Curves and the Russian Wrangler (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 6) (6 page)

BOOK: Curves and the Russian Wrangler (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 6)
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She must have drifted off for a few minutes.

, you are awake.” He smiled down at her, tenderness in his eyes.

She placed her hand on his chest, loving the feel of his strong muscles beneath her palm. Returning his smile, she wondered if now was the time to confess her feelings for

“How is your ankle?” He lightly ran his hand down her leg, stopping short of her injury.

“It doesn’t hurt at all.” She hadn’t felt a twinge since he’d kissed her in the living room.

“Good.” He claimed her lips.

Amber reveled in his kiss, his touch, trying to show him with her caresses just how much he meant to her.

“My Amber.” He dragged his mouth from hers, breathing heavily. “I cannot wait any longer. I must tell you how I feel.”

She stilled. Did he really like her curves? Or was he about to tell her he didn’t think they should be together? Telling herself not to think the worst, she held her breath, waiting for his next words.

“I’m in love with you,
my darling.”

Joy blossomed inside her. Her eyes sparkled with love. Cupping his face, she smiled up at him. “And I’m in love with you, Mikhail.”

Those were the last words she was able to say for a long time. He crushed her to him, kissing her passionately, then making slow, sweet love to her.

“I love everything about you, including your figure,” he told her when they finally came up for air. “You are so sweet, so special, and so desirable,” he finished with a growl, commanding her lips once more, before his mouth delved lower, and lower still. “And I will spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”



2 years later


Amber mounted Barney, then waited for her husband to emerge from the barn with his horse. She and Mikhail had been married for just over a year and she’d never been happier.

“Ready?” He led Hugo, his large, silvery-gray gelding over to the corral and expertly mounted.

“Ready.” She smiled at her sexy Russian, and nudged Barney into a walk.

They rode side by side until the track narrowed to the patch of woodland behind the farmhouse. Following Mikhail, her thoughts drifted to the last two years of her life.

After they had made love for the first time, she and Mikhail had been practically inseparable. He’d given her confidence in her curves, and their lovemaking had only become hotter and hotter. He had proposed soon after, and she’d moved into his farmhouse as soon as he’d placed the wedding ring on her finger and they’d returned from their honeymoon to Acapulco.

She still worked at the boutique, and had been able to hire a part-time assistant, which was a boon.

And Mikhail … he was the most wonderful husband in the world. She didn’t think she’d ever get enough of him

They reached the clearing and dismounted. Mikhail spread a lightweight picnic cloth and gestured for her to sit.
Just like their first picnic.

He brought her hand to his lips. “This may be our last picnic for the next few weeks, my Amber.” He frowned. “I have five more horses to train.”

She smiled at his miffed expression. Word of Mikhail’s horse training skills had spread, and he and Cade had become good friends and colleagues, instead of rivals. Horse-owners throughout the area, and even in the next county, brought their horses to either Mikhail or Cade.

“It’s okay,” she soothed. “I’m glad you - we - are doing so well.”

“But we must make sure we have time for each other.” He caressed a strand of her hair.

“We will,” she promised. “I love you.”

“And I love you.” He cupped her face, his mouth descending, his lips searing hers.

Every time was like the first, she thought hazily, returning his kiss - and his passion. And she knew it always would be. Forever.




Jenn Roseton believes that romance and happy endings go together. When she's not writing, she indulges in delicious gourmet chocolate.


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Connect with Jenn Roseton:

Email: [email protected]




Have you read my February 2015 release:

The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 5)

Turn the page for a sneak peek and a list of my books!

The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 5)

available free in Kindle Unlimited until May 9, 2015


Sneak Peek:




The sun sparkled on the lake behind Cole Trask’s cabin outside Cheyenne, Wyoming.

In spite of the early May sunshine, the conversation between the four eldest brothers held a hint of frustration.

“I’m telling you, we’ve got to do something,” Cole growled. “Mitch is practically a hermit.”

“You’re not telling us something we don’t already know,” his brother Garrett reminded him. “But he’s a grown man. He can do what he likes.”

“Within reason,” Logan Trask added.

“He’s still our baby brother.” Alex Trask sighed. “How long has it been since we’ve seen him?”

The four men looked thoughtful.

“Christmas,” Garrett replied. “But before that …”

“And we had to practically drag him onto Alex’s plane.” Logan shook his head. “You’d think he’d be happy to visit Mom and Dad with us for Christmas.”

“Instead, he spent half the time writing on his laptop and the other half calling his neighbor to check on the horses.” Alex frowned.

“Something’s got to be done,” Cole commanded. “We don’t want him turning into a grumpy old man. It’s time he got married.”

“Like you did?” Alex quirked an eyebrow.

“Like we all did.” Garrett broke into a grin. “And we all know that marrying our wives was the best thing that ever happened to us.”

His three brothers nodded in agreement.

“Speaking of which,” Alex cleared his throat. “I promised Laura I’d take her out to dinner tonight. She’s been dying to try a new Italian restaurant in San Diego.” He looked at his gold Rolex. “So I need to fly back in a couple of hours.”

