Consume Me (Devoured Club Series) (16 page)

BOOK: Consume Me (Devoured Club Series)
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“Can I help you?” I asked
, attempting to hold on to any shred of composure.

“I have an appointment this morning.” He held out a piece of paper that I recognized as the confirmation emails that I send out.

I grabbed my notebook and walked around Nikki toward the gentleman. “Let’s sit at the table in the middle.” I pointed to one of the small white tables at the front of the bakery. I was ushering the man over as Marcus burst through the front door, eyeing me and then Nikki. I nodded in the direction of Nikki and sat down at the table with my appointment.


After what felt like hours, even though in reality it was about twenty minutes, the appointment left, and I made my way back to the counter where Marcus and Nikki were talking.

“Where’s the note?” Marcus demanded
, holding out his hand.

I retrieved the note from my back pocket and handed it to him. I watched as he opened and read it. Quickly folding it up again, he pulled his phone from his pocket and headed to the kitchen, to call Devlin
, I assumed. Nikki looked at me. “Don’t let him go.”

I rolled my eyes at her
. “This really isn’t the time for that conversation. Right now I’m taking it slow and just enjoying it. So, please, no lectures.”

“All I’m saying
, Em, is that he seems to really care about you, and I can tell that he wouldn’t want anything to hurt you.”

“I know
,” I said, as Marcus came back to us.

“Devlin’s on his way over to get the letter. I think it’s best if you call tonight off.” His posture was rigid and unyielding.

“No way! I have planned this, and the girls and I need a night to ourselves. No, I will not cancel.” I stood in front of him with my hands on my hips.

“Don’t you understand that some crazy stalker is watching you
? He could hurt you at any moment!” His voice rose as I watched him attempting to maintain his control.

“Yes, I know that. And I am still not canceling. He wins if I cancel. He wins if I stop living my life and curl up in a ball.” I looked at Nikki
, who was trying to look busy, and then back at Marcus. “So no. We are going out. Mac and Kieran will be there. Nothing to worry about.”

“Fuck that. There is your safety to worry about. Nikki, Ally and Chloe’s safety as well. Lucas would castrate me if Chloe got hurt.”

My blood pressure started to rise, and I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks as my temper got the better of me.

“So you’re worried about Lucas? Fuck you
, Marcus. Get the fuck out of my store.” I began to walk away when Marcus grabbed my arm, spinning me back around right up to his chest. Before he could speak, I said the only word I could think. “Cupcake.”

Marcus froze
, and the color drained out of his face as he released my arm. “I’m sorry, Em.” He looked at Nikki, then around the shop and back at me.
Thank God there were no customers.
He shook his head and moved aside. I walked back into the kitchen and watched him leave. Nikki barreled her way into the kitchen as soon as the door shut. “What the fuck is your issue, Emma?”

“Now is not the time for this conversation, Nikki. Please
, just leave me alone.” I walked to the refrigerator to grab the decorations that I needed to finish for the order that was due the following day.

“Fuck you
, Emma. I will not leave you alone. Tell me what the fuck that was. Seriously!” She was standing with her hands on her hips as I emerged from the walk-in.

“Nothing. I safe worded.” I walked past her and placed the tray on the counter.

“You what?”

“I safe worded. Come on
, Nik, I’m pretty sure with the rise in interest in the kinky lifestyle, you know what a safe word is.” The sarcasm was flowing from me and I didn’t care.

, I know, but that’s not what I meant. What just happened?” She was now directly in front of me.

I looked up at her
. “I don’t know. It was the only thing I could think of to say, to make him stop.”

, well, he looks fucking destroyed.”

“Whatever.” My patience was now non-existent.

“Don’t be a fucking bitch, Emma. It’s so unbecoming of you.” She turned and headed back to the front of the store. I was just about to yell back, when Devlin and Ally came bursting through the back door. Ally ran up to me, enclosing me in a giant bear hug. “Oh my God. Are you okay?”

I pulled away from her and handed the letter to Devlin. “I’m fine. More pissed off than anything else.” Devlin looked at the note
, and then placed it into his pocket. He punched a few keys on his phone and then turned his attention back to Ally and me.

“I have to run to the office and deal with this. Not that I think we’ll find anything, but it’s worth a try.” He looked at me and continued
. “I know what happened, and, although I agree with him, I will not stop you four from going out. However, you will have security with you at all times, and will only go to clubs that I have direct security access to. Understood?”

I rolled my eyes at the absurdity of the situation. “Yes, sir
,” I quipped back, “but how do I know what clubs you can access?” I saw Ally look at Devlin out of the corner of my eye.

“I can access a lot
, due to the fact that Lucas, Marcus and I are silent partners in more than you think. Ally has the list. Mac and Kieran will be at your brownstone at 9 p.m. sharp.”

I was stunned. I
guessed there was a lot about Marcus that I didn’t know, and it wasn’t more apparent than at that moment. “I understand.”

“Emma, I am not happy about this
, and neither is he. He cares deeply about you. Let him protect you.” I closed my eyes and nodded. Devlin kissed Ally and left, leaving me to face my sister alone.

“Just don’t say a word, please. This morning
has been fucked up enough.” She hugged me and went to help Nikki, even though she wasn’t scheduled today. I turned my attention back to the decorations, hoping they would distract me until closing.




