Cyber Kittens and Cowboys (2 page)

Read Cyber Kittens and Cowboys Online

Authors: Ipam

Tags: #computers, #cyber, #programmers, #cobol

BOOK: Cyber Kittens and Cowboys
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“Don’t know!” Ilenn shrugs shoulders then
attacks her spaghetti, viciously.


“Heard tell, he was given one of these
complex assignments and couldn’t finish it.” Lacy details, fully
then drinks, nosily beverage.


“Have either of ya’ll worked one of these
assignments? What’s it like? I’m a bit nervous about receiving more
work without adding more training. Is there some kind of training
involved?” Pamela asks, gently then bites into her sliced tomato
covered singular meatball. She chews, slowly pondering her brief
but direct conversation with Geneva. She gets her first complex
assignment, maybe next week by Geneva.


“Yes, you get some training.” Lacy explains,
mysteriously & ends, suddenly.


“Good afternoon, my little Southern Belles.”
Deep sexy bass drum timber belongs to Arthur Ennis, current
un-available boy toy of Ilenn Yelling. He eats big meals with Ilenn
every day at lunch. Arthur stands 6 feet, 4 inches of 257 pounds of
hot steel ripped born & breed African-American muscles from
neck to calves flashing million dollar smile, bald shaved mound,
dark brown almond shaped eyes on heart-shaped baby face with big
dumbo ears, only detraction making him 99.9% perfect male.


Ilenn pats, tenderly his hand as he scoots,
nosily chair next to her. Pamela does note extra large table
holding 6 chairs instead of normal 4 for 3.4 seconds then finishes
her green lettuce for fiber.


“Hey, poo bear!” Ilenn coos, musically with
sweet brown eyes admiringly. Arthur grins, toothy.


“Say hi, boys.” Arthur rumbles in bass drum.
Pamela cuts noodles into small bite size pieces for fork. She
doesn’t like the tradition assault wrapping slippery pasta round
fork then stuffing like plantation pig into her small vessel.
First, un-cool ladylike maneuver around Southern gentlemen if one
happens to be present & spying on her at lunch table and
secondly, her Mama is perform flips in her grave.


Tenor saxophone blows, very loudly &
repeats, amusingly. “Hi, boys.” Heavy 203 pounds on 5 feet, 7
inches blonde thin bowl cut hair with short bangs over round green
pupils, flat nose, rosy round cheeks on powder white glowing pale
skin drops, thunderously in chair. Pamela places big chuck of
meatball coupled with little sliced noodles for enjoyment to taste
buds, while opening mouth wide.


“Good afternoon, ladies.” Deep rich baritone
trombone rumbles, sexy beside Lacy. Pamela stops chewing & eye
burns table surface as cornflower blue eyes pierce manly tanned
hands tapping muscled thighs inside medium blue rinsed jeans, trim
& fit waistline belted with blue leather probably alligator,
blue light wool jacket fitted over squared shoulders of ripped
muscles on 6 feet, 4 inches about 250 pounds outlined tight T-shirt
with single letters of his employer. FBI. Her eyes park, studiously
on slightly tanned complexion of square jaw line dusted with black
whiskers, pink soft lips, sharp nose, high pink cheekbones, bluest
of blue eyes with sweeping wavy black hair parted on left side
falling partly in face and partly around forehead rest of hair cut
short around ears and neckline. His ears are not dumbo size, either
making this unknown male, 100% perfection. He grins, toothy at


Pamela chews lump of food & grins,


Arthur greets, honorable. “Larry Johnson and
Preston Kingly.” Larry and Preston nod, once while digging into
spaghetti. Cafeteria likes promoting healthy and calorie nutritious
meal choices each day of the week keeping mental minds and physical
bodies lean & mean of san government employees but Spaghetti
Day rules.


Ilenn honors, professional. “Pamela and Lacy,
my co-workers.”


Preston scoops, sexy pasta three times around
fork then flips utensil backwards, cramming monster creation into
mouth. He chews three times then swallows. Pamela watches,
intensively his moves, his hands, his mouth witnessing the most
sexy mouth watering manly maneuver on Earth. Bluest of blue
eyeballs intersect her cornflower blue as soft pink lips curve,
deliciously into slight arch on Preston’s handsomely face.


