Consume Me (Devoured Club Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Consume Me (Devoured Club Series)
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“Let’s go.” I looked at Devlin and he nodded. Mac and
Kieran grabbed their gear, and we headed to the warehouse.








Chapter 24- Emma




The room was dark and cold
, and my body was shivering.  I was standing, naked, chained to the ceiling, my arms bound above my head. I could smell the dampness of the dirt floor, and the iron smell coming from the blood I felt dripping down my face. I tried to open my eyes, but the pain radiating through my head caused me to immediately shut them.
What the fuck? Last thing I remember I was getting into my car. Where the fuck am I?

I hung my head
down; I didn’t have any energy to do much more. My body was shaking uncontrollably.
Please, God, help me.

“I see you have come to.” The voice jarred my head up
, and sent a different wave of coldness down my spine. Colin! I opened my eyes as best as I could.

“Why?” I asked
, short of breath.

“I thought I told you that we would see each other again. Have you not liked the calls, the flowers? Oh,
and the photos were my favorite touch.” His voice was cold, calculating. He held something in his hand that I couldn’t make out.

“How did you find me?” I asked, pleading internally for someone to help me.

“It took a while, but you are as transparent as I knew you would be. Naming a bakery after your dead mother was a charming notion.” He winked. I looked again at his hands as he played with the instrument in them. I still couldn’t make out the outline of the object, but knowing Colin, it wasn’t a good thing. “So, you have decided that you want to be kinky huh?”

Fear washed over me. My body was shaking
from more than just the temperature. “That’s none of your business. Please, Colin, what do you want with me? Just let me go.”

“Oh, sweetheart. Do you really think I’m going to let you go? I have spent months watching you, learning your routine, where you go
, who you hang around with. And you think I’m going to just let you go? I don’t think so.” The object moved in his hands, and I finally could make it out. A whip.

“Please. Please. Colin. Don’t do this. Please. Let me go. I don’t know what you want.”

“Revenge, darling. Revenge. You and your little bitch of a friend hurt my pride. You with your restraining orders and false charges, did you think that was going to stop me? Did moving to a new city, stop me from finding you?” He cracked the whip in the air and laughed. “Nope. I still found you.”

I jumped at the horrific noise.
I’d been flogged, but never whipped, and it was one of my hard limits, at least with Marcus and the club. “Colin, I’m begging you, please don’t do this. Why would you go through this for revenge? I’ve tried to move on with my life, I’ve tried to leave you be. Just let me go.”

“Because I want to, Emma. You tried to ruin my life. Almost succeeded,
too. So now, I’m going to ruin yours.”

The whip landed against the flesh of my back before I could register the sound of it
coming through the air. The pain ripped through my body as if a thousand knives had opened me up. The coldness of the room and my body was now contrasted with the warmth of the blood that fell down my back.

Tears began falling from my eyes
as I let out a scream.

lease just stop! Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you. Just please stop!”

Another lash of the whip, hitting just below the first. Another cry of pain. The
n the lashes kept coming, one after another, over the length of my back, crossing over the previous ones.

“Want the kink, Emma
? Huh? How do you like the whip?” He waited, but the words never left my mouth. I was in too much pain. I could feel the blood trickling down my back and over my ass. The metallic smell heightened as the droplets mixed with the dirt. My head fell forward. I didn’t have any energy or will to fight. I was cold, bleeding, and in pain. Darkness threatened my eyes as I slipped further toward it, allowing it to overtake my senses. Overtake me.


“Emma. Emma.” The voice seemed so far away.
I must be dreaming.
I tried to open my eyes, the lids heavy with fatigue. I tried to move, but quickly remembered I was restrained as the chains dug into my already sore and bruised wrists. “Marcus?”

“Try again,
my love.” My body went cold again.


“Right answer this time.” His hands came up to my breasts. “Such beautiful little things. I think I’ll let them stay that way.” I looked at him and saw the whip still in his hands.

“How long was I out?” I said
, hanging my head back down.

“An hour or so.” He said
, as he started flicking the whip through the air again.
An hour? Where the hell is Marcus? Please find me…MARCUS.
My mind screamed what my voice couldn’t. Where was he?

