked as he sauntered towards me. Gone was the sad, crying boy and standing in his place was the cocky, arrogant guy I’d always known.

Dropping his phone on the coffee table, Spencer helped me finish straightening up and packed away the DVDs. When we finished without words, we found ourselves migrating out the back to the patio table and chairs.

It was already late but in the yard we had the protection of the trees to guard from the wind, leaving it beautifully warm. I lifted my legs up onto the table, tipped my head back, and closed my eyes. The silence was bliss. It was so different than home. Home was noisy. And fast. And crazy. And I loved it. Part of me wanted to stay here forever. I just wasn’t sure how big that part was. As the sun beat down it warmed my skin and made everything feel better. In the distance a dog barked intermittently and I could hear birds, but that was it. No cars. No people. No life. Nothing beyond my own breathing. It was hard to comprehend that I was sitting in a backyard in the centre of town.

I don’t know how long I sat there, I can’t even say if I was awake the whole time. More than likely at some point, I drifted off and enjoyed a nap in the sun, when the sun dipped behind the trees and the temperature fell with it, I was wide awake and chilled.

Opening my eyes reluctantly, I glanced around, noticing I was on my own. There was no sign of Spencer, but I was okay. I wasn’t afraid. I knew he wouldn’t be far, and even more than that I knew he’d never leave me in danger. Clambering to my feet, I went inside in search of my companion.

I could hear the shower running, so I stumbled into the lounge room. When Spencer’s phone went off on the coffee table, I couldn’t help myself. I know it was wrong and I know I shouldn’t have. I just couldn’t stop myself. Grabbing the phone, I read the text message.


Kane: OK. U still coming tho???


I was more confused than anything. Then the guilt weighed on me. Heavily. Still that didn’t put my nosy nature back in the box.


Spencer: Hey, it’s Zoe–where we going?


I felt better at least admitting it was me. I could have gone and found my own phone but I didn’t have Kane’s number and that would just be all sorts of weird. I’d just borrow Spencer’s.


Kane: Gorgeous! Coming to watch me kick ass tonight?


Spencer: WTF?


Kane: Football Pippi. Game starts at 7.


Spencer: We’ll b there.


As soon as I hit send I knew I should have probably run it past Spencer first but even if he wasn’t interested in going, I was. I needed to get out. Feel normal. Be normal. Or at least pretend to be. With renewed energy, I went back into Spencer’s room and walked right into a wet, naked back.

“Shit!” I squealed loudly, tripping over my own feet as I shuffled backwards.

Clutching the towel in one fist, Spencer spun around and faced me directly. “Zoe.” He smirked confidently, but I could see past the cocky arrogance. Worry was written all over his face, only hidden by his mischievous eyes.

I could feel my cheeks burning. “I…I…was just coming in to grab some clothes,” I stuttered, my eyes firmly fixed on the floor.

With a wicked laugh, I looked up and saw Spencer. He wasn’t angry. He was amused. I just wasn’t sure whether it was the situation he found so hilarious or my reaction.

“Going somewhere?” he asked through his laughter.

“Yep. I’m going to a football game. You coming?” I asked, forcing down the embarrassment and stepping towards my bag on the floor in the corner.

“Football game, hey?” Spencer queried, a confused or maybe bemused expression crossing his face.

“Yep football. I was invited.”

“By who?”


“Of course you were.” He shrugged. “Okay.”

“You’re coming?” I asked again. I didn’t want Spencer to feel pressured to come, but if I was being honest with myself, I didn’t want to go without him. I didn’t think I could.

I watched as he looked at me. I could tell he was sizing me up before he answered. I wanted to be strong enough. If I couldn’t be strong enough, well at least I could hope I could fake it well enough that he wouldn’t see straight through me.

“Is that a date?” he asked cockily, tightening his grip on the towel.

I wish I didn’t look down. I knew I shouldn’t have, yet for some reason my body wasn’t listening to my head. My eyes trailed over his glistening body. The light bounced off the water droplets that covered his wide, tanned chest that was covered with a light matting of blond hair. My fingers itched to reach out and touch him, instead I clenched my fist at my side.

“Spencer,” I groaned, running my hands through my hair. Whether it was his near nakedness or the sinful look dancing in his eyes, something about his near perfection was making my body burn.

“Go have a shower, Zoe. We’ll leave here in half an hour.” He chuckled as he headed towards his dresser.

