Crimson Moon (8 page)

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Authors: Carol Lynne

BOOK: Crimson Moon
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* * * *


Ramiro stared at the handsome
across the conference table. It had taken a good deal of convincing for
to allow Gunnar and Ramiro in the room when he spoke to Neo. The one concession he wouldn’t relent to was having Michael in the room.

“What do you know about what’s going on in Juniper’s pack?” Neo asked.

“Not much. One of Juniper’s men talked to me at the bar in
a couple of days ago. Said they were looking for other Blessed Creatures to join them. I played it cool, didn’t want to seem too eager. I asked the guy what was in it for me, and he told me they’d been promised free reign on Earth if they were victorious in battle.”

Ramiro leant forward, bracing his forearms on the table. “Did he tell you anything about the sword?”

“No. He didn’t mention a sword.”
reached across the table towards Neo. “I’ll join them and find out everything I can if you ask me to.”

Neo pulled his hand back out of
reach. “I’m sorry, but I can’t ask you to do something when I’m not willing to give you what you want in return.”

“All I want is to do whatever’s necessary to keep you safe. I know you don’t want me, but I still…”
shook his head. “I’ll help. I’ve got nothing else to believe in.”

Neo glanced up from his clasped hands. “
would you and Ramiro give me a moment alone with

“Alone with him?
No, I don’t think it would be wise,” Gunnar returned.

Neo narrowed his eyes. “I can assure you, I know how to take care of myself.” His head tilted to the side. “Or have you forgotten who I am?”

Gunnar’s head jerked back as if he’d been punched. “No.” Gunnar stood without another word and strode from the room.

Standing, Ramiro stared down at Neo. He wanted to give Neo a piece of his mind for the words that had obviously hurt the man he loved, but he knew he couldn’t.
“I realise Gunnar is your employee, but I believe he was speaking out of what he believed was friendship.”

“Not that I need to explain myself to you, but I didn’t mean what I said the way he took it,” Neo tried to explain.

“Yeah, well, tell him that.” Ramiro walked out into the hall just in time to see Gunnar round the corner. “Fuck.” The last several days had gone a long way in restoring Gunnar’s self-confidence. Ramiro feared
hasty words had set Gunnar back everything he’d gained.

He took off at a jog, catching up with Gunnar before he reached the palace doors.

Gunner slowed his pace. “I need to get out of here for a while.”

“Okay. Mind if I join you?”

Gunnar shrugged. “I won’t be good company.”

“I’m used to it,” Ramiro said, hoping to lighten Gunnar’s mood.

With a smirk on his face, Gunnar waited for the guard to open the door. Once outside, he headed in the direction of the park.

Ramiro reached for Gunnar’s hand and was pleasantly surprised when Gunnar offered no resistance. As they walked, Ramiro could feel the tension draining from Gunnar’s body. Although he hadn’t planned to talk to Gunnar about his feelings quite so early in their relationship, something told him it was the right time.

When Gunnar started down the main path, Ramiro gave his hand a tug. “I’ve got something I want to show you.” Ramiro led Gunnar over the barricade and onto the soft grass.

“You’re going to get us in trouble,” Gunnar mumbled.

Ramiro stopped and pulled Gunnar into his arms. He leant in and rimmed Gunnar’s lips with the tip of his tongue. “I am trouble.” He ended the statement with a deep, probing kiss, ready to shout to the universe his intention of keeping the vampire in his arms.
Gods, when did I become such a fucking sap?

Breaking the kiss, Ramiro smiled. “Come on, it’s through the trees.”


Once they had reached the small copse of trees, Gunnar pulled Ramiro to a stop. “Give me a second.” He tilted his head back and let the moonlight filtering through the leaves bathe his face. Again, the longing of his old life came back in full force. He missed roaming the forest in his wolf skin, the feel of the ground under his paws.

“This wasn’t where I was taking you, but you look rather content. Let’s go sit on that rock,” Ramiro offered.

Gunnar would rather have wallowed in the dirt and leaves at his feet, but decided if Ramiro could compromise, so could he. At least the boulder was flat and smooth. Gunnar wasted no time in spreading out on the rock with his arms out to the sides. “I love that smell,” he mumbled.

Ramiro questioned.

