Read Cowboy Double-Decker Online

Authors: Reece Butler

Cowboy Double-Decker (31 page)

BOOK: Cowboy Double-Decker
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She rolled her lips over her teeth and glanced down. “That’s pretty juvenile.”

“Yeah. It’s how seventeen-year-olds think.” He snorted. “I’ll have to remember that when Evie turns fifteen. No boy is going to treat my daughter—”

“—Like you treated me?”

“Aw, sh–oot.” He stared at the purring cats. “Guilty as charged.

What can I say to make up for earlier?”


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“You can never take back what you said.” She spoke carefully, each word distinct.

He’d blown it. She didn’t want him. He couldn’t think of a swear word bad enough.

“I’m sorry, Kaela. That’s all I can say.”

“No,” she said, slowly and deliberately. “It’s not.”

He glanced up again. Though her face was blotchy, her nose and eyes red, her beauty sang to him. “You’re so beautiful.” The words came out before he could think.

“That’s a good start.” Her lip gave the barest twitch. “Go back to the beginning, where you spoke of love and need.”

He dared to reach across the table and place his hand, palm up, between them.

“You mean, how much I love you and need you in my life?”

She placed her hand on his. He curled his fingers lightly around her palm, squeezing gently.

“Yes. But you missed something. It goes with love.”

He thought back, though it was hard to concentrate with her warm hand in his, her bra-less chest rising and falling just across the table.

She’d been baking earlier, and she exuded a scent of cinnamon.

Whatever she meant, it went with love. A bolt of lightning lit up his brain. He carefully brushed the cats off his lap and stood.

Shoulders back, head high, he walked around the table and dropped to one knee in front of her. It was risky, but he had to do it. If this didn’t bring her back to him, he didn’t know what would. He held his empty hand forward, palm up as before. She lifted an eyebrow and stared him straight in the eyes.

“Micheala Jones, will you marry me?”

“What about Scotty?”

“I want.” He stopped. This was not about what he wanted. “I would like to adopt him. To be his father.”

“And Evie?”

“She’ll always be special to me, but she is legally Adam’s
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daughter.” He took a chance and winked. “I hope we might have a couple sons or daughters of our own some day.”

Her face screwed up. She bit her lip and her eyes watered.

“Oh, damn, Kaela, don’t cry. If you don’t want me I don’t know what I’ll do.”

She yanked him forward. He hugged her tight with both arms, squeezing her just enough so she knew in her bones that he was there for her.

“Yes,” she whispered, then burst into tears.

His brain whirled. Yes, she didn’t want him or, yes, she did?

“Sweetling, uh, what kind of ‘yes’ do you mean?”

“Yes, I’ll marry you. Yes, I want you to be Scotty’s daddy. And yes, you’ll be father of our children.”

“Thank you, God!” he murmured into her hair. He backed away, inhaled deeply, and let out a shuddering breath. He looked at her through a sheen of tears. “And thank
, Kaela.”

He kissed each tearful eye, then her blotchy nose. Finally, he slid his lips over hers. She moaned and opened to him, aggressively deepening the kiss to devour him. Her hands scratched at his shirt.

“Naked,” she moaned into his mouth. “I need you naked. Now!”

“Oh, baby, I live to please.”

He ripped off his shirt and shucked his pants so fast he almost fell over backward pulling them off. He stood in his work socks, proud and hard in front of her. The cats scattered when he hopped on one foot to get his pants off. He held out his hands and, when she put hers in his, pulled her to her feet. He kissed each set of knuckles.

“One of us has too many clothes on,” he said, for she hadn’t undone even a button.

“Then do something about it, cowboy,” she drawled. She pulled her hands free and jammed fists on her hips, thrusting her chest high.

He moaned and ripped open her cotton blouse, buttons pinging around the room. Her breasts spilled out. They seemed much fuller than he remembered, the nipples extending out a thumb’s worth.


Reece Butler

“What about your skirt?”

She’d begun wearing loose skirts a while back, with equally-loose blouses flopping on top. He figured it was a way to try to reduce her sexiness. Faint hope. Even her toes turned him on.

