Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales (12 page)

BOOK: Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales
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Unprepared for the sheer size of his hard, wide length, Bo cried out in shock. She wasn’t a virgin, but she had been with only one other lover and it had been two years ago. Her ex didn’t compare to this beast of a man and her body responded instantly.

Roc held still long enough for her body to relax around him. Once she was ready, Roc pulled back out to the rim of his mushroom cap and stroked back in deeply. Bo’s back arched off the bed and she choked on a cry caught in her throat. Roc wrapped one arm around her lower back and his other hand wrapped around the back of her neck. He pulled her towards him till they were forehead to forehead. And with the leverage of his arm around her waist, he pumped into her slick folds over and over again.

Bo reached for the hard flexing roundness of Roc’s ass, in her need to hold onto something as he thrust powerfully into her. The built up tension in her tummy felt like it would drive her mad. Just then, Roc rolled his hips on an inward stroke and Bo’s body tightened like a coil. And with one more rolling pump, the coil released. Roc covered her mouth with a deep kiss as she screamed.

Roc stopped his movements as Bo came apart in his arms. Her body convulsed with spasms and her legs trembled uncontrollably. Roc had every intention of continuing when her climax subsided, but the powerful contractions of her pussy around his throbbing manhood milked an unexpected orgasm out of him. His cum spilled into her awaiting womb. Roc instantly knew his mistake after the delirium passed.

“I’m so sorry.” Roc groaned against Bo’s belly after he collapsed on top of her.

“What’s wrong? That was wonderful.” Bo said looking down as she stroked his smooth bald head.

All Roc could think of, was Bo getting pregnant with a child infected with his curse. It wouldn’t be fair to her or the child. He felt sick to his stomach because of his carelessness.

“I didn’t wear any protection and I didn’t pull out.” Roc said disgusted with himself.

“It’s okay.” Bo soothed.

“You don’t know what you’re saying. You don’t want my offspring.” Roc said sadly.

“No, I mean that I got the birth control shot with my last boyfriend and have been on it ever since. I’m surprised you didn’t know that, considering your stalker tendencies. So you’re telling me that you didn’t get my medical records too?” Bo teased him, showing her playful side for the first time.

“No, I didn’t take it that far, but thank God. That could’ve been a disaster.” Roc blew out a relieved breath.

“Not that I’m ready for motherhood, but what would be so terrible about having your babies?” Bo asked perplexed.

Roc raised up on his forearms and peppered soft kisses on her breasts as he tried to stall for time. He didn’t know if he was ready to tell her about his curse. He didn’t want to see the disgust or fear on her face. Or the look in her eyes, if she didn’t believe him and thought he was crazy. His love for her had only grown once he got a chance to witness her passion and fire, firsthand. It would kill him if she turned her back on him.

“You can tell me. I promise I won’t judge.” Bo encouraged as she crawled backwards to the middle of the bed and patted the space next to her. Roc followed her and laid his head on her chest, so he wouldn’t have to look at the reactions that would cross her face.

“I doubt you’ll feel that way after you hear what I have to say.” Roc said as he took a deep breath before plowing ahead. “I’m cursed…”

Bo stroked her hand down his head, neck and shoulders while she listened to his story. At the more shocking parts of his story, her hand would stop or hesitate and her heart rate would pick up. But other than that, she didn’t pull away from him or stop affectionately caressing him.

She thought that his story seemed impossible.
There’s no such thing as werewolves.
But the scars on his face and the desperation in his crazy scheme involving Bo and her father made his story seem plausible. Not to mention the fact that his cuts and scratches from the mountain lion had completely healed within the timeframe it took for him to make love to her.

“My dad will help you. I’m sure of it.” Bo said confidently.

Roc’s head popped up from her chest in surprise. His beautiful dark eyes were wide with disbelief.

“You believe me?” He asked.

“Yes. I mean, I don’t see why else you’d go to such drastic measures.” Bo reasoned.

“And you’re not scared of me?” He continued on.

