Coming to Colorado (3 page)

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Authors: Sara York

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“I don’t like feeling useless,” Marshal whispered.

Zander had barely caught the words Marshal had said. His heart lurched, pushing him forward. He wrapped both arms around Marshal, tugging him close. “Marsh, you aren’t useless.”

“I can’t go out on the operations like I used to.” Marshal held out his hand, his shooting hand, and it shook way too much for him to hold a weapon, much less fire it with accuracy. He wasn’t mission ready.

“No, but you can provide support.”

Marshal turned to face Zander. His lips were thinned out, his eyes focused on a spot on the far wall. “I just don’t know if that will be enough.”

“Give it some time. We can always leave Wild Bluff at any time, but once we walk out, we can’t go back. It’s over.”

“I know. I love doing what we do, but I really love taking down the bad guys. It sounds stupid, but hell, the rush, the sense of accomplishment...”

Zander hated that Marshal was feeling bad. No one at the ranch would want to lose Marshal. He was far from useless, but Zander understood his unease. “We need support at the ranch. Duff is getting older.”

Marshal swiped his hand over his face, huffing out a breath. “God, that too. Fuck, what if something happens to Duff? He’s been there for all of us, and I know I’d never be able to be...” Marshal’s brows pinched together, his lips turned down in a frown. “He’s so perfect for the role, and I’d never be as good as him.”

“You underestimate yourself. You’re a great guy, and we need you there. The guys need you. And though I think you already know this, I want to make sure that you really do know that I need you. I need you to never leave me. I need you to love me, to be with me.”

Marshal tilted Zander’s chin so they were staring at each other, the heat unmistakable in Marshal’s eyes. “I’ll never leave you. I love you too much.”

Zander slid his hand under Marshal’s shirt, grazing over the hot smooth skin on his back. They were together, and that’s all that mattered. He wasn’t ready to leave the ranch, but he’d never leave Marshal. Zander leaned in and kissed the side of Marshal’s neck, waiting for his man to respond. He could feel the tightly coiled need vibrating through Marshal, but his lover wasn’t moving. Zander pulled back, glancing up to Marshal’s face and froze. He had about two seconds to prepare himself for Marshal’s next move, which really wasn’t enough time.

Zander found himself pressed up against the refrigerator, Marshal grinding hard against him. They were both breathing heavy as Marshal pulled Zander’s shirt off then unsnapped his jeans before unzipping them.

“I need you now,” Marshal growled. Zander answered by pushing his hips back and shoving at his jeans to get them off.

They were both naked in no time flat, their hot skin sliding against each other. Zander slanted his lips over Marshal’s, pressing with his tongue to get inside of Marshal’s mouth. His lover finally opened, and their tongues slid together, the wet heat of their mouths building more intensity. They were molten hot when they were like this. Sweat slicked their skin as they moved against each other. They both moaned, the sound a smooth vibration over his body, leaving him quivering for more. This was what he liked. Hot Marshal, unafraid to act and be acted upon.

Zander pulled out of the kiss, his hand cupping the back of Marshal’s neck. “Let’s take this to the bedroom. I need more than an ‘up against the wall’ fuck.”

“Whatever you need, Zander, I’m yours.”

Marshal followed him to the bedroom but stopped him before they could reach the bed. “Shower first.”


Zander’s lips twitched. He loved it when they bathed together. Since leaving the ranch, Marshal had started to give great massages in the shower when he wanted sex. It was amazing, and incredibly selfish of Zander not to return the favor, but he did other things for Marshal, like give him head right before Marshal drifted off to sleep without expecting anything in return.

They worked well together, and it was never more evident than when they were naked. Marshal had the soap in hand, rubbing it against his palms. His nostrils flared as he smiled, his grin wide.

“You look pleased with yourself,” Zander said.

“Getting you naked pleases me. You’re so fucking hot. Now turn around and let me get my hands on you.”

“Fuck, yeah.” Zander leaned against the wall, his hands splayed out wide. Marshal began rubbing on his lower back, working his way up to his shoulders then back down. “Feels good.”

“Awesome. I want you really relaxed because I want to fuck you hard.”

