Compass (7 page)

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Authors: Jeanne McDonald

BOOK: Compass
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Makenna turned the plastic toy over in her hand. “This is very unorthodox and against regulations.” She stretched her hand out, ready to return the toy to Alexis, when Millie clasped Makenna’s hand, closing the toy in her palm.

“It’s nothing more than a tiny toy─”

“Yes, I─”

“There’s no harm in taking the pilot a toy from a dear, old friend.”

The hard shell of Makenna’s exterior melted, and Alexis felt like she could breathe again, if only for a moment. Millie might’ve just saved her reunion with Ryan. “I’ll see what I can do,” Makenna stated, tucking the compass in her skirt pocket.

“Thank you so much. Please tell him, ‘forever and always.’”

“Forever and always?” Makenna repeated, her brow furrowed, wrinkling her nose.

Alexis nodded. “He’ll understand.”

Makenna gave Alexis a faint smile and turned away, moving toward the front of the fuselage. Alexis could only hope she was heading to the cockpit.

Once Makenna was out of sight, Alexis squealed in excitement, flailing her arms and legs like a child. Her enthusiasm caused Mildred to laugh.

Alexis ran her fingers through her hair and suddenly realized how she must look. “Oh, God,” she breathed in terror.

“Calm down. You look beautiful. You’ll blow him away,” Mildred encouraged.

“I’m a mess.”

In a panic, she stood up to adjust her shirt, wishing she’d worn something more sophisticated than a t-shirt and holey skinny jeans. Alexis dropped back down into her seat, the realization that there was nothing, short of changing, that could enhance her appearance.

Everything seemed so surreal. The fact that she had dreamt about Ryan the night before hadn’t slipped her mind. Now here she was, about to see him again after all this time. The butterflies fluttered frantically in the pit of her belly just thinking about it.

Alexis reached for her carry-on and retrieved her makeup bag. She brushed her hair, applied a fresh coat of mascara and brightened her smile with some lip-gloss.

“You look beautiful, doctor,” Mildred said again with a soft laugh. She patted Alexis’ knee like old women do to their grandchildren, trying to comfort her.

“Thanks,” she muttered, tossing her makeup back in her bag. That’s when she heard the voice that made her heart skip a beat.

“Excuse me, Miss, but I do believe this is yours.”

Ryan held out the compass to Alexis in his large hand. For a moment, Alexis stared at him, unable to believe her eyes. All of those old feelings came rushing back through her. Time hadn’t changed a thing.

He looked even better, in her opinion, than he had in high school. The pictures on Facebook didn’t do him justice. He was tall with bronzed skin, freshly kissed by the sun. His features looked chiseled and lean muscled, sculpted and hard. His eyes smoldered with hues of green beneath thick black brows. His sharp nose, offset his features, leading her eyes to his smooth, soft lips. His clean-cut jaw was hard and square, completing his perfect face.

Her eyes raked over him from top to bottom. He looked delicious in his uniform. So enticing, in fact, that she mentally chided herself for having inappropriate thoughts regarding stripping him out of said uniform. In short, he was her fantasy made flesh.

“It’s doctor,” she replied with a wink.

A deep throaty laugh resonated from his chest. “Ah, yes, my mistake. I believe this belongs to you,

Alexis stood up, her smile beaming for all on the plane to see. It didn’t matter to her that all eyes were on them. All that mattered was Ryan was there.

“Ryan,” she whispered. “Look at you. You look great in that uniform.”

“You like?” he asked, as he did a little circle for her with his arms outstretched.

“It suits you well.”

“You look amazing, too.”

“Thanks,” she replied with a soft blush. His crooked smile grew until all of his teeth were exposed. His grin was contagious. She couldn’t stop smiling because of him.

“Well, do I get a hug or did you pull me from work just to stare at me?”

Alexis laughed and carefully stepped over Mildred, taking Ryan’s outstretched hand. The moment their skin touched, electricity crackled in the air between them.

As soon as Alexis cleared Mildred’s legs, she wrapped her arms tight around Ryan’s neck. She closed her eyes and breathed him in. He still smelled the same as he always did. The scents of mint, sugar, and cologne filled her lungs. He smelled like home. Ryan rested his closed fists on the small of her back, pulling her flush to his body.

