Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales (5 page)

BOOK: Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales
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“Hey, Ashland! All done slaving away at Casa Del Diablo?” Cisco answered after the second ring.

“Cisco, I need your help,” Ashland said, her voice filled with tears.

“What happened?” He asked immediately.

twins signed me up to go to the ball as a guest and volunteered me for the charity auction. And they only just told me now. A little over an hour before the ball starts! You know I have nothing to wear!” Ashland blurted out in a panic.

“Calm down, sweetie. Meet me at the apartment. Jump in the shower and by the time you’re done, I’ll be there and ready to make you fabulous.” Cisco assured her with confidence.

As the elevator doors opened on the main floor, several guests heading up to attend the pre-party were waiting on the other side. As Ashland quickly pushed her way through the throng of people, she collided with a very tall and very solid body. She glanced up briefly as strong hands reached out to steady her. In her rush, she saw the flash of a bright white smile, warm ocean blue eyes, and sexy blond locks. The features, vaguely familiar. Her heart stuttered in her chest, but she had no time to analyze her response. She pulled free of his large, warm hands and ran full speed for the door. Once on the street, she put her thumb and forefinger in her mouth and whistled loudly. A cab screeched to a stop in front of the building and she hopped in.

“Sullivan and Prince Street. Soho. And please hurry,” Ashland said breathlessly.






Charlie Knight watched as the cab sped away. The memory of warm, plush curves against his body and in his hands, were still imprinted on his scorched palms. Satiny cocoa skin, pillowy soft lips, and large tear-filled chestnut colored eyes were seared into his brain. He didn’t know who she was. He didn’t know how he’d ever find her again in a city of over eight million people. Though, something in his gut told him that that moment wouldn’t be the last time those lush curves would be in his arms.






Cisco lifted the back of the dress to look at Ashland’s butt. She smacked at the hand that was holding up the dress.

“What are you doing?! You don’t even like girls!” Ashland scolded him.

“I was looking to see if pigs were gonna fly out your ass.” He smirked at her as he straightened up and dropped the fabric.

“Oh, hush! So you were able to finally get your grubby little paws on me, what’s the big deal? I’ll still pale in comparison to everyone else, and end up humiliated in front of all the fashion world. Especially, when no one wants to pay any money to take me on a date. I can’t even get guys to take me on a date if
paid,” Ashland said looking down at the floor.

“Look honey, maybe you want to doubt your beauty, but please don’t doubt my ability to make some badass clothes. As well as my skill at making the most stubborn bud blossom into a stunning flower,” he said as he clasped her shoulders. He gently turned her towards their full length mirror, she often ignored.

As Ashland took in her reflection, she was overwhelmed with emotion. Cisco had truly outdone himself. Her makeup was flawless. He had bronzed her skin into a warm, mahogany glow. Her already large eyes looked enormous from the subtle but sultry smoky eye, he had given her. Her full lips looked ridiculously inviting and plumper than usual with the shimmery plum lip gloss he had used. Her dark straight locks were swept back off of her face and neck into a sleek high bun, her bangs smoothed to one side.

Cisco had pulled her hair up to showcase her heart-shaped face, large eyes, the feminine line of her neck and the stunning mask covering half of her face. The mask was an iridescent teal blue with a few clear crystals adorning it. An intricate crystal peacock graced the right side of the mask. As elegant peacock feathers thrust out from behind it, to flutter prettily above her head with her every movement.

The whole look blended beautifully with the dress that he had designed with Ashland in mind. The ball gown was made of muted black taffeta with black crinoline peeking out the bottom, making the dress flare. Sparkling crystals embellished the dress. A few clear crystals dotted the full skirt here and there, gaining frequency as they moved up the dress. Until the bodice was completely covered in the twinkling glass. The edge of the sweetheart neckline and a band around her waist were trimmed with the glittering stone, but in the same teal blue as her mask. Knowing that she was self-conscious of her arms, Cisco gave her a sheer lace shrug with three-quarter-length sleeves. The angular cut in the back of it showing off the skin of her smooth back. Finally, the gorgeous shoes that graced her feet were three and a half inch, teal crystal covered platform heels in a comfortable size seven wide.

