Consume Me (Devoured Club Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Consume Me (Devoured Club Series)
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Chapter 10-Emma




“Earth to Emma Malorie O’Conner!” Nikki’s voice barreled throughout the kitchen, shaking me from my thoughts.

“What?” I looked
up; putting down the frosting bag I had in my hand. Another huge cupcake order needed to be filled, and I couldn’t concentrate.

It had been almost a week since my first night at Devoured
, and my first night with Marcus. I had been lost in replaying what happened, and trying to figure out why he would say he wanted to fuck me and then not do it. It wasn’t like I wasn’t willing. Hell, my body reacted with his so easily…

“Emma!” Nikki’s voice screamed again as I slipped back into
my thoughts.

Shaking my head
, I made my way up to the front counter. “What do you want?” I replied. Turning the corner I saw him.
. I stopped dead in my tracks and froze.  I looked at him and then at Nikki. “Oh!”

It was all I could muster at the moment
, and the way Nikki looked at me, I knew she wouldn’t let me not explain who this tattoo clad, six foot-four inch, black haired, extremely fit male standing in my bakery was.
What the fuck was he doing here?

“Can I help you?” I asked
, attempting to be professional, even though my initial reaction had blown that to hell.

Marcus looked at Nikki and then at me
. “Can we talk somewhere privately?”

“I’m kind of busy at the moment.” I didn’t really have anything to say to him
, nor did I know what to say. I was still a ball of emotion, and the rational part of me knew that I shouldn’t be, but the emotional side of me was pissed off and hurt.

His eyes pleaded to mine as he shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, which was very out of character for him. He
usually seemed to exude confidence. “It’ll only take a minute, please?”

“Fine. We can go into the office.” I looked at Nikki
. “You okay out here?” Hoping she would sense my unease and say no, but being the bitch she could be, she didn’t.

“I run the place when you’re gone, I think I can handle a few minutes
.” She smiled and raised her eyebrows. I wanted to hit her, but instead I turned back toward Marcus and motioned for him to follow me.

My office was just off to the right of the kitchen. It was small, but I didn’t really need that much room; most of the information for orders and such
was on the wall opposite the office. I motioned for him to sit in the chair next to my desk. “What can I do for you, Marcus?”

“For starters
, you can look at me.” His voice was curt, and I didn’t think he had appeared angry out in the shop, but, then again, there had been an audience.

I complied and looked at him
. “Better?” I was a bit bitchy, and I knew I shouldn’t be, but I was still pissed off, but, for the life of me, I couldn’t say why. It wasn’t like we were together, or that I was exclusively his submissive. I was part of a training program, and I’d known the rules and regulations before I signed the membership application.

Yes,” he said as he moved the chair closer to me. “Why haven’t you answered any of my calls or texts?”

“I’ve been busy with work
, and I didn’t really have a reason to.”
Yeah, bitchy it was.

wanted to schedule your individual sessions. It is part of your membership.” His voice remained low.

“I know it is, but individual sessions are also allowed to be scheduled around my time
; it is my personal time. I’ve been extremely busy with work, and I haven’t had time to even think about play time.” I bobbed my head back and forth, growing annoyed that he would come all the way here to discuss play time. “Is there anything else, or did you come here just to lecture me on my sessions? Because now I have to explain to Nikki who you are, and I’m not sure what to tell her.”

“No, that’s not all, but you don’t have to explain shit to her. Tell her I am a potential client
.” He was serious. His face was rigid and unyielding. I was having a hard time reading him.

“Actually I do. She’s known me most of my life
, and she already gave me the ‘who is he?’ look. So what else did you come here for? Scold me for not answering your texts? As far as I know, I’m only at your command in the club.” Bitchy Emma was definitely out.

“No need to be a bitch. And you are right, you don’t have to answer me, but an acknowledgement would have been nice. I would have liked a chance to apologize for last week.” He had moved even closer and placed his arms on his legs, looking at the floor.

I was stunned.
He wanted to apologize?
“For what?”

Marcus looked back up at me.
“For my behavior last week. I should not have said what I said when I put your collar on you. I got carried away. Then I took you to my dungeon, under the false promise from earlier, and I let you down. I was not being the Dom you needed. I should never have said anything to begin with. It’s just that, when I’m around you, I can’t fucking think about anything else.”

His declaration floored me. I didn’t know what to say. He
re he sat in my office, head hung toward the floor, his black hair draped down across his face. His hands were clasped together, and, with his shirt sleeves rode up, I could see his tattoos peeking out. The man did things to me and my hormones that no one had even come close to before. There was no denying that fact.