“Yes.” Zander arched his back and Marshal didn’t hesitate to reach down and grab his butt cheeks, massaging his gluteus muscles. The feel of Marshal’s hands on his ass was exquisite. He pushed back, wanting more, and Marshal didn’t disappoint. The slide of one finger along his pucker had him begging.

The snick of the lube cap made him flinch a bit, but he relaxed into Marshal’s touch. First, there was a familiar sting when Marshal’s finger entered him, then it was just warm but not painful. The warmth grew, filling his ass and his belly. Already hard, his dick filled out.

“God, Marshal, I need more. Fuck...please.”

“Let me finish washing. I want you in bed today.”

Zander waited, not so patiently, as Marshal soaped up and rinsed off. Zander moved to stand under the spray after Marshal finished, making sure all of the soap was gone from his body. With the shower off, they dried quickly then rushed to the bed where Marshal pulled the sheets back, and Zander moved to the center of the bed. The windows were high in this room, and the shutters opened with a split in the middle, so Marshal only closed the bottom part, allowing them to get some light in without sacrificing their privacy.

He watched the clouds swirl outside as Marshal stalked over. Then their eyes met and heat filled Marshal’s gaze. This wasn’t their normal afternoon fucking, this was Marshal proving a point, and Zander wasn’t going to stop him or placate him with assurances. His man needed to know that he was powerful and useful. The force in Marshal’s gaze turned Zander on, and he couldn’t stop the need that blasted through him even if he wanted to.

Marshal pounced, his lips seeking, his tongue scraping over sensitive flesh. Zander flipped to his stomach when Marshal asked, and he lifted his ass, giving Marshal better access. Marshal’s fingers tightened on Zander’s hips, pulling him closer. He’d probably have bruises in the morning, and he was okay with that. Rough sex was a fantastic way to spend his afternoon.

Zander breathed out as Marshal slid in. He was tight, stretching with each press from Marshal. It was glorious and crazy, fantastic, and breath stealing as Marshal fucked him, leaving him nowhere to escape to. He was open, naked, and ready. His lover possessed him, drawing out his passion. Zander sucked in a breath but it wasn’t enough. His lungs burned and his head spun. Marshal drove him wild with each hard thrust. They prolonged their pleasure, Marshal backing off each time they got close to orgasm. Then Marshal pulled out and flipped him over, pushing his legs back so he was exposed.

He gasped when Marshal sank in, the pressure amazing. Their gazes locked, and no words were said as Marshal took everything. Zander didn’t try to hide or hold back. Instead, he allowed Marshal to see inside his soul and know the love he had for him.

A drop of moisture dripped from Marshal and hit Zander on the cheek. But it wasn’t sweat, he realized as another drop splatted. Tears slid from Marshal’s eyes, running down his face as they made love.

Zander reached up and pulled Marshal down for a kiss. Their lips met and they both gasped. Zander came, arching up into Marshal as he held on, praying his man knew he’d always love him. He didn’t care if Marshal was injured, or couldn’t shoot like he could before. All he cared about was having Marshal with him forever.




Chapter Four


Puffs of dust rose from the road and circled in the air, indicating that they had a visitor. Billy stood and looked through the binoculars that were sitting beside him, seeing that it was Grant’s truck drawing closer. Wild Bluff Ranch was starting to feel like home again. He and Tucker had come back a week ago to an empty house. After spending the first morning making sure Beauty, their horse, was fine, they’d made use of the solitude, strutting around naked and finding every excuse to fuck like rabbits. He smiled to himself as he remembered how Tucker had been shy at first, worrying about everything from people sneaking back on the ranch early to cameras catching their every move. The cameras were here, and though he didn’t think Duff would film the interior of the place, the exterior was well covered. Once Tucker calmed down, he’d gotten into the whole naked bit. Mike had been at the ranch off and on during the months everyone else was away, but he was spending this week in San Diego with a friend.

Grant’s truck pulled to a stop in front of the house and he and Roger stepped out. They looked relaxed and tanned as they held hands and walked up the path to the front door.

“It’s about time you two got back here.” Duff came out of the house, his smile broad as he bounded down the stairs, acting much younger than he actually was.

Tucker followed Duff, and Billy got hard immediately just thinking about how he’d pushed Tucker against the porch rail last week and fucked him until he screamed as he shot his load onto the grass below. Billy stood, slowly untucking his shirt to hide his erection. Not like the guys didn’t know what he was doing by covering himself, but he might as well try to appear decent.

