Consume Me (Devoured Club Series) (8 page)

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Chapter 13-Marcus




I held Emma, wrapped in a blanket, in my arms until I was certain she was back from her subspace trip. Aftercare was an essential part of any scene, and I wouldn’t let her crash just because I was afraid of getting close.

stirred in my lap and lifted her head from my chest. Her eyes were sleepy, and she really should’ve headed home. “Hey, beautiful. How are you feeling?” I asked her as I looked into her gorgeous eyes.

“I’m good,
sir. Thank you for that,” she replied, trying to remove herself from my lap. I tightened my grip around her waist and stilled her. My cock twitched at the motion, and I had to calm myself down before I continued.

“For what? The orgasm or the cuddling?” I placed a finger under her chin and guided her face back up to mine.

“Both, I guess, although I wish it had been your cock inside of me,” she responded hesitantly, eyes still locked with mine. I could see the yearning in them.

“You and I both, my pet, but I promised you professional
, and I stick to my word.” I placed a quick kiss on the top of her head. “Are you well enough to go home? It’s close to two now. I have to finish with a security detail.”

“Yeah, I’m good. I’m tired anyway. Thanks
again, sir.” She scooted off my lap and stood, adjusting the dress.

“Emma,” I said as she started to turn away.

“Yes, sir?” she flipped her head back around to look at me still sitting on the couch.

“I’ll be in touch this week for your sessions.”

“Of course. Good night.” She turned and I watched as she took the corner to the members’ locker room. I radioed to Mac, who was at the door, to make sure she arrived safely at her car. I didn’t want to take any chances tonight. I might need to be professional while in her presence, but I could be my overbearing protective self when she was not around. I was hoping that, maybe, one day, before it was too late, that I might be able to justify in my fucked up mind, a more serious relationship with her. But for now, I promised myself no commitments, nothing serious, not after what I did to April.

“Penny for your thoughts, sir?” a sweet voice asked from behind me. I turned around to find Chloe standing about a foot from me, wearing a black leather dress, very conservative from her normal club attire. I figured Lucas probably had a say on this outfit.

I walked up to her and kissed her cheek. “Good evening, love. I think you’ll need more than a penny for my thoughts tonight.” I shrugged and fell silent.

“I don’t want to pry, Master Marcus, but I think
you really like her. I can tell. You need to tell her.” Chloe shifted her eyesight to where Emma had retreated to.

“It’s a bit more complicated
than that, but thanks for the advice, Chloe.” I kissed her cheek again. “I’ve got to go help Devlin with security.”

I started to walk away when I felt her hand on my upper arm. “Marcus, I’m here if you need to talk about anything
, or if you want me to talk to her.”

I looked back at her
, catching her eye. “I know you are and I appreciate it.” She nodded and walked toward the bar, and I continued to the office to review the camera feeds.

“Boss?” Mac questioned over the headset.

“Yes, Mac?” I replied, hoping Emma had reached her car safely.

“Well, your sub
is safe and secure, although quite perturbed.” I heard him grunt a laugh into the headset.

“Thanks. She is a feisty one.” I sat back in my chair and pulled up the camera feed on my computer. I scanned the hall outside the private rooms
, and saw the additional men at the top of the stairs; unless you were a member, the private rooms were off-limits. We had some themed rooms off the main play area for use especially for tonight’s event.

I pulled out my phone and
, without thinking, sent a quick text to Emma.
Are you mad that I wanted to make sure you were safe?

I didn’t know why I cared whether or not she was mad. I wanted her safe; ultimately she was my responsibility while on the property.

A response came back, although I honestly thought she would ignore me like last week.

A little. I’m a big girl
, you know. I can handle myself just fine.

I snickered. There was definitely a
tougher side to her, a side that didn’t take anyone’s shit.

You’re my responsibility while o
n the premises…plus I wanted to know for my own piece of mind.

When a response didn’t come back immediately, I put the phone in my pocket and headed toward the main floor. We needed to make
a start at wrapping up scenes and removing non-members that were not in the middle of a scene. I was tired and wanted to go home. For some reason, these nights were the worst.

I spotted Lucas, Cole and Devlin watching a scene by one of the sawhorses. I made my way over to see what had them all standing there staring.
When I reached them, I saw a Dom I didn’t recognize whipping one of our house subs, Callie. She wasn’t flinching, screaming, or for that matter, producing any sounds. I knew she had a high pain threshold and was a true masochist, but this had too far gone for her. I was surprised that Lucas hadn’t stopped the scene yet, a thought I would discuss with him later.