“I don’t
know what to say.” I didn’t. Marcus had completely blindsided me with his revelation.

“You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted to apologize in person
, and assure you that things will stay as professional as they can while you are under my watch. I’m sorry again for the other night.” Marcus rose out of the chair and stepped toward the door. He looked back at me. “You are still coming tomorrow night, right?”

I got out of my chair and headed towards the door as well
. “Of course. Anything specific to be aware of? You did say it was public night, right?”

He nodded
. “Yes. Security will be tighter. Make sure you are at the club by 8. Also, I’ll have an outfit waiting for you in your locker.”

Okay, no problem.”

I motioned to the door and let him exit first. I guess I really
hadn’t known what to expect when I saw him. But his declaration, apology, and promise of professionalism, had my emotions in a yo-yo.
Damn men!

We reached the front of the store
, where Nikki was ringing out a customer. I walked Marcus to the door and stopped to look at him. “Thanks for stopping by. I’ll see you around.”

I tried to make the goodbye as professional as possible. Hell
, it was him who had said stay professional.

He looked at me and then around the bakery
. “Thanks for taking a few minutes to talk to me. I’ll be in touch about the order soon.” He raised his eyebrow and hesitated a few seconds before leaving. I watched him turn the corner into Quincy Market and disappear into the crowd.

I turned back toward the counter and saw Nikki’s smirk plastered
across her face. “Don’t even start with me.” I warned her, and headed back into the kitchen to finish icing the cupcake order that was due the next morning. I still needed to put the garnishments on later that day.

“Spill it,” she said as she sauntered her way back and picked up another icing bag to help.

“I really don’t feel like talking about it at the moment.” I focused on the cupcakes in front of me and tried to not make eye contact with her, yet she was the only person besides my sister that had known me my whole life.

“Who is he
, Em? I saw the look on your face when you saw him. Now spill.” She looked at me and then continued icing her portion of the cupcakes.

“I’m not talking about it
, Nik. Let it go!” I was growing annoyed, and contemplated leaving for a while, when my sister walked through the back door.

“Let what go?” Ally asked as she
placed her stuff in the office.

“Nothing,” I answered back
. “Nikki was just letting the subject go.” I glared at Nikki. “Right?”

Nikki laughed
. “Um, no. Emma here had a male visitor a few minutes ago, and won’t elaborate on who he was. The man was pure sex in a package.”

Ally tilted her head towards me
. “Oh, really? So, talk, Emma.”

He’s a potential client, that’s all. Now drop it or I’ll fire both of you.” I huffed and turned my attention back to the cupcakes, hoping they wouldn’t notice my hands shaking. I didn’t want them knowing about this part of my life – yet.

The girls laughed in unison
. “Yeah, okay Emma. Potential client, my ass.” Nikki was egging me on. “I saw the way you looked at him. There’s more there than potential client.”

Maybe it was my
recent lack of sleep, or the fact I was aroused by Marcus’s visit, but most of my patience was gone. I slammed my hand on the counter and looked back at Nikki. “I said drop it, Nikki. I mean it. I am not divulging any information about him. He is a potential client. End. Of. Story.” I was getting annoyed at their questioning.

Nikki looked at Ally
, and then threw her hands up in surrender. “Okay, I’m sorry. Jesus, Emma, you don’t need to get your panties in a bunch.”

I looked at her and then at my sister
. “I’ve got work to do. Either help me or leave.”

Ally nodded
, and filled another icing bag and began to frost the order. “I’ll help you. Nikki, why don’t you go up front.”

“Sure thing
, Ally.” Nikki placed her bag on the counter and headed to the front of the bakery.

Ally turned to me
. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it? You’ve been a raging bitch all week.”

“I’m fine.” I looked up at her and then back to the cupcakes.

“Okay, if you say so,” Ally replied and shrugged me off.

We continued to work in silence until all
of the order was frosted. “Alright, just have to add the embellishments and we are good to go.” I looked at Ally, who nodded in agreement.

“You have such a way with your creative side, Emma.” She smiled
, and I smiled back.

Thank you, love. Alright, I’m going to head home. Can you close up the shop later?”

“No problem
, Emma.” She walked toward me. “If you need to talk, let me know, okay?”

I hugged her close
. “Of course. I think I just need some sleep. It’s been a busy week.” I grabbed my stuff and headed to the car, thinking about the other night at the club, Marcus’s visit today, and what was in store from now on. My mind was racing, and all I wanted to do was soak in a bath with a glass of wine.