“Oh…Cisco! I don’t know what to say!” Ashland exclaimed, staring at her image in awe.

“I’m good with ‘Thank you’,” Cisco teased.

Ashland have him a watery grin. “Thank you.”

“Do. Not. Cry. I swear if you mess up my masterpiece, I will hurt you. Best friend or not.” Cisco gave her the stink eye.

“I won’t, I promise.” Ashland dabbed at her eyes with her fingers, behind the mask.

“Alright…one last thing.” Cisco started. “Now, this is very important. A friend of mine that works closely with a jewelry designer, let me borrow these for the night.” He pulled out a black velvet box and she gasped when he opened it.

Nestled inside was a platinum necklace with a bejeweled peacock pendant. The jewels were blue topaz, aquamarine, turquoise and diamond. On either side of the necklace was a pair of platinum set, blue topaz and peridot, peacock feather design dangle earrings.

“My friend is going to stay at the design studio until twelve thirty tonight. So we have to be out of the ball by midnight, at the latest. Do you understand me? He’ll have my balls in a vice, if I don’t have them back.” Cisco paused and then smiled. “Well, that actually wouldn’t be a bad thing. He’s hot! But still, I would hate for him to lose his job because of me. So don’t forget.” Cisco finished with a stern look.

Why does this scenario sound so strangely familiar? Nah…
Ashland thought to herself.

“I won’t. More than likely I’ll be stuck to your side like glue the entire night.” Ashland reasoned.

“True. But just in case, let’s set the alarm on your phone to go off at ten ‘til midnight.” He grabbed her phone and pulled up the alarm to set it. “Okay, I need to go and get ready. We probably won’t make it to the dinner portion of the evening, but we should at least make the auction and dance.”

“That’s fine. I don’t think I’d be able to eat anyway. I’m too nervous to eat anything and there’s really no more room left in this dress and bustier for a full stomach,” Ashland said taking a deep breath and patting the tight bodice.

“How about booze? You got room for that?” Cisco smirked.

“Always!” Ashland exclaimed, blowing out a stressed breath and heading into the kitchen.

“Make me a to-go drink!” Cisco shouted out as he made his way to the bathroom.

“Coming up!”






The masquerade ball was being held at The Plaza Hotel. Ashland had been there a few times before with her father when she was younger, but the opulence never failed to amaze her. She grasped onto Cisco’s arm for dear life as they made their way towards the Terrace Room. Her mouth dropped open as they walked through the French doors into the resplendent room. The design was borrowed from the essence of the Renaissance era. Grand archways, rich paintings, sculpted artwork carved into the ceiling, sparkling chandeliers and recessed lighting gave the entire room a golden glow. It all seemed incredibly romantic to Ashland.
If only my life could mirror all this
, she thought.






Little did Ashland know that her wish was soon to become true. Charlie Knight spotted her the moment she and Cisco walked through the door. As they stood on the terrace that wrapped around the room from above, the thought that came to mind was that she sparkled like a flawless diamond. Something about her radiated beauty, and looking around he could see he wasn’t the only one who thought so. Many heads had turned in her direction. Even though she wore a stunning mask like everyone else at the ball. He knew that she was the dark-skinned beauty that had collided with him earlier in the evening. And he had every intention of pressing his suit before her other admirers could sink their teeth into her.

He knew the man she was with wasn’t her significant other. If his bright pink tux and dramatic makeup was any indication. So with his mind made up, Charlie strode over to the stairs where they stood at the top of the landing. He watched her glance down at him and his famous smile spread naturally across his face. He noticed her ripe, delectable lips part as if she had inhaled sharply.

