Crimson Moon (2 page)

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Authors: Carol Lynne

BOOK: Crimson Moon
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Standing outside the door to the packed bar, Gunnar took a deep breath. He’d only been in
The Frenzy
on one occasion, at Ramiro’s urging. Unfortunately, as soon as he’d stepped inside the club the smell of sex and blood had nearly driven him insane. He’d wanted nothing more than to push Ramiro over a table and fuck him. No other creature in the club had appealed to him. He couldn’t imagine rubbing against one of the
. Having sex with them in exchange for their blood was absolutely out of the question as far as Gunnar was concerned, so he’d run.

Footsteps behind him drew Gunnar’s attention. He glanced over his shoulder and winced at the sight of a smug-looking Ramiro walking his way.

“I would’ve joined you if you’d only told me you were stopping off here,” Ramiro said.

“I’m not
stopping off here
. I need to speak with
. Since the threesome seem to spend most nights here…” Gunnar shrugged instead of finishing the sentence. “Why don’t you go in and ask him to come out and talk to me?”

Ramiro crossed his arms over his chest. The gesture drew Gunnar’s eyes to the muscle mass hidden under the expensive suit, weakening him further.
To give in is to give up
, he told himself once more.

“Why don’t you hunger for blood the way I do?” Ramiro asked.

“Who said I didn’t?” Gunnar returned defensively. “I just don’t think it’s worth prostituting
to get it.”

Ramiro’s eyes rounded. “Is that what you think I do?”

“Isn’t it? You pick up strangers to fuck in exchange for their blood. What’s the difference?” Gunnar wasn’t about to back down from an argument. It had become obvious Ramiro thought less of him for drinking the bottled blood The Realm provided.

Ramiro’s dark eyes narrowed to mere slits as he took several steps forwards, putting himself mere inches from Gunnar’s already heated body. “I’m a vampire,” he stated. “You’re still thinking in wolf terms. You are what you are, and the sooner you get that through that thick skull of yours, the happier your new life will be.”

“So in your eyes, I need to become a slut if I want to be happy with the changes in my body that I didn’t fucking ask for in the first place?” Gunnar knew he was lashing out, but he needed to do something or risk exposing his true feelings to Ramiro.

Instead of getting pissed off, Ramiro’s expression softened. “Few of us had a choice in what we’ve become. I spent many years hating myself for desiring the one thing my body needed to survive. I’m only trying to save you from that, because your hatred won’t change anything.”

Gunnar swallowed around the lump in his throat at the raw emotion evident in Ramiro’s voice.

Ramiro reached out and grasped Gunnar’s neck, moving his thumb to brush over Gunnar’s bottom lip. “I’m not a monster. The reason I give my donors what they want is to make me feel better about taking from them. I could tease them like
and many of the others do, but I find that…selfish.”

Lost in the gentle touch, Gunnar licked the pad of Ramiro’s thumb as it passed once more over his lips.

Ramiro gasped, moments before pressing his lips against Gunnar’s. For several long moments, Gunnar allowed Ramiro’s thrusting tongue to explore the inside of his mouth.
! For weeks he’d wondered what it would feel like to have Ramiro hold him, kiss him, fuck him. The last thought pulled Gunnar out of the haze he’d found himself in.
I’m an Alpha, damn it.

Breaking the kiss, Gunnar pushed against Ramiro’s chest. He shook his head and backed away from the tempting vampire. “I can’t,” he said as he turned and ran.


* * * *


Several moments later, Ramiro stood inside
The Frenzy
still dazed by the kiss. Damn
that kiss
. Why the fuck had he done something so stupid? Now that he knew Gunnar’s body would respond to him, Ramiro wouldn’t be able to think of anything else. He’d tried to pass his preoccupation with Gunnar off for weeks as nothing but desire, but after one kiss he knew the truth. Ian had been right, somewhere along the way he’d fallen in love with Gunnar.

“Back so soon?” the little blond
from earlier asked.

