Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (596 page)

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recording system
A systematic and structured set of procedures for creating a record of archaeological excavations or fieldwork. These will generally provide for descriptive accounts of the stratigraphic units examined (context records/feature records, etc.), together with a means of linking these to the finds recovered and samples taken (finds index, samples index, etc.); photographic and video records; drawings, plans, and sections; audio tapes and spoken commentaries; and the daybooks and logs maintained by the director, supervisors, and key specialists. Most large excavation units have established recording systems which variously use manual and computerized logging of data and information.
Literally, to create again something that once existed or is believed to have existed but which no longer survives. In archaeology this usually involves making what is essentially a replica of something based on research and the examination of similar examples elsewhere. Most recreations involve the application of imagination, some far more than others. All, however, reflect the contemporary understanding of what it is they are trying to recreate.
recumbent stone circle
Type of
of Aubrey Burl's late period characterized by the presence of a large recumbent slab set between a pair of flanking pillars which are usually the tallest stones in the ring. The pillars are graded in height, gradually reducing in size with distance away from the recumbent. This type of stone circle dates to the later Neolithic and early Bronze Age and is concentrated in eastern Scotland and southwest Ireland.
red deer
Large four-hoofed grazing mammal (Cervus elaphus) native to northern Europe and extensively hunted during late Upper Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic times. The antlers of the males are shed and replenished annually and during prehistoric and later times were widely collected and taken from hunted animals for use in toolmaking.
red-figure ware
Style of Attic pottery characteristic of the 5th and 4th centuries
, being introduced in the last quarter of the 6th, in which the scene is depicted in the red fabric of the ware itself, and the background is infilled in black.
Red God
Egyptian god. See

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