Compass (11 page)

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Authors: Jeanne McDonald

BOOK: Compass
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“And you have a problem with that?”

“Damn right I do. He might be my friend, but I know how he is.”

Alexis smirked, starting toward the large, double doors of the main office. “And how might that be?”

“A dirty, rotten scoundrel,” he declared, resting his hand at the small of her back.

“Really?” she snorted. “You realize you sound like a gangster in a 1950s mafia film. All you needed to add was
.” She dropped her voice, adding a terrible fake Chicagoan accent.

They entered the building, arms wrapped around each other, laughing. A tall, heavy set man, wearing suspenders met them at the door. His thick glasses made his wide eyes bigger but his bright, sincere smile softened his features. “Good afternoon, folks. What can we do for you?” he heralded in a loud, booming voice.

Alexis introduced herself and explained she was there to sign a lease. The man returned the introduction, advising her his name was George, the leasing manager. He was quite friendly and more than accommodating, taking her back to his office to complete the paperwork. As she signed here or initialed there, Ryan sat beside her, nudging her, poking her, and tickling her. Anything to touch her but to also make her laugh.

“You two are an adorable couple,” George beamed. “How long have you been together?”

A mischievous smile played across Ryan’s handsome features. He gave Alexis a quick wink and turned to the man. “Oh, my. About fifteen years,” Ryan joked.

“That’s amazing. But you’re not living together?”

Alexis tried not to laugh. “We’d kill each other,” Ryan continued. “Lex is great in the sack but she snores terribly.”

“And Ryan,” she added, “is packin’ it.” She wiggled her brows. “But he’s borderline OCD. The man color coordinates his sock drawer.”

“That’s a shame. Love requires compromise. If you two gave each other a chance, I bet you could get past the little things. A love that lasts that long deserves a true chance,” George cooed, resting his face in his hands.

Ryan felt a twinge of guilt for leading the poor man on. He glanced at Alexis who was licking the tip of her pen as she read over something in the fine print. “We’re really not together. We’re just friends,” he admitted.

The man’s face squished together in disbelief. “I would’ve sworn…”

“That’s what knowing someone all your life will do for you,” Alexis noted, her eyes still scanning the page.

“That’s amazing. What a beautiful friendship.”

Alexis turned the page, scribbling her signature on the dotted line. Ryan had to bite his tongue to keep from commenting on her doctor’s scratch.

After all the i’s were dotted and t’s crossed, George handed Alexis a set of keys. “The gold one’s your apartment key and the silver is your mailbox key. Apartment 10A is your unit.”

George shook hands with Alexis and Ryan before they left the office. As they walked out, Ryan leaned in and whispered to Alexis, “I can’t believe you brought up my OCD tendencies.”

“You started it,” she hissed back. “You mentioned my snoring.” She sidestepped, shoving into him. “Which, by the way, I don’t snore.”

Bumping her with his hip, he smirked. “You really think I’m packing it?” He lowered his eyes down below.

Alexis linked her arm into his, sidling up next to him. “You forget I’ve seen you naked and in swim trunks.”

“Yeah, when I was like ten!”

She shrugged, smirking. “How do you know I’m awesome in bed?” she chortled.

Ryan glanced down at her, his lips flat but his eyes danced. “I know you’re awesome at snoring.” Alexis growled, shoving Ryan away. She got into the car before he could open her door but he caught it before she closed it. He leaned into the car and grinned. “Ryan one, Lex zip.”

She smashed her hand against his face, pushing him back. “Take me home, dork.”

He closed the car door, lingering for a moment to see her smile when she thought he wasn’t looking. Her dark lashes fanned across her cheeks and the curve of her lips lifted in a heart stopping grin. The longing inside him made his chest ache, but he pushed it down. Way down. Having her there, near him again, reminded him of the past. A past that only haunted him in his dreams. But she wasn’t a dream. She was there. Time was giving him a second chance to do whatever it was he was supposed to do.

Resting his hand over his heart to cure the ache, Ryan walked around the car, getting into the driver’s seat where he drove her to their next destination─her new apartment.



The sun had started to disappear in the western sky, setting the heavens on fire. Nightfall approached as Ryan and Alexis drove around the complex to find her new apartment. When they located the correct building, Ryan parked in her assigned spot. Alexis was out of the vehicle and heading toward her apartment before Ryan could get out of the car. He chuckled at her enthusiasm, sliding out of the car and retrieving her luggage from the trunk.

“Apartment 10A, that’s me,” Alexis sang. She fumbled with the key, struggling for a moment to get it into the lock. Between Ryan hovering over her and her excitement, she was a ball of nerves.

“You need me to do that for you?” Ryan asked, a hint of facetiousness colored his tone.

“Would you like an elbow in the nuts?” she challenged.

“That’s not fair. I’ve got luggage in my hands. I have no way of protecting the family jewels.”

“Then you might want to hush it.”

Alexis bit her bottom lip and inhaled through her nose. Back at the bar, she hated the urge she had to cry and scream and curse at Declan’s proclamation over Ryan having a girlfriend. Not that she could’ve expected less. Ryan was handsome, funny, and successful. Plus the smell of his cologne left her weak in the knees. It was childish and foolish to feel jealous of a woman she’d never met, but she did.

She slid the key into the lock, then tilted her head upward to blow a raspberry at Ryan. The corner of his mouth lifted, but he said nothing. He nodded toward the door as a silent request for her to complete the process.

With a quick flick of her wrist, the lock unhinged and she opened the door. Darkness shrouded the apartment as they stepped inside. What neither of them expected was for the door to spring forward, closing itself behind them. Unable to see, Alexis scrambled for a light switch.

“Ow,” she screeched, almost toppling over Ryan. He dropped the luggage in order to catch her, but was met with air. Alexis had managed to keep herself stable. Ryan stepped forward and his ankle found the discarded luggage.