“Lucas, stop the scene now,” I said
, looking at him and then back at Callie. “She’s too far gone, even for her.”

Lucas nodded
, and then stepped up to speak with the Dom, while Cole and Devlin uncuffed Callie. I placed one of the aftercare blankets around her, and motioned for Cole to take her to the office, out of the sight of the floor. I knew she’d be fine, but whoever this Dom was had pushed her too far, and I would speak with her afterwards about it. For now, Lucas was dealing with the Dom.

Devlin and I began the rounds around the floor
, informing the Doms of the time limit and to wrap up their scenes, and politely asking any non-members that were lounging to get going. I did not want to be here any later than I needed to be. I was just about to head into the smaller lounge when I felt my pocket vibrate.

I am fine Marcus. Thanks for caring. BTW I
‘m home now. So your piece of mind should be set.

I texted back
Have dinner with me tomorrow.

What happened to professionalism?
Damn, she was a smart ass.

It’s just dinner, Emma. We can talk shop if you want to? Otherwise
, I would just like to share a meal with you and talk. All professional, of course.
I wasn’t quite sure why I added the last part in, but part of me was really hoping she’d say yes. Hell, it was only dinner.

What the hell, fine. Dinner it is.
I could see her rolling her eyes as she typed the response.

I promise to be on my best behavior. Pick you up at 7:30?

Make it 8. I have a cake order I need to finish first.

8 it is.
Til tomorrow, sleep well.
I was smiling like a kid in a candy store, and I couldn’t help it. Maybe Chloe was right about something; I did like the girl. But it was because she intrigued me.

“Yo, Marcus. Are you paying attention?” Devlin’s voice ripped through my thoughts.

“Yeah, what’s up?” I responded while turning to face him.

“Nothing. I was just saying to you to go home. I’ve got it covered. You look exhausted.” He placed a hand on my shoulder and patted it a couple of times.

“I am tired; been here most of the day. Are you sure you got everything?” I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder and patting him back.

“Come on
, man? I was hired security for one of the most high-powered families in London; I’m sure I can handle a few non-member, wannabe Doms.” I laughed at the notion, and knew he was right. He had seen his fair share of shit, to say the least. I was glad he was on our side.

“Alright, I’m going to split. I know Lucas and Chloe have already left. Can you make sure one of your guys brings Callie home?”

“No problem, man.” Devlin turned and muttered something into his headset as I walked back to the office to change quickly and head home.




I woke up the next morning feeling nervous, which was not usually an emotion that I had to endure. I decided to go for a run around the harbor, to try and lessen the anxiety that I was feeling. Honestly, I didn’t know why I was so anxious about dinner with Emma that night, but I was slowly coming to terms with what everyone else has already seen, even in the short time I’d known her.

There was a chill to the air this morning
, as the cold started to creep into November. I had a feeling we would probably see an early winter. I ran my normal path, taking me down around Christopher Columbus Park and by the Aquarium to Long Wharf pier. It felt good to get out again and run, allow my mind to clear and just focus on my breathing and steps.

My run lasted about an hour and half, and I made my
way through Quincy Market on my route home. I figured I would stop by the bakery and grab breakfast, even if it was close to eleven. I was hoping she would be in the store, she did say she had a cake order to finish, but I knew nothing about cakes, and really didn’t know much about orders, or how long it took to do whatever it was that she needed to do.

I made my way to the storefront and stopped outside
, attempting to see if she was there or not. I watched as customers came in and out, but I didn’t see her at the counter. Hopefully she was in the kitchen. I stepped into the bakery and up to the counter and ordered a coffee and a pastry.

“So who the fuck are you?” the woman behind the counter asked.

“Pardon me? I’m sorry; I don’t think I heard you right.” I was taken back with the abrasiveness of the girl. Then I realized that it was the same woman that had been there yesterday when I’d swung by. “Wait, you must be Nikki.”

“Yes I am, and
I want to know who you are to Emma.” She was demanding. I’d give her that. She’d make a good Domme. I chuckled at the thought.  “What’s so funny?” She stood with her hands on her hips staring at me.

, just a thought I had. Now, about my relationship with Emma…I’m just a friend. Is she around?” I looked toward the kitchen but didn’t see anyone.

