Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (181 page)

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Creswell point
Type of later Upper Palaeolithic flint tool found in the British Isles, named after examples found at Creswell Crags, Derbyshire, England. Made on a relatively narrow flint blade, one end is worked to produce a slightly elongated trapezoidal form with the long side of the blade left unworked and the shorter side blunted. Possibly used as knife blades.
Crickley Hill, Gloucestershire, UK
A multi-period hilltop enclosure used intermittently from about 4000 bc onwards. The hilltop is a triangular-shaped spur of some 3.8ha, and has seemingly not been ploughed since prehistoric times. Extensive excavations were carried out on the site between 1969 and 1993 by Philip Dixon . The earliest main phase of occupation was a causewayed enclosure. After being rebuilt several times this was completely remodelled as a defended enclosure in its latest phase. The site was abandoned in the middle Neolithic, after being attacked and razed. A
was built over the top of the infilled enclosure boundaries. There is some slight evidence for Beaker occupation on the hilltop, but the site was not re-occupied until the construction of an Iron Age hillfort in the 7th century
. Several phases of rebuilding have been recorded at this structure, each associated with the destruction of the existing fortifications. The site was again abandoned in the 3rd century
, and was not subsequently re-occupied on a large scale again.
[Sum.: P. Dixon , 1979, A Neolithic and Iron Age site on a hill top in Southern England.
Scientific American
, 241(5), 142–50]
s Culture
critical archaeology
A theoretical approach to archaeology that assumes that archaeologists have an active impact on their society.
critical theory
A school of thought derived in part from a disenchantment with classical Marxism and the development of Western Marxism within what became known as the ‘Frankfurt School’. Associated with Adorno , Habermas , and Marcuse amongst others, critical theorists aim to uncover the inner workings of a society which they suggest lie concealed from view by a veneer of ideology.

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