Cyber Kittens and Cowboys (6 page)

Read Cyber Kittens and Cowboys Online

Authors: Ipam

Tags: #computers, #cyber, #programmers, #cobol

BOOK: Cyber Kittens and Cowboys
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She opens, swiftly back panel of cell phone
then taps, using jewelry precision slotted screwdriver of 2.0mm by
.40mm by 60mm on 2 and ¼ inches long fine steel, in Morse Code IP
address transmitting to Eola, Texas to Russia to Australia,
Pakistan and finally faking out her Cyberspace co-workers
delivering text message to Chicago, Illinois just like she learned
this week from Geneva. She needs, immediately money for safe
shelter and junk food while developing plot to expose Geneva &
her evil plan to the world, or at least to Stockton,


Pamela eye burns her desk & struts,
directly to entrance door on North wall. She wishes beyond wish she
could steal purse and keys. She has 15 minutes tops to clear
building walking down exit steps toward 11th Avenue before Geneva
gets, quietly curious then calls out Calvary & horses with
swords drawn.


Pamela places order, perfectly $2,000 from
her work expense bank account, definitely traced within couple of
hours by Ilenn. Stockton’s too stupid to figure out the random
pattern. Money is scheduled for pickup within 10 minutes at
Kangaroo Gas Station intersection of 15th Street and 11th Avenue
from Western Union teller. She giggles, lightly. Second set of
monies, $1,000 is scheduled at Western Union depot on 14th Street
on 12th Avenue, two block hike.


She stops, suddenly for traffic light at
intersection of 11th Avenue and 19th Street. She rotates, swiftly
neck muscles behind her. Clear! She thumbs, rapidly pocketbook for
any useful items besides bank ATM card for quick getaway. She
crosses light at 18th then onto 17th Street, heading to Alabama
Bank, favorite financial institution of Federal Government. She
whips, silently card from leather slot & dumps, forcefully into
vetted slot of ATM.


Pamela does not know llenn’s ATM PIN but she
does know highly guarded and top secretly bank command codes for
by-passing Ilenn’s personal ATM PIN & accesses her monetary
funds. She feels really bad for stealing from llenn, bank &
ATM. She types, rapidly. $600 spits into her hand then bank card
appears half-way in slot then sucks, completely out of sight. She
giggles, lightly.


She strolls, casually in the beautiful hot
sunlight of July. She sweats, automatically then rotates neck
muscles for look-see behind her. Clear! She needs assistance but
needs to think, first.


Pamela arrives, nervously at Kangaroo Street
& enters, boldly to Western Union counter. She sounds, slowly
tiny string of correct numbers. Clerk nods, once. Pamela pulls,
quickly llenn’s driver’s license for quick flash of ID but clerk
ignores the proper legal gesture. This side of street corner is
part of Birmingham University school campus, lots of students
buying illegal beer/ cigarettes and borrowing legal tender from
Mama & Daddy’s shrinking bank account. The best part, young
female clerk will never ID Pamela causes she’s one of the many
students in the crowded and noisy convenience store.


Pamela holds, vertically license in air so
girl sees the proposed ID. Clerk types keystrokes & prints
receipt then counts money for Pamela, correction…Ilenn. Pamela
giggles, lightly.


Lazy American workers don’t perform proper
legal checks of ID which saves Pamela’s fanny. Hope the folks, at
the other Kangaroo Street on 14th Street & 12th Avenue are as
incompee… dent.


She purchases, quickly Coke and potato chips
at counter requesting brown paper bag for chips then leaves store
like other wandering college students.


She double-checks, quickly pocketbook last
time. She lifts, vertically brown card reading Birmingham Public
Library. She scouts, quickly down street library located on 15th
and 11th. She shakes, sideways black skull and whispers, softly.
“No way! Yes, way. I need information. I need data, ASAP.” Pamela
decides to keep Library card. She can access any computer
throughout Jefferson County with Ilenn’s valid card without being
tracked for a few days…at least.


She dumps, literally empty pocketbook and
Ilenn’s driver’s license into trash receptacle at Kangaroo Store
keeping Ilenn’s credit cards & Ilenn’s money with Pamela,
temporarily. Pamela can’t use the credit cards for any purposes
‘cause Geneva’ll find her…way too fast using any electronic
pipeline from Cyber Crimes IT lab.


Geneva… correction Preston has been alerted
and will find money from Western Union tap, then driver’s license
& pocketbook assuming that Pamela’s hiding out with college kid


She feels terrible Preston going to be
involved. He’s director of FBI Cyber Crimes on the other side of
her division. He has personal interest once he learns of her since
they’ll be dating & having fun for two weeks.


Pamela walks, nervously into store then
repeats, successfully process for collecting $1,000. She gots money
totaling $3, 655 from various resourceful sources. She exits,
slowly into sunlight & leans, heavily into brick wall then
ponders, next move.


Time: 10:03 am. Federal building.

Geneva hollers, loudly. “Stockton, get her!
Time to nip the blooming buds.” She laughs, hardy reaching within
the stars of finding the shiny burning, blistering one.