“No.” Bo answered without hesitation.

“How is that possible?”

“Well I mean, right now you look like a beautiful man to me. Maybe I’d feel differently if I saw you change, but in this moment you’re perfect.” Bo ended bashfully.

“I don’t deserve that type of praise.” Roc shook his head. “I haven’t been the greatest person and I’m not worthy of your level of perfection. But I would do anything to be the man you deserve.” He finished earnestly.

Bo’s eyes immediately filled with tears. No man had ever spoken to her so passionately before. She was overwhelmed by the deep connection she felt between them. She reached for Roc’s face and pulled him down to her. His soft lips felt heavenly against hers. Instantly she felt the heat resurge through her body. Bo surprised herself and Roc when she quickly whipped around, pushed Roc’s back down onto the mattress and straddled his hips.

She slid her wet labia up and down his quickly hardening shaft. Bo looked down at his massive, dark chocolate appendage, slick with her arousal, and swallowed hard.
Holy shit!!! How did I fit him inside of me the first time?!

Bo leaned forward and flicked her tongue against his nipple and watched as the dark flat disk puckered under her attentions. Roc pulled her towards his face and raised his head to taste her sweet mouth. Bo’s hair fell like a dark curtain around them. She broke the kiss on a gasp and sat up, placing her hands on his sculpted chest.

Bo raised her hips and clasped Roc’s thick cock, positioning him at her entrance. Slowly she slid down his length, letting him stretch her beyond capacity. The new angle on top, brought him deeper than before and she whimpered as her body tried to accommodate him. All the while, they held eye contact. She bit down on her lip and released it on a cry, her mouth parted and wet.

Roc gazed up at her in awe. She was literally the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. And he couldn’t find a single solitary reason why she wouldn’t have appealed to him in the past. She was magnificent.

“My Bonita.” Roc breathed. “So beautiful. You fit your name perfectly.”

He reached up to cup the side of her face gently. Bo clutched his hand tightly as she continued to slide up and down his erection. Her long, ebony locks spilled over onto one breast and her eyes were heavy-lidded and sultry. Roc thought she looked made for this, made for passion. Mild-mannered bookworm, she was not.

Adding to her overall seduction, Bo clasped his large hand and pulled it towards her mouth. She slowly opened her mouth and flicked her tongue against the pad of his thumb. She then drew Roc’s thumb into her mouth, sucking him. And finally, she bit down on it, baring her teeth.

Roc lost it in that moment. He pulled his hand away from her delectable mouth, he gripped her wide hips to hold her still, and then he pounded upward with punishing strokes. Bo’s head fell back and he could feel her hair brushing his thighs as he fucked her hard.

Her full, little breasts bounced with every thrust and her thick thighs rippled. The vision of her alone tightened his scrotum, ready to explode inside of her. Roc doubled his efforts, wanting her to come with him. Bo reached back to grip his thighs and dug her nails in as her climax washed over her.

“Roc!” She screamed as her walls milked him.

“Fuck! Bo!” He shouted out as he quickly followed her to euphoria.

Bo collapsed onto Roc’s chest. He stroked his fingertips delicately over her soft back and they both drifted off into a blissful sleep.






The next three weeks were enchanting for Bo and Roc. Bo contacted her father and let him know that she was staying of her own freewill. Miguel wasn’t ecstatic over the turn of events, but he was happy that Roc seemed to be treating her well.

They spent days in bed. They explored each other physically and mentally. Tasting, touching, and talking for hours. Though, as each day drew nearer to the approaching full moon, they became more and more anxious.

Miguel still hadn’t found the cure to Roc’s curse. Roc was trying to decide what he was going to do with Bo. He didn’t want her anywhere near him when he changed. He knew he’d never forgive himself if he hurt her.

“I need you to go stay with your father for a day or two.” Roc said the night before the full moon.

“I won’t leave you.” Bo said defiantly.

“You have to. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you.” Roc reasoned.

