Consume Me (Devoured Club Series) (20 page)

BOOK: Consume Me (Devoured Club Series)
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Where do I begin? I first want to say thank you so much to my family for their love and support. Without their constant encouragement this novel would never have been possible.

To my husband- Your constant encouragement and support has been unwavering during this process of writing, editing. I am grateful to have your support and love. I love you.

To my beta-readers-Thank you for loving my characters as much as I do. I am grateful for having such a concrete team behind me. I cannot express the gratitude I have for you taking your time to help me out on top of promoting me and my works. Thank you!

To my amazing editor, Ashen-Wow! I don’t know what to say, I really don’t. You took the time and thoughtfulness to really transform this novel into something to be really proud of. You dealt with my stupidities and dropped words and just everything that seems to need fixing. Without you, Consume Me would not be ready for the masses. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

To an amazing cover artist, Tugboat Designs. The cover exceeded my expectations and I am grateful for working with you.

To my readers- Thank you for purchasing my work. I hope you enjoy Marcus and Emma as much as I did writing their story. Keep your eyes posted for Dominate Me, the next books in the series, to be released within the year.

Much Love,


About the Author

Paige Matthews grew up reading any book she could get her hands on. Following her love of literature, she currently holds a BA in Comparative Literature and a MA in Writing from Western CT State University. Ms. Matthew’s novels explore the emotional bonds of D/s relationships and the desires hidden within us all. When she is not writing or reading, she enjoys relaxing with her family, traveling and being outdoors.

Contact Information:




Email: [email protected]











Turn the page for a preview of




The first novel in the Double Cross Series

To be published Winter 2014


NOTE: This is not a finished novel. Excerpt present is subject to change from final version.


1 Caleb



I sat at the bar in this little hole-in-the-wall bar on the outskirts of a town in North Carolina. I was decked out in my best hide the rocker disguise, and to be honest not many people even took a double look at me. I had a long sleeve, lightweight shirt on to cover the tattoos that wrapped my arm and my back, the double cross that adorned it. I had on my glasses and a hat drawn low on my forehead to try and hide my face. Hell, it was working. I hadn't been screamed at, mauled over or even touched since sitting here.

I looked around the bar, as best I could while trying to keep my head low to keep any attention away. I just wanted a few hours to think. To be away from the damn chaos that came along with being a rock star, couldn't I get that?

The scene I took in was one of relaxation, simplicity. The local town folk were involved within each other, yet occasionally looked into my direction, to make sure I was still not a threat, I suppose. It was fine. They protect their own and yet left me to my business.

"Want another one?" I glanced up at the red head that was behind the bar. I hadn't seen her come in, but then again I was wallowing into my beer glass rather than paying attention.

"That'll be great. Thanks." I acknowledge and pushed my glass toward her. I watched her turn and walk half way down the length of the bar to where the taps were located to pour me another Guinness. She had a killer body on her. The jeans she wore stopped right below her hip bone and accentuated the curve of her full ass. She was wearing a black tank top that hugged her breasts nicely, allowing for a subtle view of her cleavage. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and she had a tattoo at the base of her neck; a Celtic infinity knot.

      "Here you go." She said as she slid the Guinness back at me. "That'll be $5.50." She stood waiting for me to respond. 

      "I have a tab going. It's under Anderson." I answered dryly. Tyler Anderson was the fake ID that I used when I was trying to not be known. She nodded and leaned over the bar so that I was the only person that would hear her.

      "You sure that it isn't Cross?" 

       I let the question hang in the air for a moment before I looked up at her right into those big green eyes, "How did you know?" 

      "I recognized you the minute I came in. Your disguise is good, but I’d recognize the piercing anywhere. Don’t worry the older residents don't listen to rock, so you're good there." She stood up and placed her hands on her hips, "don't worry your secret is safe with me." She slapped the bar in front of me before turning. The piercing she was referring to was the eyebrow ring I had, which boasted a very unique ring.

      "Thank you." I muttered as I watched her walk away to take care of a local she called Ray.
Why didn't she freak out? Go postal like most women do? Hell, if anyone knew I was here I'd be mauled within an inch of my life. 

      I drank my beer slowly, just trying to relax and take in the peace and quiet that it had awarded me. I watched the locals chit chat about sports, who was with who the night before and town politics. I was staring into my beer again when the little red head came back.