I grabbed my bag and scurried into the bathroom, banging my elbow on the door frame as I shuffled past. A moment later, with my breath coming in short, sharp, painful gasps, I locked the door and collapsed against it. That man was going to be the death of me.

Pulling back the shower curtain, I started the shower and stepped under the cool spray. I needed it. It felt good. And refreshing. It made me feel like I was alive again. Having a relaxing day, watching movies was great to do occasionally, sometimes you just needed to get out and be a part of life.

Moments later I found myself singing along―badly―to the songs playing in my head. Beyoncé had never sounded worse. And the way my ass bounced while I lathered up would have made the diva herself cringe. I felt good. That was all that mattered.









Chapter 20





It sounded like a cat dying. Slowly. Painfully. Pitifully. I laughed as I pulled on my jeans and jumper. I hadn’t planned on going to the game tonight yet somehow Zoe had found out about it and wanted to go. Even though I knew she was a big girl who could look after herself and that she didn’t need me to babysit her, I wasn’t about to let her out of my sight. As that thought settled in, I realised I felt like I’d taken a punch to the stomach. It knocked the wind out of me. For the first time I realised how hard tomorrow was going to be when she packed up and headed home.

I told Zoe half an hour, so forty-five minutes later she stepped out of my bedroom looking good. Damn good. With jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and knee high boots, she looked comfortable, casual, but the way the denim clung to her hips made my mouth water and my fingers itch.

As we drove towards the field, Zoe did nothing but criticise the music in my stereo. Nothing was up to standard. Not U2. Not the Boss. Not even some classic Cold Chisel. “Damn, woman, you’re hard to please,” I grumbled.

“Not hard to please, I just know what I like.” She smiled sickeningly sweetly.

“You frustrate me.”

“Yeah. You love me anyway.”

And when she fluttered those impossibly long eyelashes I knew she won. It didn’t matter what she wanted or what the game we were playing, she won. “Yeah, I guess I do,” I admitted, as I reached over and squeezed her knee. Zoe stayed silent but flashed me a quick, sly smile as I pulled the truck into the gravel parking lot.

After I parked the car, I looked over the field. The players had just run out and it surprised me that I didn’t have any compulsion at all to be out there with them. I was more than quite content where I was sitting right now.

I’m not sure why I hesitated getting out, but for some reason, Zoe was pulling open my door before I knew what was happening. “You coming?” she asked with a concerned look on her pretty face.

“Yep,” I muttered, shaking myself out of my day dream.

Before jumping out, I reached into the backseat and grabbed my jacket. I knew it would be too big for her, but at least it would keep her warm and safe. The macho side of me didn’t mind in the slightest that she would be walking around with my name emblazoned across her shoulders. I didn’t care if someone thought I was claiming her as my own. In a way, that’s exactly what I was doing.

“Here you go. Put this on. It should keep you warm,” I offered, holding it open for her. Zoe surprised me when she didn’t argue. She usually did. Instead, she dropped her purse on my seat and slipped her arms in before zipping it up all the way to her throat.

I couldn’t help but feel consumed by a sly satisfaction. My girl was wearing my jacket and the best part about it…it was too big. It hid all of those luscious curves I knew were underneath but now no one else had an opportunity to see how well the denim of her jeans cupped her magnificent ass. Shutting the door a little harder than I’d intended, I adjusted myself as discreetly as possible. Zoe didn’t know that the sight of her in her jeans was making mine a little too tight.

“Ready?” She smiled, holding out her hand.

Slipping my hand in hers, we began making our way towards the grandstand. The night was cool and the breeze wasn’t helping. There weren’t many people there yet but I knew it wouldn’t be long before the crowd gathered. If we didn’t want to stand all night, we needed to claim our seats now. The mob parted as we made our way through. Some patted me on the back, others shot me bewildered looks. I knew what they were silently asking but all I could hope was that those questions remained exactly that. Silent. I just wanted to enjoy the night. I didn’t need Zoe feeling guilty for me spending the night on the sidelines.

As we approached the bar, I felt Zoe tense and snuggle close to me. Her grip on my hand tightened and her breaths came in short, shallow gasps. She was afraid of something. Without a word, I dropped her hand and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, tucking her under my arm. “You’re fine. Just keep walking,” I assured her, looking down into her wide, worried eyes.