Ramiro shook his head. “I’m looking for someone.”

“I could help you,” the

Ramiro spotted
across the room. Although
was with a donor, Kern was only a few feet away. “Thanks, but I see him.” He wove his way through the crowd, the taste of Gunnar still clinging to his tongue.
How was he supposed to concentrate on anything if he couldn’t get control of his emotions?

“I need to speak with
,” Ramiro told Kern.

Kern’s gaze went to the tented pants Ramiro wore. “No.”

Ramiro rolled his eyes and ran a hand over his obvious erection. “This isn’t about
. I just need to ask him a few questions.”

Kern gestured with his chin. “He’s almost finished with his dinner.”

Although Ramiro got along with Kern, the man was extremely protective of
. Ramiro knew he’d have to include Kern in the discussion if he hoped to have more than a few seconds to converse with the werewolf-turned-vampire. “Where’s Haig?” Rarely did you see the three of them not together.

“With his sister,” Kern answered without taking his eyes off his mate.

“Galena’s here?”

“Even though she was hidden away in that fucking cage most of the time, Neo thinks she can be of some use to us. He brought her and Flick to The Realm this morning.” Kern glanced up at Ramiro. “Whether or not Galena can be of help, I’m glad she’s here. Haig was about to drive me crazy worrying about her.”

Not having had a family for centuries, Ramiro did his best to look sympathetic. “I understand.”

His poor acting job was saved by
appearance. “Ready?”
asked Kern, cock in hand.

Kern encircled
erection with his hand but shook his head. “Ramiro needs to talk to you first.”

brow furrowed. “What’s going on?”

Ramiro glanced around. Several sets of eyes were on them. There was no doubt the crowd waited for the nightly sex show
put on after feeding. “Not here.”

“You’re joking, right?”
asked, thrusting into Kern’s hand.

Ramiro knew what he was asking. The sexual buzz that accompanied feeding was incredibly powerful. He decided to give
a break. “Meet me outside in ten minutes.”

nodded before climbing onto Kern’s lap.

Ramiro turned away and studied the crowd. Should he indulge in a quick blow job while he waited? Gunnar’s earlier statement came to mind. Although Ramiro still wasn’t sure what Gunnar’s problem was, he decided against finding a quick hook-up. Instead he went outside to wait.

He strolled back and forth in front of the club as vampires and
went in and out of the building. Humans had always volunteered to donate their blood for the sexual aspect and thrill of it, but Ramiro had never taken the time to figure out why the
did it. Was it purely sexual on their part? Ramiro couldn’t imagine a
needing the thrill.

“Okay, what’s so important?”
asked, stepping out of
the bar

“I was wondering if you’d remembered any more about your wolf, and what you went through after being turned by
” Ramiro asked.

“Why do you ask?”
eyes narrowed in suspicion. “No good can come of it.”

“I think I may have found a way for Gunnar to hang on to that part of himself. So tell me why you don’t think it’s a good idea?” It seemed
agreed with Ian. Perhaps it had been wrong of him to talk to Gunnar about the possibilities.

“Because not being able to shift is equal to you starving for blood. It’s a hunger that won’t go away. To wish that on someone is to hate them, in my opinion.”
voice had gone down several octaves. It was more than obvious the man was pissed off at the very idea. “I had to bury that part of myself or risk insanity. Gunnar was a born Alpha. For him, the risk is even greater.”

What had he done? “Thank you for your honesty.” Ramiro needed to find Gunnar and drive all thoughts of holding on to his wolf from his head. “Excuse me, I have to go.”

Before Ramiro could make a move,
hand was wrapped around his forearm. “I know you’re only trying to help him, but both of you need to accept what he’s become.”

“You’re right. I understand that now.” Ramiro took off, hoping it wasn’t too late.

Chapter Two




Gunnar stared at the walls of his bedroom. Living in the palace with Spiro and Neo had proved to be important, but he missed the open space of the vineyard. He thought of the rest of the wolves and cats who’d been relocated to The Realm for their safety.

