Consume Me (Devoured Club Series) (17 page)

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I pulled back and handed him the phone
. “I was on my way back to you with this.” He took the phone and looked at the message on the screen, and then spoke into his wrist. “I think it’s time we called it a night. Let’s go. Kieran will grab the girls.” I nodded and curled back into his chest as he ushered me out of the club and into the car.
All I want is Marcus. Marcus’s hands surrounding my body, holding me.

The rest of the girls filed into the car
, and Kieran jumped into the front seat. I looked at the girls. “I’m sorry.”

“For what? An asshole texting you again? Nothing to be sorry for.” Chloe wrapped her arms around me as Nikki and Ally joined in.

“I just want to find the asshole.” I said.

“We know, hun. We know
,” Nikki said as she rubbed my back.

We rode in silence as the driver dropped Nikki off at home
, and then Chloe and Erica off at Erica’s apartment. Ally and I were on our way to the club by the looks of the direction we were driving in.

“Guess the guys are going to be pissed.” I offered her a slight smile. Ally took a deep breath, “That’s to say the least.”

We looked at each other and started to laugh. Who would have thought that both Ally and I would be on our way to a sex club, to be reprimanded by two dominants? Five years ago, neither one of us would have set forth in a club like that. I guess people change over time. It was just funny that we happened to have the two hottest males in the club.









Chapter 23- Marcus




Mac had texted me on the way, and Devlin and I started pulling the video feeds from Rumor and Diablo immediately, starting to run them through the facial recognition software to see if any matches hit. We were still running the feeds from the bakery to the feeds from the club. We had been at it for a few days and had turned up nothing yet. It seemed as if the stalker could be using an accomplice.

Maybe now we could find something, then again
, maybe it was just a text and the stalker wasn’t anywhere around. I didn’t know. The fucker was wearing on my patience, and the fact Emma and I hadn’t talked all day was bothering me as well.

I still couldn’t get over the fact that she
had used her safe word. I didn’t think that I was being that overbearing on her. I wanted her safe, and with the note, pictures, and a maniac on the loose, clubbing wasn’t a great idea. And, lo and behold, Devlin and I were right. What really had me pissed off was the guy in the club putting his hands all over her, like he knew her.

I looked up from the desk when I heard
footsteps outside the office door. The club was still open and most members were still here. Thank God we had brought in extra security, and had the other Masters’ supervising the floor that night. Devlin and I had immediately retreated to the office upon Mac’s text, and had been there since. Okay, roughly twenty minutes or so, but still. The office door opened and Mac lead Ally and Emma in. Devlin reached for Ally, pulling her into his arms. I stood and looked at Emma before I approached her. I was still unsure of how she was feeling about us. Her face was pale, her eyes puffy from crying, and she still had a dried line down her cheek. She looked up into my eyes and I could see the tears in the corners. I came around the desk and grabbed her, pulling her tight to me, kissing her head as I encircled her.

“Marcus. I’m so sorry. Please…” She buried her face into my chest and through sobs continued. “Please forgive me.”

My hand rubbed her head as the other one swept over her back.

“Shh. Nothing matters as long as you’re safe.” I pulled her away from me
, and placed a kiss on her lips. The taste of her tears penetrated my mouth, and my heart ached at her pain. Something had her upset, and I was going to find out what. I moved her to the couch and laid her down, putting the throw blanket over her. Ally had come to sit next to her, and I crouched down next to the sofa.

“Emma, baby. Everything will be fine. I promise.” She nodded and I got up
, making my way to Devlin’s desk, where he finally had the security feed from Diablo running. After a few strikes on the keyboard, Devlin had the recognition software running comparisons of the four different feeds.

“Have there been any leads?” Ally
asked from the couch. I turned toward her, noticing Emma had fallen asleep.

“Not yet. We haven’t even been able to see how the photos or note
were delivered to the bakery. Obviously, the photos were before we installed the cameras. But I thought I would have found something about the letter today. So far, nothing.”

Devlin looked up
. “We have been running different algorithms and scenarios through the software, but I haven’t gotten any leads yet.” He turned his attention to back to me. “Why don’t you take her home? I’ll call if I get any leads.” I nodded my head and agreed.

“Okay. She needs her rest. We will be at my house.”