“I wonder what our wives are doing right now.” Garrett’s gaze flickered to Cole’s log cabin.

“Probably trying a swanky dark chocolate with pink Himalayan salt crystals and gold leaf flecks,” Cole replied knowledgeably.

His brothers stared at him.

“I pay attention when my wife talks to me.” Cole tried to look modest but failed. “Phoebe’s joined a fancy chocolate of the month club and she said she couldn’t wait to share this month’s chocolate with Maddie, Laura, and Ellie.”

“Okay.” Logan looked at his brothers. “So how is Mitch going to meet a woman? He’s holed up on his property all year. I don’t think he even goes to town for groceries.”

“If he’s not even leaving the house, maybe we should send him a mail order bride,” Cole joked.

There was silence for a moment, then all four men spoke at once.

“Hey, that’s--”

“It could work--”

“I think it would--”

Alex cut in. “That’s not a bad idea.”

They all nodded.

“But how?” Garrett rubbed his chin. “Send him a housekeeper?”

“A secretary?” Cole suggested.

Alex smiled slowly. “Landscape designer.”


“Are you crazy? That place is overrun with horses.”

“And that’s why he needs a landscape designer.” Alex whipped out his phone, punched a few buttons and showed his brothers a website. “Laura and I have been thinking of buying a house.”

“Getting tired of your billionaire condo?” Cole asked good-naturedly.

“We’re planning ahead for the future. When we start a family,” Alex informed him. “And once we started looking at houses, Laura fell in love with one of the gardens - the house, not so much. So she found out who the landscape designer was, and we made an appointment a few days ago to discuss our future needs. Laura
wants a garden designed by Janet Andell when we buy a house. Not only is Janet talented, but her assistant and secretary, Sophie, had a lot of input into the project. Gentlemen, here may be Mitch’s mail order bride.” He scrolled down the page.

All four men stared at the small headshot of a young woman, early to mid-twenties, with a girl-next-door face, ash blonde hair, and warm smile. Sophie Matthews, said the text under the photo.

“That could work,” Logan said slowly.

“You bet it could,” Cole growled.

“I spoke to her, looked at some of her drawings, and I think she could be the perfect person for Mitch. She’s studying landscape design at night school so she should be able to manage the job. It’s a small firm.” Alex tapped the small screen. A photo of an older woman appearing to be in her early sixties with the name Janet Andell underneath the image featured alongside the potential mail order bride’s picture.

“If they’re small, will they be willing to consider a live-in job?” Logan frowned. “And how long will the job be?”

“As long as it takes for Mitch to fall in love.” Cole dug out his phone. “I can do a background check on her and make sure she’s suitable. No husbands or boyfriends.”

“And Laura seems to like her, which is good,” Alex said. His brothers looked at him. “Our wives get along, right?”

“Right,” Garrett confirmed.

Cole and Logan nodded.

“So it’s important that at least one of them like Mitch’s bride. I’ll talk to Laura tonight and sound her out. If Laura approves of her as a prospective sister-in-law, then I’ll arrange the job and cover the costs.”

“Sounds good.” Garrett speared his hand through his dark hair. “But what if Mitch doesn’t like us interfering?”

“Too bad,” Cole said gruffly. “In a few months he’ll be thanking us.”

Alex and Logan nodded agreement.

“Okay. I'm in.” Garrett glanced at the website. “Let’s hope Sophie Matthews is the right woman for the job.”

The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 5)


Titles by Jenn Roseton


Coldwater Springs Series:

Curves and Cowboys: BBW Romance Boxed Set (Coldwater Springs 1-4)

A Curvy Coldwater Christmas (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 5)
- Free!

Curves and the Cowboy (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 1)

Curves and the Sheriff (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 2)

Curves and the Rancher (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 3)

Curves and the Rodeo Star (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 4)

A special free
short story featuring Chase and Sarah from Curves and the Cowboy is now available through my website at:

I hope you enjoy it! (Note: it's a little spicier than Curves and the Cowboy, Curves and the Sheriff, Curves and the Rancher and Curves and the Rodeo Star.)


Maddie and Garrett:

The Cowboy's Runaway Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 1)

#1 Bestseller in Western Romance (March 2014)


Laura and Alex:

The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 2)


Phoebe and Cole:

The Lawman's Blackmailed Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 3)


Ellie and Logan:

The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4)


Sophie and Mitch:

The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 5)


BBW Needs Hot Sex (BBW Erotic Romance - Amy and Nick 1)

Bridegroom Wanted (Amy and Nick 2)


Erotic Romance:


Hot and Sexy 1: Seductive Persuasion
- should be free on Amazon. If it isn't, please visit
to find out where you can download it for free

Hot and Sexy 2: Bridal Jitters


Seduced by the Boss 1: Pent-Up Passion

Seduced by the Boss 2: Spanking Miss Jones

Seduced by the Boss 3: For Her Pleasure

Seduced by the Boss 4: Loving Miss Jones

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