Chapter 11-Marcus




I sat at my desk at Devoured, thinking about the visit with Emma yesterday. I didn’t feel any better than I had before the visit. Maybe it was stupid to show up at the bakery, or even to just see her. I had wanted to make sure she was safe, and apologize for my behavior. And I still fucked up by telling her that when I’m around her I couldn’t think of anything else.

Fuck, what the hell was going on with me?
I’d never let a woman or submissive affect me this way, not since April. In she walks and I can’t think straight, and I am doing shit I never thought I’d do. Actually worrying about someone outside of my dungeon? That’s never happened. Never mind the fact that I hadn’t been able to fuck any of the subs that I’d been working with. Hell, I’d modified their contracts to exclude that portion.

“Deep in thought?”
A sweet voice pierced through my thoughts. I looked up from my desk and the paperwork I’d been trying to go through and sort in preparation for public night tonight, and saw Chloe taking her spot on the couch in the office.

I smiled
. “Yeah, just have some shit bothering me at the moment.” I smirked and shrugged my shoulders.

“Does it have to do with anyone specific?” Chloe adjusted herself on the couch and picked up a pile of papers she had lying next to her.

“Is Lucas going to let you work while you are here?” I asked, eyeing the pile.

“I have to
, or he won’t have me here tomorrow night either. Besides, it’s public night, I’ll only work until we are ready to go on the floor. I have to get mid-term grades in. Plus, he knows the score, Marcus. He knows I’ll only stay if I have some control over what I do.” She looked at me and then back to the papers. It was different not hearing her call me Master, as she normally would if Lucas was in the room. After what had happened between the two of them, and her losing the baby, the fact that she had accepted his engagement ring at all surprised me. I saw the independent, strong woman that she was, but I also saw the submissive I knew she was as well. When we were alone in the office, protocol was not necessary. Hell, she needed some down time at the club too!

“Speaking of him, where is he?” I shuffled a few papers around on my desk
, trying to organize them the best I could. We were hosting another public play night, and members submitted information about non-members that they wanted to bring, and the general public also needed to reserve a space and provide basic information, so that we could conduct a brief background check on all that entered.

“He said he’d be here by five. Had to run and do
something before,” she replied, never lifting her eyes off what she was doing. “By the way, you still haven’t answered my question about a specific someone.”

I looked up at her
, and ran my hands through my hair. Shifting in my chair, I turned back and forth. “Yeah it does, and it is bothering the fuck out of me. She’s got me off my game.”

“Well, I don’t know what to tell you about your game there
, hot shot, but if you like her, try and get to know her better, specifically out of here.”

only it was that easy. Honestly, Chloe, without trying to sound like a pussy, she makes me feel something that I haven’t felt since April died. I’d spent years building the walls and just being me, and now…” I trailed off as Lucas barreled through the office door.

, man,” I said, as I watched him cross the office. “Everything all right?”

“Yes, everything is fine. How are the preparations for
tonight? Are you still holding the training session?” Lucas sat back in his chair and angled it toward me. I could tell there was some tension between Chloe and him, which explained the out of protocol on her part.

“Everything is good. Devlin is installing the scanner as we speak. He’s also brought in some more guys to help with security. All dungeon Masters are on and
, yes, I am still holding the training session. I am going to have the subs running drinks, clean up for members only. Nothing too much, but let them see how things run. This way, I can watch them and also watch the floor.”

“Good. Well then
, I’ll go check on Devlin’s progress with the scanner, and check the orders. Background checks okay?” He rose out of his chair and headed towards the door.

I nodded
. “All those that have come back checked out good. Just waiting on a couple more, and then we can program all the information into the scanner system.”

Devlin was not only our head of security at the club,
and a Master Dom, but also a friend. He owned a security business outside of the club, providing high tech security systems, and personal bodyguards. The surveillance technology and equipment that he had installed in the club, and the identification system we used, was beyond my comprehension.  We ran background checks, recorded identification information, and scanned photographic images into the system database.

When security scan
ned the identification through the scanner at the front door, the system picked up the image and matched it to the background information; we were able to scan the license and retain all the information on the entrant, if needed. All of the cameras were also equipped with face recognition software for added security. We hardly ever needed to use the software, but it had come in handy a few times in the past, and it helped with monitoring activity within the club.

I turned my attention back to Chloe
. “Something I need to know?”

! We had a little spat before I left the apartment this morning. I guess it’s still continuing.” She shrugged her shoulders and went back to reading.