“No.” Ally’s voice stopped me. “She wants to be home. She hasn’t spent much time there lately.”

I rolled my eyes. Even sleeping, Emma had to be difficult. I took a deep breath
. “Fine. We have cameras installed.” I walked over to Emma and gently nudged her awake. “Come on, sleepy head, off to bed we go.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and I lifted her into my arms. Ally opened the office door, as I said good-bye to Devlin. “Tell Luc I’ll call him later.”

“Will do.”

I took Emma out the back entrance of the club, put her in the SUV, and headed toward her place. We arrived about fifteen minutes later. Emma was more awake by then, and I opened her door, helped her out of the car, and placed a quick kiss on her temple.

Once settled in, I made us
both a cup of coffee, and headed back into the living room where she was on the couch. Taking the mug from me, she began to talk.

“Marcus, I’m sorry I didn’t listen. I really am. I just wanted a night to have some fun with the girls. I’ve missed them.”

I rubbed the lower portion of her leg as I took a sip of my drink. “But you used your safe word. You’ve never used it during a scene, but you chose to use it in an argument. It hurt, Emma. I’m sorry, but that’s the truth. It was like April all over again.”

She shifted so that she was facing me
. “I am not April, and nothing you can do will push me away. I just didn’t know what else to say at that moment, and I figured it was the best way to show you how overwhelmed I was. I’m still not sure what we are.” Her hands motioned between us. “In the club, in the bedroom, we are Dom/sub, but outside of that…I’m not sure. You mentioned boyfriend the other day, yet we haven’t had that conversation. I wasn’t about to let myself be controlled without my consent.”

I was taken back to say the least. “What do you want this to be? I thought we were pretty much on the same wavelength.”

She stared into her cup, just as she had on the first day that I’d met her. “I want you. I do, and I want the kink, and more. I’m just not able to completely give up control in all aspects of my life. I need to have some resemblance of control outside of the bedroom. All the security measures, cameras, etc., are making me insane.”

“It’s for your protection
; to keep you safe, inside and outside of the club. I’m sorry if I came on too strong, that’s who I am. I’m never going to change.”

“I know it’s who you are, but for this to work, I need to feel like I’m still me. I will try and understand where you are coming from
, and maybe you could try and not control every aspect of my day.”

“Emma…that is not what I am trying to do at all. I am trying to protect you and keep you safe.” I ran my hand through my hair
, and placed the mug on the coffee table. “Jesus, I don’t want to push you away like I did to April. This might make me sound like a pussy, but Emma, until I met you, I didn’t want anything more in life. I was content with being a Dom. Not taking a permanent submissive. I enjoyed the freedom, but then you came into the club, and everything I had worked to protect, everything I’d worked hard at being, didn’t matter anymore. The only thing that mattered was being close to you; getting to know you. I tried so hard to stay away, to just be your training Dom, but the electricity between us, that pull…it won. And now, I don’t want anything to happen to take you away.”

She had moved closer to me, having put her mug on the table as well. “Marcus, you are everything that I’ve been waiting for, even if I hadn’t
known it before. After college, after Colin, I swore to never let myself get close to a man. I built walls around me to protect myself. Sex was about me and the control I had over it, even though I yearned for the ability to completely submit. To lose that control, but on my terms. I became that woman that micromanaged everything in her life: her work, her social life, hell, even my sister. But then you came along, and everything that I was trying to shield myself from, all the mistakes and shortcomings, disappeared. From the moment I met you I knew I could trust you, that I could lose myself in you. And it scares me.”

I pulled her to me, cradling her back against my chest. “Men like
me, Devlin, and even Lucas, strive on the control. We need to feel in control in order to feel like life makes sense. We desire that ability, and we cherish the willingness of the submissive. But don’t mistake that cherishing for weakness. We will protect the ones we love. That is who we are.”

felt her head move and tilt to look up at me. “I’m willing to try, if you are.”

“I will try for you
, Emma. But, God damn it, I will make mistakes. You need to know that. I just can’t change overnight.”

“I’m not asking you to. I’m asking you to trust my judgment, to trust me.”

“And I am asking you the same.” She paused and I looked into her beautiful eyes. “I love you, Emma.”
Fuck, did that just come out of my mouth.

