Crimson Moon

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Authors: Carol Lynne

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Crimson Moon


©Copyright Carol Lynne 2011

Cover Art by April Martinez ©Copyright April 2011

Edited by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

Total-E-Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.


Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.


The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.


Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank,
Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated

















Carol Lynne








A special thanks to Jambrea and Theresa A.



Chapter One




His nose buried in a book, Ramiro Delgado lazily rested his hand on the blond head of the
who was currently sucking him off under the table.
The Frenzy
, the neighbourhood feeding bar in The Realm, only had a few patrons this early in the evening, and Ramiro planned to take advantage of the calm before the rush.

The tongue flicking the head of his cock was delightful, but when Ramiro felt the
trying to work magic by probing his hole, Ramiro grunted. “Stick to the cock, kid.”

Ramiro shoved away that particular image. The little
under the table was probably twice his age. There was just something about the spritely-looking
that made him think of them as younger.

When the
tongue drilled its way into the slit on Ramiro’s crown, he’d had enough of the game. Fisting the
curls, Ramiro plunged his entire length down the creature’s throat and came. The climax wasn’t satisfying and wouldn’t sustain his desire for long, but at least he could go where he needed without showing his desire for the one he couldn’t have.

Ramiro waited until he heard the
cry his own orgasm before pushing his chair back. He stood and stuffed his softened cock back into his suit pants. “Thanks.” He took the time to brush his palm over the
cheek before picking up his book and heading out of the door.

As he walked towards the palace, Ramiro’s thoughts went to the book in his hand. It was an ancient diary-of-sorts that he’d found in The Realm’s archives. It was more-or-less an instruction manual, full of ideas on how to retain humanity after being turned.

Although Ramiro was supposed to be looking for ways to defeat the hybrid creatures
had created, it had given him an idea. He stepped up to the gate surrounding the palace Ian Kildare had created, and waited. Because of the strong wards surrounding the palace, there was no need for a guard at the gate. Only those imbued with the proper clearance could enter without instant evaporation. With so many magical creatures living in The Realm, other forms of identity clearance just weren’t feasible.

Ramiro entered the King of the Vampire’s palace with purpose. “Where’s the King?” he asked one of the guards under his command.

“Dining room,” the guard answered without making eye contact.

When he reached his destination, Ramiro stopped at the closed doors. “When you have a moment,” he called through the heavily carved wood.

From within, a cry of release sounded. “Enter,” Ian ordered.

Ramiro opened the door just as Ian pulled his robe closed. The human on the table in front of him was naked, as usual, with a sated smile on his face. The quickly-healing holes on the human’s neck told Ramiro, without words, the King had just fed from the man.

Holding up the book, Ramiro approached the head of the table. “I was wondering if I may speak to you about something I’ve just

“Of course.”
Ian settled himself back into his chair. “I see you’ve found my diary. I must’ve been mad to give that over to the archives, but I was young and stupid at the time.” Ian claimed to be the first vampire,
, the mysterious King of the
had created. Because no one had ever stepped up to contest his claim, Ramiro believed him.

Ramiro took a seat close to Ian. The two of them had become close friends over the years, and although he showed Ian the utmost respect in front of others, when it was just the two of them he could cut out the formalities and talk to Ian as a friend. He glanced at the Royal Donor on the table. Ian was the only vampire in The Realm allowed human donors, and the smell of the human’s blood called to Ramiro. He swallowed the saliva pooling in his mouth and tried to concentrate on the reason he’d sought Ian’s expertise.

Ian chuckled and reached out to caress the inner thigh of his donor. “Would you like something to eat?”

, Ramiro wanted to scream, but he knew it was forbidden. It was punishable by death for any vampire to drink from one of the Royal Donors. “Thank you, but I’ve already eaten once this evening.”

Again, Ramiro tried to get his thoughts on track, while Ian continued to stroke the man in front of him. “I seek your advice, old friend.”

“Then you shall have it,” Ian answered.

“You write about ways to preserve humanity for those turned. It has me wondering whether it would be possible to preserve your wolf if a shifter was turned.”

Ian released his hold on the donor’s cock. “Leave us,” he told the hardening man.

