Read Coveting Love (Jessica Crawford) Online

Authors: Victoria Schwimley

Coveting Love (Jessica Crawford) (18 page)

BOOK: Coveting Love (Jessica Crawford)
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She put the car in gear and zoomed out of the parking lot with Sarah laughing all the way.





Two days before their scheduled departure, Jessica still had not heard from Brandon. Neither, for that matter, had Phillip Stewart attempted to contact her. Was he playing some kind of game? She wondered, as she went about the task of packing for her trip. She had attempted, on several occasions, to contact Brandon; he never seemed to be available.

A knocking on the door startled her. She rushed to open it, hoping to find Brandon on the other side. Her expression turned solemn as she found instead, Phillip Stewart standing there. He had never attempted to contact her at her home before. He stood there at the door, straight and tall, glowering at her.

Aren’t you going to invite me in? It isn’t polite to leave someone standing upon your doorstep.”

She stuck her head out the door, glancing quickly about.

Still worried about someone seeing us together?” he chided.

What are you doing here, Mr. Stewart? And how did you find out where I live?”

Please, I have asked you at least a hundred times to call me Phillip. And finding you wasn’t difficult. I simply called information.”

I only address my friends by their given names. Snakes and weasels get called by their sir names,” she retorted.

This statement brought a bout of laughter rolling from within him.

I do so enjoy these sparring matches. You have some of the wittiest things to say.”

He glanced around the apartment, nodding his agreement.

Exquisite,” he commented. “You have superb taste. Perhaps I could coax you into adding a few touches to my place.”

Don’t hold your breath,” she spat. “You haven’t told me what you want, Mr. Stewart.”

Now, now, there’s no need to get hostile. It’s been a couple of weeks since we last spoke; I wanted to check up on things. Now that things are almost finished, I thought I might accompany you on your California trip. I’m sure there are several last minute decisions to be made. I think we should consult on them.”

She stood opposing him, arms crossed in front of her, teeth clenched tightly together.

I think not, Mr. Stewart. I do not desire, nor do I require, your company on this trip. I have a perfectly competent staff at my disposal. Any decisions that need to be made, I can make myself. And, if by some chance I need your input, there is always the telephone, and those wonderful, convenient, hand-held tracking devices, known as cell phones. I suppose that if I really get desperate, I can send you a telegram. In fact, just for humor, I’ll make it a singing one.”

He grinned, despite his anger. “You seem to forget one thing; I am ultimately in charge here. I make the decisions, call all the shots, the whole kit and caboodle, head honcho, etc., you get the point?”

Not this time.”

They both turned toward the doorway. Brandon stood there, defiant. He had heard them arguing all the way down the hallway. Jessica’s heart fluttered when she saw him there. He looked much like a knight from some mythological story. She ran to his side.

Ah, Mr. Brandon Phillips, I presume. I’ve heard a lot about you. I was wondering when we would have the pleasure of meeting.”

Believe me, Mr. Stewart, it’s no pleasure. I’ve heard a rumor that you have threatened to ruin me. Well, I’ve just come to warn you that I don’t take kindly to threats like that.”

Phillip turned to Jessica, his grin returning. “Oh, come now, Jessica, you had to go running to the boyfriend to tattle. Somehow I thought higher of you than that.” He turned back to Brandon. “I suppose you think you have the power to stop me,” he choked out between bouts of hearty laughter.

He stopped laughing when Brandon waved a handful of papers in the air.

As a matter of fact, I do.”

Phillip glanced nervously between the papers Brandon held in his hand, to Brandon standing staring at him with hatred and victory in his eyes.

I don’t know what you think you have there. But whatever it is, I think you underestimate my power. I’m not intimidated by you.”

What you see here in my hand, are several newspaper clippings and a copy of an arrest warrant from the State of Illinois for a Mr. Everett Watkins.”

He pretended innocence, but Jessica could see the sweat begin to form around his eyes and across his forehead. He reached into his breast pocket, pulled out a handkerchief, and wiped casually at his brow. He shrugged his shoulder, but his hands shook.

I fail to see why an arrest warrant for Everett Watkins would concern me,” he said with less conviction than he would like them both to believe.

Well, the resemblance in the photos of the person posing for this camera is remarkably like you. Oh, I admit there are some differences, but allowing for the age and quality of the photo could easily explain that.”

It was Brandon’s turn to grin now. He tapped the photo playfully, his voice taking on a teasing charm. “I’ve done some checking up on you, Mr. Stewart. I found it quite strange that none of my sources could find any trace of a background on you. In fact, I had almost given up.” He glanced at Jessica, smiling tenderly at her.

I couldn’t stand the thought of disappointing you. I was sick with anger; it ate at me day and night. Then the thought occurred to me: if a man has no past, then that man surely must not exist.” He turned back to Phillip and said, “I used all the material I’d gathered on you. You’d be surprised how much information you can learn about someone these days, especially if you know the right people. I used this information to have a friend of mine, who happens to have access to the big computers with the Feds, see what he could find out.”

He walked to Phillip, getting mere inches from his face. “Do you know what he discovered?” He waited, but Phillip didn’t answer. He just sneered back at him. “Well, I’m waiting for an answer.” When Phillip still didn’t answer he continued, “I’ll tell you what he discovered. He discovered that this Mr. Watkins fellow is wanted by the State of Illinois for the suspicious death of one Mary Watkins.”

Phillip exploded with laughter. “Come now, Phillips. You’re threatening me with your suspicions of me being a different person. That’s it, that’s your big ‘Ace in the pocket’?” He glowered. “You have no proof of these lies.”