“Son of a bit…” his words slurred. “Where’s the damn light switch?”

Alexis stifled a laugh, hearing him mutter a slew of curses under his breath. “Someone has a potty mouth,” she teased, feeling along the wall.

“That’s nothing,” he groused, his teeth gritted tight while he rubbed his now bruised ankle.

“Found it,” she hollered. The lights came on, blinding them both. Alexis blinked several times, while colorful orbs danced before her face. Slowly her eyes focused to see Ryan leaning forward rubbing his leg. He looked flustered and one step backward would send him flying over the offending luggage.

“What an odd place to put a light switch,” he stated, noticing her hand on the hinge side of the door.

“Is Texas always backward like this?” she teased, moving into the living area.

“Not typically, but they do believe bigger is always better,” he deadpanned, retrieving her bags from the floor before someone fell over them again.

Alexis knew her place would be furnished, but this was more than she’d expected. It was a gorgeous loft apartment with a high, wood beamed ceiling and white brick walls. A wall of glass sectioned off the loft area, designed perfect for a master bedroom. A little bar area separated her living room from the kitchen. Everything was stainless steel, from the kitchen appliances to the bar. Hardwood floors and stainless steel light fixtures completed the modern yet antique styled abode.

She turned around to find Ryan standing at the door, her luggage in hand, with his eyes on her. His smile was content and his posture comfortable. He seemed pleased to be where he was. Her mind drifted back to a time when that content smile was positioned across the bed from her. He fit here with her now just as much as he had then. It was strange to think that she’d been without him for so long, but now it felt like no time had passed.

“You can set those right there, Ryan.” She pointed toward a stainless steel sofa table pressed against the back of a cozy, white sofa. “Thank you for bringing them in.”

Instead of dropping them this time, Ryan placed the suitcases on the floor. He settled one hand on the headrest of the couch and rubbed his jaw with the other. “Do you have to keep all this furniture or can you use your own stuff?”

“That’s the beauty of my agreement. I don’t have to keep any of this, but I hated my ratty stuff from home and figured anything was better than that crap.”

“If that’s the case, what on Earth could be in a moving truck?” he inquired, scratching his head.

Alexis meandered to the kitchen, opening up cabinets and drawers, looking inside. “A television, books, knick knacks, all my kitchenware, clothes,” she shrugged, “you know, all the stuff that accumulates over the years and fills every box you can find.”

Ryan bobbed his head. “That makes sense. So, how’d you find this place? It’s pretty amazing.” He extended his arm toward the stairs, making a show of the space.

Alexis ambled toward the staircase. “It was kind of luck, really. I found it online and did a virtual tour. Mom insisted on having Dad check it out, which I did.”

Together, they started up the stairs. The closeness of Ryan sent her heart racing. His hand hovered over the small of her back, never quite touching her. “Where does he live now?”

Alexis stopped and turned to face him. Ryan looked up at her, tilting his head to the side, a curious smile curling his lips. “Dad lives in Plano,” she replied.

Her gaze moved out over her apartment. It wasn’t as big as she’d expected, but it was still much larger than her little hole-in-the-wall back in New York. And it was more beautiful than she’d dreamed. It was the perfect place for her to make a new home. “Oh, I need to take pictures and post them to Facebook. Mom and Jenna will go nuts over this place.” She bounced with joy, yanking her phone from her pocket.

Ryan popped his neck, backing down a step to give her room to snap pictures. Alexis pressed her body against the glass banister aiming her phone toward the living room. From the corner of her eye, Alexis caught a glimpse of Ryan watching her. His eyes danced and his smile never wavered.

“You need some of the bedroom, too,” he goaded, taking a step toward Alexis. She laughed, letting him direct her up the final steps into her master suite. The loft was as large as the lower level, with a bathroom at one end and a little nook on the other that would be perfect for a makeshift office. “Wow,” he breathed, as he reached the top step.

Alexis skipped to the bathroom, her mouth dropped at the marble countertop and huge shower. She took a quick picture and sauntered into the bedroom closet that was almost as big as her kitchen back in New York. She couldn’t even begin to imagine filling it up. Of course that meant another picture.

Back in the bedroom, Ryan called out to her, “You’re not going to believe this, but you can see my building from here.” Alexis shoved her phone in her pocket and rushed out of the closet to find him poised by the window, holding up one of the wooden slats. He waved her over to take a gander.

She slid up beside him, the heat of his body pulsed around her, driving her insane. “You see that black building?” She hummed, trying not to show him how he affected her. “That’s me.”

“You weren’t kidding when you said we’re practically neighbors again.”

They backed away from the window, turning to face the bedroom. In the center of the room was a large, undressed bed. Nervous tingles fluttered in her stomach. The memory of a young man, no more than sixteen, sitting on her bed with a book in his hand flashed through her mind. His wild, unkempt hair was shoved under a backward ball cap, but his smile burned bright. That same smile reflected back at her now. The face was older, wiser, and more defined, but that smile was the same.

“You thinking what I’m thinking?” he wondered. He jerked his head toward the bed, waggling his eyebrows.

Oh she was. Her bed had always been a special place for them. They’d spent countless nights talking, laughing, dreaming, and crying there. Those memories were a part of her, sculpting her into the person that stood before him now. She recalled how he held her tight; almost to the point she couldn’t breathe, soothing her pain. His touch was exactly what she needed. Cora dying had left a huge, gaping hole in her chest, and only Ryan could fill it.

“Why would he do this, Ryan? How could he hurt Mom like that?” She sobbed into his chest.

They lay together, covered under her sheets, sheltered from the cool air the open window let in. “I wish I knew.”

She looked up into those eyes she trusted. “Because of him I’ve lost everything.”

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