Preston chews, swiftly then swallows another
monster forklift of spaghetti along with partial tomato drenching
meatball. Pamela drops, quickly eyelashes to dish avoiding stalker
mode but she wants, desirously to observe, study and devour that
handsome male creature slightly diagonal of her left beside Lacy
next to Larry.


Silent air waves dominate table as eaters
enjoy their meals. Lunchtime for the working class.


Preston polishes another monster meat &
noodle ball, then clears, nosily throat. “Where do you girls work?”
Then he smiles, sweetly at Pamela.


Ilenn speaks, boldly. “We’re programmers on
level eleven.” She grins, goofy at Arthur. Federal Building in
downtown Birmingham on 1653, 1st Avenue has 14 floors including
penthouse restaurant on top with required reservations. Occupants
include Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Housing
and Urban Development for Department of Housing, FBI offices, and
newest kids on the block, level 11, Division of Cyber Crimes funded
by Department of Justice.


Two years out the door, the division of Cyber
Crimes in Birmingham, Alabama employs legal computer programmers as
cyber private dicks kicking cyberspace buttholes of illegal hackers
& abusive attackers targeting active web sites and vital
business portals of USA.


Project is paying off big time with hackers
becoming halted and hacked themselves along with brutally
investigation within FBI framework by Cyber space agents who trace,
track & tackle hard bodies and soft finger prints tying people
to the newest fad federal felonies bringing about jolly ‘ole’ jail
time and hefty monetary penalties up them assholes.


Preston nods, once then scoops more food into
fork. He’s director of the Cyber space cowboys on level 12, floor
above the Cyber kittens, over ruling on a daily basis Arthur &
Larry for two tender years. He works, directly and not purposefully
with Geneva Lassater. Someone in Heaven must really hate his guts
for not forgiving them of his Earthly sins.


Geneva isn’t pretty, physically or sweet,
mentally. She’s basically a bitch with a great big wicked broom
handle and doesn’t stop until Preston grabs, personally every cyber
creep & tosses his ass in jail. He moans, slightly pondering
non-fun business meeting with the witch at 2:00pm.


Cyber kittens in Geneva’s litter are not only
secretive but are ordered without question to silence. Preston
receives only extreme little tea tiny bites of data as needed from
Geneva which isn’t much making his daily job really tough and
rough. He knows one fact about Geneva that she lives somewhere
within in Birmingham since her cell phone contains proper
geographic area telephone code. Other datum is off limits and
offline including her, her department and her employees.


3 months ago.

Arthur meets, informally one of Geneva’s pets
named Ilenn line-dancing at a local Honky Tonk bar spotting her
lovely shaking-in-all-the-right-places physical form noting she
worked in the same building. They date & form hot & heavy
physically and mentally relationship, clearly ignoring all previous
and future male/female competition.


Arthur can quote by number and bite size the
spoken as well as the written rules of Cyber moon talks between his
job & Ilenn in his sleep. Number #1 rule: no personal
information especially address, city, state, zip code, telephone
numbers, family members, pets, hobbies, churches, organizations,
passwords, kisses, hugs, drool or any miscellaneous datum that
connects you to any person, place or thing at the Division of Cyber


Cyber cowboy, Arthur & Cyber kitten,
Ilenn breaks first sacrilegious rule. Arthur provides great
disgustingly details about his personal relationship with Ilenn
that following Monday meeting to Preston. Preston isn’t happy about
breaking hard core news to Geneva. Geneva launches like the
spiraling space shuttle into outer space & wants to terminate
the couple on site but love intervenes, well…Preston does. He
offers himself as sacrificial lamb to Geneva, promising his
undivided attentively private meetings where information only
passes between their lips in enclosed non-recorded secret room
ensuring the division’s “silence thing.”


Arthur promises Preston to pay for his
trespasses in blood, if that day ever comes. First, he invites
himself to the lunch table with Ilenn to be nearest to his girl
during daylight hours since nighttime are filled. Secondly, he
becomes intriguingly curious about Illenn’s female co-workers both
from professional POV then later personal while Ilenn purrs in his
arms at night.


2 years ago.