“It’s good to see you,” she whispered in his ear. Neither of them had expected the swell of emotions they felt. It was as if all the years apart had vanished into thin air.

A single tear trickled down Alexis’ cheek as they broke their warm embrace. Ryan gently wiped the tear away with his thumb.

“It’s good to see you, too,” he softly spoke. His fingers brushing across her cheek.

“It’s been too long,” she stated.

“It sure has.”

“I can’t believe you’re here. It was crazy enough that you accepted my Facebook request last night but now…” she released a familiar sigh, “you’re here.”

“I was going to message you,” Ryan admitted, “but saw you were moving and I didn’t want to bother you. Is Dallas a layover for you?”

“Nah, it’s my destination.”

Ryan’s grin widened again. “No way! You’re kidding me?” he exclaimed.

“Not at all. I start my new job on Monday.”

Ryan scratched the top of his head, laughing. “Oh, wow. This is wild.”


live in Dallas. It’s my home base.”

Alexis covered her lips with the tips of her fingers, staring at him. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. “Oh, wow,” she repeated him.

“Can you meet me after the plane lands? I really want the chance to talk to you, but I have to get back to work.”

Alexis patted his rock hard bicep through his white uniform shirt. “Good God, Ryan, what’s in there,” she exclaimed playfully, squeezing his arm.

His eyelids appeared heavy as his gaze dropped to her hand. Long black lashes shielded his eyes, and his tongue darted out over his luscious lips. “I workout when I can,” he murmured.

Alexis recalled the pictures of him on Facebook, and smiled. “It doesn’t hurt to be an IronMan survivor, either,” she noted.

He cocked his head, eyeing her. “Looks like someone’s been checking out my page,” he teased, his voice heady and raspy, melting her to her very core.

She raised her hand, her blush burning through her skin. “Guilty.”

Ryan chuckled. “I have to admit, I’ve tried locating you before but could never find you.”

Alexis felt her insides leap at once. He’d looked for her. She’d been on his mind all these years. A smile broke across her face she couldn’t nor wouldn’t dream of containing.

“I just opened that account about a week ago at my Mom’s behest. She figured it was a good way for her to keep up with my on goings and such.”

Ryan bowed his head. “How’s your mom doing?”

Alexis shifted from one foot to the other. “Good, I think. On our way to the airport, she informed me she’s dating a guy named Dan.”

“Sounds like we have a lot of catching up to do.” He rubbed his hand along his jaw and chuckled.

“That we do,” she noted with a smile. “How about your parents? They’re well, I hope?”

His eyes fell on her lips. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other and scratched the back of his head. “Mom and Pops are doing great. Pops retired not too long ago and is about to drive Mom up a wall, but other than that, they’re good.”

Alexis held him with her adoring stare. “That’s wonderful to hear.”

“So, you’ll meet up with me?” he asked, his voice laced with hope.

“Yes, of course, I will.”

“Awesome. We’ll be landing at terminal B, gate fifty-four. When you get off the plane, take a left and walk a few feet. On your left hand-side, there’s a pilot’s lounge. Go in and give them my name.”

“That’s it? Just your name?” she inquired.

“Yeah. They may ask to see your ID, but I’ll make sure everything else is taken care of.”

What had previously been a minor skipping in her heart rhythm was now a massive pounding against her chest. The butterflies were no longer just in her stomach, but fluttering around her body as excitement overtook her.

“I guess I’ll see you then.”

Ryan hugged her again, but pulled away too soon for her liking.

“Until then,” he whispered. His smile faltered, nearly breaking her heart to see it fade. It reminded her of the day they said goodbye, and that was a memory best left in the past.

Determined to see his smile return, she stood up straight, mocking a military fashion and flattened her plump lips into a straight line. “Get to work, Fisher,” she barked.

Ryan returned her stance and saluted her. “Yes, sir!” he snapped back.

He then grabbed her by the neck and mussed her hair, like he’d always done when they were kids. She screeched and smacked his hands away from her head. “I can’t believe you just did that!”

Laughter resounded around the cabin from the viewing passengers, watching as their co-pilot reunited with his old friend. Ryan winked at her, adding to the show for his new audience.

