Crimson Moon (5 page)

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Authors: Carol Lynne

BOOK: Crimson Moon
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“What else are you willing to hear, Gunnar? So far every time I try to tell you something, you just push me away.”

Gunnar realised Ramiro was right. “I don’t mean to.”

“Liar,” Ramiro said, taking several steps towards him.

“You make me feel weak,” Gunnar admitted.

Ramiro slowly shook his head. “No I don’t. It’s not weakness you feel. It’s loss of control.” Ramiro put his hand on Gunnar’s hip, before sliding it around to rest on the small of his back. “Guess what?” he whispered against Gunnar’s mouth.

Mesmerised by the dark eyes staring into his own, Gunnar could barely speak. “What?”

“Losing control isn’t a bad thing when it’s done with someone you trust.” Ramiro kissed Gunnar’s bottom lip, sucking the tingling flesh for several moments before releasing it. “I have no desire to control you. I just want to be with you.”

Hard and aching, Gunnar ground his erection against Ramiro’s. It felt much different from grinding against his hand or the mattress. He opened his mouth for Ramiro’s kiss and tried to concentrate on the moment, pushing aside any lingering doubts.
I can do this.

Ramiro must have sensed the moment Gunnar gave in, because suddenly the sexy vampire took things to the next level. Gunnar groaned into the deep kiss as Ramiro’s strong hands began to squeeze his ass. “Want you,” Ramiro growled, breaking the kiss to bite and suck Gunnar’s lips.

Never had Gunnar experienced such passion in a lover. Of course his experiences were limited to quick fucks in the forest back in Norway. He’d not even had that since he’d killed his father.
He quickly tried to push the memories away.

Once again, Ramiro seemed to sense his mood. He pulled back and stared into Gunnar’s eyes.
“Something wrong?”

Gunnar shook his head. He was so fucking mad at himself he didn’t know what to say.

Ramiro kissed his way to Gunnar’s ear. “Let me in,” he whispered.

“There are dark places inside of me,” Gunnar mumbled. How could he possibly admit to Ramiro that he’d murdered his own father?

“Darkness lives in all of us.” Ramiro kissed Gunnar’s neck while he lowered the zip on Gunnar’s jeans. “Let me hold you in the dark.”

Gunnar’s eyes closed as he pressed his cheek against Ramiro’s. Gods, he wanted to believe. The first touch of Ramiro’s hand on his bare cock almost tipped Gunnar over the edge.
He wouldn’t let it end with him coming in Ramiro’s palm. Spurred into action, he managed to open the fancy slide-hook on Ramiro’s dress slacks before lowering the zipper. “I want to feel you wrapped around me when I come.”

Ramiro’s nostrils flared. He spat into the palm of his hand and reached behind his back. “Let me show you what trust really means.”

Gunnar followed Ramiro’s lead and slicked his aching cock with saliva. He was ashamed to admit he hadn’t thought of lube. In wolf form, such niceties weren’t a consideration when natural instincts called.

After several moments, Ramiro turned around. He braced his hands on the table before glancing over his shoulder. “Fuck me.”

Gunnar swallowed around the lump in his throat as he stepped close enough to press the head of his cock against Ramiro’s stretched hole. Should he say anything or just do it? It was yet another difference between fucking in fur versus flesh.

“Just do it. You won’t hurt me,” Ramiro encouraged, leaning farther over the table.

Gunnar held the base of his cock and pushed the crown of his erection through the outer ring of muscles. He gasped when Ramiro’s body seemed to suck his cock deeper. Nothing in all his life had felt so good. Once his length was fully inside Ramiro, Gunnar placed one hand on top of Ramiro’s shoulder while he rested the other on the vampire’s hip. The urge to thrust soon became overwhelming. “Can I?”

“Please,” Ramiro pleaded.

Gunnar pulled out until just the head remained inside before surging forwards. His stomach turned over at the sheer pleasure coursing through his body as he did it again. Soon he had a steady rhythm set. He gave up control to his instincts, aware that this part of fucking was the same no matter what form he was in. On each inward thrust, he began to grunt, and found he enjoyed the sound of his own voice taking pleasure in Ramiro’s body.

“So good… So much better,” Ramiro mumbled, reaching back to touch Gunnar’s hip.

