Complicate Me (The Good Ol' Boys #1) (34 page)

BOOK: Complicate Me (The Good Ol' Boys #1)
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It was too much.

It was too real.

It overwhelmed me and consumed me.

It hurt me and slayed me.

Like a giant blade was driven directly into my heart.

I reacted.

I leaped off the bed and let the rage, the fury, the craze take over. I went from feeling nothing to an infinite stream of hurt, pain, and emptiness. I had been a ticking time bomb that waited. Exploded.

I was loud, disastrous, and chaotic.

I would take everything in my vicinity with me, like a hurricane whirling around, merciless and unforgiving. It elicited feelings I never thought were possible, emotions that no one should ever have to experience. I felt every loss of breath, every tear, every memory, everything he ever said to me, and everything he ever promised me. It was all lies.


All of the lies cluttered my mind for my will to keep going, for me to push through. I couldn’t keep up with the agony, it clasped onto me like a vice. Taking me deeper underground, where there was no one, but me.


I darted around my room, my feet stomping everywhere I stepped, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Throwing pictures, vases, I went after anything and everything I could find. My eyes blurred with nothing but tears. My body twisted with nothing but hate and my desire to fall apart.

“I hate you! I hate you!” I yelled, talking to myself. I repeated it over and over to let it sink into my pores and make it become a part of me. Making me truly believe it, truly know that this was the end.

“Jesus Christ, Alex,” Aubrey yelled, running into my bedroom. “What’s going on?”

“It hurts! It hurts, Aubrey, it hurts so bad!” I crumbled to the ground and she came with me.

“What? What hurts? Are you okay?” she panicked, trying to comfort me as I sat on my knees with my body hunched over.

“I’m trying to keep from dying… I’m just trying to keep from dying,” I bawled, big, huge ugly tears.

She pulled my head into her lap and I wrapped my arms around her waist. “I can’t breathe, Aubrey. I feel like I can’t breathe,” I sobbed uncontrollably.

“Shhh… it’s okay, Alex… it’s okay, I’m here,” she sympathized, her own voice breaking.  

I collapsed into her lap. The more I cried, the more I realized, I was no longer.

His brown eyed girl.

When I heard the knock on the door I just knew.

Call it intuition. Call it a sixth sense. Call it being fucking perceptive. I don’t give a shit. I knew when I opened the door Alex would be standing there.




All because of me.

I took a deep breath, being grateful that no one was home but me. This wouldn’t be pretty, not even a little bit. When I opened the door to find her standing there like she hadn’t slept all night, I wanted nothing more than to take her into my arms. Comfort her anyway I could, except she would never seek refuge from me again.

I was her destruction.

“Is it true?” she immediately asked, and I shamefully bowed my head.

“Is it fucking true?!” she yelled.

I instantly looked back up at her. I had never in my twenty-one years heard Alex cuss. Not one time. I stumbled back a few feet from the impact of her words.

“You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t.”

She shook her head and stepped inside, slamming the door behind her. “Oh no, Lucas Ryder, you do not get off that easy. You will say it to me! You will look me in the eye and tell me!” she screamed loud enough to break glass.

I licked my lips, my mouth suddenly dry. With a heavy heart and a guilty conscience I said, “Yes, it’s true. Stacey’s pregnant and I’m the father. The paternity test proved it.”

“Is she keeping it?”

I was shocked that she would even ask me that. “Alex, you know I could never… yes.”

“Are you going to marry her?” Her eyes filled up with tears, nearly bringing me to my knees.

“Never, we’re not together, this was an accident. I’m going to help her raise the baby, but that’s all.”

“You say that like it’s so easy.”

“I fucked up.”

“That’s all you ever do, Lucas. You’re one big fuck up.”

I jerked back, hurt. “I needed you, Half-Pint. I needed you so fucking bad. You want to start pointing fingers. Let’s start there.”

She wiped away her tears and narrowed her eyes at me, offended. “Wow. It’s my fault that you can’t keep your dick in your pants? Oh no, let me rephrase that. You can’t keep your dick in your pants with anyone besides me. With me you can.”

“No.” I pointed at her. “That’s not fucking fair.”

“Fair? You want to talk about fair! You have led me on since I could basically fucking walk, Lucas! You string me along. When I finally, finally tell you that I want you, that I need you to please make love to me, to show me what you’ve been saying to me for so long. I pretty much throw myself at you. What do you do? Huh? What do you do!? You kiss me and look deep into my eyes and tell me that you can’t. You turn me down and make me feel like a fool, like a child! Exactly the way you see me!”

“Are you fucking joking? A child? You think I see you as a child? Jesus Christ, Alex, fucking touch my cock and I’ll prove to you that I don’t see you as a child.”

“Too little, too late,” she viscously spewed.

I yanked the hair away from my face and held it at the sides of my head. Wanting to tear it the fuck out.

“Why her, Lucas? Of all people, why her?”