“I love you too
, Marcus.” She smiled and I kissed her lips again, soft and sensual.

I grazed my teeth across her bottom lip, lightly nipping at it. She opened her mouth wider
, allowing me access to the inside of her mouth. My tongue massaged hers, as I made love to her mouth. I felt my dick stir as she positioned herself into my lap, her crotch positioned directly over my erection. I was still dressed in my leathers and I could feel the heat radiating from her body.

I broke the kiss
. “Are you sure you are up to this after tonight?”

“Yes.” She grabbed the side of her corset and unzipped it, allowing it to fall free away from her breasts. My hands gripped her mounds, massaging them rhythmically. Emma’s hands grabbed at the hem of my shirt, tugging it over my head. My hands went to her back, pushing her breast
s closer to my face so that I could take one into my mouth, sucking the nipple until it hardened between my lips. I could never get enough of her tits. I released one and took the other into my mouth, kneading the rosy flesh until it hardened as well. My hands ran down her back and over her ass, pulling her skirt up over her hips. My cock was pressed uncomfortably against the leather. I unbuttoned my pants and Emma’s hand immediately replaced mine as my dick sprung thick against it. I was very aroused, and the clear fluid of my pre-cum was already glistening at my tip.

Emma’s hand moved up and down the shaft, stopping shy of the head. The feeling of her hands on my dick was almost to
o much to take. Emma shifted off me and lowered herself to her knees on the floor in front of me. She continued to stroke my cock as she lowered her tongue to the tip of the head, licking the salty liquid off. My head fell back against the couch as she took the head of my dick into her mouth. She licked the sensitive spot on the base of my dick, closing her mouth tighter around the head as she came up, plunging me to the back of her throat as she went down.

“Oh my God
, that feels amazing, don’t stop.” My right hand landed on the back of her head, dictating her speed to match the thrusts of my hips. I could feel myself getting close. I pulled her back. “As much as I am enjoying that, I want to explode in your tight cunt.”

I pulled her back up to the couch and positioned her
on her knees, facing the back, her tits against the main part of the cushions, and her arms hanging over the back. Her ass was positioned perfectly for me to take her from behind. I couldn’t wait to thrust into her. I pushed her skirt up again and ripped her thong off.

Quickly rolling a condom over my length, I lined
my cock up to her opening, teasing her as I played with her wetness; stroking my dick up and down the outside of her pussy. I could hear her groaning as the head of my dick hit her piercing.
God, did I love that piercing and what it did to her!

“Marcus….” My name moaned from her lips as I grabbed her hips and finally thrust into her
cunt, groaning as I buried myself deep inside her tight, wet core.

I pounded her, sliding my dick in and out as I played with her clit, circling my thumb over and over. I could feel my balls tighten and I knew I was close. I sped up the motion on her clit as I increased the speed of my thrusts.

“Come with me, Emma. Please, baby. Come,” I demanded, feeling her body tighten around me as she released her orgasm. A few more thrusts and I squirted my warm come deep inside her, as her aftershocks milked my dick dry. I collapsed on her as we fell into the couch.

go take a shower.” Tomorrow I would ask her about the situation at the club. Tonight was about being with the one person I wanted to be with; the one person I loved. Every time I looked at her my heart softened.
God, I felt like a fucking pussy!




I rolled over the next morning to find the space Emma had occupied to be vacant. I sat up, groggily wondering where she had gone. It was, looking at the clock, only about eight a.m.
Jesus, I’m never up this early on a weekend.
I got out of bed and threw on my leathers. I hadn’t brought any clothes with me. I had originally planned on going home, and not to Emma’s. The rawness of the leather against my dick was irritating as I struggled to adjust. I went downstairs, and found Emma in the kitchen baking.

“What smells so delicious?” I asked as I walked around the island to place a kiss on her lips. The smell from the kitchen was pure heaven
– a mixture of sweet and cinnamon, coffee and rising bread.

“Cinnamon buns.” She kissed me back
, and handed me a mug. “Coffee’s to the right, which you already know.” She was dressed in a long tee shirt that ended only a couple of inches below the apex of her thighs, tempting me to touch. I watched as her buns popped out when she bent over the oven to remove the buns.
No cliché needed.
The shirt inched up over the curves of her ass, revealing an unobstructed access.

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