Crow - The Awakening (46 page)

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Authors: Michael J. Vanecek

Tags: #Fantasy, #Fiction

BOOK: Crow - The Awakening
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"What does Brandon have to do with this?" Steven grew alarmed, remembering how afraid Brandon seemed. He sorely didn't want his childhood friend to go to jail because of him.

"Nothing, I hope," Laurence said. The icon started moving again, and Steven sat back, relieved. "You know, I find it intriguing that you can see me but I can't see you. Why is that so, Steven?" Laurence asked.

Steven didn't answer.

"Of course you aren't going to answer. That would be giving away your secret. You know, Steven, talking on the phone is getting pretty tiresome. Do you like Chinese?" Laurence passed a Chinese food restaurant and pulled into the parking area. "I'm buying."

"Who are you?" Steven asked again.

"Steven, let's just say I work for the government and we're really interested in talking to you. Who knows, maybe we'll even hire you if all goes well," Laurence said, lying convincingly. Lying came naturally to him, but then he has had a lot of practice and training. "Chinese?" he asked again.

"The buses have stopped running." Steven looked at the schedule. Not entirely truthful but he wasn't prepared to meet this guy right now. He was a little shocked how nice Laurence was sounding. Maybe it wasn't as bad as Brandon made it out to be?

"That's okay. I can pick you up," Laurence offered, sounding as amicable as he could muster.

Asherah looked at Steven sharply, shaking her head hard. Steven opened his mouth then shut it. He agreed with her, however.

"Not a chance." Not until Steven was sure Laurence wasn't going to be a problem. He was not about to involve anyone else in this, especially those who were kind enough to bring him in off the streets and give him a new life.

"Hey, I'm open. But I'd far rather talk to you than Brandon. I heard he is pretty close to graduating. Imagine that." Laurence smiled.

Was that a threat? Steven couldn't tell but it sounded like one. His distrust of Laurence went back up a big notch.

"I don't know you, Laurence. Why should I trust you?" Steven asked.

"You shouldn't, of course. Do what you want, but I can turn your life around if you give me half a chance. I hate negative responses, however, and I have to insist you meet with me and hear me out."

"I don't know. Brandon was freaking out," Steven conceded.

"It's just my job, Steven. Nothing personal. I have that effect on people, but once you get to know me you'll love me," Laurence insisted. "Okay, I know this is short notice. How about tomorrow evening? Will that work for you?" Laurence hated to put things off, but it was easier to get the prey to come to him than continue this ridiculously futile chase.

"Okay, I think I can do that." Steven still wasn't sure, but at least it would be during the day.

"Great. I'll give you a call." Laurence terminated the connection and smiled to himself. It's about time he saw some positive progress in this investigation.

Asherah walked up behind Steven and whispered in his ear, "I don't trust him."

Steven jumped and turned around, face to face with her. He was suddenly lost in her eyes and had to blink and step back, grabbing his pant legs with his hands to keep them from reaching out to her. "Okay, we need to set some boundaries until I get this figured out."

"I don't trust him," Asherah repeated, stepping closer to him.

"Are you my conscience now?" Steven asked, perplexed, stepping back. Oh, but she looked so good and he could smell her. It was intoxicating. Asherah smiled, almost predatory now.

"I saved you at the bus stop." She tilted her head, and played with a loose lock of his hair. Her touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through him and his mouth went dry. Her closeness was so exhilarating. Steven had to focus on the conversation he was having with the product of his imagination that refused to stop tormenting him.

"Really?" Steven remembered hearing Asherah then. "If I remember correctly, I got my butt handed to me back there and I lost my money."

"He would have killed you with that pipe if you didn't duck," Asherah insisted as she followed his eyes when he averted them, her face so close to his he could feel her fur tickling his cheek. He wanted so badly to kiss her. He bit his lip hard, making it hurt. "I helped with your pain. So much pain." She breathed in as she moved even closer, as intoxicated with him as he was with her.

"Okay, I thought you were supposed to not bother me." Steven backed up more as she circled him. His heart was racing madly and it felt like double beats, like it had a shadow. Steven swallowed and licked his lips as she followed him.