Brandon shrugged in a, who cares sort of way. “Perhaps I don’t, but are you willing to risk everything because your inferior male ego won’t allow you to accept no from a beautiful woman. Surely Mr. Stewart, this woman’s attentions can’t be worth all that.”

Jessica nudged him in the ribs. He winced before continuing, “I’m sure the Illinois police would be willing to listen to me enough to at least begin an investigation, wouldn’t you think so?”

He laughed again, although a little less confidently this time, and sauntered to the door, turning at the last minute. “Be careful, Phillips. When your back is down and you least expect it, I will strike. I don’t accept defeat graciously.”

He left the apartment, slamming the door behind him, making the walls shake.

Brandon pulled Jessica into his arms the minute the door had closed and stroked her head.

Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

She shook her head and walked silently to the sofa. “Only my pride.”

What do you mean by that?”

When my father left us, I swore that I would never be dependent upon a man for anything. I made myself a promise that I would always do whatever was necessary to protect myself, without the help of a man. I honestly don't know what I would have done without you today. It seems lately, I’ve become dependent on you for a lot of things.”

He held her tightly, softly kissing the top of her head.

Everybody needs somebody for one thing or another, sometime in their life. It’s part of life. We can’t exist solely on our own; God made us to be mates, to support each other in good times, and in bad. Jessie, I don’t doubt your ability to take care of yourself. I intended to give this information to you, so you could use it against Stewart. I didn’t know he was going to be here. I was surprised to find him here. You stood up to him quite well. But even though, you need to learn to lean on me, just as I need to know I can lean on you.”

She blinked back the tears forming in her eyes. “Do you really think I could have taken him on?”

He laughed softly. “Better than almost any man I know, most of whom wouldn’t even have the courage to stand up to a man like Phillip Stewart. Quite honestly, I’m glad you’re strong and self-sufficient, because I would much rather you need me for other things.”

He kissed her hard on the lips. She understood his meaning well. His kiss melted into hers, they became lost in their own world. The sweetness of the kiss erased all thoughts from their minds, except each other.

Finally, breathless, he pulled away. Passion and love glowed in his eyes and he lay down on the sofa, pulling her next to him. He cradled her body gently against his, kissing away all traces of tears. Eventually they drifted into a deep sleep.

When Brandon woke, he found Jessica sitting in front of the fire, staring into it, lost in another world. A tear slipped down her cheek and Brandon wiped it tenderly away.

Why are you crying?” he asked.

I was thinking about that woman, Mary Watkins. Brandon, do you really think he killed her?”

Yes, I do.”

Shouldn’t we go to the police?”

We could, but I don’t have enough.” He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out the clippings. He handed them to her.

I don’t understand. They do look an awful lot like Phillip, but the quality is poor.”

I know; that’s why I haven’t done anything with them. I’m still working on it, though. I know there is solid proof out there, somewhere. I hired a detective agency to dig up anything they can. As it stands now, the only thing Everett Watkins is wanted for is questioning. I don’t think the police would do much yet.”

I guess you’re right.” She shivered. “He makes my skin crawl.”

Mine too. Promise me you’ll stay away from him.”

I can’t make that promise. I have a job to do. But I will promise not to be alone with him. And I’ll be on my guard every minute.”

He sighed, knowing he couldn’t expect more. “I wish you could give me more, but I’ll have to be content with that.” He kissed her hard on the mouth. “I have to run now. Walk me to the door and deadbolt it behind me.”

She did as she was asked, shivering as the bolt slid into place. God how she wished this project were finished.

From the restaurant across the street, a man watched as first Brandon emerged from the apartment building, and then a light extinguished from a window on an upper floor. He smiled to himself, paid the check, and hailed a cab. “No, Brandon Phillips; you have not heard the last of me,” he cried, as the cab sped away.





Finally, the departure day arrived. Brandon left ahead of Jessica to confirm the flight arrangements. They had agreed this would be better than having the entire crew swarm to the reservation desk all at once. They took up a good part of the flight as it was.

She exited the building, hailing a taxi to take her to the airport. She was to meet the rest of her staff at the airport restaurant at seven for breakfast. Their plane was scheduled to depart at nine a.m. Brandon would meet them for breakfast just as a soon as he took care of the reservations.

Glancing at her watch, Jessica silently urged the taxi driver to hurry. She was already fifteen minutes late. She took a deep breath, relaxing as she saw the signs directing them to the John F Kennedy airport come into sight. She knew from experience she would be there within minutes.

She sat back and thought of all that had happened over the last few months. She thought she had been perfectly content with her life, and then along came Brandon. He had cast a spell over her, which she could not seem to shake. Suddenly, her calm existence had turned frenzied. Brandon Phillips, as well as Phillip Stewart, had changed her life, but in different directions. Brandon excited her; he made her feel like a woman: tender, sexy, desired. Phillip made her feel dirty, and used. His very glance instilled a sense of worthlessness in her, although, she had done nothing to deserve it.

She felt strongly that they should turn the information they had on him over to the Illinois police. She had tried again to discuss this with Brandon, but he wouldn’t budge. He stood firmly by his convictions that there wasn’t enough evidence to prove that Phillip wasn’t whom he claimed to be. Thus far, Brandon’s detectives were still striking out. “Besides, I’m sure he covered his tracks well,” he had said.

Brandon’s intentions were to use the information as a bluff until he could uncover solid proof. “It should keep him at bay,” he had assured her. She had an uneasy feeling about the entire matter. She thought Brandon might be taking things too lightly. Surely, if he really did have something to do with this girl’s death he wouldn’t hesitate to protect himself in whatever way he could. This thought made her shiver.

BOOK: Coveting Love (Jessica Crawford)
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