“Billy, it’s good to see you.” Grant pulled him into a hug then Roger was there, hugging him too.

“I missed you guys. You know, it’s been weird not seeing you around,” Billy said. Tucker was right beside him, his arm around Billy, holding him close. Billy glanced to his man, the heat almost overwhelming. Their love had only grown since they’d gotten together. The last few months had made everything richer between them.

“We have some gifts for everyone,” Roger declared.

“Nice,” Tucker said as he hefted Grant’s bag from the back of the truck.

“Are Zander and Marshal back?” Grant asked.

“Not yet. I think they—” Billy smiled as he saw more dirt billow on the road. “They’re here.”

Everyone stood and watched as Marshal and Zander pulled into the drive. Marshal threw the car into park and jumped out, the smile on his face wide.

“Aren’t you all a sight for sore eyes? God, I’ve missed you guys.” Marshal turned to Zander and held out his hand. They hugged before Marshal spun back to the group. “You were right, Zander, I can’t leave.”

“You were thinking about leaving?” Duff asked.

“I don’t feel right, you know, with the injury and all.”

“Still bugging you?” Grant asked.

“I’ll never be a sharpshooter. I might be able to go on some missions, but I’ll never be able to be in the field like before.”

“The field is overrated,” Duff growled before pulling Marshal into a back slapping hug.

Billy hugged Zander and kissed his cheek. They were one big happy family. He kept one arm around Zander as he searched out Tucker’s gaze. He and Tucker had talked about leaving too. It had been one of the various conversations they’d had late at night after they’d drank too much beer. Their musings hadn’t amounted to much as they both agreed that this place meant the world to them, and it obviously meant just as much for the other guys.

“Hey, let’s go in. I have enchiladas, tamales, and some tortilla soup for dinner. I want to hear about your vacations away from the ranch,” Duff said.

“So Duff, where did you go during your months off?” Billy asked.

A haunted look crossed Duff’s face. “I had some personal things to take care of. Now, about that food.”

Billy caught Tucker’s gaze and shrugged. Duff was more than just their boss. He was their friend even though he was tightlipped about his family and personal life. Duff knew he could open up to them, but that didn’t mean he would.

Billy helped Roger and Grant get their stuff to their room then carried a bag of presents to the kitchen. Tucker had retrieved the gift’s they bought, and Marshal came in carrying a bag of things.

They settled around the huge table, everyone pitching in to get the food ready. Once they were seated, Billy glanced around and sighed. He missed James more than he thought he would.

“What’s wrong?” Marshal asked.

“I really miss James,” Billy said.

“How is he?” Duff asked.

Duff didn’t seem surprised that he and Tucker had gone to visit James. They’d been very careful, but Duff had ways of knowing where they all were, even when they went dark on their electronics.

Tucker cleared his throat and spoke up. “They’re both doing good. James is happy.”

“That’s good,” Roger said.

“I’ll miss him,” Zander offered.

“We’ll all miss him.” Duff began serving the food and passing plates.

The front door opened and every one of them paused. Mike stepped into the kitchen and they all gave a cheer, standing to shake his hand and give him a hug.

“Did you miss me?” Mike asked.

“Sure did son, pull up a seat,” Duff said.

Mike settled in the chair next to Grant, the two of them sharing a few words and laughing before Mike started shoveling food onto his plate. Billy smiled to himself as he watched the men organize their meal, chatting with each other. They would miss James, just like they would miss anyone else who left Wild Bluff. For now, their family was happy and safe. Their business was dangerous, and any one of them could be injured or not make it back from a mission. If one of them chose to walk away, they would deal with it. Eventually, he and Tucker would leave, but for now, they were both happy to be at Wild Bluff, fighting to make a difference in the world.




Ryan blinked open his eyes, still wondering what the hell he was going to do. He either had to re-up or get out. Some of the things they did disgusted him, but he understood. It was easy to armchair quarterback the decisions made by the military when you were sitting in a cushy office with central heating and air-conditioning. Over here, where bombs outnumbered reasonable exchanges five-to-one, the decisions leaned towards the ‘kill them now, ask questions later’ side of the equation.

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