Consume Me (Devoured Club Series) (12 page)

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His hands grazed down my arms and to my back. With a quick flick of his fingers, my bra had been unclasped and quickly removed, thrown to the floor with his jacket. Again, he stood back and his eyes were filled with lust. “You are so beautiful.”

“You keep telling me.” I stepped closer to him, running my hands down his chiseled chest to the button on his jeans. His hands stopped me and pushed me back onto the counter. Placing my hands over my head with one of his arms, he trailed his lips down my neck and over my collar bone. His free hand grabbed one of my tits and kneaded it, as his tongue glided to my already erect nipple.

“Move these hands and I will spank you
!” His voice was rough, ragged. The hand that had held my arms now encircled my other breast. Marcus licked my nipples, one then the other, hardening them each time. Pulling my right bud into his mouth, he sucked it as his hands massaged the other one. Pulling it out, he grazed his teeth over the sensitive flesh, before repeating the motion on the other one, sending direct impulses to my clit. I squirmed in place, hoping my piercing would help relieve some of the pressure I was feeling. I could hear his breath as he kissed his way lower to my navel, his hands following quickly to the button of my pants. I kept my hands where he had instructed and leaned further back on the counter to support myself. My knees were already weak from the kissing and nipple teasing. My panties were soaking, as the anticipation built at the thought of his movements heading south.

“Marcus…” I moaned as he placed feather
light kisses across the width of my navel. Unbuttoning my pants, he slid them down, removing my shoes and the pants. “Jesus, Emma, what you do to me.” He lifted me onto the counter, spreading my legs with his hips. Pulling me close to the edge, and closer to him, I could feel his arousal straining through his pants.
What I wouldn’t do to feel that inside me.
I ground against him, hoping to help myself in the process. He moved his hips away and looked at me. “Be a good girl, and I will reward you.” Dominant, even outside of the club.

I relented and relaxed against the coolness of the counter. The metal felt good against my body, which was on fire from his touch. Marcus grazed his fingers across the tattoo that lined my pubic bone, one that meant a lot to me. Placing light kisses on either side of the tattoo, Marcus tore my panties
off. I gasped and looked up at him. He shrugged. “They were in the way.”

Sliding his hands over my hips, down my legs to my knees, he quickly spread me open again. I could smell my arousal immediately
, and tried to clench my thighs shut, with no luck. “Did I ever mention how much I love your piercing?” He asked as his hands moved up my inner thighs, closer to my core, the ache building within me.

“A time or two.”

“Emma, I am going to eat you out on your counter. Then I am going to flip you over and fuck you senseless until you cry out my name.”

His fingers came up to my sex, trailing over the outer lips, teasing them. I could feel my heart beat faster as I waited for him to make good on his promise. I felt a shiver of pleasure as he flicked the top of my piercing, causing it to rub against the sensitive bud. “Please, by all that is holy…I need you,” I groaned as his fingers flicked the piercing again. His tongue licked its way to the edge of my core, stopping just shy of my labia.

His hands grasped each of my inner thighs
, opening them wider for him. His tongue glided up my sex, parting my lips as it made its way to my clit. “You taste amazing, Emma.” Marcus continued his assault on my clit, licking and sucking it into his mouth. His fingers found their way to my opening, and plunged inside as he sucked my clit into his mouth once more. I felt my orgasm building within. A few more thrusts and sucks like that, and I would come undone.

“Marcus…” I moaned
, as his tongue now replaced his fingers and was licking the inside of my cunt.
God this man is talented with his mouth.

I could hear Marcus snicker as he moved his way back up to my clit
, licking it with purpose, need and desire. I could feel the muscles in my body begin to tighten and I knew I wasn’t far away. My cunt clenched hard against his tongue. “Marcus, I am going to come…please…” My breaths were short and ragged. Plunging his fingers back inside of my wet cunt, he began sucking my clit again as he pumped into my pussy.

, Emma.” The command quick and curt. A couple more sucks, a couple more thrusts of his fingers, and my cunt tightened around him, sending my body into convulsions of pleasure. Before I could come down from my orgasm, Marcus had flipped me over on to my stomach. I heard his zipper and the tearing of the foil, before his hands grabbed my hips and pulled me roughly onto his cock.

“Jesus, Emma. You’re so tight. You feel fucking amazing.” His hands gripped my hips, his fingers dug into my skin. His paced quickened
, and he circled his hand back around to my clit, sending shocks of electricity straight to my core. I could feel myself getting wetter, if that was possible.

He continued to thrust from behind. Sweat dripped down my forehead as my stomach pushed against the metal counter. Marcus slowed down, pausing for a moment. His hands caressed the roundness of my ass. Smack. The sting registered in my mind before the sound.
What the fuck?
Another smack came down across the other cheek.

