Compass (10 page)

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Authors: Jeanne McDonald

BOOK: Compass
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“Yeah he does. It’s sickening,” Declan complained.

“Stop it, you two,” Ryan rebuffed them, his face burning red. He still had the urge to beat Declan within an inch of his life for the stunt he tried to pull. But he would wait. Alexis had taken the situation in stride, which subdued his vindictive tendencies. However, that didn’t stop him from formulating a plan to rip Declan a new one when they got home.

“Tell me, was he like that as a kid?” Declan asked. He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he crossed his arms over the back of his chair, and dropped his chin on top of them.

“He’s always been the purest of hearts,” Alexis admitted. “When I was at my lowest, Ryan knew how to make me feel better.”

Ryan felt his heart constrict in his chest. He thought back to many, many years ago when he held this wonderful girl in his arms as she mourned the loss of her baby sister. She told him then that he was the only person who could fill the void left inside her. That he alone knew how to make her feel better. Those words echoed loud in his mind. He swallowed hard. “You were my world.”

“Like Reagan is now?” she asked, her voice squeaking.

“Meh. Reagan and I became friends due to sports.” He bit the inside of his mouth and tore his gaze from hers. It pained him to think that she felt she was so easily replaceable. Reagan was a wonderful person, although a little outspoken at times, and a great friend, but there was no comparison between the memory he had of Alexis and the friendship he’d developed with Reagan.

“Sports!” Alexis let out a gasp, covering her mouth. “Really?”

“Why the shock?” Declan questioned. “Our boy here is a three time IronMan survivor.”

Alexis gripped Ryan’s bicep. “Oh, I know, but there was a day when his only functioning muscle was his brain.”

“No way!” Declan laughed, clapping his hands together.

“Yeah. He was so scrawny.”

“And yet you adored me,” Ryan snarked.

Alexis dropped her hand from his arm, which left a warmth that seeped deep under his skin. “That’s an understatement.” Their eyes met and a beautiful smile exploded across her face, thrilling him to his very soul.

“What about you?” Declan wondered.

“What about me?” Alexis asked. Her leg seemed to have a mind of its own. Much like she had when they were younger, she had a twitch that included her leg bouncing uncontrollably. Out of the old habit resurfacing, Ryan placed his hand on her knee stopping her.

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

She released a boisterous laugh, and while Ryan already knew the answer to this question through their previous conversation, his heart still jumped at what his roommate might be hedging toward. “Nah. School and work have been my sole focus for far too long.”

“That’s not good,” Declan claimed. “All work and no play makes Lexi a dull gal.”

She raised her eyebrows, meeting Declan’s gaze. “Dude! You don’t even know me and you just called me dull!”

Declan scooted his chair forward, pressing the backrest against the lip of the table. He lifted up, moving closer to Alexis. “No, I didn’t. And did you just call me dude?”

“Damn, right I did,
!” she repeated. Ryan had to fight the urge to laugh. Alexis was back in full force. In high school, he’d seen many guys try to take her on and fall short every time.

“Look, all I’m saying is you work hard. You should reward yourself with a little fun in your life,” Declan clarified.

“And you’re the guy to make that happen?” Ryan volunteered, sarcasm dripping from his lips.

Cutting his eyes to Ryan, Declan smirked and rubbed his chin. “It’s a thought.”

Ryan clenched his fists under the table. Declan hitting on Alexis bothered him. The feeling startled him, reminding him of all the times he watched guys back home attempt to get in her pants. Not that many of them succeeded, but he certainly didn’t want Declan to fall into that limited few category.

“Thanks, but no thanks,” Alexis stated.

Mentally, Ryan pumped his fists in triumph.

“All I’m suggesting is we get to know one another better,” Declan persisted. “Go out for drinks. Maybe a little dinner. Some dancing afterward.”

Alexis ran her fingers through her hair, pushing it away from her neck. She leaned forward, her lips curled upward. Declan wore an expression of triumph. “Look,” Alexis started.

Ryan bounded up from his seat. “Declan, a word,” he growled, interrupting Alexis.

Declan pursed his lips and gave Alexis a wink. “I’m being summoned.” Alexis chuckled, a look of relief flashed across her face as the two men walked away.