"Father's asleep now." She leaned in, her lips almost brushing his cheek. "The song was so beautiful, Steven. Even in English. Our ballad."

Steven gulped. He remembered Asherah crying as Sarah sang their ballad. Asherah's face was so close to his. He could feel her breath again on his cheek, and he was trembling, gripping his pants harder to keep his hands under control.

"I miss you so much, Steven," Asherah whispered, pulling closer to him. He could feel the warmth of her body just millimeters from him. Steven felt like he was going to pass out as vertigo washed over him. He missed her too, but that was a big problem since she was imaginary.

Asherah looked behind her at something Steven couldn't see again, then looked back at him, caressing his face with her hand. Shivers went up and down Steven's spine at her touch and the depth of emotion brought tears to his eyes. Waves of joy shot through him and he shivered as it lingered. "Listen, Steven. Things are not as they seem. I can't tell you more than that yet. Not now. Please don't torture yourself because of me." She followed Steven as he backed away, nearly overwhelmed by her touch. "I promise I'll explain it all soon, and it will change everything."

She moved in on Steven and brushed against him. He could tell she was trembling too, barely able to restrain herself. She took a deep breath and he felt her breasts against him as she leaned into him. She felt so good and it was driving Steven crazy. For a second he was sure she was going to throw her arms around him and he so desperately wanted her to, then suddenly she stepped back, breathing deeply as she put her hands on her breast to still her racing heart. Steven could feel it, her heart. The sensation was dizzying as it raced as hard as his did and almost in sync. She closed her eyes and Steven felt her calming down. His own trembling abated somewhat. She opened her eyes, her look fierce as her eyes shifted from blue-gray to yellow and back. "Soon, Steven. Soon you'll understand everything."

Steven shook his head, wondering what she was talking about. "Understand what?"

She looked down, still trying to catch her breath. "Not yet." She looked around, back at something he couldn't see, then stepped closer to him, less seductive now. "But this guy, I don't trust him."

"Okay, you're my intuition. An unusually... pretty intuition," Steven said, breathless as she looked at him longingly, tears of frustration flowing down her cheeks. Her crying made him cry and she kissed his tears gently as he closed his eyes. She moved in closer to him as he backed into the potting bench, and stopped just short of fully embracing him, her chest heaving. She leaned over, her fur just barely brushing his cheek.

"I'm happy to be that for you, Steven," she whispered in his ear. He could feel her warm breath puffing on his ear as she talked and it sent shivers of anticipation down his spine. "Remember, we are part of each other, now and forever." Her lips just barely brushed his ear as she moved closer, her trembling chest against his as she nuzzled his neck.

Steven turned to look at her face, wanting so badly to kiss her, but she suddenly disappeared. "Oh, this is so weird," Steven said as he left his greenhouse, his legs decidedly wobbly as he leaned against the door. He still felt her lingering touch on his chest and he took a second to collect himself before walking back toward the party. The music and dancing were still happening, but he was ready for bed so he gave Sarah a hug, shook Charley's hand and waved to the guitar player. He then retreated to his apartment, his heart still racing from his encounter with Asherah. He had no idea how much longer he could resist his imagination. He almost gave in tonight.

Chapter 15

The night was positively tropical. There was a slight glow to the east. The sun was about to rise. Steven lay back under the tree soaking it in. He loved watching the sun rise from there and often would take a break from his chores to go out there and experience it. He looked up, and even in the light of the waning full moon he could see the tall, solitary tree swaying in the gentle wind. He sat up and put his hand on it, feeling its strength and energy. The meadow around him was full of a cacophony of chirps and whistles, nighttime noises of frogs, crickets, and other creatures advertising their presence to each other. It had been a long time since he had been there, but he was home now. He lay back, wondering where he had been. He couldn't quite put his finger on it and stopped trying. After all, it didn't matter now that he had returned.

He closed his eyes, feeling Asherah's presence within him. Steven missed her physical presence, however, and opened his eyes, scanning the meadow. She should be there. She usually was. But sometimes things just didn't work out and one of them would often get distracted by some task. He relaxed, waiting for her. He didn't want his love to miss the sunrise that he was so excited to share with her.