The phone in Ramiro’s pants’ pocket began to ring, interrupting Gunnar’s rhythm. “Don’t stop,” Ramiro growled.

Gunnar picked up his pace once again, and tried to ignore the phone. It was Neo, no doubt. The thought of his time with Ramiro coming to an end before
both came was unthinkable. He released his hold on Ramiro’s hip and wrapped his hand around the fat cock sliding across the tabletop.

Ramiro’s body responded by squeezing Gunnar’s cock on each thrust. “Can’t hold it any longer,” Gunnar warned, moments before the first strand of seed shot from his cock. Before he realised what he was doing, his fangs slid from their sheaths and sank into the soft flesh of Ramiro’s neck. The blood that poured into his mouth was bitter, old tasting, pulling him back to his senses. He automatically licked the wound and waited for Ramiro to start yelling at him.

Ramiro’s chest was flat on the table, and Gunnar realised his hand was not only sandwiched under his lover, but covered in cum.

“Sorry,” Gunnar mumbled.

,” Ramiro said, trying to regain his breath.

It had been the first time Gunnar had actually bitten someone. He hoped biting a fellow vampire wasn’t considered taboo. The thought froze Gunnar in place.
Fellow vampire.

Acknowledgment of his realisation was on the tip of his tongue when Ramiro’s phone began to ring.
Saved by the bell.
Gunnar pulled out of Ramiro’s body and took a step back.
“It’s probably time for your meeting.”

Ramiro turned around and pulled Gunnar into his arms. “Promise me you won’t run away.”

“I’ve got to get to Galway,” Gunnar answered.

“You know what I mean.” Ramiro pulled Gunnar in for a deep kiss. When his cell phone rang for a third time, Ramiro groaned and pulled away. “I’ll be there in two minutes.” He set the phone on the table and reached down for his pants. “Get your guards gathered while I take care of this issue with Ian.”

“Have you decided whether or not Ian’s telling the truth?” Gunnar asked, adjusting his clothes.

“No. I’m hoping Neo can draw out the truth.” Ramiro opened the door. “Should I ask Ian about sending some of my guys with you?”

“I’ll use vamps from The Realm detail. I’d rather not get too involved with Ian until we know where he stands.” He started to pass, but Ramiro stepped in front of him.

“My guards are good men and loyal to
, first and foremost. If you need them let me know.”

With one last peck on the lips, Ramiro was off, disappearing in front of Gunnar’s eyes. He’d yet to learn that particular trick, but Ramiro had assured him it would come in time, once he’d fully embraced who he was. Gunnar wasn’t at all sure it was worth it.


* * * *


Neo was waiting for Ramiro at Ian’s palace gate. “It’s about time.”

“Sorry.” Ramiro took a step forward and waited for the gate to open.

“So what’s going on between you two?” Neo asked.

Ramiro didn’t bother to play ignorant. “Gunnar’s stubborn, but I think I’m wearing him down.”

Neo glanced at Ramiro and grinned. “Shouldn’t be too tough—I don’t think he’s had sex in centuries.”

Ramiro pulled Neo to a stop before they reached the palace doors. Had he known, he’d have waited until they could spend more time together. “You’re kidding me, right?”

Neo shook his head. “He’s been at the vineyard for nearly two-hundred and sixty years and has a very strict rule about not sleeping with the
who report to him. So unless he’s sneaking off into the woods with one of the strays from town, he’s celibate.”

Not anymore.
Ramiro knew that nugget of information would continue to nag at him until he spoke to Gunnar about it. He couldn’t imagine a life without the touch of another male. Even the touch of a donor was enough to remind him he’d once been human. “I guess that could explain his growly disposition,” he mumbled.

The doors opened and Neo and Ramiro were ushered inside. Ramiro greeted Ian’s house steward,
. “Will you ask the King if he’ll see us?” He could have gone to ask Ian on his own, but with an unannounced visitor in tow, Ramiro felt it was best to follow protocol.

“He hasn’t come down yet this evening, but I shall see if he’s available,”
answered before going off in search of King Kildare.

While they waited, Neo walked around the reception room with his hands clasped behind his back. “Quite a place,” he commented, staring at the gilded columns.

Ramiro smiled.
vineyard home was vastly different from Ian’s over-the-top decorating style. “Yeah, it’s not for everyone, but I think it makes Ian happy.”

