Crazy Horse and Custer: The Parallel Lives of Two American Warriors (85 page)

BOOK: Crazy Horse and Custer: The Parallel Lives of Two American Warriors
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Farnham, Thomas, 30
Farragut, Admiral David G., 214, 255
Fetterman, William, 231–43, 321, 363
Fifield, Fanny, 181
5th Michigan Cavalry, 188
1st Massachusetts Cavalry, 184
1st Michigan Cavalry, 188, 196
Fleming, Hugh B., 62–63
Floral Valley, 377–78
Following the Guidon
(book), 327
Folsom points, 6
Forsyth, George, 375
Fort Abraham Lincoln, 347, 357, 367, 376, 381, 382, 397–401
Fort C. F. Smith, 298–99, 305–8
Fort Casper, 160
Fort Cobb, 313–24
Fort Dodge, 311–12
Fort Ellis, 401, 418
Fort Fetterman, 396, 414, 456
Fort Harker, 288–89
Fort Hays, 267–71, 277, 311, 327
Fort Kearney, 157, 226
Fort Laramie, 17, 53–55, 61–63, 79, 129, 149, 156–57, 163, 228, 229, 276, 299, 308–9
Fort Larned, 263
Fort Leavenworth, 269, 289–90, 301, 312
Fort Lyon, 150
Fort McPherson, 277–85, 298
Fort Phil Kearny, 225–43, 293–96, 299, 305–8
Fort Pierre, 71, 74
Fort Reno, 259, 296, 305–8
Fort Rice, 163
Fort Riley, 257–58, 270, 289–90, 300, 345–46
Fort Sedgwick, 282, 284
Fort Sill, 326
Fort Wallace, 269–71
Four Horns, 76
4th Michigan Cavalry, 173
4th U. S. Cavalry, 461
Fought, Joseph, 199
Fredericksburg, Va., 195
French Creek, 379
Front Royal, Va., 204
Fromm, Erich, 89
Frost, Lawrence, 300
(periodical), 383, 403, 419
Garnett, Billy, 135, 149, 334, 437, 456, 461, 466
Gall (man), 436–46
Gerber, Max, 380
Geronimo, 481
Gets-the-Best-of-Them, 355
Gettysburg, Pa., 195, 201–2
Ghost Dance, 479, 482
Gibbon, John, 401, 419–20, 423–30, 440–47, 453
Gillette, Wyo., 463
Godfrey, Edward S., 319, 428
Golden Valley, 379
Good Weasel, 421
Gordon, John B., 402
Grand Rapids, Mich., 183
Grant, Frederick Dent, 360–61, 375, 380, 398–400
Grant, Orvil, 398–402
Grant, Ulysses S., 195–215
226, 252, 255–57, 260, 300, 306, 373–74, 395, 398–407, 481
Grattan, John L., 61–65, 157
Greeley, Horace, 336
Greene, Jacob, 199, 250
Grinnell, George Bird, 152, 269, 317, 372, 376–78
Grouard, Frank, 241–42, 355, 381, 414, 464
Grummond, Frances, 233
Gulf of Tonkin, 374
Gwin, William, 402
Hail Storm, 44
Hampton, Wade, 202
Hancock, William Scott, 260–69, 279
Hare, William H., 375
Harney, William S., 71–76, 78, 291
Harney Peak, 378
Harpers Ferry, W. Va., 111–12
Harper’s Weekly,
189, 263
Harrison, William Henry, 28
Harrison County, Ohio, 27, 85, 88, 93
Hassrick, Royal, 46
Hazen, William B., 116–17
He Dog, 56, 134, 137, 142, 237, 334–35, 339–43, 413–14, 452–72
Hempstead, Texas, 250
Hickok, Bill, 265
High Back Wolf, 161–62
High Forehead, 62–63
Hinman, Eleanor, 134, 334–35, 341, 356, 479
Holland, Mary, 92–94, 108, 110
Holmes, Theodore, 199
Holy Road,
Oregon Trail
Hooker, Joseph, 196
Horse Creek, 157
Howard, Oliver O., 104
Hudson River, 102
Hump, 42–46, 56, 61, 67, 76, 80, 142, 237–42, 293–94, 307, 334–35
Humphrey, Nettie, 185, 189–90, 198–99, 250
Hunkpapa (
see also
Sitting Bull), 8, 232, 440, 482
Hyde, George E., 14, 69, 154, 155, 296, 375, 396
Ice (man), 75, 460
Inyan Kara (mt.), 377
Irwin, James, 464–66
Jackson, Andrew, 28, 87
Jackson, Henry, 287
Jipala, 295
Johnson, Andrew, 229, 253–57
Joseph, Chief, 481
Julesburg, Colo., 151
Jumping Bull, 417
Kansas Pacific Railroad, 226–27, 258, 298, 327, 345–47, 372
Kearny, Stephen W., 52
Kellogg, Francis William, 210–14
Kellogg, Mark, 407, 418, 424–26
Kennedy, John Pendleton, 109
Keogh, Myles, 357
Kershaw, Joseph B., 201
Kicking Bear, 421
Kidder, Lyman, 286–88
Kilpatrick, Judson, 186–87, 211–12, 252
Kiowas, 299, 318–22
Kirby-Smith, Edmund, 248
Kirkpatrick, Lydia (Mrs. David Reed), 90–91, 95, 114–15, 183
Kit Foxes Society, 48
Knox, Henry, 31
Laidlaw, William, 13
Lake De Smet, 231
Lake Erie, 309
Lame Deer, Mont., 482–83