Fuck, it was hard keeping my shit together. I wanted to ask her what was wrong. What had triggered that reaction? Who had made her react that way? Did she recognise the asshole who’d hurt her? ’Cause if she did, I had absolutely no issues in pummelling his ass into the middle of next week. I couldn’t. That wouldn’t help her. Instead I had to bite the inside of my cheek, hold my temper in check, and keep Zoe moving. One foot in front of the other.

Thankfully, a moment later we reached the metal grandstand and climbed a few rows before settling ourselves at the end. Zoe wedged herself between the railing and my shoulder, barely giving herself enough room to breathe, but when I tried to move away she just tugged me closer. I hated everything. All I wanted to do was sweep her up in my arms and run like a bat out of hell until I got her out of there. Get her home and lock the door behind us. Make her feel special. Make her feel safe. Wipe that fear from her face. I couldn’t force it. That wouldn’t help her…but I’d be damned if it didn’t help me.

Instead I forced my attention to the field where Kane was strutting towards the centre of the field to take the toss. Arrogance rolled off him in waves, so toxic I could feel it even from my seat.

“Is Kane the captain?” Zoe asked meekly, her voice cracking under the strain.

Nodding, I offered her a strained smile, “He is tonight.”


Zoe trembled beside me. Kane won the toss and I could have sworn his head swelled, if that was at all possible. “You cold?”

Zoe blinked up at me. Without thinking, I shifted to the bench behind her and pulled her between my legs before wrapping my arms around her. I’d give her anything. Right now it was body heat she needed, so that’s what she was getting.

The umpire bounced the ball and a cheer went up and the crowd swelled. People who’d been hiding out in their cars from the elements descended on the field, offering their opinions. I couldn’t help but chuckle. Usually it annoyed the shit out of me, everyone thinking they knew who to kick it to, or asking why a tackle was missed, or how you could have possibly dropped the mark. Tonight was different. Being on the other side of the fence, it was a completely different experience. A different point of view. Definitely educational.

The quarter time siren went and I’ll admit I was glad. I’d chewed off most of my finger nails and my heart was racing. I was hanging for a beer, but I wasn’t about to leave Zoe to fend for herself just so I could go to the bar. Not here. Not tonight. So instead I sat there, wrapped around her, watching as Kane ranted and raved at the team.

When a large, heavy hand landed on my shoulder, I almost shit myself.

“Holy fuck!” I growled as my eyes settled on Derek. The bastard just chuckled deeply. My reaction had obviously been a complete amusement to him. “Don’t fucking do that!”

Zoe looked up, petrified, but I watched as her eyes took in the situation unfolding, the calm washed through her. Her body melted against me.

“Why aren’t you out there?” he asked innocently as he dropped onto the seat beside me. “Not playing tonight?”


“What?” Zoe perked up. “You’re supposed to be playing?”

“No” I said at the same moment Derek said yes.

“Spencer,” there was warning in Zoe’s voice. “Don’t lie to me. Should you be playing tonight?”

“Zoe, it’s fine,” I brushed off dismissively.

The truth was I should have been playing. We were sitting fifth on the ladder and playing our nearest rivals and biggest nemesis―the next town over. These games were usually brutal. A win tonight would guarantee a top four finish for the season and an easier run into the finals, but I didn’t care. It was just a game. Zoe was more important. Hell, she was more important than anything.

“Derek,” Zoe ignored me, instead zeroing in on him and dismissing me. “Don’t lie to me. Should Spencer be out there playing?”

Stealing a glance at me, Derek gulped, then looked at Zoe before ducking his head. And I knew. This wasn’t going to end well for me. He was going to sell me out. Throw me under the bus. “Yeah, I mean. I’m sure it’s fine. Kane’s quite capable of taking the captaincy…”

“You’re the captain?”

Shit! Now I was fucked. “Yeah.” I shrugged, giving in. There was no point making things worse by lying. She’d find out anyway.

“Spencer Robert McLaren,” her voice was thick and deep. I felt my shoulders stiffen and my whole body recoil from Zoe. She was small and I knew she’d never be able to do any damage, but for some reason, in that moment the look set in stone on her face intimidated the hell out of me.

“Yeah,” I squeaked.

“You’re on your own,” Derek muttered in my ear before clambering to his feet and scurrying away.