“Okay, if you need to talk, let me know?” I stood
up from my chair and headed to the couch. I bent down and placed a kiss on the top of her head. I knew how difficult living with Lucas could be.

Chloe looked up at me and smiled
. “Will do, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“I’m sure you can. I’ll be back later before we open, running home to shower and get my head together.”

“She coming tonight?” Chloe asked, already knowing the answer.

, she is.” I looked at her. “I’ll be back soon.” I turned and left the office.




I returned just shortly before seven. I had changed into my black leather pants and black tee shirt, and grabbed my signature leather wrist cuffs that I wore when I was on the floor. They were thick black leather, gothic in style, but fit my personality. I had asked Sarah to place each of the submissives outfits into their respective lockers, although I was only interested in seeing Emma in hers. I was sure she wouldn’t disappoint.

I was attaching my arm band when Devlin came into the office. “Marc, do you have those last few checks you were working on?”
he asked in his lilting Irish brogue.

“Yeah, they’re on my desk. Is everything ready to go? Extra security here?”

Rummaging around on my desk, he looked up at me. “Yes and Yes.” Finding the information he needed, Devlin headed toward the door. “Your subs are ready, and are in the lounge.”

, man. I’ll be out in a few minutes.” I finished fixing my arm band and headed out to the floor. All of the Master Doms and the extra security were being briefed by Lucas and Devlin; Sarah was going to assist me with the trainees, even though they were not participating in scenes tonight. Public nights were always busy, and I needed to make sure that I was aware of the activity in the club, and not making sure the trainees were safe.

I walked into the lounge and saw the trainees sitting around a couple of bar tables
, waiting. All the females had on the outfits especially picked for them, and Jack had on the leather pants left for him. I had Sarah lay out their collars and cuffs before she went to change.

“Good evening, subs.” I said as I walked into the lounge.

“Good evening, Sir.” A slew of responses came back.

“Tonight is a special night. Devoured is open to the public
, so to say. Every couple of months, we host an open play party, where non-members, along with members, are able to reserve spots to come and play. Tonight is one of those nights.” I paused, waiting for the subs to acknowledge understanding.

“I have decided on having you all join us tonight, but don’t worry
, you will be working and not playing. Emma, Alice and Kenzie will begin serving drinks in the members only areas marked off by the ropes. Jack and Serena will assist in the cleaning of equipment. Does everyone understand?”

Another round of “Yes
, sirs.”

! Now Jack, Serena, Alice, Kenzie and Emma, come get your collars in that order, and then report to Mistress Sarah on the dungeon floor.” One by one, each sub stepped up to receive their collar and cuffs.

When Emma stepped up, I was taken back a little. I knew she would look stunning in her dress, I just didn’t realize how stunning. I had picked out a purple leather tank styled dress. It fell about three inches below her crotch
, and laced up the front and back from the neckline to just past her navel. The laces were loosely tied as to expose as much skin as possible. The sides of her breasts were visible through the corset area in the front, and the fit of the dress provided ample cleavage. The tightness of the dress left no room for underwear, and the thought of her naked pussy underneath the garment excited my dick.

Emma’s hair was styled so that the sides were pulled
back from her face, but the length draped over her shoulders. Her makeup was subtle, allowing for her natural beauty to show.

“Emma, you look stunning tonight,” I said
, as I placed a cuff on her wrist. I repeated the action with her other wrist, and then turned her around so that her back was against my chest.

“Thank you, sir.” Her head was lowered toward the floor as I swept her hair to one side
, wrapped her collar around her neck and secured it tightly. I let my fingers trail down over her shoulders, lightly caressing her skin. I couldn’t wait to restrain her to the cross and tease every inch of her skin until it desensitized enough that the gentle blows from a heavy flogger wouldn’t hurt her, but please her. I wanted her skin ready to respond to my every touch, every hit, and every kiss.

“You’re all set,” I said
, as I adjusted the uncomfortable strain in my pants. “Please go see Mistress Sarah. I’ll be out in a few minutes.” A few minutes my ass. I needed my cock to soften before I could walk onto the floor. Leather pants are not good at hiding anything, nor are they very comfortable with your dick straining to play.

“Yes, sir,” she replied as she walked past me and headed to the main floor. Fuck, I need
ed a drink.

I headed around the bar, grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniels from the top shelf
, and poured myself a shot. Slamming it down, I knew she was going to kill me eventually.

BOOK: Consume Me (Devoured Club Series)
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