The sooner they put an end to
and the Galway Alpha, Juniper Cavanaugh, the faster he could get his people home. Gunnar fisted his hands. He could no longer claim the
as his people. It had been the hardest thing to come to terms with. Belonging to and leading a pack had meant everything to him. His position as head of security for Neo had also been a question on his mind lately. Would the
still respect and follow him?

Regardless of his future position, he still owed it to the
to fight the upcoming war as if he were still their Alpha. Jumping up from the large bed he’d been given, Gunnar parted the heavy canopy drapes. There was research to be done if they were to have any hope of defeating
. His personal issues could wait.

He was on his way down to the palace vault when he spotted Ramiro. Gunnar did his best to duck around a corner before the vampire saw him. After their earlier kiss, the last thing he wanted was to tempt his body again so soon. He had no doubt it was the changes in his genetic makeup that wanted Ramiro and nothing more.

“We need to talk,” Ramiro said, still hidden from view.

“I’m on my way to the vault. There are things more important than whether or not I can retain my wolf.” Gunnar refused to cling to a dream he knew was unattainable. He’d had numerous discussions with
over the possibility that his wolf could survive the change. When Ramiro had mentioned the book, it had given Gunnar a spark of hope, but the kiss had quickly put things into perspective. He was a vampire.

Ramiro turned the corner and stared at Gunnar. “I’ll go with you.”

Gunnar took a step back before he realised what he was doing. He stopped and squared his shoulders. Had his Alpha been driven so deeply inside himself that a vampire intimidated him? No. Gunnar knew exactly why he’d retreated. How long would the battle rage between his body and his mind?

“Whatever,” Gunnar finally said, continuing down the hall. He wove his way through the maze-like corridors with Ramiro right on his heels. Reaching the library, Gunnar nodded at the two guards and waited for them to open the massive doors.

Once the doors were shut behind him, he walked over to the statue of Zeus and pressed the small button on the underside of its beard. The floor opened to a spiral staircase that would take them to the vault.

As they descended the steps, Gunnar heard a noise from below. He stopped and glanced up at Ramiro. “There’s someone already down here.”

Ramiro nodded.
“Probably Neo.
He wants to get back to the vineyard as much as you do.”

Mention of his home caused an ache in Gunnar’s chest. He needed to speak to Neo about his job, but the upcoming war was more important. Continuing down the steps, he walked into the dimly lit vault. He’d been told the massive room was kept at a constant sixteen degrees
, eliciting a momentary body-shiver from Gunnar.

Neo glanced up from the book on the table in front of him. The expression on his face was grave. “
drawing the underworld powers of the Titans.”

“What?” Ramiro stopped beside Gunnar. “That’s not possible.”

Neo pointed to the book. “It is if he has this.”

Gunnar exchanged glances with Ramiro before continuing to the table. He peered over
shoulder at an ancient illustration.

But I thought that was destroyed in the war against the Titans and Olympians.”

“Not destroyed.
Neo carefully turned the brittle pages of the book to another picture. This one depicted a scene from the
, the great war of the Gods
, Zeus charging
and the sickle falling from
hand towards Earth below. “I think Juniper Cavanaugh somehow found it, whether he was already communicating with
or what, I don’t know.” Neo tapped the picture. “This has to be what rescued
from the bowels of

Gunnar started to ask how Neo had figured it out, but Neo stopped him.

“This is the only thing in existence other than my father’s lightning bolts that have the power to unlock the door to
.” Neo rose out of his chair. “There’s something else.”

Gunnar glanced at Ramiro before following Neo. “Are you telling us we have to get the sickle back if we want to banish

“That’s one way,” Neo said absently. He continued to walk through the rows and rows of ancient texts until he reached the art area. “I can’t find anything that confirms my suspicions, but there’s a picture in here that’s given me an idea.”

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