“Dirt…leaves…all of it.”
He rolled his head to the side to stare at Ramiro. “Once all this is over, I don’t think I care to ever see another city. I dream of buying a piece of wooded land and building a house.” He grinned at the mortified expression on Ramiro’s handsome face. “What, that doesn’t appeal to you?”

Ramiro seemed to school his expression. “What about the vineyard?”

Gunnar shrugged. “I’m not sure that’s an option any longer.”

“You should talk to Neo. He said he didn’t mean what you think he did.” Ramiro moved to curl up against Gunnar’s side.

“He’s my boss. I think he made his position quite clear,” Gunnar stated, remembering the reprimand he’d received earlier.

“I’ve had time to think about it, and I believe he meant he was the son of Zeus. He was telling you he had no reason to be afraid of
, because he was stronger.”

“You really think so?” A large part of him wanted to believe Ramiro.

“I do.” Ramiro kissed Gunnar’s neck.

“He was right, you know. Sometimes I do forget who he really is. I guess I just get complacent in our relationship. I tend to think of him as a friend, not a

“I know. I felt the same way about Ian. I hate that I don’t know why he left or where he is.” Ramiro rested his forehead against Gunnar’s chest, curling himself around Gunnar’s body.

Gunnar stroked Ramiro’s back, hoping to give the vampire comfort. He decided to ask the question that had been on his mind since he learnt of Ian’s sudden departure. “What if it turns out he’s working with

“I don’t know. Ian’s no saint. I’ve always known that, but I protected him anyway. I’ve seen him create and then kill vampires on a whim, but I had to believe there was
more good
in him then bad.”

“Why would you risk your life for someone like that?” It didn’t make sense to Gunnar. Sure Neo had faults, but Gunnar rarely questioned his friend’s ethics.

“Because we’re all tied to him.
If keeping Ian alive means all vampires keep their souls, it’s worth it. None of us asked for what we’ve become. Risking my life to ensure his safety is the least I can do for the rest of you.”

“Do you really believe our souls are tied to him? What if he’s lying?” Gunnar had heard a lot of stories about the Blessed Creatures over the years but that didn’t make them all true.

“Why would he do that?”

“Can you think of a better way for him to gain our loyalty?” Still wrapped in Gunnar’s arms, Ramiro went perfectly still. Gunnar knew it wasn’t easy to think of a friend as a liar, especially about something as important as one’s soul.

“I need to find him,” Ramiro finally said.

“Do you have any idea where he may have gone?” Gunnar asked.

“No, but maybe with Spiro and
permission, there’s a way.”


“The Royal Donors are tied to Ian. The reason it’s forbidden for any vampire to share a donor with the King is because of those ties. If I feed from one of them I’ll be able to locate him.”

“So why didn’t you do that earlier when you first found the bodies of those guards?”

Ramiro began kissing Gunnar’s neck and for a few delightful moments, Gunnar assumed he didn’t plan to answer the question. When Ramiro’s hand travelled down to lower Gunnar’s zipper, Gunnar couldn’t have cared less whether he received an answer or not.

With his cock free, Gunnar pulled Ramiro on top of him. “Need to feel you,” he moaned, thrusting up against the hard bulge in Ramiro’s suit pants.

Ramiro reached between them and within moments his bare cock rubbed against Gunnar’s. “That what you needed?”

“Hell, yes.” When the boulder under him started to scratch as his flesh, Gunnar stilled and allowed Ramiro to rub and grind against him. “You feel so good.”

, so do you,” Ramiro said right before he thrust his tongue in Gunnar’s open mouth.

Because Ramiro hadn’t pushed his pants out of the way, the fine wool material continually rubbed against the underside of Gunnar’s sac. Gunnar grabbed Ramiro’s butt and squeezed. His middle fingers delved into the crack of Ramiro’s ass and brushed the sweet hole he was becoming addicted to.

When Gunnar pressed the tip of one finger against the hole, Ramiro’s body bucked against him. Breaking the kiss, Ramiro actually whimpered as he shot his seed between them. It was the erotic aroma of his lover’s cum mixed with the forest’s natural scent that pushed Gunnar over the edge. “Fuck!” he ground out.

After several moments, Ramiro groaned and rolled off Gunnar. He pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped Gunnar clean before taking care of himself. “I need to talk to Neo before dawn. If I’m going to find Ian, I’ll need to feed at dusk.”