      "So what brings you here to Tad's? I wouldn't think this would be a place for a major rock star to hang out at?" She wiped the bar down as I contemplated my answer. 

      "I guess I needed a place where I wouldn't get recognized, but that didn't work out that well huh?"

      "For the most part it did. No one is going to bother you here even if they did know you. Just not the way we run things around these parts, you should know that from growing up around here."

      Even after hitting it big a year ago, it still astonished me that so many people knew about my life, about where I grew up, what my favorite color was. Any privacy went out the window.

“I guess you’re right. I don’t know part of me just needed a break from the chaos of the tour, of the new album, the fans.”

“I wish I did. Not much around here for us town folk.” She squished her lips together and shrugged her shoulders.

“Well certainly there is something that you strive to do? Hope one day that you’ll accomplish, no?” I didn’t even know why I asked that, I normally don’t give a shit. Yet, something about this bartender had me intrigued. She couldn’t be that much older than I was, and in music industry I was old at 29.

She shrugged her shoulders again, “isn’t there something everyone wishes to accomplish? I always thought that I would have moved out of here after college, but hey one thing lead to another and here I still am…working weekend at a bar and still attempting to be taken seriously in my day job.”

“What do you do?” I asked as I slid my empty glass toward her, signaling for a refill. I watched her reach for the glass and move toward the Guinness draft.

“Let’s say I work in public relations and leave it at that.” She diverted her eyes back to the glass. I watched her shift uncomfortably in her spot.
I wonder what that is about.

“Why don’t you want to talk about what you do?”

“Why are you here hiding from your life?” Her snappy remark hit home of course. She wanted her privacy as did I.

“Touché.” She slid the pint glass in front of me.

“Here you go, Mr. Anderson.” She took a step back and then looked at me, “The Matrix, seriously?”

I broke out in a laugh, the first time in a while. “Yeah, but how…?” I was confused. I honestly didn’t know how she would have guessed that was where the last name came from. Hell my band mates didn’t even get it.

“Public relations remember? I’ve had a fair share of aliases that I needed to help combat, let alone think up. I used to work with a management company prior to this job.”

“Hey Kat…need a refill.” A voice from the other end of the bar beckoned. She nodded in acknowledgement to the man.

“I’ll be back.”

“I can’t wait.” She smiled and headed to the other end of the bar to refill whatever order needed her attention. I watched as she worked her way around the bottles of liquor, putting on a show for the older men, regulars I assumed by the way she interacted with them, joked with them. It was relaxing to just watch life go on as it did. I couldn’t wait for her to return. She intrigued me, something I haven’t felt in a long time. I turned my attention back to my beer when my cell phone when off. I grabbed it from my pocket and looked at the caller ID, Gabe.

“Yeah?” I offered picking up the phone.

“Where the fuck are you?” His voice was distant, rushed. I could hear the commotion in the background.

“Far away from whatever shit is going on there.”

“Get your ass back here now. You are missing out brother. There are some hot ass blondes waiting for you.” I heard the muffled sound of him placing his hand over the phone, and the muted voices of whoever was with him.

“Yeah. That’s all yours bro. I’ll be back later. Night.” I ended the call before he could respond. I shoved my phone back into my pocket, sighing at the chaos that my life had become. Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed partying, the girls, and the attention. Hell, I could have any of the groupies any night. Fuck I could have a few of them at the same time if I wanted to, but part of me didn’t.

“Penny for your thoughts?” the sweet angelic voice broke through my thoughts.

I smiled and took a sip of my beer, “you’d need more than a penny. Hey, can I ask you a question?”

She was wiping down the bar again and stopped to turn to me, “Sure. I guess.”

“Why didn’t you go all fan girl on me? Maul me?”

“Not my style. No offense, but the whole rock star thing doesn’t impress me.” She shrugged her shoulders again, in a simple as fact way.

“Ouch. Please don’t hide your disgust.” I held up my hands in surrender and laughed.

“See, you took it the wrong way. I just meant that I’ve dealt with a numerous amount of celebrities, let’s say and the whole persona doesn’t impress me. I am content being who I am and I don’t have to throw myself at them. Let’s be honest half the time I want to kill them.” She stopped cleaning the bar and turned to face me. “I spend so much time watching people clean up their messes, that I am more disgusted than impressed. I’m sorry. I mean no offense.”

