Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales (10 page)

BOOK: Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales
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Bo slowly drifted up into consciousness. She felt groggy as she cracked opened her eyes and her head pounded brutally. The room she was in was dark, but her eyes quickly adjusted. She took in the large room while she tried to remember what happened.
Where am I?

A sudden flash of memory hit her and her hands clamped over mouth as a cry burst from her lips. Bo remembered strong arms lifting her off of her feet in the library parking lot. She recalled the deep gravelly voice of her kidnaper before the sickly sweet smell of chloroform against her face.

She fearfully scanned the room one more time and once she realized that she was alone, she jumped off of the bed and ran to the window. It was still dark out and she wondered if it was still the same night. Looking out the window all she could see was the pale moonlight against the shadows of tall trees. Beyond that, she had no idea where she was.

Bo opened the window and tested the iron bars. They didn’t budge in the slightest. She quickly ran to the door and tested the knob, but it didn’t move either. Frantic, she ran to every door to find a way out. She looked in the attached bathroom and the empty walk-in closet, but there was absolutely nothing.

She had no idea what was going on or who had taken her. She felt the panic rising up to choke her. Still in the closet, Bo slid down the wall. She wrapped her arms around her torso as if she was trying to hold herself together. Her head fell back against the wall as hot tears slipped down her face in a torrent of helpless fear.






Roc came home a few hours later, with his heart filled with hope and a suitcase filled with clothes for Bo. Her father had insisted that he bring her a change of clothes. Roc made his way upstairs to her designated room. He took a deep breath before unlocking the door, unsure of how the next few minutes were going to go.

He quickly scanned the room as he walked inside, when he didn’t see Bo in the bed where he’d left her. Roc turned on the bedroom light, placed her suitcase on the empty bed and strode into the bathroom, but she wasn’t there either.
She couldn’t have possibly gotten out!
He walked over to the closet and opened the door there. He almost missed her and closed the door, but he looked down briefly and saw her curled up tightly on the floor, trying her best not to be seen.

Roc flipped on the light in the closet and his dark eyes connected with hers. Her eyes were a beautiful light brown shade that sparkled with tears that trembled on her lids. He took a step closer into the closet, wanting to comfort her and she cringed away in fear. Roc stopped in his tracks, realizing that she didn’t know him the way he knew her, from months of watching from a distance. She had no idea if he’d hurt her or not and he was certain that the scary jagged scars down his face didn’t help. Everyone seemed scared of him now.

“I won’t hurt you,” Roc said deeply.

Bo looked up at him skeptically.

“I brought some of your clothes for you, if you need to change.” He informed her.

“H-How? Did…did you hurt my father?” Bo asked.

“No. Your father packed the clothes himself.” At Bo’s shocked expression, Roc explained further. “Your father is helping me and in return, when he’s finished I will release you to him. Until then, you’ll be in my care. I won’t hurt you, but please don’t try to escape because it’s not possible. Even if you got outside of the house and gate around the perimeter of my estate, we’re up in the mountains. You’d die out in the wilderness before you could ever reach help.” Roc warned her.

“If my father knows I’m here, he’ll call for help.” Bo’s voice trembled as she tried to put up a brave front.

“Your father knows I have you, but no idea where. Besides, he wouldn’t take a chance at alerting the police, when I warned him that you’d be in jeopardy if he did. So you see, there’s no getting out of this. You’re here to stay for the time being. So get used to it.” Roc said firmly, brooking no argument.

“Screw you!” Bo screamed at him as tears streamed down her face. “You can’t fucking keep me here! It’s just not right.” Roc turned to leave the closet as she continued to yell, but her next words stopped him. “You’re a monster!”

Roc’s back was still turned to her, when his shoulders slumped slightly. “You have no idea.” He whispered and then walked out of the closet and bedroom, and bolted the door.

Bo rocked back and forth as heart-wrenching sobs ripped from her chest. Her life had been a series of mundane routines. Nothing exciting ever happened to her. So she lived out her fantasies within the books she read, to the point that she made books her job. Being a librarian, she was surrounded by her one true love every day. Though, when she prayed for a fraction of the adventure the heroes and heroines in her books experienced, she never asked for this.






Roc punched a hole through one of the walls of his master bedroom. He felt nothing and when he pulled his hand out from the damaged drywall, there wasn’t a scratch to be seen. One advantage of the curse was even when he was in his human form; he was faster, stronger, and more agile. Though, he’d give anything to have his life go back to the way it once was.
Well, almost…

Before the attack, before the claw marks running down his face, Roc was an arrogant man. He knew he was handsome and physically fit, and he made sure he did all of the things to keep up his physical appearance. He could walk into any room and turn the heads of women and men alike. The ladies sought him out and he had the pick of the litter. And he was a man’s man. Most men wanted to be around him, to be buddies.

When it came to the ladies, Roc would only pick the most beautiful with bodies to match. He knew he had been a superficial asshole, but he didn’t care at the time. Someone like Bo would’ve never appealed to him. He would’ve thought of her as one of the chubby girls. The tagalong friend of the beautiful girl. Though in his self-imposed banishment, his view of the world and people started to shift.

None of the girls that he had dated previously would have stood by his side during this curse and his subsequent exile. In fact, while he was recovering in the hospital, no one came to see him. He quickly realized that all of his relationships were superficial. No one truly cared about him as a person. As a human being.

After the attack; his massive muscular physique, tall stature, and angry scars running down the right side of his face. Not to mention the predatory vibe that oozed from him. Made him look scary as hell. Strangers took a wide berth when crossing his path and the people he knew couldn’t look him directly in the eye anymore. That was when he ran to the mountains to hide away from everyone and everything.