“A friend my ass
! I’ve known her my entire life, and the way she looks at you is definitely more than ‘just a friend’, and it pisses me off that she hasn’t told me who the hell you are.”

I couldn’t help notice how her breasts moved up and down as she emphasized every other word
, and how she leaned toward me across the counter.

“I’m sorry that she hasn’t mentioned me, but I can’t control that. I told you I was a friend
, and that’s what I am. Anything else, you need to ask her. Now, is she here or not?”

“No. She said she’d be in later, something about a late night.” Nikki just stood there staring a hole into my head. I couldn’t help that she wanted answers to questions that were not mine to give.

“Okay. Well I think I’ll take my pastry and coffee and head home. Thanks for the wonderful service.” I winked at her and headed out the door. Nikki was definitely a handful, and I prayed to God that Emma wouldn’t be too scoffed at by her later.

I shook my head at the thought. I was pret
ty sure Emma could handle her. I continued toward home to shower and get ready for dinner tonight, even though it was hours away.







Chapter 14-Emma




I arrived at the bakery around two. The cake order I had to finish would only take me a few hours. I heard my phone chime as I entered the office. I glanced at it quickly, not recognizing the number, I picked up. “Hello, this is Emma.”

I waited for a response, but all I heard was breathing.
“Hello? Can I help you?”

More breathing. “Hello?” Dial tone.

I stood there with my phone in my hand staring at it.
What the fuck was that?

Nikki stormed into th
e office, not giving me a chance to process what had just happened. “Your new friend was in this morning,” she said, using air quotes around the word ‘friend.’

I sighed and looked at her
, cocking my head to the side. “And I bet you were your normal peachy self, weren’t you?”

Placing her hands on her hips, she stared at me
. “Well, you won’t tell me who he is. So, I asked. What’s wrong with that?” Her head bobbed back and forth, Italian attitude showing through.

“If you asked the way I think you asked, then everything is wrong with that. I’m sure you were just chipper
, huh?” I waited for her response, but she only shrugged her shoulders. “That’s what I thought.”

I made my way to the kitchen and pulled out the cake layers that I needed to put together, at least the bottom two. The top layer would be added when I delivered the cake tomorrow afternoon. I
got my utensils ready, and pulled the fondant flowers out. I needed to put the two layers together, and add the decorations. I looked up and saw Nikki still standing by the door to the storefront. “What’s on your mind, Nik?”

“Nothing, Em. It’s just
, you’ve been distant the last couple of weeks, and you’ve always told me everything. Now you are hiding things…” her voice trailed off, and I stopped what I was doing.

“I’m not hiding anything
, Nik. He is just a friend at the moment. There isn’t anything to tell. I’m not going to get excited about something that probably won’t happen.”

“Can you at least tell me how you met him?” Her eyes searched mine for any answer, a weakness she could use to get me to open up.

“I told you! I met him through a potential client. Anything more than that I just don’t want to talk about at the moment. Okay?” I looked at her. “Trust me, please?”

She let out the breath that she was holding
. “Fine, but you will tell me eventually, right?”

“Yes, I will
, when I am ready. I’m okay, Nikki, trust me.” She nodded and returned to the front of the shop. Ally was due in at three to close the shop up with me. I returned my attention to the cake that I needed to finish. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Marcus.
Heard you stopped by, isn’t enough that you’ll see me tonight?

I placed my phone down and thought my last text came across bitchy and decided that I should send another one apologizing, but before I could the phone started ringing again.

“Hello?” I asked as I answered the phone. Again, no answer, just breathing.

“Who the fuck is this? I can hear you.” I was getting annoyed. When I went to ask again, the familiar dial tone rang into my ear.

“What the fuck is going on today?” I asked aloud to no one in particular. I chalked the calls up to a wrong number, and continued working. I was too busy to give it much thought. I wasn’t sure how long went by, when I heard my phone chime again, and realized Marcus had texted me back.

I don’t know what you are talking about. I only stopped in for coffee and breakfast. Can’t wait to see you tonight.

The text made me smile, and made me feel all warm inside. The man definitely had my insides and emotions twisted around in knots. I knew he was trying to keep things professional, or as professional as he could be, doing what we were doing, but part of me wanted more. I wanted him, and that scared me. Last time I’d fallen for a man so quickly, I’d let a part of myself go just to keep him, and he turned out to be a complete ass-fuck. That had been the last semi-serious relationship I had been in. Since then, I’d just had one night stands, or the occasional fuck buddy.