“Why do you need
permission to feed?” Gunnar asked.

“Feeding from Ian’s Royal Donors is punishable by death. If I do this, I’m going to need some kind of protection.”

Gunnar’s skin broke out in gooseflesh. He’d long ago made the decision to put his life on the line for what he believed, but to hear Ramiro say he’d do the same fuelled a protective instinct in Gunnar like he’d never known. “No. I can’t let you do that.”

“Yes you can.” Ramiro leant down and placed a quick kiss on Gunnar’s lips. “I’m damn good at my job, and Ian is my responsibility.”

Gunnar couldn’t argue the necessity of what Ramiro felt he had to do. His protest was completely personal. He simply wasn’t ready to let Ramiro go yet. There were so many things he wanted to know and experience with Ramiro. “Can I go with you when you talk to Neo and Spiro?”

“Yes. You need to get a few things straight with Neo anyway.”

“I consider Neo a friend worth fighting for so I’ve no doubt we’ll work out our problems. It’s you I want to be there for. Right now ensuring your safety means everything to me,” Gunnar admitted.

Ramiro cupped the side of Gunnar’s face. “And I feel the same way about you. I want to spend the rest of my days sleeping at your side.”

Gunnar leant in to Ramiro’s gentle touch. “I’d like that.”


* * * *


Gunnar stood in the corner of the conference room with his arms crossed. It hadn’t taken long for Neo and Spiro to agree to Ramiro’s plan. Although they had promised his safety for the act itself, they could not promise a safe return if he decided to go after Ian after learning all he could from the Royal Donor’s blood.

When the donor was brought in, Gunnar ground his teeth. The slim man draped in a red, sheer robe was breathtaking. He knew Ramiro had specifically requested the man because he was one of Ian’s favourite food sources. Protests were on the tip of Gunnar’s tongue, but he managed to hold his words at bay. Understanding Ramiro’s reasoning behind the chosen donor didn’t mean he had to like it.

A chuckle from beside him got his attention. Spiro was openly watching Gunnar and had obviously read Gunnar’s emotions. “Relax,” Spiro whispered. “It is but a single bite.”

“Easy for you to say,” Gunnar returned without thinking. Spiro had never had a special someone in his life. Only a select few knew
twin, was to be Spiro’s mate.

With his left hand slowly stroking
black fur, Spiro sobered immediately. “Yes, you’re right, of course.”

“Please excuse my hasty reply,” Gunnar apologised.

Spiro shook his head. “It is I who should apologise. I spoke without knowledge.”

took the opportunity to nuzzle against Spiro’s hip. It seemed even a black jaguar could sense Spiro’s unhappiness.

Gunnar returned his attention to the ongoing activity in the room. Ramiro had explained the need to bring the Royal Donor to orgasm at the precise moment he inflicted the bite. It wasn’t something Gunnar was unaware of, but hearing Ramiro describe step by step the process he would use to bring the donor’s fulfilment was much easier than actually watching it take place.

Ramiro turned his head and made eye contact with Gunnar as he continued to jerk the donor’s cock through the robe’s opening. “Feel my hand,” Ramiro mouthed silently.

Gunnar felt an unseen hand wrap around his own cock. As his cock hardened, Gunnar wondered how many tricks Ian had taught Ramiro over the years. More importantly, he seethed over where the lessons had no doubt taken place.

A deep, rumbling noise came from Ramiro’s throat as the unseen hold on Gunnar’s cock tightened. The sound and action drew Gunnar out of his head to focus squarely on the pleasure his beautiful vampire was providing.

Gunnar let the moan slip from between his lips.

Suddenly aware of what was
Neo turned himself and Michael around to face the wall. He whispered something in Michael’s ear and his mate nodded, draping an arm around

Gunnar leant against the corner at his back and thrust his hips, pressing his cock against the unseen hands. He couldn’t stop his body’s reaction to Ramiro’s touch. He quickly unzipped his jeans, afraid of coming in his clothes. He pulled the handkerchief, Ramiro had handed him earlier, out of his front pocket, understanding suddenly dawning on him. Ramiro had known exactly what he’d planned to do. He’d also known what Gunnar’s reaction would be.

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