“Dude, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Ryan demanded when he was certain Alexis could no longer hear them.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” Declan cut a glance back at the table, smirking.

“Back off,” Ryan hissed.

“Whoa! Is there something I need to know about this girl? Did she pop your cherry or some bullshit like that?”

Ryan dropped his chin to his chest, shaking his head. His irritation was almost blinding. “She’s my friend. I’m not going to have you screwing with her head.”

Declan arched a brow at him, resting his hand on Ryan’s shoulder. “So, does that mean you want her?”

“No! I told you, she’s my friend, and I don’t want her to get hurt. I know how you are.”

“And how might that be?” he snorted, almost defiant.

“You’re a dick!” Ryan yelled.

Declan gave Ryan a quick squeeze, and barked out in laughter. “Guilty as charged, but you forget, I know you’re not a saint. I’ve seen the chicks you bring home.”

“This isn’t about me. It’s about her.”

“And she’s a big girl who can handle herself.”

Ryan glanced over to Alexis. She pretended not to watch them talk, by keeping her eyes on her cell phone. She looked up and caught Ryan’s eye, a blush painted her cheeks. She slipped her bottom lip between her teeth and Ryan had the urge to pull it out with his own. He shook the fog of that idea from his mind, and returned his focus to his conversation with Declan. “Seriously, man, back off.”

Declan patted Ryan on the cheek, but said nothing. He pushed Ryan’s head, chuckling, and darted back toward the table where Alexis sat. Ryan stood there, unable to move. Declan leaned over and wrote something on one of the napkins Alexis had, then folded and handed it to her. No doubt, he’d just given her his number.

Ryan tucked his hand into his pockets and started toward them when Declan grabbed the handle of his luggage. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Doc. Call me sometime.”

He threw Ryan an unabashed grin and marched out the door, calling back, “See you back at the apartment.”


“He sure does think highly of himself, doesn’t he?” Alexis prompted as Ryan dropped back down in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I’m so sorry about that. Declan is a great guy and a good friend, but he can be a bit…” Ryan snapped his fingers, his tongue darted out over his lips as he searched for the words most appropriate to describe his best friend.

“Arrogant, cocky, self-assured,” Alexis offered.

He nodded, his lips curling toward his nose. “Yeah. I’d say those are very astute evaluations.”

“We could also include, handsome, alluring, and sexy.”

Ryan covered his face. “Lex!”

“What? I can’t help it that you have good looking friends.”

Ryan’s eyes opened wide. Heat boiled inside him at the sound of those words falling from her lips in regard to Declan. He chewed the inside of his mouth, jealousy swelled inside him. “Sure, if you like that tall, dark, and handsome type. But you know how they say men can only think with one brain at a time?” He glanced back toward the door. “Well, that’s true of Declan, except he only ever thinks with

Alexis’ head fell forward in laughter. Ryan’s aggravation subsided at the sweet sound. He watched her, enamored by this person who’d been gone for so long, yet in less than a few hours had completely wrapped herself back into his heart. Her cheeks reddened and her smile brightened, and he couldn’t help but join in her laughter. When their laughter died down, Ryan patted his stomach. “I’m hungry. You want to go get something to eat?”

Her smile faltered. “I’d love to, but I should go.” She grabbed the bag at her feet.

“What? No. Don’t let my asshole of a roommate ruin our fun.”

“It’s not Declan. I have to go sign my lease or I won’t have a place to sleep tonight.” She stood up and wrapped her messenger bag across her chest. “This has been amazing, Ryan.”

His shoulders slumped just a little. “It really has been. We need to get together soon.”

“Absolutely.” She leaned down and kissed his cheek. The warmth of her lips against his skin sent molten lava burning through his veins.

As she started to sail away, he stood up and grabbed her by the wrist. She stopped, looking down at his hand. The sweetness of her perfume engulfed him, awaking some primitive piece of himself that had laid dormant in her absence for far too long. He rubbed his thumb along her wrist, keeping her locked in place.

“Where ya heading? I can drive you.”

“You don’t need to do that. I’ll grab a cab.”

“Nonsense. Cabs are expensive. We’ll take you to sign your lease and then go get dinner. Now, tell me where’s your new place? I won’t take no for an answer.”