“None taken. I am sitting in a bar on the outskirts of Raleigh drowning my sorrows in a few pints.” I offer her the glass in salute.

I watch as she turns to the rows of liquor behind her and grab the bottle of Jose. She grabs two shot glasses and pours us each a shot, “Here’s to us.” She clinks the glasses together and downs her shot as I follow suit, feeling the burn of the tequila slide down my throat. Even after years of drinking the shit, I still wasn’t used to it.

“Here’s to us.” I said back as she poured us another shot. “Now go easy. I still have to get back to the hotel.”

“You’ve had three pints since I’ve been here and according to your tab, three before that. I don’t think you should really drive, do you?”

“Unless you have another option, I have to return to the hotel.” I watched her mind churn as she debated that last sentence. Even though I could be fucking any one of the blondes that were backstage last night, I was here hoping that she would give in for one night. That she would let me break that shield, help me break mine.
Damn it, this girl was something.

She leaned in toward me, over the bar, “not in your wildest dreams rock boy.”

I shook my head and laughed. Again it was so easy to have anyone, anyone but her. She bounced away again to the other end of the bar. I was surprised that at midnight the bar wasn’t busier. I finished my beer and threw a hundred dollar bill on the bar.
That should cover the tab and leave her a big tip.
I got up and headed toward the door.

“Mr. Anderson?” She called from the other side of the bar. I turned to look at her, my hand on the knob of the door. “Good night.”

“Good night,” I responded laughing to myself.
Why the fuck didn’t I fight harder for her, seduce her more? I guess I had become a pussy



I sat on my bike and waited for her to come out. It was a stupid notion one I wasn’t sure would pay off, yet I waited. I was about to jump on my bike and leave, but I wanted one more chance to talk to her. One more chance for something. It was around one thirty when she came out.
Yeah I waited an hour and half, pussy that I am.

“Hey?” I yelled as she walked to her car. Stopping, she turned toward me and smiled.

“I thought you left?”

I jogged over to her, “I was going to but I wanted to see you again.”

“And you waited an hour and half?” She chuckled and shook her head, “You wanted to see me that badly?”

“Believe it or not, yeah I did. I can’t tell you why, but you intrigue me.” I stepped up to her, backing her up against her car. “Come back to the hotel with me. Please.” My lips were inches from hers and I could feel the heat from her.

She took a deep breath in, “I already told you I don’t do celebrities.” She shifted uncomfortably trying to put more distance between us.

“I’m not asking for that, at least not now. I hope maybe, but just come spend the night with me. We can talk, we can eat. I don’t care I just don’t want to spend the night alone.”

She side stepped away from me, “I’m sure you have enough people around that hotel that you won’t spend the night alone.” Her voice had a sarcastic quip to it, and she diverted her gaze to the ground.

Placing myself in front of her again, I lifted her chin up so that her eyes met mine, “But it’s not them I want to spend my time with. Please come back with me.”
Why the fuck am I begging? Caleb Cross doesn’t beg.

I watched her as she contemplated her decision. My finger was still on her chin and we were still inches apart. The desire to claim her mouth was overpowering. I wanted to know what she tasted like, what she felt like.

“One condition.”

“Name it.”

“I take my own car.” She pulled her head back again attempting to gain some space.

“Fine, but I’ll follow you. Hilton North Raleigh. Let’s go.” I paused before I turned and headed toward
my bike. I watched as she took another breath and got into her car, turned it on as I turned on my bike and headed north toward Raleigh.
Let the fun begin.



We arrived at the hotel about twenty-five minutes later and I threw the valet a hundred to take care of her car and my bike. I could see the trepidation in her stance. She was shifting from side to side and was inhaling deeply trying to calm whatever nerves she had. I came up behind her and placed my hand on the small of her back, leading her toward the lobby. “Let’s go.” I directed her toward the elevators and punched the number for the floor that I was on. “With any luck we can sneak in without my brother or the other members noticing.”

“Great. I knew this was a bad idea.” She shook her head and hands at the same time.

BOOK: Consume Me (Devoured Club Series)
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