Conquest of the Alpha (2 page)

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Authors: Jessica Caspian

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Werewolves & Shifters

BOOK: Conquest of the Alpha
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They were driving back to college, and Julia was looking out the window with her long black hair flowing over her shoulders in the breeze. After the snowstorm last night,
they were now in the middle of warmer temperatures and it was a far cry from what she had seen only a few hours ago. The roads were now cleared, and the pavement was now wet with the snow visibly melting. She didn’t even have her glasses on, and yet she still could see everything as clear as day. Reaching into her purse, Julia grabbed onto her glasses and put them on, only to see that looking through them was making her eyes hurt and everything looking like it was blurred.

Running her hands t
hrough her hair, and even though she had just been through quite the ordeal, she was actually feeling pretty damn good. In fact, she had never felt better in her life, and it was the first time that she could say that and actually mean it.

They arrived back at campus, and she looked at her
watch to see that her first class was in less than 20 minutes. It didn’t appear that she was going to miss anything, and that was fortuitous considering that it was finals week and every grade counted.

Walking along the path, she could feel the breeze, and smell the preparation of sloppy Joes in the cafeteria, not to mention an overpowering smell of men’s cologn
e. It was then that she felt a displacement in the air, heard a whistle and turned in time to snatch a thrown football, just before it was going to crash into Amber’s head.

“So sorry…
it got away from me. Good reflexes! We could use somebody like you on the team.” The jock with the blond hair and customary jacket with the college colors on it turned around and went back to his friends with the ball firmly clasped in his hands.

“That was amazing, Julia, and how exactly did you know that that ball was coming? I’m not complaining, but neither one of us were in the position of seeing it as it sailed through the air.”

“I guess I just got lucky.” Julia was feeling something, but what it was she didn’t know, only that she felt like she could run for miles and leap over tall buildings in a single bound. It was like this energy was running through her veins, something foreign, and it was giving her the agility and reflexes of a panther.

y got to the elevator, and Julia didn’t want anything to do with the enclosed space, suddenly feeling a little claustrophobic for the first time in her life. She needed the open air, freedom to move without restriction, and had an instinctive need to take the stairs. “I’ll see you later, Amber, but I think I’m going to take the stairs.” She didn’t even give Amber time to respond, crashing into the door and bounding up the stairs three at a time.

Her entire body was alive, and before long she was leaping from one landing to the other with ease. When
she finally made it to the sixth floor, she came out feeling fine and not out of breath at all. She couldn’t explain it, nor did she want to, because right now she was beyond anything that she had ever been before. This was something different, and she wasn’t going to allow anything to jeopardize what she now had.

no longer needed her glasses, and her sudden realization that she probably didn’t need her inhaler anymore made her smile. Passing by a window, she stopped and momentarily got lost in thought, looking out the window at the hills and having this pull inside of herself to go out there and enjoy nature. She wanted nothing more than to skip class and run naked in the woods, her hair flying behind her and effortlessly moving without a care in the world.

r skin was like a newborn baby, no blemishes and the mole underneath her nose was magically gone. It was as if she was starting a new, with this newfound respect for life and for everything in it. She sensed something was amiss, but she didn’t want to give it any kind of voice, in case all of this would disappear with a blink of an eye.

Sitting in class, Julia was feeling bored, drumming her pencil on the desk, with this intense need to run making it virtual
ly impossible to sit still. There had to be a reason for all of this, but for right now she was enjoying being a normal girl. No longer would she be a slave to her health concerns, always thinking twice before doing something, and never just dancing to her own beat.

“Miss Drummond… Miss Drummond…am I disturbing your daydreams, or would you like to inject your own
thoughts into what I had to say?” She didn’t think she was listening, but then every word that he said came crashing into her skull. “I see and I guess you weren’t…”

She cut him off in mid sentence, and then
she stood up straight and tall for everybody to see. “Actually, I don’t exactly agree with what you just said. If you believe in evolution, you have to believe that there are things in this world that cannot be explained by just science along. After all, how can you explain miracles, or the ability of a young mother to lift a car off her newborn baby? Everything around us is subject to interpretation, and sometimes I think that we get lost in what we think to be true, when we should be exploring the unknown with wide open eyes.”

“I’m not sure if I agree with you, Miss Drummond, but you have definitely raised a few interesting
points. In fact, I would like the whole class to write a 10,000 word essay describing something in your life that you don’t think science could have anything to do with. Think of this as 25% of your grade, and I really want you to think about what you are going to write before you do it.” Professor Carver had never singled Julia out before, nor did he ever call her by her first name, although she had seen him do the exact opposite with other members of his class. Maybe he didn’t think she was worthy of his time and respect, but it appeared that was turning around in her favor.

stood up with the entire class praising her for the insight, but no doubt thankful that 25% of their grade would be doing something out of the watchful eye of Professor Carver. He had never given assignments outside of class, and Julia thought that he enjoyed that fact that she was questioning his opinion, and wanted to see if others could do the same thing.

It was getting close to lunch, and Julia could feel that her stomach was grumbling, and there was this intense need for something a little bit more filling than just the sloppy Joes
in the kitchen. What she needed was something with a little bit more protein, something bloody and still dripping in its own juices, which made her walk into a trance, until she was finally standing at the fridge inside the cafeteria. What she saw was a steak still in its packaging and the nourishing piece of meat was calling to her. She couldn’t help herself, as she ripped into the package and tore her fingers into the raw meat like a wild animal out of control.