“It might not even be what you think it is. You don’t even know what happens to you and no one has ever seen it.” Bo said.

“Exactly the point! If anyone saw it, they didn’t live to tell about it!” Roc rubbed his smooth head in frustration.

“Maybe I could stop you. What if I chain you to the bed and then we could wait it out till morning?” Bo suggested.

“I don’t know, Bo. It’s too risky.” Roc grimaced with indecision.

“Please, Roc. Let me stay.” Bo pleaded with him.

Roc thought hard for several minutes, before finally answering. “Alright. But I’m going to give you a gun and if I escape from the chains, you have to use it.” Roc compromised.

“Okay. I will.”






The next evening, Roc laid in the middle of the bed and watched as Bo secured his ankles with a heavy shackle. There were two chains that had a shackle on each end. Before laying in the bed, Roc placed the heavy chains under the foot and head of the bed.

Roc’s eyes filled with worry as they followed Bo to the side of the bed. She locked his right wrist in the heavy metal restraint. Bo crawled onto the bed, intending to crawl over him to the other side to lock his left wrist. Though, before she could get there, Roc’s left hand shot out to grasp her forearm. His eyes searched hers for a moment, as if he was memorizing her face for the last time.

“Don’t forget. If I break free you have to kill me.” Roc said, his voice filled with desperation.

“Alright. I won’t forget.” Bo said sadly.

With his one free arm, Roc pulled her closer to him and kissed her hard and quick. “Okay, hurry before the sun goes down.”

Bo quickly scrambled to the other side of the bed and placed the last restraint around his wrist. Once she was done, Bo walked over to the chaise lounge and the gun loaded with silver bullets that sat on the coffee table. She sat down facing the bed, the last vestiges of the sun’s rays shining through the window. The light behind her cast her in silhouette and to Roc she looked like an angel waiting to take him to heaven. He prayed that that wouldn’t be the case.

The sun finally reached its descent as the white round glow of her sister rose high in the sky. Bo turned on the table lamp and Roc brought his head up one more time to look at her.

“I love you.” Roc said for the first time to anyone.

A sharp pain ripped through his body and he shouted and strained against his bonds. Bo watched in fear and fascination as his body bucked and convulsed against the bed. She quickly reached for the gun and clutched it tightly in her trembling hands.

An inhuman growl tore from his throat and Bo slowly stood up, hypnotized by the change happening before her eyes. Roc’s eyes were clenched shut and then they flew open. No longer were they the warm dark brown she was used to, now they were a glowing gold. His already large muscles grew before her eyes, ripping through his clothes. Fur sprouted from invisible follicles on his mahogany skin. This sight rose goosebumps across her skin and made her skin itch. Last, she heard what sounded like bones breaking and watched as a wolf’s snout formed from Roc’s once beautiful full lips.

The gun shook uncontrollably in her hand and her heart raced harder than she’d ever felt before. She could barely breathe from the fear that was choking her. The straining muscles in his now even more powerful arm and legs, snapped the shackles like toothpicks.

The beast that had taken over Roc’s body, lithely jumped up and crouched in the middle of the mattress and stared at her. Bo raised her shaking hands and attempted to point the gun at him. Her aim was so erratic that she was sure that she would miss if she did pull the trigger.
Dear God, I can’t do it! I can’t do it.

Tears streamed down Bo’s face. She knew that her life was about to end, but she couldn’t shoot him. No matter how hard she tried. His muscles bunched and coiled ready to spring into action. A low growl rumbled in his chest and he snarled, showing off gleaming white fangs. There was no man left in the creature before her.

Bo lowered the gun and it fell to the floor at her feet. As he sprang forward, she closed her eyes. Ready. And she spoke three words.

“I love you.”

She squeezed her eyes tight as she waited for the attack. But all she heard was a heavy thump. A bright light pierced through the thin skin of her eyelids. Bo’s eyes flew open and the beast was surrounded by a blinding light as he lie on the floor. And she watched as he slowly changed back to his human form.

BOOK: Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales
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