“I’ve got nothing under—”

He dropped to his knees and flipped up her skirt.

“Oh, God,” he choked when he discovered her newly-shaven pussy. He hoisted her onto the table. She leaned back on her elbows and spread her legs. He dropped to his knees and inhaled her scent.

He rolled her skirt up to her waist. The fabric still covered her belly, but all he needed was on full display.

With her mound shorn close he could see she already glistened with wanting him. He kissed her and slid his tongue between her naked lips. She tasted slightly different but still wonderful.

“Oh, God, that feels so good! Your tongue just slides…mmm.”

She lay back and hooked her heels on the edge of the table. It exposed her swollen petals. Her sex looked like a pink flower touched with morning dew. Magic.

He savored her, sliding his tongue over slippery slopes.

Investigating every fold, every curve, from front to back. Her clit lifted its red head, demanding pleasure. He spread her lips wide, exposing everything. Nothing like shown in porn magazines. She was unique, her large lips long enough for him to suck deep into his mouth. She thrust herself against him, begging for more. He stood, placed his weeping cock an inch into paradise, and stopped.

“Condoms,” he rasped.

“Not needed.”

Right. They’d soon be married. Married people got pregnant all the time.

Kaela, pregnant with his child? He couldn’t wait. The thought swelled him further, and he slid into her with his purposely-naked cock for the first time.

Naked cock, naked pussy.

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Bryan flowed into her channel as if she was made for him. He held her ass cheeks and watched his thick, dark cock disappear into her body. He was a piston, thrusting deep until his blond curls tickled her naked pussy.

He tried to take it slow, but she clenched him hard. He looked at her and she smiled, knowing what she did to him. With every in-stroke she increased the friction, making him work to press into her willing body.

He held her hips, broad fingers splayed over her white flesh. She reached one hand to her breast, dropped the other at the top of her crease.

He stared down at her Mona Lisa face. She played with herself, nipple and clit, now and then rubbing her hand against the part of him entering and leaving her body.

“It’s been so long and you feel so damn good. I can’t last long,”

he gasped.

She worked her fingers, north and south, an intense look on her face. He saw the moment before he felt her spasms hit, her body tightening around his cock. Her face squeezed tight, and she bowed her head back, gasping her pleasure. A deep pink orgasmic flush rose from where they were joined all the way to her face. He forced himself not to come, to give her all the pleasure first.

She opened her eyes and panted, “I. Love. You.”

That was it. He bellowed, pounding into her as they stared at each other, the link of eyes, of bodies, strong and hard. For the first time, he felt his seed erupt deep within her, pumping again and again until everything he had was hers.

She held him tight as if her need for his seed was so great she must milk him. His orgasm set her off again, prolonging his own ecstasy.

Finally, he collapsed, his chest heaving, his legs barely able to hold himself up.

“Aw, sweetling, that was fantastic,” he panted. He kissed her,

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plunging his tongue deep to match the cock still throbbing inside her.

He finally laid his head on her rapidly beating heart.

“I hope we made a baby,” he said. “I can’t wait to see you swell with our child. To see your belly full and round with our future.”

“November,” she whispered.

He looked at her. Kissed her nose.

“Why wait until November? Why not start a baby now?”

A flush rose from her chest to her hairline. She blinked like she did when embarrassed.

“Um, there’s going to be another November birthday.”

His brain still buzzed from the amazing high, yet his cock again stirred, wanting more.

“You’ll have to tell me, sweetling. The way my head’s buzzing, there’s not enough blood left in my brain to think.”

She reached up and cupped his face with her small hands.

“Diane and Evie have November birthdays, right?”


“Scotty’s birthday is just before theirs.”


“You’re going to be a father again by November.”

“I’m going to what?” He couldn’t breathe. His chest tightened as if in a vise.

“Remember Missoula in the swing? Turns out I wasn’t at a safe time after all.”

“You’re pregnant?” His voice broke on the last syllable as if he was a scared, horny fourteen-year-old.

She nodded and bit her trembling lip.

“We’re having a baby?” He whispered the words, and then gulped for air.