Majesty.” The donor rose before donning the sheer red robe of his station.

Ian waited for the man to leave before returning his attention to Ramiro. “I gather this is about your friend…”

“Gunnar,” Ramiro supplied with a roll of his eyes. Not only had Ramiro spoken to Ian of Gunnar, but the King had met the Alpha werewolf before the kidnapping and subsequent changing of the wolf.

“Yes, Gunnar.” There was a devilish grin on Ian’s face as he rested his entwined fingers on his chest. “I’ve never heard of a vampire retaining his animal traits once turned, but then there are so few.”

“But do you think it’s possible?” Ramiro prompted.

But I’d strongly caution against the attempt. It’s different when humans are turned because they’re weak. Their human selves will step back and allow the vampire side of them to take the lead. I don’t see that happening with
a were
, especially an Alpha. The result could easily be insanity along with the inability to stay in one form.”

Ramiro nodded. Everything Ian said made sense, but he still wanted to tell Gunnar there was a chance of holding onto his wolf. The further Gunnar’s wolf slipped away, the harder it became for the Alpha. Ramiro hated to admit it, but he missed the posturing the two of them had once engaged in.

“You’re going to try it anyway,” Ian surmised.

“I’m going to tell Gunnar there’s a chance, and let him make up his own mind.”

The grin was back on Ian’s handsome face. “You love him.”

“I do not.” Ramiro stood. “I just hate to see a strong man weakened.”

“If you say so.”
Ian rang the small brass bell in front of him. A voluptuous woman stepped into the room wearing a sheer red robe.
“If you’ll excuse me.
I think it’s time for dessert.”

Ramiro bowed his head before exiting the dining room, leaving the book on the table. It was one thing to watch Ian play with a handsome man, but he’d never felt desire for a woman’s body. He left the palace in search of Gunnar.


* * * *


Gunnar shifted his weight on the uncomfortable cement bench. Although the park was the one place in all The Realm that felt like home, the benches were pure torture. He supposed it was to assure no lingering, but it would be nice to be able to at least sit for a couple of hours and enjoy the trees and grass.

With that thought in mind, Gunnar stood and stepped over the small rock wall onto the plush green grass. Although there were signs posted to stay on the paths, Gunnar didn’t care. He needed to feel the earth under him. His wolf might be dying, but it still called out to him from deep inside.

“Breaking the law? I’m surprised at you,” Ramiro said from the sidewalk.

Gunnar didn’t bother opening his eyes. “Arrest me. Send me back to Italy.” He held up his hands, wrists together. “Got cuffs?”

Ramiro chuckled, the deep sound of his voice going straight to Gunnar’s cock.
Gunnar hated the attraction he felt for the vampire. Before he’d been turned, Gunnar had been able to appreciate Ramiro’s masculine sex appeal, but that was as far as it went. However, the more he tried to accept his new life, the more his body responded to the centuries-old vampire.

Gunnar sat up in hopes of hiding his erection. “Did you want something?”

Ramiro stepped over the barricade and stared down at Gunnar, hands in the pockets of his black designer suit pants. “Why are you wallowing on the ground?” he asked in apparent disgust.

“Because it feels good.”
Gunnar ran his fingers through the thick green carpet of grass. “If you weren’t such a sissy, you’d get down here and join me.”
Why the hell had he said that? Gunnar felt like biting off his own tongue.

Instead of sitting in the grass, Ramiro squatted down. The new position gave Gunnar an even better look at the large cock trapped behind the thin suit pants. “I need to talk to you about something, but I’m not about to sit on wet grass in order to do it. Why don’t we go down the street and get a drink?”

Gunnar averted his gaze. “It’s not wet yet. You think I’m stupid?”

“Whatever.” Ramiro ducked his head enough to stare into Gunnar’s eyes. “Come on, have a drink with me.”

The last thing in the world Gunnar wanted was to accompany Ramiro to
The Frenzy
. He’d been talked into it once before and hadn’t been able to look at Ramiro in the same way since. It wasn’t the feeding that bothered him. It was watching the little
service Ramiro right in front of him.

“I’m not going to
The Frenzy
again. I’ve already told you that.”