Alexis opened her mouth but nothing came out. She snapped it closed then opened it again. He got the impression she was trying to work out a way to let him down easy, but she didn’t realize that refusing him wasn’t an option. Before long that precious smile of hers caressed her lips. With that, his heart started to beat again.

Ryan pulled her to him, and ensnared her in his embrace. Her arms wrapped around his neck, her face suddenly buried in the crook of his neck. She took in a deep breath and he closed his eyes, savoring the feel of her against him. “Is that a yes?”

Alexis looked up to meet his eyes. “As if I could turn you down.”

With a deep sigh, they stepped apart. Ryan stacked their bags together, refusing to let Alexis handle any luggage other than her messenger bag. He slipped his jacket on, and placed his hat on his head. With the luggage in one hand, he wrapped his free arm around her shoulders. Alexis leaned into him just like she always had in high school as he guided her out of the lounge and through the airport to his awaiting vehicle.

Once the luggage was secure in his car, Ryan hopped in, where Alexis waited, and started the engine. “So again I ask, where’s your new place?”

Alexis snapped her fingers. “Yeah. That might help.” They laughed as she fumbled through her bag for her cell phone. “I know it’s on Inca.” She found the evasive object and withdrew it from her bag. “Ah-ha. Here it is.” She thumbed through her contact list and found her new address. She lifted the phone for Ryan to see. “2690 Inca Street,” she recited.

“Talk about ironic,” he noted, as he wrapped his arm over the back of her seat and turned around so he could see to back out of the parking space.

“What is?” They exited the parking garage and started through the spaghetti junction that is DFW International Airport.

“The fact that you’ll be living only two streets away from me. We’re practically neighbors again.”

“Are you serious?” she squeaked. A hint of excitement lifted her voice.

Ryan smirked and grabbed her by the back of the neck. “I get to harass you daily now. It’ll be like old times.”

Alexis smacked his hand away. “Just like old times?” she mocked.

Ryan’s lips turned into a roguish grin. “Are you suggesting that I should crawl into your bedroom window every night?”

“Um, aren’t you a little
to be climbing into a girl’s bedroom? It’s kind of stalkerish if you ask me.”

“Old?” Ryan gasped. “You’re calling me old? And stalkerish?”

She shrugged, her brown eyes dancing in amusement. “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve called you a stalker. And while it was sweet when you were a teenager, sneaking into my room now when you’re what...forty-five? That’s just creepy.”

“Oh my God! I’m thirty-one just like you.”

“That’s practically ancient for a man. Your best years are behind you.”

“Are you kidding me? For a man, age equals distinguished. A woman – well, you’re just decrepit.”

Alexis’ head fell back in laughter. “Decrepit? Really? Look at me? I’m in my prime. You, on the other hand, have wrinkles around your eyes. And I bet you have loads of gray hair already.” She reached up and popped his hat, knocking it off his head.

He tried to stop it, but it fell into the backseat. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to distract the driver?” He rubbed his hair to make it spike a little having been flattened by the hat.

“This coming from a guy who flies planes for a living.”

Their banter flew fast and easy between them as they drove through the city of Grapevine. Traffic wasn’t nearly as bad as she’d expected. She’d seen much worse in New York, even though she was certain these Texans would refute her beliefs.

Ryan turned on to Inca Street and slowed down searching for Alexis’ building number. It wasn’t difficult to locate the apartment complex. One of the reasons she’d chosen it, aside from it being practically within walking distance from work, was because it reminded her of the brownstones back in New York.

“2690, right?” he asked, pulling into the parking lot in front of the main office. She took in a deep breath and nodded. “This is a great neighborhood. I think you’ll really like it here.”

He turned off the car and hopped out. She watched as he walked around the front of the vehicle and appeared at her door. He opened it and offered her his hand. “Welcome home, my friend.”

“Thank you, Ryan.” She took his hand, slipping out of the vehicle.

“Anytime. Now let’s get in there and sign that lease before they force me to take you back to my place and hold you hostage.”

Alexis stiffened at his suggestion. Her eyes were wide and her cheeks flushed a deep crimson. “Now, we wouldn’t want that, would we? Think of what Declan might say.”

“The bastard would demand to share his room with you,” he growled.

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