“I love smacking your ass. Watching it redden under my hand.” A gasp of air escaped my mouth. His words sounded so primal, so raw. I was in need of another release
, and tried to squeeze my legs closer to one another, but Marcus’s thighs were keeping them apart, and there was no hope of changing that.

“I need you to touch me, please…sir.” My hands were now in front of me
, laid on the counter, attempting to grab any leverage.

“It’s not
about what you want, Emma. It’s about what I want to give you.” Marcus pulled out and flipped me around, lifting me onto the counter again. Thank God it was lower than the others. I stared into Marcus’s eyes as he slid himself back into me.

“So tight.” He pulled me closer to him as he fully sheathed himself. My head fell back as the tip of his cock hit my cervix.

“Look at me while I fuck you.”

I lifted my head and looked into his eyes as he began to slide in and out of me again, varying the speed.

“Please, sir. I need to come. I’m begging you.” My eyes never left his, as the intensity of his thrusts increased. I was hanging on to the last shred of control that I had, breathing deep, attempting to hold off my orgasm.

“I’m getting close
, Emma! Come for me again.”

That was all I needed to send
me over the edge once more, as I came screaming his name. A couple more thrusts and Marcus emptied his warm seed deep inside the condom. “Fuck, Emma!”

We stayed like that for a few minutes, trying to catch our breaths. Marcus pulled out and cleaned up, handing me a paper towel to do the same. We got dressed and looked at each other. I couldn’t believe we
had just had sex on my counter. “Say something?” I said hesitant.

“You’re amazing. Better than I imagined.” He pulled me close and kissed me again, this time sending shivers up and down my spine.

“You weren’t so bad yourself,” I said and tapped his chest. “I guess professionalism is out the door?”

He laughed. “It was out the door the night I tied you to the
Shibari ring in my dungeon. Let’s get out of here.”

“I have to finish putting the fondant pieces away
, and quickly check the mail. I was sort of distracted.”

“I’ll put the things away, you go sort the mail. Hurry up
though; I’m thinking seconds are in order tonight.” A smirk graced his face and he smacked my ass.

I jumped. “Always in control, eh? Oh by the way, thank you for the flowers. ”

“What flowers? I didn’t send any.”

“You didn’t?” I asked with a bit of worry in my voice.

“No, why?” His voice now had an edge to it.

“No reason. Roses were sent to the shop today
, addressed to me, without any notion of who sent them. I just assumed they were from you.” I shrugged.

“If I sent you flowers, you would have known. Why didn’t you call or text me earlier?”
Shit he was mad

“I was busy, didn’t really think much about it.” I turned and headed to the office. Nikki had thrown the mail on my desk. I shuffled through it
, sorting out the bills and garbage, until I came to an unmarked manila envelope. It was sealed shut, with no indication of where it had come from. I heard Marcus approach the door.

“What is that?” He asked.

“I don’t know. There’s nothing on it.”

“Well, open it.” He waited impatiently at the door. I turned the envelope over and slid my letter opener through the top of it. I pulled out the contents that were inside
, and gasped in horror.

Marcus grabbed the papers from my hand, swearing as he punched a number into his cell
. “We have a problem.”








Chapter 19-Marcus




I took the packet from Emma’s hands and immediately dialed Devlin’s number. “We have a problem
,” I said abruptly as he answered. It was close to ten, and I knew that he wasn’t sleeping, but I obviously had bothered him.

“What do you mean
, we have a problem?” he asked curtly.

“I need you to meet me at my condo in twenty.
Emma’s received some photos. Can you grab Mac and Kieran as well?”

“Okay. See you in twenty.”

I hung up the phone and looked at Emma. All the color had drained from her face, and she was still sitting in the same place I had left her. She was stunned, obviously. Who wouldn’t be, when you received what she just had? I walked over to her and bent down on my knees next to her. “Emma, look at me.”

She turned her head toward me
, and I could see the fear in her eyes. I took her hands into mine and tried to calm the shaking that was taking over her body.

“Emma, I will find out who sent this. I promise you that. Now, I need to know if anything else has happened. You need to tell me everything.” The urgency in my voice was bordering on panic. The thought of someone taking pictures of our most private moments, of
private moments, was infuriating me.

“Um…there have been phone calls, then the flowers
, and now the pictures.” Her voice was quiet. Her hands were still trembling, and I could feel the fear in her body. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. “It will be okay. We will find them. I promise. Let’s lock up and go to my place. We’re meeting Devlin in twenty minutes.”

She looked up at me and then back at the floor
. “I just want to go home.”