Charlie’s long legs ate up the stairs as he made his way towards them. He stopped one step below her and still he was slightly taller than her short stature. He reached for her right hand, which looked so delicate and small in his. Charlie could tell that she was nervous, her trembling fingers and damp palm gave her away. He chivalrously bent over and softly kissed the back of her shaking hand.

Ashland nearly passed out on the spot. She squeezed Cisco’s arm even harder as the sculpted lips on her skin branded her with his heat. Ashland knew who he was the moment she saw him looking up at her from the bottom of the stairs. He was Charming Charlie Knight. At least that was the nickname that had developed over the years by his adoring fans.

Charlie Knight had burst onto the modeling scene ten years ago at age eighteen. His blond godlike, boy-next-door persona endeared him to everyone. His signature smile and dimples that graced billboards across the country, had girls wanting to date him and boys wanting to be him. But three years ago, Charlie had decided to leave modeling behind to start his own magazine company, Knightly
Magazine. A men’s entertainment, fashion, and health magazine. Once more, his undeniable charisma launched the magazine straight to the top print and online publication. Which quickly made him one of the most eligible bachelors in the world. He was a man that knew what he wanted and stopped at nothing until it was his.

So as he looked up from her hand held tightly in his, he smiled
smile. All white teeth and deep dimples. His aqua blue eyes behind a silver mask, glittered brighter than the crystals on her dress. It looked as if she was the next thing he wanted.
Dear God, one could only hope. Though, wishful thinking I’m sure.

“Hello,” Charlie said.

The one word turned her knees to pudding. She knew from television interviews that he had a deep voice, but the bass in it face to face, made her panties liquefy. Ashland wasn’t used to talking to men she was attracted to. So she stood there for several beats with her mouth hanging open. Cisco gave her a nudge that shook her from her stupor.

“Hi.” Her voice came out in an embarrassing squeak.

“I’m Charlie Knight,” he said still firmly holding onto her hand.

Ashland just blinked at him owlishly. Once again at a loss for words.

“Hi, handsome.” Cisco cut in, reaching out to shake Charlie’s hand. Charlie reluctantly let go of Ashland’s hand to shake Cisco’s. “I’m Francisco Cortez and though it would seem that my friend here is deaf and mute. I assure you she is not. She’s just a little shy.” Cisco turned and stared at her with bulging eyes. He looked to Ashland and then to Charlie, trying to hint to her that she should speak. “Honey, when a devastatingly handsome man introduces himself, you should reply,” he whispered under his breath.

“I-I’m A-Ashland,” she finally stuttered out.

“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ashland.” Charlie murmured as he gladly took her hand again. “A lovely name, to go with a lovely woman. Can I get you something to drink?” Charlie asked politely as he guided her down the stairs, refusing to relinquish her hand.

Cisco quickly pried her left hand from the clutch she hand on his arm, before she dragged him down the stair. He beamed at her as Charlie led her to the bar.
Go get your man, gurl!

Charlie pulled Ashland up to the bar and ordered her an Appletini that she quietly requested. As the bartender prepared their drinks, Charlie stared at her intently. Ashland squirmed under his heavy-lidded gaze. She had never seen a man look at her with hunger before. It was very unsettling to say the least. Once the drinks were finished, he handed Ashland her drink and finally spoke.

“So I’m one hundred percent sure that you were the beautiful woman that ran into me in the lobby of a fifth avenue building, earlier this evening. Am I right?” Charlie asked with a knowing smile.

“Oh, no! That was you?” Ashland cringed.
Way to go, Ashland! Thank God he’s strong, a lesser man would’ve been flattened by my big ass.
She internally reprimanded herself. “I’m so sorry!” She exclaimed in humiliation.

“What do you have to be sorry about?” Charlie asked, a perplexed look wrinkled his brow. “It’s not every day that a beautiful woman with soft, lovely curves crashes into me. It took all that I had not to chase after you, but I had a feeling that I’d be running into you again. And here you are.” Unused to compliments from anyone except Cisco, Ashland’s face heated up and she looked away bashfully.

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