Arthur & Preston attends Birmingham
University, or affectionately called “Burn U” playing multi-sports
& sporting multiple girls finally graduating with BS in
computer science. With nothing better to do, Arthur enjoys quizzing
and chatting at available & numerous recruiters about new and
unproven jobs from Banking to Security in IT field wetting his
appetite for the work force. Opportunity races within US to across
the pond to Europe. However, Arthur wants to stay in good “ole”
Bama, Southern States, USA.


Therefore, Arthur sees & likes FBI
recruiter and his wet dreams of crapping on Cyber space’s growingly
& annoyingly bad guys & gals. Arthur talks Preston into an
interview or two as FBI agent narrows field of gifted candidates
for creation of newly funded division of FBI Cyber outer space in
Birmingham. They join and the rest is history as dead historians
likes to quote.


Present day.

Preston, Arthur & Larry work, diligently
round the clock as christened FBI special agent newbies on 1651,
1st Avenue. Work hours are demanding while daylight hours are
short. Every second, minute & hour tick tocks tracking, tracing
& trailing Cyber creeps into concrete jail cells around Alabama
instead of romancing, dancing & dating opposite sex for fun
& games.


Preston holds, subjectively the worse job in
department as Director over the howling and hunting hillbillies
responsible for his field performance as well as theirs while
juggling mounds of dead tree limbs of FBI paperwork. Computers are
supposed to make life easier maybe, in the year 2080 after he’s
retired from old age. Preston loves shitting on enemies of
Americans kinda like a modern day cowboy living in the new West
Hemisphere of Earth. But, he hates sitting around friendlies
talking & busting words instead of physical actions creating
very long days except… today.


Spaghetti day comes along with Ilenn’s pretty
co-workers, Pamela and Lacy.


Preston enjoys, wickedly the good food and
the great view mentally re-charging his brain cells of Arthur’s
brief highlighted points of each Cyber kitten’s potential.


Lacy is 5 feet, 3 inches of petite height and
average weight with short crop of bright Heavenly Angel hair of
platinum blonde framing elf-like round soft glowing fair face,
huge, expressive doe eyes of emerald green gems framed by spidery
black eyelashes, cute button nose & soft rosy lush lips,
single, available & tapping, slightly & seductively her
sandal against his cowboy boot.


Preston feels beauty comes in all different
shapes, sizes & smarts. He swallows, deliciously another
monster ball then winks, flirtatiously at Lacy.


She giggles, lightly then thumps, swiftly
another round of toe play at his thick hide cow leather while
pretending to pick her full plate of food with fork and drink,
heavily of almost empty glass of sweet tea as ice cubes jingle in
song. He smiles, sweetly.


Lacy has recently been dumped by her old
boyfriend & passionately looking for the next. She has worked
for Cyber Crimes four years as Retriever, owns house in Mountain
Brook, rides bicycle six miles per day at night after work &
enjoys bending some of Cyber rules without Geneva’s knowings.


Pamela possesses wavy black hair down her
slender back and beyond pulled into ponytail, slanted eyelids
covering bright cornflower blue eyeballs under short dark bangs.
Complexion is olive with tanned kisses of light brown freckles
across her naturally sharp nose and undusted cheekbones, pink warm
lips & sits, prettily ladylike in chair. Based on body type,
while admiringly sleeveless white cotton blouse with toned biceps
and two fleshy tissues cheering their overflowing “C” cups, Preston
guesses, educationally at 120 pounds on tall 5 feet, 10 inched


Preston isn’t picking about dates as long as
they are reasonably pretty. He has dated his share of doggies with
nice personalities or evil intentions. Evil girls gives him the
creepettes. He doesn’t like female stalkers looking for husbands or
hoodies. Preston prefers, simply quiet types with shy qualifies. He
also finds that cute move when Pamela dives, quickly pretty blue
eyes into spaghetti as she spies, subtlety on him. He chuckles,


Pamela has worked for one year for Geneva.
Arthur’s other secret researched data comes up 0.00 about Pamela
which translates for Preston: she follows, soldierly Cyber rules.
Preston notes, observantly she likes food, polishing off spaghetti,
meatballs and two rolls.


Pamela vibes on hip, not figuratively. Pager
is warmingly warning an invasion on her sector of Cyber space. She
mews, softly & eye burns Preston. Preston enjoys, seductively
moping plate clean with buttery roll. She stands, swiftly as eye
balls dart upwardly.

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