I was at the brownstone getting ready. Ally was already with me, and Nikki, Chloe, and Chloe’s friend, Erica, were meeting us in a half an hour. I hadn’t heard from Marcus the entire day since our argument, and part of me thought it was weird that he hadn’t called. Then again, I’d thrown my safe word in his face, what did I expect him to do? Come crawling back on his knees? Yeah, right! I walked into my bedroom and headed to the closet. I picked out a black leather mini skirt, and actually decided on one of my favorite corset style tops; a deep purple one that laced up the back, showcasing a zippered side to help with the on and off. I placed my hair in a messy bun, and applied my makeup. Taking a quick look in the mirror, I thought I looked fucking hot. I added knee high boots, and the outfit was complete. It almost resembled an outfit I would wear to the club.
The club. I actually missed going to the club.
We hadn’t been since the photos were sent to the shop, and I missed the feel of the floor, the smell of the arousals, and the energy that flowed through the club.

“Emma!” Nikki’s voice echoed through the brownstone as she headed upstairs. I could hear her footsteps on the stairs.

“In my room.” I was rummaging through my closet, looking for the petite, sparkle clutch that was somewhere on the floor.
I never claimed to keep my closet organized.

“Wow! Sexy Mama!” Nikki whistled as she strutted over to me
, pausing for a moment before hugging me. “I’m sorry.”

It’s all good. You don’t look too bad yourself.” I whistled back. Nikki was dressed in a one piece black, tight fitting dress. She had on a pair of red pumps, and her hair was flowing loosely over her shoulders.

“Are you ready to hit the clubs
?” A smile graced her face.

“Hell, yeah!
Let’s go. We deserve this night to ourselves.” I grabbed the clutch and Nikki’s arm, and pulled her down stairs. Chloe and Erica had shown up, and were in the kitchen sipping glasses of wine that Ally had poured.

Ally handed a glass to Nikki and
to me. “Here’s to a great and well deserved girl’s night out!” We all clinked our glasses, and downed them in one go. I was happy we’d decided to grab a driver for the night.

We piled out of my brownstone and into the waiting Suburban
, after I’d checked to make sure the doors were locked. The driver pulled off the curb and headed east toward downtown Boston. I noticed a car pull out behind us, and figured Mac and Kieran were following.

We arrived at Rumor, the first stop on our club hopping
, at about 9:30 p.m. There were a fair amount of people already there, and, since the boys were owners, we bypassed the line and ended up being ushered by Mac and Kieran, who had shown up at the door, to the VIP section.

I guess the boys
have already pre- warned the staff.

We settled around the half circle table that looked over the dance floor
, as a waitress arrived to take our order. The main bar was set off to the left of the space. The VIP area circled around the sides and in front of the bar. The dance floor was set slightly lower to the area, flanked with stairs. On the right side of the space was a smaller bar area, and the stage was center. The club was typical; darkly lit, with the neon lights dancing around the place.

We had all ordered some version of a
Cosmopolitan; a real diverse group that we were.

We chatted over drinks about mundane topics such as weddings, the weather, jobs
, and the guys.

“Emma, how are things going with Marcus?” Chloe asked
, as she signaled the waitress for another round.
From what I’d heard from Marcus, Chloe had come out of her shell since giving Lucas a chance. Marcus said Chloe had been abused by an ex, and was working on trust issues with Lucas. Hell, didn’t I know that to an extent?

“No talking about the guys. Marcus, Devlin and Lucas are off limits. Tonight is our night. Now
, let’s go dance.” I got up and grabbed Ally’s hand as she grabbed Chloe’s, and so on, until the five of us where in the center of the dance floor, dancing to
Call Me Maybe
. Not my first choice of a club song, but it was popular at the time. It didn’t matter; what mattered was the five of us letting loose.

After about five or six songs, we decided to hang the coat up on Rumor and head to the next club, Diablo. It was close to midnight
, and we were all having a great time. Just dancing, drinking and bull shitting.

Diablo was a different feel than Rumor
, and had more action. The club was packed, and you could barely move by another person without literally feeling them up. The music was more upbeat and hip-hop based; again, not my song choices, but fine all the same.
I was like Marcus, I enjoyed rock.
We ordered more drinks, and again were seated in the VIP section. I watched as Mac settled into a bar seat not too far from us, but I didn’t see Kieran. He must have been stationed elsewhere. We decided to dance again, this time really enjoying the beat of the music, losing ourselves in the songs. I tapped Nikki on the shoulder, and indicated that I was heading toward the bathroom. She nodded and I headed off the dance floor. I was waiting in line and glanced down at my phone. A text was waiting.

I’m watching you.

I nearly dropped the phone on to the floor. My hands were shaking, and I rushed back to the bar area, searching the crowd, looking for anyone, yet not knowing anything. I turned the corner and saw Mac still sitting at the bar, before I collided into another broad chest. Hoping it would be Marcus, it wasn’t. A face from my past appeared. Colin.

I shook my head, confused and unsure
. “What the hell?”

“Emma? So good to see you again. How have you been?” He ran his arms up my arms
, and I saw Mac out of the corner of my eye making his way toward me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked hoping Mac made it here quicker.

“I’m enjoying a drink and some friends. Same thing you are.” His hands gripped my arms, keeping me in place as I tried to move toward Mac.

“Yes, now I’d like to get back to that
, if you don’t mind.” I went to move, and he still hadn’t released me.

Mac was now behind him
. “Excuse me, do we have a problem?”

Colin responded without moving. “No problem as long as you back off.”

I looked at Mac, pleading with my eyes.
Help. Please help.
I looked down at the phone in my hand and back up at Mac.

“No, you need to move on. She’s with me
, and if you don’t want your arm broken in four spots, I’d release her now.”
Oh my
I’d barely heard Mac talk, and now…WOW!

Colin turned around and looked Mac up and down. Mac had at least five inches on
him. “No harm meant.” He turned back to me. “We’ll see each other again, Emma. Count on it.” And with that he took off back into the crowd. I fell into Mac’s chest, trembling and crying. His hand rubbed my head. “It’s okay. Shh. I got you. Calm down.”

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