“I’ll see you in a couple of hours. Deal?”

“Deal.” She tried to flatten the mess he made of her hair.

He placed his hands on both sides of her head and kissed the top, before turning on his heel. He took a single step away, then suddenly stopped. Turning back around on his heel, he extended his hand to her. There laid the compass, awaiting to return to its rightful owner; having managed to keep its promise of guiding her back home to him.

“Here, before I forget.”

She closed the small distance between them and retrieved her treasure. The moment their hands touched again, palm to palm, skin to skin, her whole body melted, sensuous heat flooded her veins. Their eyes locked together, and from the look on his face, she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d felt it, too.

“You’re really a sight for sore eyes,” he whispered. He pulled her back into his arms and hugged her so tightly that she could barely breathe. “I’ve missed you.”

She couldn’t move. The idea of letting him go seemed impossible to her. It didn’t matter that they promised to see each other in a few short hours. So much time had already been wasted. She didn’t want to waste any more.

“I’ve missed you, too.” Reluctantly, she released him. “Get back to work. I’ll see you soon.”

He nodded and opened the curtain that separated the compartment from the galley. He looked over his shoulder at her one last time then disappeared behind the curtains.

Alexis turned around to see Millie smiling at her.

“What?” she asked, as she took a step closer to Millie. Every eye was on her, whispers filled the compartment, but she didn’t mind. They all saw her with her Ryan. Of that she was proud of.

“I can’t resist,” Millie said as she stood up to let her pass.

“Can’t resist what?” Alexis sat down, crossing her knees.

“Saying I told you so.”

“You did what?” she asked with a laugh.

“I knew he would be smitten with you the moment he saw you. True love reunited.”

Alexis gave Millie a placating smile. “If you say so.”

“It’s very true, Doctor York. It’s written all over his face.”

Alexis toyed with the compass in her hand. Looking down at it, she wondered if it smelled like him. “He’s my oldest friend. I’m sure that’s all you saw.”

“Believe as you wish, but trust me, doctor, I’m right.”

Alexis patted her withering hand. “I would never doubt you, Ms. Millie.”

Millie laughed, placing her hand over Alexis’. “Smart girl.”

Alexis reached down under her seat and obtained her bag again. She slipped the compass back into her wallet for safekeeping.

For the remainder of the flight, Alexis enjoyed carrying on with Mildred like she had known her all her life. She told Alexis about Mitchell, their children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. Millie inundated her with family photos, regaling her with such sweet memories. Her favorite were the stories Millie told her about her life with Mitchell. She envied the love she had for her husband, and hoped one day a man would love her as much.

Thankfully, time seemed to speed by. Alexis was grateful for having such a wonderful cabin mate. Millie not only kept her mind off her fear of flying, but she also helped keep her mind off of the fact that Ryan was sitting only a few feet away from her, and that she was about to see him again soon.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking,” a husky voice, with a slight northwestern twang rang out over the PA system. “We have begun our descent into Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. Currently the weather is...”

Alexis’ pulse soared. This time it wasn’t her fear of flying causing her nerves to race, but the mere fact that landing this plane meant she’d see Ryan again very soon.

The fasten seatbelt sign blinked on and Alexis’ whole body became a bundle of nerves. Her knees started to bounce with anticipation as Makenna announced for everyone to put their seats back into their upright positions. Mildred patted her knee, forcing it still.

“It’ll be all right. You’ll see. Fate has a funny way of working things out,” Millie encouraged.

“Thank you, Ms. Millie. I wouldn’t have made it through this flight without you.”

“It’s been my pleasure. Plus, you’ve given me a great story to tell my son.”

Alexis released a loud laugh.

The plane started its final descent. The landing was very smooth, but she still hated the jerking feeling it left her with when the wheels touched the ground. She found herself wondering if Ryan had anything to do with the landing. Her fear somehow appeased by the idea of him at the reigns.

When the fasten seatbelt sign turned off, everyone started standing up, and gathering their belongings. Alexis was just as eager to get off the plane as the rest of the passengers, but her first order of business was sending her father a message to let him know she would be running a little late. After all, she had a date with the first officer. Even if it was just two friends catching up on old times, she was still as nervous as she would have been on a first date.

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