“Let’s start again, my love.” The whip came down against my back again, reopening the earlier wounds. I could feel the blood spilling out again. Tears fell from my face.
Please just stop. Please let me die.
Another lash. And another one. I could feel myself slipping into the darkness again, dreaming again when I thought I heard his voice.

“If you want to live, I’d put the whip down.” A different voice barreled through the room. One I recognized. Devlin. But where’s Marcus?

“You think I’m afraid of you?” Colin asked back in his usual cocky manner. I could vaguely see him turn to look toward where Devlin was standing. I lifted my head, to look. Two bodies filled the doorway. Marcus was here.

Colin dropped the whip, but grabbed an object from his belt. “Gun!” I screamed as loud as I could, not knowing how loud it actually was. I heard the discharge
of the gun, and watched as Colin dropped. Devlin and Marcus ran toward me, securing their guns. Devlin crouched to check Colin, and Marcus ran to me.

“Baby…I’m so sorry.” I could hear Devlin barking orders into a phone or something. “Let’s get you down and warm.” I nodded. There wasn’t anything else I could say.

Marcus and Devlin managed to remove the chains from my wrists, and cover me with a blanket that I assumed Mac had brought in, as I was now staring face to face with him. The softness of the blanket felt like sandpaper against the openings on my back. I shuddered at the pain, and looked at Marcus.

Thank you.” Barely a whisper, before I felt the world go black again.




“You’re awake.” Relief flooded through Marcus’s voice as he moved closer to me. I shook my head, attempting to clear the cloud of fog that filled it.

“Where am I?”

“The hospital. You collapsed after Devlin, me and the boys found you. You’re back is torn up and bandaged.” He rubbed his hands over the sides of my face. “I’m so happy that you are okay now.”

tried to roll toward him as I was lying on my stomach. Pain ripped through my nerves at the slightest movement. “Need more pain meds.”

“Emma, stay still. That fucker
tore you up bad. You lost a good amount of blood, and you need to rest. I’ll call the nurse for more pain medication.” Marcus hit the call button and barked his demands at the nurse that responded.

I rested my head on the pillow again
, and looked at him. “Thank you. Can I ask a question?”

“Of course.”

“What happened to him?” I closed my eyes before opening them again, adjusting my position so I was laying on my side.

“Let’s leave it at the fact that he won’t ever bother you again.”

I felt the color drain from my face. “Marcus…”

“Shh. Just don’t say anything. He drew a gun
, and Devlin fired first, catching him square in the chest. We called the police after I brought you here, and everything is fine. Are you up for visitors? There are a few outside.”

“Yeah, for a little while I guess.”

Marcus walked to the door and motioned outside. Nikki, Ally, Devlin and Kieran stumbled in. “Emma! I was so worried about you.” Ally said, rushing to the bedside and pulling me into a hug, causing more pain to radiate through my body.

“That hurt.” I pulled away. “I’m fine now
, Ally.”

“But you weren’t and…and…I was worried.” Ally started to cry
, and Devlin made his way around to pull her into his massive chest. “We are glad that you are safe and okay now,” he said, as he moved Ally to the side of the room. Nikki came in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m glad the fucker is gone, Emma. I won’t lie. If they hadn’t killed him, I would have.” Nikki rubbed my arm. I knew she was upset
, and grateful that I was safe.

“I’m good
, Nik. Everything will be fine now.” I rubbed her arm back as I turned to look at Marcus, who had sat down on the bed next to me. I was so thrilled that I had such caring and loyal friends. Kieran was standing in the corner of the room by the door. “Hey, stranger. You can join the party you know?” I said smiling. I watched as he laughed and bounced his way over to us.

“I didn’t want to intrude.”
Kieran was relatively new to the firm and to the group. He had only begun working as security for about six months, and was still considered a newbie, as most of the security detail and Devlin’s men had been with the club or with the security firm since the beginning of both. He was now standing at the foot of my bed, directly behind where Nikki was sitting. I saw her look at me, and then roll her eyes up at Kieran. I smiled and nodded. He was a decent looking man, all five foot ten of him. He was different to the other two that graced the hospital room. Quiet and reserved, yet loyal and fierce. He worked for Devlin, which, I’d learned in the small time with I’d been with them, meant integrity.