“I told you. It was an accident. I was drunk as shit and barely remember any of it,” I scoffed, disgusted with myself. “I needed you and when I found you.” I stepped toward her, right in front of her face and I was surprised she didn’t step away.

“When I found you, you were in
house. With

Her eyes widened and her breathing hitched at the realization of what I said.

“That’s right, I saw you. I saw you about to lose your virginity to Cole in our house. The same place I told you I couldn’t take that from you. I know I’m an asshole, Alex, I know I’m a selfish fucking prick, I know I’ve done some really shitty things to you, but goddamn it I couldn’t make love to you and then leave you. I was leaving the next day. You were drunk for the love of God. I didn’t want your first time to be like that. Do you think I could have lived with myself after doing that to you?” I paused to let my words linger.

“I think about that night all the time.




I stopped because I love you. I fuck everyone else because I don’t.”

She shook her head with a look on her face I had never seen before. “I didn’t, Lucas. I couldn’t. Yes, I brought him there, but I didn’t sleep with him. We kissed and I stopped him. I actually ran out of the house and fell flat on my face.”

I smiled. I couldn’t help it. I fucking smiled. My heart soared from the news that she hadn’t given herself to him.

“I know this shouldn’t make me happy given our circumstances right now, but shit, Half-Pint, I’m ecstatic that you haven’t been with him. That you’re still—”

She grimaced and didn’t even try to hide it. “Bo…”

I shook my head in disbelief. “No.”

Our eyes locked. “I was so upset and hurt after you turned me down. I didn’t see it that way. You didn’t tell me any of those things. All you said was that you couldn’t do it. That I was drunk and I needed to sleep it off, that I wasn’t in the right state of mind to know what I was asking. We barely talked the next morning. You kissed me goodbye and left. That was it.”

I could see the whole night replaying through her eyes, making me relive it all over again.

“After you had left, after all you boys left, I went to work and Cole was at the restaurant. After my shift was over, we went back to his house. His parents were gone.”

I shut my eyes not being able to hear the rest but also needing to know.

“We were in his room. I don’t even know how it happened. One second we were talking and then the next we were kissing. One thing led to another, it just happened,” she bellowed, regret evident in her tone.

“Did he know?” I asked, opening my eyes. “Did he know you were a virgin?”

“He figured it out before it actually happened.”

“Cole’s not as fucking stupid as I thought.”




My eyebrows lowered.

“You’re connected to him,
. In a way, I will never be to you, and he knows that. He’s known that all along.”

“I didn’t want it to be him. I wanted it to be you.”

He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to, his expression spoke for itself.

“Why did you need me?”


“That night. You said you needed me. Why?”

He looked everywhere around the room but at me, and when he realized I noticed it he once again met my gaze.

“It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change anything. As much as we want it to,” he simply stated, sweeping my hair from my face with a sad smile.

“You’re going to be a father. You’re going to have a baby. Wow,” I breathed out. “I knew this day would come, except I always imagined that I would be the one carrying it.”

He caressed my cheek as a single tear rolled down his face.

“I can’t—” I steadied my voice for what I was about to say. “I can’t do this with you anymore. Love shouldn’t hurt this much. All you’ve ever done is complicate
.” I declared with a stern face, bracing myself for what I was about to do.

I clutched onto my shark tooth necklace, holding it between my fingers for a few seconds to take in the feel of it around my neck. I hadn’t taken it off since he gave it to me on my 11
birthday, and the mere memory of it almost brought me to my knees. I roughly yanked it off my neck before I could back out of what I was about to do.

His eyes followed the steady movement of my hand as I placed the necklace in his front pocket, which happened to be on top of his heart. I allowed my hand to linger for a few moments, wanting to remember the feel of him against my hand as his heart beat rapidly, mirroring mine. They had always been in sync with one another. Time, regrets, lies, mistakes, misunderstandings, hadn’t made it any less true.

I took one last look at him, wanting to remember him just this way, and sucked in a breath I didn’t realize I held. “I’m done, Bo, I’m done,” I repeated as more tears fell down his handsome, broken face.

For the first time…

He knew.

That what I said…

Was. True.



“Damn, man, you sure you want to do this?” Dylan asked as I packed the last of my things.

“What other choice do I have?”

“You don’t have to move back home, Lucas. I mean yeah, she’s pregnant, but you can finish the school year. Your son’s not going to be born until April, it’s January.” He had just got back from Christmas break. I only went home for Christmas day and then came right back to start packing and take care of any loose ends.

“It just makes sense, man, I need to go. With my mom being sick and Stacey being pregnant, it’s the right thing to do.”

“Fuck…” He sat on the edge of my bed. “Jacob is barely ever around and Austin is moving in now. He got kicked out of the dorms, and I think he’s losing his shit. Did you see him at the kegger? He was on something, that wasn’t just weed and booze as he claimed.”

“It’s his problem.”

“He’s failing almost all his classes. He never goes.”

“Again. It’s his problem. Not yours,” I stated.

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