She unbuttoned the front of her skirt until her slightly rounded belly, previously hidden by the skirt, appeared. She took his palm and placed it on the swell. He felt nothing but warm skin, but the signs were there once he really looked at her. Swollen breasts, thickening
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waist, the tears and mood swings. No wonder she was off coffee, just like Candy two years earlier.

Only this time, the baby was all his. The name “Raman” would go on the birth certificate. Kaela might want to keep her maiden name for her business, but she’d damned well be Mrs. Raman at home.

“We’re having a baby!”

Nothing but a slight curve showed that he helped to create a miracle. But Missoula was back at the end of February.

He pulled out and backed away. She reached to cover herself, but he stopped her.

“If I didn’t come back to the kitchen tonight, would you have told me?” He hid his hurt and forced the question out. He couldn’t marry her without knowing what might have been.

“Yes, Bryan, I would,” she said, “and you know it. You’re not like Scotty’s useless sperm donor. You’re a man of honor. Don’t be angry because I waited.”

“I’m not angry.” He sighed. “If anything, I’m hurt you hid something so important. When were you going to tell me?”

“I wanted to wait until I safely passed the three month mark, until I was fairly sure I wouldn’t lose the baby” Her voice trailed off when he stared at her.

“I would have insisted we marry, knowing you carried my child.”

“Yes, I know. That’s why I couldn’t say anything.”

“What? Is this feminine logic? Because I don’t get it.”

She sat up and pulled her clothes over her nakedness.

“I wanted to know you loved
. That you didn’t ask me to marry you just because of our baby. Do you understand why?”

If he pushed her to marry just because of a baby, she’d always resent him. If, that is, she even agreed to marry him. This way was clean. No regrets.

“Yeah.” He leaned down and kissed her, not with wild passion, but with love and tenderness. “But next time, tell me right away, okay?”


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She circled his neck with her arms and pulled him close. Her breasts pressed against his chest. He stepped between her legs, grabbing her ass to pull her against his rising cock.

“Next time, you’d better pay attention to me so I don’t need to tell you.” She pulled him into another kiss, this one more sensuous.

“How many children do you want?” he asked, coming up for air.

“I was a lonely child. I want Scotty to have brothers and sisters.”

“Are we talking a pair or a posse? Give me a hint, woman.” He distracted her by latching onto her nipple. The kitchen was cool, and he didn’t want her to take a chill. Though he was naked, he radiated heat like a furnace. Especially when Kaela was naked.

“Mmmm, that’s nice.” She gasped when he nibbled, squirming until he released her. “With Scotty, we’ll have a pair before Christmas.”

“I’ve got a pair right here,” he said, warming her breasts with his hands.

“How many are there in a posse?”

“As many as possible.” He shrugged. “At least three or four.”

She drew him close and kissed the corner of his lip. “Sounds good to me.”

“How ’bout a Double R baseball team. Nine kids plus a couple coaches.” He laughed at her wide-eyed expression of horror.

“Whoa, boy,” she said. “Let’s take this one at a time.”

He kissed her belly where their son or daughter grew. “Be safe, little one,” he whispered. “I love your ma and I already love you.”

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Chapter Twenty

Bryan whistled as he saddled up his mount the next morning.

He’d woken before the sun, Kaela wrapped around him. He kissed her awake, planning to celebrate the morning. Instead, she raced for the bathroom while he ran for the crackers in her bedroom. He’d forgotten the joys of pregnancy.

“Somebody got lucky last night.” Adam entered the barn, a mug of steaming coffee in each hand.

“Wasn’t just last night. I got lucky when that clerk messed up my reservation and dumped me in with a guy named Mike.”

Bryan lifted his saddle onto the padded blanket. He settled it in place and fastened the girth buckles before accepting his bronc-riding mug from Adam. He sipped, sighing his thanks. Kaela’s stomach didn’t encourage him to drink his morning coffee anywhere near her.

“You and Kaela made up?”



“Yep.” He set the half-empty mug aside and reached for the bridle. He knew Adam was pissed at him but didn’t say anything. Let the man stew.

“Dammit, Bry, is Kaela staying or is Candy going to make my life miserable?”

BOOK: Cowboy Double-Decker
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