“Chicken shit…” I muttered as I watched him retreat for safer ground.

“Don’t pretend I’m not here, Spencer. I want to know why you aren’t playing tonight?” Zoe asked pointedly, spinning in her seat and eye balling me.

I wanted to lie to her. Tell her I was injured. Tell her it was planned. Tell her I wasn’t needed. I couldn’t do it. It was like the words were stuck in my throat. Instead I found myself blurting out the truth.

“I didn’t want to.” I shrugged, trying to brush it off as if it was not a big deal.


She wasn’t going to let it go. I’d been hopeful she would, but that wouldn’t be Zoe. Not my Zoe. My Zoe was like a dog with a bone. When she wanted to know something she didn’t ease up. Not for a moment. Not for anyone.

“’Cause it didn’t matter. It’s just a game.” It was the truth. It mightn’t be the whole truth, but there it was. The blunt, honest to God truth.

“It’s because of me, isn’t it?” she whispered, her voice soft and sad.

“Zoe, no. Not at all.”


“Okay, okay. Maybe. A little bit. Look, I didn’t want you to feel like you were in the way, so I decided not to play. It’s no big deal, really. I’m fine. Sitting here watching with you―it’s all good. Promise.” I smiled. It was funny…it really was. I was happy sitting in the stands. I’d learnt a lot just from watching. We had a lot of work to do and a lot of improvements we needed to make, but I wouldn’t have known any of that without sitting back and just observing.

“Spencer, you can’t put your life on hold for me…”

“Pippi…I didn’t. Missing one game, spending one afternoon watching movies―none of that’s going to kill me. Besides, I kinda like spending time with you,” I admitted, shifting her back into my arms.

I watched as she scrunched up her face. I could tell she wasn’t happy with my answer but she bit her tongue. Never a good sign with Zoe. Usually when I was in trouble, which I was more often than not, she let me know it. Rubbing my hands up and down her arms, trying to break the tension, I took her face in my hands. “Zoe, it’s only one game. It’s okay. Promise.”

Defeated, she sighed heavily and collapsed against me. “Fine,” she conceded too easily. It wasn’t like her.

The second quarter got under way and it was much more ferocious and fast paced than the first. There were a few bruising hits and a few guys from both teams stumbled from the ground holding their bloody heads, but the scores were close. Derek reappeared about halfway through the quarter bringing supplies. After handing Zoe and I each a meat pie, he handed me a beer and Zoe a Coke.

“What? Don’t I get a beer?” Zoe questioned, looking flustered.

“Umm…sorry, Zoe. I didn’t…I d-didn’t think. Here, have mine,” Derek stuttered.

I couldn’t hold back my laugh. Zoe was taking the piss. She had no intention of drinking his beer but to watch a full grown man fall all over himself was hilarious. And after he scared the shit out of me earlier, he deserved it. Payback was a bitch.

“No, no. It’s fine. I’ll just go without,” Zoe huffed, taking a bite from her pie.

“Zoe, please…”

I watched on in amused silence as Derek tried to hand over his drink and Zoe refused to take it, but after a few moments it didn’t seem funny anymore. It just seemed sad. “Derek, she’s just trying to make you feel bad. Pippi doesn’t want your beer. She just wants to watch you to squirm,” I assured him, taking a swig of my own.

“Zoe…” Derek’s tone was full of warning.

Zoe looked up at him, fluttered her eyelashes, and pouted her pretty little mouth. It had exactly the same effect on him that it did on me. He melted. “Ah shit!” he swore, gulping down mouthfuls of the amber liquid. “You’re just cruel, Pippi.”

“You love me anyway.” She grinned before blowing him a kiss and taking another bite from her pie.

I saw a small piece of meat catch on her bottom lip and an uncontrollable urge to reach out and lick it off consumed me. Finishing my beer in one long swallow, I tried to force the image from my head. It didn’t work. It was still there. As Zoe’s hair danced on the breeze, the scent of her apple shampoo overpowered the scent of stale beer and hot chips, then hung in the air. Groaning, I readjusted my jeans. Again. All I could do was hope like hell I didn’t bump Zoe in the back of the head as I did so. That was the last thing I needed right now. I thought I’d been discreet, but as it turns out, I hadn’t been anywhere near discreet enough. Derek noticed my situation and couldn’t help himself. He burst out into a boisterous fit of embarrassing laughter.

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