I can’t wait to see you tonight either. Anything specific I should wear?
Oh by the way, did you just try and call me?

It was a funny notion, asking a man what I should wear to dinner, but I wasn’t a hundred percent sure if our arrangement followed the same rules outside of the club as it did inside. Another thought that sent a shiver down my spine.  What did I want out of this?

Another ping of my phone.
No, why? Everything okay? Wear something nice, not too formal, but not casual either.

Letting out a breath of frustration, I replied.
That helps so much. Thanks…

, Emma, there is someone here to see you.” Nikki yelled from the door. I looked up and acknowledged her, and placed my phone in my jeans pocket.
Who would be here to see me?

I cleaned off my hands and headed up front. Nikki motioned towards two females standing at the far end of the bakery counter. I turned to see them and realized one of the ladies was Chloe from the club.
Jesus, do they all want to out me?

“Hello, can I help you?” I asked politely.
Chloe smiled and winked. I didn’t quite understand the notion behind it, but continued on anyway.

Chloe motioned to her friend
. “Yes, my friend and I are interested in talking with you about wedding cakes.”

“Um, sure. Let’s go to the table at the front of the store. If you don’t mind waiting for me, I’m going to run and grab some paper
.” I motioned toward the table, and then turned and ran into the office to grab the order forms and some blank sheets to sketch ideas out on.

The girls were chatting when I returned
. “Okay, so which one of you is looking?” I knew Chloe was engaged to Lucas, the other owner of the club, and I’d seen her around the club. She was close to Marcus, and the thought made my stomach turn.

“Emma, Marcus assured me that you were the person to have design the cakes. We
are actually both looking. Erica is getting married in March, and Lucas and I have chosen June.” She raised her eyebrows and smiled.

“Right, Marcus. Slick fellow
, isn’t he?” The sarcasm flowed from my mouth before I realized what I had said.

Erica looked at me and then back at Chloe
. “You guys know each other?”

“Only through Marcus, Erica. He also assured me that Emma’s cakes are the best in Boston,” she replied
, not letting on to how I knew Marcus. I would have been completely mortified.

Trying to change the subject as quick
ly as possible, I shuffled the papers. “Okay, so what do you have in mind? Any specific thoughts?”

“Erica has a few pictures of ideas
, and I am just looking for a five tier circular cake, white with purple decorations, specifically flowers cascading down the sides, calla lilies if possible.”

Chloe was confident in what she wanted
, and it was a relief. I knew the exact cake I would design for her. She struck me as a simplistic person. Erica handed me the photos that she had, and briefly explained what she was looking for.

“Great. Can you guys give me about a week or so to sketch up some ideas? I’ll give you a call when I get the ideas down.” I looked at them and they agreed. We stood and I shook their hands.

Before Chloe left she pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear. “He’s a great guy if you give him a chance. I can tell he likes you, just be patient. He will come around.”

I pulled back and looked at her
. “I’m not sure that’s what he wants, nor do I?”

She smiled and laughed
. “You keep telling yourself that. I see the way you look at him, the way your body reacts to his touch. He might be the expert in that, but it’s not hard to see your feelings as well. We’ll see you in a week. Thanks again. I appreciate it.”

Chloe left the store and I
remained standing in the same place I had before she left. Was I that obvious? If what she said about him was true, what was with all of the professionalism crap?

Nikki came up beside me
. “You okay? That was kind of weird, a client hugging you.”

I shook my head and looked at her
. “I’m fine. Um, she was a friend of my friend.” Hoping she would get the message and then not ask any more about it.

“I see. Well then, I’m heading home. Talk to you later.”

“Um, no. I actually have a dinner date…but I’ll call you tomorrow.”

She looked at me with raised eyes
. “Care to share who, although I am sure I already know.”

“Fuck off, Nikki.” She laughed and headed out to the kitchen. I looked at my phone and realized Marcus had left a few texts. One laughing at me
, and a couple asking where I had gone, and wondering if everything was alright. I grinned and responded.
Just a few weird calls on my cell from an unlisted number, and I know the club’s number is well…anyway, Chloe stopped by.

Are you worried about the calls? I can have Devlin check into them.

No. Probably wrong number.

. I should have said something about Chloe.

I mumbled under my breath as I responded
. “Yeah you should have.”

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