Lance Owner’s Society, 48
Laramie Loafers, 154, 155–58, 259
Laramie River, 51–52
Lea, Gimlet, 171
Leatherstocking Tales,
Lee, Robert E., 103, 185–87, 195–214
Lee, Jesse, 471–72
Leland, Charles Godfrey, 258
Lerner, Max, 26
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 43, 221
Lewis, Meriwether, 31
Life of Billy Yank
(book), 175
Lincoln, Abraham, 112–13, 149, 168–69, 187, 208–13
Little Big Man, 152, 158, 294–96, 340, 393, 417–47
462, 472–73
Little Bighorn River, 335, 401, 416–47
Little Crow, 12
Little Hawk, 49–50, 56, 76, 132, 142, 219, 259, 294–96, 335, 341, 342
Little Thunder, 70–73, 76
Little Wolf, 237, 456, 460, 482
Locke, John, 33
Lodge Trail Ridge, 235–43
Lone Bear, 61, 76, 237–42
Lone Horn, 76
Long Holy, 353–54
Louisville, Ky., 346
Lowie, Robert, 48
Ludlow, William, 405
Lyman, Theodore, 189
McClellan, George B., 168–74, 181, 212, 255, 383, 407
McDowell, Irwin, 172
McFarland, Sara, 92
McGillicuddy, V. T., 465–66, 473
Mackay, James, 9
Mails, Thomas, 43
Malvern Hill, 195
Man Afraid,
Old-Man-Afraid-of-His-Horses, Young-Man-Afraid-of-His-Horses
Mandan, 6, 8
Manhattan, Kans., 226
Manhattan Club, 402
Marshall, S. L. A., 205
Martini, John, 438
Maximilian, Emperor, of Mexico, 248
Meade, George Gordon, 187, 189
Means, Russell, 307
Medal of Honor, 199
Medicine Arrow, 325–26
Medicine Trail Coulee, 440
Memphis, Tenn., 357
Merington, Marguerite, 183, 189
Merritt, Wesley, 202, 213
Methodist Church, 86–87
Mexican War, 88, 374
Mexico, 6, 248
Miles, Nelson A., 454–60, 481
Miles City, Mont., 362
Mills, Anson, 421–23, 453
Miniconjous, 8, 470
Moccasin Top, 343
Monaghan, Jay, 168, 201, 211
Mo-nah-se-tah, 318, 324–25
Monroe, Mich., 90–91, 121, 173, 180–85, 189–91, 309, 336
Montana Historical Society, 227
Moonlight, Thomas, 155, 158
Moore, Arthur, 27–28, 30
Musselshell River, 367
My Life on the Plans
(book), 383
Myers, Jasper, 109
Napier, Sir William, 383
Napoleon, 425
National Union party, 255–57
Naval Academy, 93
Nebraska State Historical Society, 133
Neihardt, John, 356
New Orleans, La., 248, 251, 347
New Rumley, Ohio, 26, 91, 121
New York City, 168–70, 336–38
New York
189, 399–404, 424, 443
New York
New York
203, 208
New York
263, 336, 379
Nez Percés, 134, 467–69
No Bows,
Sans Arc
No Water, 141, 296, 339–43, 390, 455, 482
North, Luther, 375, 378–79
North Canadian River, 313
North Platte, Neb., 343
Northern Pacific Railroad, 347–48, 353, 357, 360, 372, 396
Oglalas, 8, 10, 11, 232–43; census of, 148, 389, 482; child-rearing system, 15, 38–46; games of, 40–41; split into factions, 50–52; clash with whites, 55–56; and Grattan affair, 61–64; fight Arapahoes, 80; war with Shoshonis, 131–33; courtship among, 137–38; women’s role among, 138–41; government of, 342; and Fort Phil Kearny, 292–96
Ohio, characteristics of, 22–27
Ohio River, 21–22
Ojibways, 12
Old Bear, 414
Old-Man-Afraid-of-His-Horses (Old Man Afraid), 61, 63–65, 69, 76, 135, 148, 150, 152, 155, 275–76, 299, 333
Old Smoke, 14–17, 46, 51–52, 53, 121
Olson, James, 308
Omaha, Neb., 6, 332
Omahas, 70
Oregon Trail (Holy Road), 14, 52, 54, 71, 73, 129, 145, 150–60, 227
Osage scouts, 312–23
Osages, 6
Page, David, 89
Parkman, Francis, 10, 13–16, 44, 52
Pa Sapa, see
Black Hills
Patton, George S., 361, 404
Paul, E. A., 203
Pawnee Fork, 266, 278–79
Pawnees, 8, 12, 482
Peno Valley, 237–43
Pensacola, Fla., 347
Petersburg, Va., 214
Pine Ridge, S.D., 477, 479, 482
Piney Creek, 231
Platte Bridge, Wyo., 159–63
Platte River, 5, 8, 51, 71, 79, 145, 155–57, 280
Pleasonton, Alfred, 72, 177–79, 185–88, 198, 211
Plenty Lice, 353
Poe, Adam, 28
Pond, S. W., 12
Pope, John, 103, 262
Potomac River, 332
Pottawatomies, 12
Powder River country, 51, 79, 152, 164, 225–43, 275–77, 305–9,

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