“No. You are coming back to my apartment so that I know you are safe. I told you that I would keep you safe and protected, now let me. We need to talk with Devlin about what’s been going on
, and try and figure out who it could be. Let’s go.” I stood up and took hold of her hands to help her out of the chair. I grabbed her purse from off the desk, and she handed me her keys, and I led us out to the back door through the kitchen. I had my bike with me, so that was out. “We’ll take your car, and I’ll send one of the guys back to grab my bike.” She nodded, and slid into the passenger side of her Lexus. She didn’t even hesitate to let me drive; she knew she wasn’t in any mindset for that kind of concentration.

My cell phone rang
, and I looked quickly at the screen before answering, “Lucas.” I listened intently as he talked. “Yes. I agree. Okay, see you guys there.”

Emma turned to look at me
. “What’s going on now?”

“Lucas and Chloe are meeting us as well.” I pulled into the parking garage of my condo and parked her
car in my extra space. I quickly got out and walked to her side of the vehicle to help her out. She grabbed my hand and forced a smile.

I placed my hands on her shoulders and rubbed them up and down her arms, crouching down so that I was eye level with her
. “I told you that I will do anything to keep you safe. I mean that.” I placed a quick kiss on her forehead, and tucked her into my side, heading toward the elevator.

“What about the others?”
The question no more than a whisper from her lips. I pulled her closer again. “We all protect each other and those we care about. You are part of us now, even if you don’t want to be.” The look on her face pained me. I was unsure of what she wanted, what she felt. I had assumed that she wanted what I wanted; that she wanted to try and have a relationship. She had been responsive to what had happened earlier, but now I felt out of sorts. I didn’t know what she was thinking, and it killed me. “I just meant that…well, you’re part of the club, and we protect those that are a part of it and, well, whatever this is between us, I do care about you so…” I said, trailing off as she placed her finger to my lips.

“You are fine. I am fine. It is just different having people
who are there for you, especially when they don’t know you that well.” Her voice trailed off, and I wanted to respond, but the elevator stopped and the doors opened. I unlocked the door to my condo and ushered her in. Devlin and the team were already there, and had my dining room acting as ground zero. Emma looked around, attempting to process what was happening; at least that’s what I thought she was doing. We passed through the tiny hall into the open kitchen that led to the dining room and the living room opposite that. The main living area was termed open concept, and the rooms flowed into one another. I motioned her toward the living room, so that she could relax on the couch.


The room was relatively big, and the main wall was entirely made of glass windows that over looked part of the harbor. It was that for that feature alone that I had bought the condo. I’d decorated it similarly to Lucas’s apartment. Hell, we’d hired the same decorator. The color scheme was off-whites and grays. I had a large, black leather sofa and love seat that framed the window. To the left of the couch, on the back wall of the living room, were built-in bookcases that shelved most of my books. Directly across from them, on the opposite wall, was the gas fireplace, which I promptly went to and turned on – not that we needed the heat from it, but a fire always seemed to give a feeling of home and security.

“Here, lay on the couch. Do you want anything to drink?” I asked
, as I motioned to the sofa.

“Water will be fine.” Her eyes searched mine
, and it took all my restraint to not grab her into my arms and hold her. Instead, I nodded, and turned toward the kitchen, when Lucas and Chloe walked in.

“Hey.” I said
to them.

“Hey. Where is she?” Chloe asked as she hugged me.

“She’s in the living room. Pretty shaken up.” I responded, and hugged her back. As Chloe let go and headed to Emma, I shook Lucas’s hand. “Thanks for coming.”

“Of course. So
, any idea what’s going on?” He asked as he watched me pour Emma’s water.

“No. Besides the fact that she’s been receiving weird phone calls
, and someone delivered flowers to her today, there hasn’t been much else.” I look at him and continued. “At least that she knows about. Let me get this to her, and we’ll fill Devlin in.” Lucas nodded, and we headed into the living room to find the girls curled up on the couch, talking.

“Everything okay?” I asked as I handed Emma her water. She looked at me and then
at Chloe.

“Yeah, every thing’s grand. I have a stalker sending me pictures of myself, calling
me, and sending me flowers. Now I have the entire team of Devoured looking for him. Life is great.” The sarcasm couldn’t be missed from her voice. I bent down to console her, rubbing my hands over her curled up legs.

“Baby, I am sorry that this is happening to you, but I promise that I will find out who is responsible
, and they will pay.” I brushed a loose strand of hair out of her face, and lifted her chin up so that I could see her eyes. “Understand?”

Tears threatened the corner of her eyes. I could tell that she was trying to hold it together as best as possible. “Yes, I understand.” I place
d a quick kiss on her forehead, and looked at Chloe, who was sitting curled up into the opposite side of the couch. “Lucas and I are going to be in the dining room with Devlin and his team. Can you make sure she’s alright?” Chloe nodded, and I placed a quick kiss on her forehead as well. “Thank you.”