He felt a presence and sat up. Looking around, he saw two shadows seem to materialize from the darkness. No, not Asherah. He grinned. It was his wolfman and vampire friends. What had they been up to while he was away? They must have been very bored to not have anyone to chase. But he wasn't really interested in playing right now. He had a date and was impatient for her to arrive. It had been an extremely long day, and he was more interested in soaking in the ambiance of the meadow with her than playing with his nightmares. He reclined back against the tree and the shadows seemed to fade away.

Steven closed his eyes and savored the dizzying aroma around him. His favorite flowers were in full bloom and the air was thick with their scent, even at night. Sometimes Asherah would rub the flowers on her body, letting her fur absorb their aroma. She smelled good to begin with, but the scent of the flowers really took things up a notch. He picked a few flowers, excitedly anticipating aiding her, then sat back against the tree again with the flowers in his lap.

His eyes drooped a little as Steven got sleepy. But no, he had just woken up. Maybe he didn't sleep well last night. Asherah wasn't there yet, perhaps just a little nap. But it seemed to get lighter through his eyelids and he opened his eyes to see the sun had already risen. Did he just take a nap? It seemed like he just closed his eyes. He must have dozed off and felt disappointment over missing the sunrise. A figure stood in the meadow amongst the tropical plants, looking at him. He rubbed his eyes. "Asherah?" No, it wasn't her. But she looked so familiar. Steven got up and suddenly the Elf was right in front of him, inches away. Steven found her eyes mesmerizing and he reached out to touch her. She recoiled at his touch but didn't back off. Her skin was soft and slightly furry.

"Where are you?" she asked. Her authoritative voice seemed to bore into his head as she peered intently into his eyes. Steven gulped and bit his lip. The woman was emanating seduction as she leaned toward him. But while he could tell what she was doing, it was completely futile with him. Asherah was his heart irrevocably and completely.

"Huh?" Steven looked around then back at her. "The meadow, of course." He wondered what sort of question that was.

"Not here. Where are you?" she asked again, moving closer, keeping his gaze. Her irises were pulsing slightly with her heartbeat and Steven found it almost mesmerizing. Asherah's eyes did that too and he blinked, looking around and wishing she was there. He looked back at the woman. "Where?" she repeated softly, barely above a whisper. Steven cocked his head, confused. Where else would he be but there, his favorite spot? "Where else would I be?" he repeated his thought out loud. He shook his head. "Who are you? I've seen you before."

"I'm her mother," Penipe said, trembling a little and moving even closer to him, looking into his eyes. Steven got the distinct impression she was trying to do something that wasn't quite working and it was frustrating her greatly. Steven stood there, frozen by her presence. It felt very familiar and Steven was sure he had met her before.

"You're so beautiful," Steven responded, not able to help himself. The woman was stunningly gorgeous, even if she didn't look very happy right now. "Just like Asherah." His heart swelled when he thought of Asherah. The woman's eyes flashed yellow when he mentioned her daughter's name. Steven found it all so fascinating. This woman's familiarity perplexed him, and he tried his best to remember her. Who was she? Where had he met her before? She certainly seemed to know him.

She reached out and put her hands on his cheeks. They were soft, but surprisingly firm. She moved in closer to him, her body up against his while she looked deep into his eyes. "This is just a dream, Steven. Where are you?" She was pulling out all the stops to get a reaction out of him, to get him under her spell, but it still wasn't working. Everything she did just reminded him all the more of Asherah.

Steven put a hand on one of hers. Her touch was reminding him of someone else who would also touch him like that and at that moment he missed Asherah greatly. "Please. I don't understand what you're trying to ask. This is the meadow. I come here every day. Asherah is supposed to be here, maybe she can tell you." He looked around with his eyes for Asherah, a little nervous now.

Suddenly his head throbbed and it felt like spikes of hot iron were being forced through the back of his skull and the woman grew furious, her face lighting up with unbridled anger and her eyes flashing a rich yellow. "Where are you!" she screamed at him, and curled her lips back to reveal her canines as she grit her teeth and poured pain into him. Steven's head seemed to fill with fire as the pain shot all the way through to his fingertips.

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