Cyber Kittens and Cowboys (5 page)

Read Cyber Kittens and Cowboys Online

Authors: Ipam

Tags: #computers, #cyber, #programmers, #cobol

BOOK: Cyber Kittens and Cowboys
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Geneva invades Pamela’s space, types, roughly
on keyboard as letters
gleams. Pamela comprehends,
immediately assignment, lesson and danger that Geneva wants her to
hack active traceable legal government website.


Geneva places, gently small paper at Pamela’s
elbow automatically Pamela’s eyeballs scans, curiously words. Black
numbers represents active IP address.


Pamela studies, continuously at paper &
talks, very carefully. “Ms. Lassater, I don’t understand why you
need me for this difficult assignment. I’m obviously a novice at IP


Geneva stares, seductively at CIA website.
“Your binary language skills, of course will be very valuable in a
few more minutes.”


Pamela neck snaps to her. “So, is this
another test of IP address protocols?”


Geneva eye burns screen then smiles, wickedly
& talks, softly. “Sorta. Go ahead, use your new skills.”


Pamela types, slowly all correct numbers in
white box as CIA letters disappear & replace with JAVA computer
language controlling the meat of website. “Where do you install the
.exe file?” Geneva leans, heavily into screen. Pamela instructs,
slowly step by step. “First, I convert to OS.” Screen changes,
magical from short sentences to sequences of repeating command
file status holds 0 = no changes, 1 = changed. I type number 1 for


Screen blinks into smaller portion of new
categories Wb_Main, Wb_Proc, Wb_Paint along with other Website
routines for controlling the site. Pamela points, rudely at symbol,
lectures, educationally. “Wb represents website while proc contains
menu message commands.”


“We know that. Do your thing, Pamela?” Geneva


“Alright, I scroll down to Wb_Command.”
Pamela explains.


“Ya need to state size and create the file
before you can execute it, cutie?” Stockton breathes, heavily bad
garlic breathe from breakfast burrito into her jaw line as nostrils
inhale sour odor.


Pamela adjusts, brilliantly. “Wb_Create would
actually notify that…a person…is hacking the system. I by-pass
painting any additional bytes utilizing used parameter storage as
my program runs its task.”


“Clever, girl.” Stockton comments.


“Definitely, smart maneuver around security.”
Geneva huffs.


“Inside Wb_Command,” Pamela stops,


“Go on! Insert your program.” Geneva orders,


“I’m reading the command statements for the
right position.” Pamela details, fully. “If I pick wrong spot,
their program skips over my sub-routine claiming it as false


“How long did it take you to figure where to
install your first app?” Geneva demands.


“Trial and error, mostly.” Pamela comments,
giggles, lightly.


“How many times did you fail, Pamela that’s
the correct question.” Stockton adjusts, chuckles, lightly.


“Here, right there.” Pamela points, rudely at
screen. “Between save files and close processes. I type this.”



And…Filestatus, not NAMEBIT,0



“Then I create another IF, THEN, ELSE
statement within the Wb_Destory using my assemble file.” Pamela
executes, next step.





“Once you execute and destroy the website, it
can’t return to the beginning of program for restoratation.”
Stockton concludes.


“Precisely, Mr. Wingard.” Pamela voices
piccolo octave “A” & smiles, sweetly.


“How many times did you fail, Pamela that’s
the correct question.” Geneva asks.


“None! I work on the fly within real time.
When my code aborted, I re-wrote inside IF, THEN, ELSE statements
in binary until it worked, successfully.” Pamela answers.


“You destroyed the hacker’s ISO.” Geneva
recognizes, immediately.


“Yeah, isn’t that the point of our job?”
Pamela relays, softly. Geneva pats, tenderly Pamela’s collar


“Yes, Pamela, that’s our goal. You’re doing a
fine job of meeting your goals.”


“Whatever,” Pamela whispers, softly then
talks, loudly turning to Geneva. “Ms. Lassater, my code brings down
the website. This is a stupid lesson. I don’t get it. I didn’t
learn anything in this assignment.”


“Wrong, darling.” Stockton talks, meekly.