It didn’t matter if I was with Marcus, we were all family; a sentiment that I hadn’t felt in a while.

“Where are Chloe and Lucas? And Mac?” I asked, looking at Marcus.

“They’ll be here later. Mac is finishing up some stuff with the police
, and Lucas was waiting for Chloe to get out of work.” Marcus grabbed my hand and laced his fingers through mine.

“I guess that Bruins game is out, huh?”

“Yeah, especially since it was last night.”

The whole room laughed. It felt good to be safe again
, and surrounded with people I cared about and loved. Friends and family.











“Are you ready?” Chloe asked, as she peeked around the slightly opened door.

“As ready as I will ever be.” I took one last look in the mirror. It had been six months since the ordeal with Colin
, and we were marking the occasion with a special ceremony at the club. I was wearing a corset top, black with crystal embellishments and lace short sleeves, to help hide the scars that dominated my back. I was wearing a black skirt, and a pair of black stiletto shoes.

“You look amazing. Absolutely gorgeous.” Chloe had stepped into the room
, and was standing behind me. She looked at my back, and then at my reflection in the mirror. “They are barely noticeable now. The treatments have been working.” She knew that the presence of the scars still caused me some emotional pain. Tonight would be the first time I had stepped back into the club since the incident. Marcus had been very understanding about everything, giving me the space and time needed to get back into the emotional mindset. Four months of very light play, and five months of not restraining me for fear that I would have a panic attack. It wasn’t until last week that we were able to successfully bring impact play back into our scenes, although whips were still a hard limit. We’d pretty much moved in together; either I stayed at his place, or he stayed at mine. It helped with the nightmares and flashbacks, and by the time they were under control, it had become routine.

“Thank you. I’m nervous
,” I responded, hugging her arms that were around my neck.

“Nothing to be nervous about. This is a special night. You need to enjoy it.”

“You are right. Let’s do this.” We headed out of Marcus’s dungeon and down the flight of stairs that led to the right side of the main gathering area of the club. It was a Friday night, members only play, and tonight was a special night. Chloe was wearing her usual outfit, that Lucas made her wear while at the club; a white leather dress that laced up the back, and which ended about three inches above her knee. She had on her collar, although she hadn’t been officially collared yet; something that she said was going to be done after the wedding. I found that surprising, as a collaring ceremony was almost as special as a wedding was in the vanilla world. And something that I would take part in tonight.

Marcus and I had discussed continuing our relationship in more depth. It took a few months, but part of me
had known from the moment I saw him that he would be what I needed, what I wanted. And it couldn’t have been any truer; so when he asked me to take the next step with him, and enter into a full submissive relationship, I didn’t hesitate. It was a big step for him as well, to collar me. The idea of the collar was not to show ownership, but to show commitment and loyalty. Marcus had shied away from any form of commitment after the incident with April.

Chloe and I
had reached the entrance area, when we were met by Lucas. “Ladies, you look ravishing, as always.” He kissed Chloe quickly, and turned his attention to me. “Are you ready, Emma?”

“Yes, sir
, I think I am.” A smile graced my face. I was ready.

“Let’s go.” He walked us through the dungeon floor
, where couples were engaged in some scenes here and there, but most of them were sitting on the furniture close to the main stage, usually reserved for suspension play. Ally and Devlin were standing off to the side, as was Nikki. I was surprised that she had agreed to come and watch, although she and Kieran were hitting it off quite well these days. They had started talking and dating during the misfit holidays, as I liked to call it. Thanksgiving and Christmas were conducted at my brownstone, and consisted of the entire group: Marcus and me, Lucas and Chloe, Devlin and Ally, Mac, Kieran and Nikki. We just needed to find Mac a nice girl, and he’d be set.

Chloe stood next to me as I waited for the ceremony to start. Lucas was waiting for the scenes to end. I looked around for Marcus
, but couldn’t see him. I started to panic, thinking he had changed his mind. “Calm down. He’s here.” Chloe whispered, and pointed toward the booth that housed the sound system. A wave of relief came over me when he looked up and caught my eye.
Thank God.
A few more moments passed before Lucas got on the stage and demanded everyone’s attention.