“Wasn’t talking about going there.
Besides, I’ve already eaten this evening.” Ramiro stood and held out his hand. “I thought a nice glass of Liquid Crimson at Giovanni’s would be nice.”

Gunnar slapped Ramiro’s hand out of his way and stood. With his feet back under him, Gunnar discreetly adjusted his hardening cock before stepping back onto the cement path. Trying to get his mind off his body’s desires, he decided to make small talk as they walked side by side towards the bar.

“Why don’t they want us on the grass?”

Ramiro glanced at Gunnar before returning his attention to the sidewalk in front of them. “Because, as you’ve already discovered, it calls to
your were
instincts.” He cleared his throat, suddenly looking extremely uncomfortable. “After being here for so long, the other
wouldn’t be able to control their shift, and The Realm isn’t equipped for hunting.”

“And by other
, I take it you mean everyone but me,” Gunnar surmised. Gods, if only he could still shift, but they both knew it wasn’t even a possibility.

“Maybe,” Ramiro mumbled.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”


Ramiro opened the door to the bar and motioned Gunnar inside. Gunnar had only been to Giovanni’s on a few occasions, but he found he liked the dark atmosphere. Maybe it was because it seemed to match his mood lately.

They found an empty half-round booth at the back along one wall. Gunnar slid in one side while Ramiro raised his hand to get the waitress’s attention. He held up two fingers and the woman nodded. Ramiro sat down across the table and scooted in until his back was to the wall.

Gunnar grinned. Ramiro always seemed ready for a fight. He wondered if the vamp ever let down his guard for more than a few minutes. They both remained quiet until the waitress brought two stemmed glasses of the intoxicating wine and blood mixture. “So what did you want to talk about?” he asked after several sips.

“Does your wolf still speak to you?”

Gunnar sat back further in the booth. It was the first time in several weeks his wolf had been mentioned. Gunnar thought about his uninterrupted moments in the grass earlier. “Sometimes, but not the way it used to. Why?”

Ramiro’s dark eyes narrowed. “You felt it earlier, didn’t you?”

“Yes,” Gunnar admitted.

“I read something earlier that has me thinking.”

“Dangerous,” Gunnar said, cutting Ramiro off.

“Shut up and listen,” Ramiro countered. “According to the book, the best way for vampires to hold on to their humanity after being turned is by living amongst humans. It made me wonder whether we could save your wolf by having you do the things you once did as a wolf.”

“I can’t shift,” Gunnar spat. He took a deep, calming breath. It had taken him weeks to come to terms with the changes taking place within him. Having Ramiro bring it up felt like a slap in the face.

Ramiro finished off his Liquid Crimson and signalled for two more. “I guess the bigger question is would you like to retain your wolf as part of who you are without being able to fully shift?”

The question left Gunnar speechless. How many nights had he lain awake begging the Gods to let him keep his wolf? Now, however, he wondered if keeping the wolf aware yet trapped would be even worse.

“I know it’s not an easy decision to make, but you need to give it some serious thought before your wolf fades even further.” Ramiro started to reach for Gunnar, but stopped and withdrew his hand, picking up the wine glass instead.

Gunnar nodded. “I will,” he finally managed to say.

Ramiro’s head tilted to the side. Although the movement was purely innocent, and totally Ramiro, Gunnar’s body took instant notice of the candlelight reflecting in the vampire’s dark eyes.

“I have to go.” Gunnar pulled a wad of crumpled money from his pocket before tossing it onto the table.

Ramiro seemed surprised. His black eyebrows rose as he gestured to Gunnar’s full glass of Liquid Crimson. “But you haven’t finished your drink.”

“Losing my head is the last thing I need right now.” He slid out of the booth. “Thanks,” he said before turning to dash out of the restaurant.

Once he’d made it to the sidewalk, Gunnar took off towards the park.
He’d been a second away from pulling Ramiro into his arms and forgetting all about his wolf. It was time to get his head on straight.

Gunnar veered from the park and headed towards the one place in all The Realm he hated most. He knew he could’ve asked Ramiro to accompany him to
The Frenzy
, but why invite hard feelings between the two of them? Gunnar hated that Ramiro fucked his way through dinner every night, but he was in no position to say anything to Ramiro about his sex life.

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