Crazy Horse and Custer: The Parallel Lives of Two American Warriors (83 page)

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  1. Stewart,
    Custer’s Luck,

  2. Quoted in Graham,
    The Custer Myth,

  3. Quoted, ibid.

  4. Quoted from Lieutenant E. S. Godfrey’s account, ibid., 138–39.

  5. Garnett interview, Ricker tablets, Nebraska State Historical Society.

  6. Hinman interview with Short Bull, Nebraska State Historical Society.

  7. Clark to the Assistant Adjutant General, September 14, 1877, War Department Records, AGO, Division of the Missouri.

  8. Monaghan,
    384–86; Graham,
    The Custer Myth,
    287–95; Stewart,
    Custer’s Luck,

  9. Graham,
    The Custer Myth,

  10. Yellow Horse interview, Ricker tablets, Nebraska State Historical Society.

  11. Graham,
    The Custer Myth,

  12. Ibid., 103.

  13. Ibid., 73.



Elizabeth Custer Collection, Custer Battlefield National Monument, Crow Agency, Montana. Cited as Custer Mss.
Eleanor Hinman interviews, Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln.
Ricker tablets, Nebraska State Historical Society. These consist of transcripts of interviews with nineteenth-century red and white residents of the Plains (mainly Nebraska and South Dakota), newspaper clippings, letters from various sources, and some writing by Judge Daniel Ricker himself, who collected all the material.

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