“Members, Dominants and submissives, may I have your attention?” His voice projected across the 10,000 square foot dungeon floor with no issues. As everyone quieted down, he continued. “We have a special evening planned tonight. We want to welcome a new submissive to the club, Ally, and also we are here to bear witness to the collaring of another special member.” He pointed in my direction as Marcus came to stand next to him.

“As you all know, Emma came to us about eight months ago
, as part of the training program to learn about her submission, wants, desires, and to match her with a Dom.” Lucas paused. “Tonight it is my honor as a Master Dom, and the owner of Devoured, to preside over her collaring to Master Marcus.” Lucas turned to Marcus and shook his hand. Marcus came around to Lucas’s left side. “Master Marcus, please have your sub come and kneel on the stage.”

Marcus looked at me and nodded. I made my way up the two steps to the area
, and knelt in front of him, in the position he had taught me to love so well. I could feel my pussy get wet at the thought of that position, of what it meant.

“Very good. Now, Ally,” Lucas turned his attention to my sister. “Please bring me the collar.” Ally made her way to the stage and handed Lucas a box; one that resembled a significant and widely known blue color. “Marcus, take the collar and place it around Emma’s neck.”

Marcus opened up the box, and I was surprised to see two collars; one was white leather, an inch wide, with an O ring attached to the front, and the second one was a Tiffany and Co. heart tag choker. Marcus lifted the leather collar out of the box and presented it to me. It was decorated with pink gemstones throughout its length, and the ends secured with a regular buckle. He came around behind me and placed the collar around my neck, securing the cold leather to me. His fingers grazed my chin as he whispered. “The other one is you day collar, and I bet if I checked you right now, your pussy would be soaked.” He stood back up and resumed his place in front of me. The feel of the leather around my neck, the idea of ownership, had me aroused, and making me feel more submissive than usual. He was right, I was soaked, and I only hoped that we could have some time to help me with the edge.

Marcus looked down at me, as Hinder’s
I Don’t Wanna Believe
started playing.

“Emma, there really aren’t words to express the happiness that I have
, in taking you as my submissive. The gift you so willingly trust to me, I will take and cherish it. I promise to never lose your trust. I promise to push you to your limits, never taking you further than I know you can handle. I promise to protect you. I promise to be the Dominant that you need, and, above all, I promise to never harm you.”

Tears welled in my eyes as Lucas signaled for me to speak. “
Master Marcus. I promise to always work on my submission, to work on pleasing you. I promise to trust in your judgment always. I trust that you will guide me on my journey, on our journey. I promise to always keep you on your toes, and test you when you need it.” I heard laughter from our friends, and continued. “I promise to always be truthful, and, finally, I promise to never harm you.” Marcus extended his hands to me and pulled me up against his chest, kissing me deeply.

Lucas began to address the club again
. “And there we have it, folks, another happy couple. Now, Master Marcus, please take your sub for some fun, so we can open the floor up again.” Laughter fell from the two of them, as Marcus and I walked off the stage to our friends. One by one, they congratulated us, and Marcus and I made our way upstairs to his dungeon. To our dungeon. I was surprised to find two suitcases on the bed, next to a change of clothes.

“What is this?” I turned to look at him.

“A surprise. Think of it as a collaring and birthday present wrapped into one.”

“Um…please tell me.”

“Nope. Get changed, and quickly. I want to switch out your collars for one that will be more fitting for our destination.” He swatted my ass, as he changed into a pair of jeans and another black tee. He had laid out a lavender sun dress for me. I changed quickly, and turned to find him holding the Tiffany choker. He brushed my hair away, and removed my leather collar, replacing it with the metal one.

I kissed him gently on his lips
. “Please tell me where we are going?”

“Somewhere far away and warm.” He raised his eyebrows as he smirked.

“Come on, please tell me,” I pleaded.

“You haven’t asked properly, sub.”

“Please, sir, please tell me where we are going.” I batted my eyelashes for added effect.

“Aruba. Now let’s go
, or we will miss the flight.”

“Yes, sir.” And with that we headed out of the room, out of the club
, and out to the airport.






BOOK: Consume Me (Devoured Club Series)
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