I turned my attention back to Emma
, and took her hands into mine. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” She lifted her head so that we were eye to eye.

“I know that
, Marcus.”

I kissed her on the lips urgently, showing her that I meant what I said. I wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. She was mine and that was that.
Where the hell did that come from? This woman really has me turned inside out.
I stood and made my way into the dining area to talk with Devlin and Lucas about the photos, calls, and what the hell we were going to do.

Devlin had brought Mac and
Kieran with him, and my dining room table was covered in laptops and surveillance equipment. I hit Devlin on the shoulder and motioned toward the table. “Think you over reacted with the equipment?”

“You said we had a problem. I brought solutions to the problem.” He was solid, his face not moving. He
had always been protective of all of us. Devlin was the only one, besides Lucas, that I trusted my life to, and with that now came Emma. I had discussed this with them the other night at the club. They knew where I now stood regarding her.

“Well, let’s figure out what’s going on
, and let’s see the photos.” Devlin said, as we all took our own seats around the table. “When did she say the phone calls started?”

“I’m not sure. I think a few weeks ago. She had asked me about them a couple of weeks ago
, because they were coming from an unlisted number, and she thought that I had been calling from the club,” I replied, as I twirled the envelope in my hands.

“Anything said on the calls?” Devlin asked again.

“Let me get her.” I stood and walked into the living room, but realized that Devlin had followed.

, Devlin has a few questions for you. Do you mind answering?” I asked her as I sat next to her.

, I don’t mind.” Looking at Devlin, she continued. “What do you need to know?”

Devlin moved closer to her and knelt in front of the couch
. “When did the calls start? Anything on them?”

“They started about a week or so before I started at the club, but became more frequent afterward. Nothing much to them, just breathing
, or nothing there. All from unlisted numbers. They called my cell, work, and even at home.”

Devlin nodded in acknowledgment
.  “Why didn’t you say something before?”

“Honestly, I didn’t think about it. We get people that call the wrong number all the time.
I’ve been so busy at work, and then distracted with being at the club, I just didn’t realize how frequent the calls had been coming.”

“I see. Okay
, so today, you received flowers?” Devlin continued.

“Yes. Again
, I thought they were from Marcus, but they weren’t. The next thought was that a customer sent them and forgot to put a name or card with them.”

“Okay. Anything else? Anybody hanging around the shop
that looked out of place or new, so to say?” Devlin asked.

“No. Nothing out of the normal. But
, then again, I’m primarily in the back. Nikki and Ally and my part-time weekend girl normally run the front of the bakery.”

“Can you ask them if they’ve seen anything?” I asked butting my way back into the conversation. Emma turned to me
. “Yeah, I could tomorrow. I’m not going to bother them with it now.”

“Understandable.” Devlin said
, and then stood. “Okay. Marcus and I are going to go over the photos. I will be at the shop in the morning to install some security cameras so we can monitor the front of the shop.”

!” Emma’s voice broke through the tension. “I don’t want my bakery turned into a madhouse over this. Putting in security cameras and crap will cause a scene. I don’t want a scene.” She looked at me and then back at Devlin.

“Emma, I need to figure out who is doing this. How they are able to get to you, your schedule. I promise nothing will be seen by the customers. I’ll install before you open.”

“Emma, please let us do what we need to in order to protect you.” Lucas said as he stepped out from behind Devlin. “I know this isn’t the best time or way for us all to get properly acquainted, but we need to make sure you are safe. Let us do that.”

I watched her look at Lucas, then to Devlin, back to Chloe and finally to me. I looked into her eyes and mouthed
, “Please.” Shutting her eyes, she took a few deep breaths and finally agreed.

Fine! But they have to be installed before I open.”

Devlin placed his hand on her leg and gave her a quick pat
. “You have my word. Boys, let’s go.” And with that, we were headed back into the dining room to look over the photos.

“Marcus, the photos please.” I handed the packet over to Devlin
, who flipped through them. “Looks like whoever it is, is getting to her frequently, and in different places; her house, the store, grocery shopping, getting into her car, and outside the club.”

“I don’t feel that she is safe. If they can get to her from outside of the club, they can get her anywhere. Obviously, this fool has been tracking her for a while
,” I said, as I watched Devlin hand the photos to Mac. Mac had prior military experience in special ops, tracking people that didn’t want to be found. Emma didn’t realize it, but the group of people that could keep her the safest was sitting around my dining room table. Devlin’s past was as secretive as they came, and most of us only knew a portion of it. Kieran had relocated to Boston, and caught up with Devlin a couple of years ago. Kieran and Mac were both employed as security at the club, and were also Devlin’s right hand men at the security business.

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