Putting it up to her mouth, Julia knew that it was wrong,
but tasting it with the tip of her tongue only made it seem like it was the right thing to do. She tore into it with her teeth, letting the meat linger on top of her tongue, before swallowing it whole, and then going after another bite. It was like something had taken over her appetite, and she ate the entire steak, until she was licking her fingers clean. She suddenly felt sick to her stomach.

She looked down at what she had done, totally grossed out by the fact that she had just eaten a raw st
eak, and going over to the sink and trying her best to heave it back out. It wouldn’t budge, not even if she put her finger down her throat, so she was going to have to accept the fact of what she had just done.

walked some and suddenly found herself on the track court, feeling in a daze and not quite believing that she had done such a thing in the kitchen. If somebody had seen her, they would think that she was some kind of monster that needed to be put down. That was not what she was, at least not in her own mind anyway, even though there was this gnawing need inside of her body to go back and have another steak.

That first trickle of juices was almost better than sex, not that she had that to compare it to. Her sexual exploits were tame in comparison and her last really good orgasm was watchin
g porn and at her own hand. Then was the night that she saw her roommate going at it with her boyfriend and they either didn’t care that she was watching or they didn’t know. After they left giggling that was when she had to give herself some relief, and found her trusty purple vibrator to do the job. To take it to the finish line, she had turned her computer to a three-way between two guys and a girl and that was all that it took to make her lose herself to the moment.

Feeling somebody hit her on the ass, she turned to see the blur of a man in a track suit moving aw
ay from her with a slimy leer staring in her direction. This ignited an anger that seethed down to the pit of her stomach, making her want to catch that man and make him pay for being crass and treating her like she was just another piece of meat.

Her legs began to pump, and she was soon gaining on him, even though he was already quite a distance in front of her. He looked back and seem
ed to be mildly amused, thinking that if he put on a little bit extra speed that he would be able to lose her. Unfortunately, as he rounded the next bend, he casually looked back to laugh at her expense, only to see that she was still gaining and was now only a few strides away from catching him.

The coach was watching with a cigar in his mouth, and now
it was hanging there, as his eyes took in the spectacle that was now playing out. He thought it was pretty funny that his star athlete, Brock, had slapped that young lady on the ass, but had now seen that it had lit a flame underneath her. Her intense eyes were something that he could never get out of his head, and he watched with bated breath as she moved like a jaguar across the field. His star athlete tried to get away, but her determination and need to catch him was more than he could outrun.

The coach
thought that he had seen everything, but seeing this young woman stalking and getting closer with each long stride was something that made his heart leap from his chest. His pulse was racing and he was now seeing the answer to his prayers on Saturday afternoon. That young woman had the stamina of a gazelle or maybe a cheetah…what if was she was the golden goose that would lead his team to the championship? He needed to find out who she was and convince her for the good of the school to join the track team. This woman was an offering by the track field gods and was a once in a lifetime find. With her speed, he just couldn’t understand why that she didn’t try out at the first of the year. Maybe she was shy, or she didn’t know that she was that fast, it didn’t matter and he would have to have her.

A woman like that had to be honed as a weapon and he didn’t want any other college getting their hooks into her. Once they found out about her, she would become a sought after star in the making. This could lead all the way to the world or maybe even the Olympics…the possibilities were endless.

The cigar dropped from his mouth, landing at his feet still lit, as she leaped into the air and landed on Brock’s back. “Get off me…you crazy bitch…I was just having a little fun.” Her grip was amazing and it felt like she was a deranged animal after its prey. Brock could feel her on his back and it was like he was carrying around a backpack that weighed a ton. He stumbled forward and was unable to stay on his feet for longer that a couple of more feet. His breath was short and she was squeezing him with her legs, almost like a snake does before the big kill.

Brock fell face forward into the trail, with her on his back, before she leaned down and licked the back of his neck.
It was the strangest thing, the coach had seen and had he known any better, he might think that she was preparing his star athlete for dinner. At the last second, her head snapped back, and she was now sniffing the air like a dog, before getting off of Brock and running in the opposite direction.

There was a scent in the air, something that was very distinguishable, and
then she saw a young man in a crowd of college students protesting the use of fur.

Looking past the crowd, she
zoomed in on a young man with black hair, with matching goatee, and made this instant connection with their eyes that made her push through the crowd to get to him.

He was no longer
there, and Julia could see that he had now moved over to the side of the building, before going around and out of sight. She saw his head through the crowd, and followed until they were alone. “I need to talk to you.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself.” He hadn’t gone far, waiting patiently for her to find him standing by one of the picnic tables out front. This was going to be first contact, and he was going to have to put his best foot forward to make a good impression.

“Chance…give the poor girl time to adjust to her new reality.” Out of nowhere came this other man, long blond hair, clean shaven, over 6 feet tall and had the body of a linebacker. He was wearing the school jacket with a pair of blue jeans that hugged his package tightly “You really didn’t think that I was going to let you talk to her before I did. I mean really, did you really think that I didn’t sense what you did, and now you have the gall to approach her like nothing ever happened.”

“Tanner…this was your doing, because none of my people had anything to do with it. That only leaves you as the culprit, and to think that we had this uneasy peace for the last few years. It was agreed upon that nobody would go after another one, at least until everybody had a chance to vote. You
went against The Codicil which was put into place for this very reason, and you think you have any right to lecture me about what is right or wrong. What you should be is down on your hands and knees begging her for her forgiveness, and hope to god that she won’t take this personally. The smell of what you did surrounds this damn town like a shroud of death, and I for one will not stand for this kind of blatant abuse of power.”

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