Geneva orders, bravely. “There’s a…database
behind the IP address. I need access to that info.”


“What for?” Pamela eye burns Geneva, ponders,
deeply. Screen beeps, loudly as firewall falls, magically into
series of mathematical 0’s and 1’s running horizontally like
military soldiers across top to bottom of plasma.


00010101 10001111 10010101 11101011 10100100


“1, 2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 bit. Old stuff.”
Stockton counts.


“Ancient binary opcodes used by IBM in the
1960s.” Pamela talks, shockingly.


“Only stored that way…on purpose to keep
young babes away.” Stockton voices in tenor trumpet.


“I didn’t catch that meaning?” Pamela
remarks, confusingly.


“Geneva means no trouble for gifted assembler
programmer.” Stockton insults, purposefully then snorts, lightly as
he eye burns Geneva.


“No.” Pamela quotes, meekly.


“Go to work! You can translate…” Stockton
orders, commandingly & breathes down her neck muscles as he
scans digits.


Pamela dumps, annoyingly. “…into hexi-numeric
English, that’ll take time. Am I timed on this exercise, Ms.
Lassater because it’s close to lunchtime?”


“Scroll down to…” Geneva stares, studiously
paper coupled into her open palm. “31267 line.” Cobol, Java and
Assembly computer language is written in semi-words and typed on
numerical lines. 31,267 is line number within code of this


Pamela types command: GO TO 31267. Computer
program shuffles, magically to line. “Short.” She talks,


“Convert to English words, Pamela.” Geneva
orders, commandingly, eye burning screen. Geneva only likes using
your first name when she’s deeply contemplating something,


Pamela types, swiftly binary commands. Screen
transforms, instantly into words & displays, quickly.


TAG 03299110456 Sl


“Is that it?” Stockton addresses, confusingly
& neck snaps to Geneva.


Plasma blinks dark midnight, then bright
yellow as translation vanishes from eye sight. Geneva stares,
studiously at blank computer & talks, mysteriously. “No,
there’s much more. Re-type your command.”


TAG 03299110456 Slanton Ashley


Screen blinks dark, then bright with missing
data. Stockton questions, boldly. “What’s happening, Pamela? Why’s
the screen bouncing?”


Pamela gasps, nosily & talks,
frightfully. “I’m caught. I’m being traced and tracked. It’s a
warning…from the CIA network administrator.”


“You said that couldn’t happen.” Stockton
comments, nasty then sneers, nosily.


“I say that I destroy the attacker’s website
after my execute is finished. The website’s down. Now they’re
looking for the hacker….that’s me.” Pamela details, fully with fear
of jail and worry of imprisonment for committing hacking job on CIA
website, the Central Intelligence Agency.


“Finish the convert before your targeted.”
Geneva orders.


“I’m can try but if found, they’ll start
fully re-boot breaking my signal, then….” Pamela dumps.


Geneva fills, completely. “…we start over. I
possess other valid IP addresses from CIA’s IT. This is only our
first attempt.”


Pamela types, swiftly & displays English
words as binary translator works the next character.


TAG 03299110456 Slanton Ashley IT
101991162238 Slanton Thurston B


TAG 03299110456 Slanton Ashley IT
101991162238 Slanton Thurston BO


“BO? I don’t know any person named Bo, do
you, Geneva?” Stockton talks, sharply & neck snaps to her.
Geneva eye burns screen.


TAG 03299110456 Slanton Ashley IT
101991162238 Slanton Thurston BOA


“BOA?” Stockton talks, excitedly. “As in boa
constrictor, the windpipe suffocating snake, do you know any other
snakes, Geneva?”


“A couple without the fangs.” Geneva snares,
nasty. Screen blinks, violently black, then yellow back to midnight
black. “Damn,” Geneva screams, surly. “Get it back,


“We’ve severed, permanently.” Pamela details,
successfully & types, musically keyboard command codes trying
to re-establish the electronic Cyber connection. She’s relieved the
CIA IT administrator found the snoop hole, halting this insane
illegal action. Pamela stops, suddenly then eye burns Geneva.