When he started watching Bo and her father several months ago, he saw the caring in the plump woman’s eyes. The way she took care of her father. How she would patiently help anyone that came into the library. Roc had even seen her give her lunch to a homeless man that was sitting outside of the library, taking shelter from the rain.

The memories of her kindness was what made her calling him a monster that much harder.
If this woman that can see the good in anyone, can’t see it in me, I must not be worth shit.
What killed him the most was that before the unwelcome curse, he actually was a monster on the inside. In his solitude, he learned a lot about himself and what mattered most. Roc felt that now, he was a better person for it on the inside, but on the outside he now looked like the monster he once embodied. Basically, his life had turned into a cruel joke that he knew he deserved and had brought on himself.

If he was honest with himself, he would admit that during the months he stalked Bonita Cabrera, he had fallen in love with the curvaceous woman. The kindness, intelligence and honesty he had witnessed in her made her inner beauty shine. And during that time he saw the appeal in her physical appearance as well.

Her long chestnut brown hair swayed hypnotically at her tailbone as she walked. Her narrow waist above the breadth of her wide hips as she walked, was seductive. The softness of her tummy and thighs made Roc want to pull her close to snuggle up and never let go. Her small, pert breasts would fit perfectly in his mouth and hands. He felt he could get lost in her bright amber colored eyes. And he was desperate to taste her plump, pouty lips.

Roc sighed deeply, as he stared at the fresh hole in the wall he now had to fix. He knew the likelihood of Bo ever letting him get close to her was slim to none. He walked over to his dresser, quickly stripped off his jeans and t-shirt and grabbed a pair of gray sweats to throw on for the night.

He knew Bo had to be hungry, since he snatched her up before she could get home to fix dinner. So Roc made his way to his chef’s kitchen and reheated the soup he had prepared for her arrival. Cooking was something that he enjoyed. It helped to calm his nerves when running couldn’t. Earlier he had made homemade tomato soup for his guest and now he started on making her a gourmet grilled cheese to go with it.

Once her food was ready; Roc placed the bowl of soup, sandwich, and a glass of water on a tray to take up to her room. He left his plate and bowl in the kitchen to eat after he delivered Bo her tray of food. Roc would’ve liked nothing more than to eat with her, but he figured he’d be pushing his luck.

Balancing the tray with ease, Roc made his way upstairs and down the hall. He took a deep breath and knocked on Bo’s door. He listened closely but there was no sound coming from the other side.

“Bo? I brought you some dinner,” Roc said listening closely for a response. He still heard nothing. “I hope you’re decent because I’m coming in.” He warned.

Roc unbolted and unlocked the door and opened it slowly. Bo sat on the bed, puffy-eyed and silent. Her long hair shielded half of her face from his view. Roc looked away guiltily.

“I made some soup and a sandwich for you.” Roc said quietly, his deep voice rumbling in his chest.

“I’m not hungry.” Bo said tight-lipped.

“Well, you will be at some point.” Roc said logically.

“I’d rather starve to death than eat anything you bring me.” Bo growled.

“Bo, don’t be a child. You have to eat.” Roc said trying to hold on to his patience.

“Don’t speak to me like you know me. You know nothing about me!” Bo shouted out boldly.

Roc’s jaw flexed as he gritted his teeth in frustration. He practically slammed her tray on the nightstand next to the bed. The soup slopped over the side of the bowl. He placed his balled up fists on the soft mattress and leaned close to her.

“I know just about everything that there is to know about you. I watched you for months before I took you.” Bo’s head snapped around to look at him in shock. “Yeah, that’s right. I know that you’re dad has taken care of you since you were little, after your mother died in a car accident. I know that you love books more than you like people, but the people you do know, you treat with kindness and respect. And when someone is in pain, you feel it in the depths of your soul.

“I know that you cook for your father every night and that you love to read in the park on Sundays, if the weather is nice.” Roc slowly stood up and Bo’s eyes followed him. “I know that you’ve had only one boyfriend and that he cheated on you. Funny enough, you didn’t cry or care when you found out. In fact, you were relieved when you broke up with him two years ago. You haven’t even attempted to date since. Instead, when you get lonely, you pick up a classic romance to fill the void. Does that all sound about right?” Roc finally finished.

Bo quickly turned her head away from Roc’s probing gaze. She held her chin up high as she tried to ignore him.

“That’s what I thought.” Roc started to turn to head back out of her room, but he stopped to add one more thing. “If you were mine, I’d never cheat and you’d never have to crack open a romance novel again. You’d never have to seek out satisfaction from a fictional hero, if I had anything to say about it.” Roc informed her before he walked out of her room and locked the door.

Bo stared at the closed door in astonishment. Never had anyone, let alone a man, read her so well before. It was disconcerting to have someone get to the very heart of her without her knowledge of it happening. But what bothered her the most was that she wasn’t as bothered as she should’ve been, by the fact he had apparently stalked her.
What the hell is wrong with you, Bo?! You should be totally freaked out right now. Big arms, ripped abs, and a killer face should not be good excuses to ignore psychotic behavior.

When Roc had walked into her room with her dinner, Bo hadn’t expected him to be in just a pair of sweats and nothing else. She had tried to ignore his silky, smooth dark chocolate skin and the muscles rippling underneath the surface. His shiny bald head gleamed in the light of the glittering chandelier overhead. His jet black goatee was groomed to perfection, emphasizing crazy full lips. Bo was sure that Roc was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen, even with the angry scars running down the right side of his face. They only succeeded in adding a level of danger to his handsome face.

I have to get out of here before I do something stupid. Like fall in love with my psycho captor. They do say that one of the stages in abduction is being grateful to your captor for taking care of you. Fuck that noise! Who’s
anyway? More than likely someone who’s never been abducted.

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