“Well that’s the most important thing, I guess.” Neo span around when an alarm sounded.

“Ian,” Ramiro yelled, before dashing up the winding staircase. In the hallway, just outside Ian’s bedroom,
was bent over, a pile of vomit at his feet. “Where are the guards?”

pointed towards the open door.

Ramiro glanced over his shoulder at Neo before proceeding into the room. He stopped just inside the doorway, sickened by the scene in front of him. No wonder
was currently emptying the contents of his stomach.

The nude bodies of the two vampires assigned to guard the King’s door were arranged on the bed. “This is all wrong,” he mumbled. “Ian didn’t fuck vampires.” He knew he was the exception, but his past relationship with Ian wasn’t in question. Besides, Ian had never fucked him.

Neo pointed to the two heads positioned on the mantel. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

Ramiro glanced at the faces of two of his best guards,
and Warden. He couldn’t help but feel he’d let his men down. His gaze zeroed in on the hooks that had once held the case containing the sword.

Ramiro ventured farther into the room. Other than the headless bodies on the bed, there were no other signs of a struggle.
What the hell are you up to, Ian?
Had the King been taken, or had Ian been the one responsible for the guards’ death?

Neo must have been thinking the same thing. “How’d Ian act the last time you saw him?”

“Protective of the sword.
I don’t think he appreciated being asked about it.” Once again, Ramiro chose not to tell Neo about Ian’s desire to be fucked. “He seemed adamant the sword wasn’t
though. What do you know about

Neo chuckled. “What does anyone know about
?” He shook his head. “He’s like the Phantom of The Realm. I’ve heard about him since I was a child, but only his name.”

“What about Zeus? Could he tell us anything?”

“No. Now whether he really doesn’t know anything about
or just refuses to tell me I don’t know, but I did ask.”

It didn’t make sense to Ramiro. If
had the ability to remove himself from books and paintings, did he also fade memories of himself from the minds of Blessed Creatures? Ramiro turned from the fireplace and headed towards the hallway. He addressed the guards who had gathered. “King Kildare’s missing.”

“How?” one of the guards asked.
“The ward should’ve stopped anyone trying to get past it without authorisation.”

“Exactly,” Ramiro mumbled. Did he dare voice his concern that Ian had killed the two vampires and disappeared with the sword?
No, better to wait until he knew more.
“I’ll handle the King’s disappearance. Until we find him, there’s no need to guard the palace as we have been.” Ramiro turned to address Neo, “My men are at your disposal if you need them.”

“Thank you, I just might,” Neo answered.

After giving orders for the removal of the two bodies, Ramiro followed Neo back to The Realm palace.

“Any ideas?”
Neo asked on the way.

“My gut tells me it had to either be someone more powerful than Ian’s ward or Ian himself.”

“My thoughts exactly.
So, that begs the question—who has the ability to get through Ian’s ward?” Neo led Ramiro towards the library.

, take your pick.” The possible motive chilled Ramiro to the bone.

“Why not just take the sword? What would they need Ian for?” Neo pushed the button that revealed the hidden staircase down to the vault.

“You mean you don’t know?” Ramiro was confused. He’d thought Neo knew everything about the Blessed Creatures.

“Know what?”

“Ian was the first. Without him, we would be the soulless creatures you see in movies. It’s the reason I’ve dedicated my life to ensuring his safety.” Ramiro knew Neo had never fully accepted his vampire side. “None of us asked to become what we are. If my service to Ian can help protect the souls of my brethren, I’ll do everything in my power to guarantee his welfare.”

Neo bit his bottom lip. It was obvious to Ramiro that Neo was unaware of Ian’s importance to the vampire creatures other than being their king. “Then I guess we need to find him.”

“Yes. It’s possible he’ll be used as a bargaining chip at some point. What better way to control a legion of vampires who value their souls?” The outcome, should something happen to Ian, was unthinkable.

“Are you coming down?” Neo asked from the top of the vault’s staircase.

“No. I’ve got to meet up with Spiro. I tend to lose all sense of time when I’m in the vault,” Ramiro explained.

Neo stared at Ramiro for several moments. “Will Gunnar be safe from the sunlight in one of the regular tents? I’m ashamed to admit I forget he’s not were anymore.”

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