“Who’s Boa, Geneva?” Stockton inquires,
stupidly & stares, studiously.


“Very good, Pamela.” Geneva comments, softly
then neck snaps to Stockton. “We wait precisely 13 minutes over 10
but less than 15 giving the CIA Network Administrator time to
figure out the resourceful hacker has left the building.” Geneva
laughs, evilly. “Then, we execute our second attempt. I’m too close
to solving this puzzle, now.” Stockton nods, once. “Order some
drinks, Stockton, I suddenly find my throat parched.” Stockton
moves, quickly to landline on her desk as trained gopher for


Pamela stands, swiftly. “Potty break,


Geneva sits, swiftly in chair next to
computer & gallops unpolished nails on surface watching birdies
fly in baby blue skies then orders, commandingly. “Be back in 10
for our final conquest, Pamela.”


“Yes, ma’am.” Pamela quotes, meekly &
taps, quickly heels on wooden floor into office space, noting
co-workers are absent from chair while flirting with cute boys
outside bathroom other side of hallway.


Time 9:45 am.

Division of Cyber Crimes is located on 11th
floor of Federal Building in uptown Birmingham. Office in decorated
white cathedral ceil with cherry wood paneled rectangular geometric
room. Crossed window glass panes line East wall, hot in am and cool
in pm on desk of Lacy, Ilenn & Stockton. Entrance door occupies
South wall along with matching cherry wooden filing cabinet buddies
standing as overweight useless sentries coming and going into
hallway. Across entrance door is set of steel plated elevators for
exiting for home using parking garage on basement level 2.


Geneva’s private office fills North corner of
room with view, beautifully of three sets of windows overlooking
11th Avenue, 22 Street and 10th Avenue, an entire block of people,
cars and spying.


Pamela’s single cherry wood desk holds up
West wall while silver desktop & black printer clashes, ugly
with décor. Second empty desk stands, lonely behind Pamela for
future employed Retrievers.


I’m not doing it.
Pamela thinks,
I don’t break the rules


Pamela marches, steady & steals, swiftly
Ilenn’s maroon leather pocketbook from edge of her desk. Ilenn
exhibits, purposefully pocketbook when she’s ringed by Arthur to
meet for quickie kiss & hug at vendor’s machine across from
bathrooms. Geneva forbids personal contact during work hours. So,
Ilenn sits, quietly ready for fast-paced action appearing like jot
for snack. Arthur pays for all and any snacks, coffee or beverages
for her.


Pamela taps, forwardly & steals, quickly
Lacy’s cell phone planted beside her vanilla folders for
safekeeping and spying from Geneva. Geneva doesn’t allow personal
telephone calls during work hours. Lacy uses cell as iPod listening
to Roll & Rock music surfing Internet for research assignments.
She poses, purposefully cell for quick action and subtle fun.


Basic digital cell phone has a few individual
parts of circuit board, antenna, screen, keyboard, microphone,
speaker and battery. Circuit board carries the brains of the unit.
Voice speaker is size of dime while mic is no larger than watch
battery. Keyboard controls commands on cell using radio frequency
(RF) rays accessing hundreds of FM channels by interior antenna.
Each cell has unique RF array & compatibility outside US
between 900MHz to 1800MHz.


Digit calls/data overlays each channel with a
unique sequence code which can be traced, eventually. Data is sent
in small pieces over a large number of frequencies for each command
anytime at the touch of a telephone rang. Telecom provides lock on
phone with SIM cards so that the phone only works with their paying
service but Pamela knows the specific special code compliments of
the US government.


Pamela taps into the GSM (Global system for
Mobile communications) that operates like personal PC using Linux
operating system for encryption programs, data networking, fax
machine and multi-conferencing.


She uses, skillfully tiny jeweler
screwdriver, stolen from Geneva’s right hand desk drawer. Tiny
implements are the chosen hackers’s and retrievers’s dream toys for
physically breaking into any computer tower to mangle or mix
physically hot wiring controlling any PC on Earth learning these
valuable hacker skills in college doing that elective Electric
Engineering class mostly for fun and boredom after class time, of
course. She giggles, lightly.

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