Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (501 page)

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Otter Creek points
Archaic Stage large bifacially worked chipped stone projectile points with a side notch found in northeastern parts of North America and dating to the period
4500–2600 bc.
Otto the Great
Son of Henry the Fowler made Saxon king of Germany in ad 936, and emperor from ad 962. In ad 955 he defeated the
at the Lechfeld. Died
ad 973.
outer bailey
A small building detached from the main house.
An example of something (e.g. a site or object) found a long way detached from the main distribution of similar things.
A standing stone outside and some distance apart from a
out of Africa model
oval barrow
Class of middle and late Neolithic burial found in the British Isles in the 4th and 3rd millennia
. The barrow mound is oval in plan, typically less than 45m long, and made from earth and stones. In some cases there is a kerb or peristalith around the edge of the mound, while internal subdivisions of the mound seem to reflect building techniques. Flanking ditches are common and provided a source of material for building the mound. In some cases the ditches completely encircle the mound. Early examples cover a platform or simple timber mortuary structure containing disarticulated multiple inhumations. Later examples usually cover a centrally placed grave with one or two flexed inhumations. Grave goods are rare, but include personal ornaments that were probably introduced with the corpses.

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