Stockton rotates neck muscles around large
room missing Pamela’s life form. Lacy slams, nosily manila folders
over left side of desk, then picks up towering stacks of work
papers moving swiftly into chair. She touches & probes, heavily
finger pads around wood surface for it. Lucy puffs, musically.
“Where is it?”


Ilenn scratches, painfully bottom of purse
for it without success then dumps, noisy entire contents of leather
bag onto desk. She scatters, slowly items check marking presence
and absence. “Where is it?” she huffs, musically.


Geneva stands with crossed arms middle of her
private archway, taps, musically toe points, shouts, surly.
“Stockton, now, I’m waiting.”


Stockton flows, gracefully into room, stands,
soldierly then scans eyeballs to each body. He frowns, ugly &
ponders, deeply. He has checked bathroom, vendor room & storage
room down hallway. Pamela is missing, mysteriously.


Geneva snares, loudly & talks, nasty.
“Ten minutes doesn’t mean 20.”


“Pamela is missing. I can’t locate her
anywhere in office or hallway.” Stockton announces, softly into
Geneva’s sneering ugly face.


“What?” Geneva snaps, softly then un-crosses
arms & marches to Pamela’s desk. She draws, rapidly open/close
cabinets locating Pamela’s purse and car keys. “She’s here.” She
holds, vertically items into air.


“She’s hiding then.” Stockton assures,


“Hiding from me?” Geneva mice-squeaks.


Stockton touches, gingerly her PC, notes
powered down. “Pamela, to me, appeared a lot of concerned about


“She’s young and new in her duties.” Geneva
talks, casually, searches Pamela’s desk for secret notes or
messages. “These particular duties you assigned her…aren’t…regular,
Geneva.” Stockton eye burns Geneva.


“I cannot find it.” Ilenn screams,
annoyingly. Stockton & Geneva eye burn llenn, witness
commotion. “Ilenn, have you seen my cell phone? It was right here,
there covered by these files.” Lacy huffs, musically then eye burns
Geneva standing on opposite side of room. Geneva notes, alarmingly
Lacy’s facial expression and troubled body form.


Geneva rushes, swiftly to Lacy’s desk,
inquires, curiously. “What’s has happened, Lacy?”


Lacy points, rudely at desk surface, frowns,
ugly, talks, mice-squeaks. “It was here. I mean. Well, I…I can’t
find my cell phone. It was here, earlier.”


“How earlier?” Stockton asks,


“Well, I went to the vending machine for
candy bar at…” Lacy eye burns back of llenn. “How long have we been
gone, Ilenn about 15 to 20 minutes, tops?” Ilenn nods, once without
speaking & stares, studiously at wood.


“What’s your problem, Ilenn?” Geneva notes,
studiously similar body language of trouble.


“My pocketbook with all my money and credit
cards is missing. It was right here on the edge of my desk, like
always.” Ilenn puffs, musically & slaps arms over chest.


Geneva eye burns Stockton. He mouths,
silently. “OMG!” Geneva shakes, sideways blonde skull.


Geneva talks, meekly into Stockton’s face.
“No, you’re wrong and you’re loony for thinking those mental


“Then, where is…Pamela?” Stockton returns,


Geneva inquires, boldly. “Lacy, did you see
Pamela at the vendor machine?”


“No.” Lacy shakes, sideways brown skull,
voices, weakly, scans her purse.


“Ilenn, have your seen Pamela, lately?”
Geneva asks.


“Not Pamela but…it was right here.” Ilenn
answers, focuses on her missing pocketbook containing cash, credit
cards, ID and major personal items.


Geneva neck snaps to him, orders,
commandingly. “Stockton, search your desk, is anything


“Who’s Loony Tooney now?” Stockton mumbles in
tenor saxophone toward desk. Geneva & Stockton trot, steady to
his desk. He views, carefully any missing items. He shakes,
sideways red skull. “Nothing is amiss. She collected cell phone and
wallet for money to travel to where?”


Geneva eye burns floors, ponders, deeply.
“Why would she leave without her car, her purse? A fleeing vehicle
carries her quicker to any final destination.”


“She doesn’t want to be tracked or…” Stockton
empties, completely.


Geneva fills, completely. “…traced.” She
grabs, forcefully Stockton’s forearm & twists, painfully toward
her office passing frustrated female employees. She stops, suddenly
at computer. “Did you write down these words/numbers from CIA?”


“Of course.” Stockton produces, quickly small


Geneva studies information & shakes,
sideways blonde skull. “We still didn’t know who CIA operative
code-named BOA is? Do you have an inkling?”


“Absolutely none. Pamela’s our best tool. I
believe she has become frighten hacking into the CIA database. I’d
be if I wasn’t smarter then the assholes.”


“Or she knows BOA?” Stockton talks,


Geneva frowns, ugly, talks, academically.
“Impossible! She’s too young barely 20. Way before her employment
here, as a matter of fact, she was in college a year ago.”


“I meant to present that she’s very good at
Cyber hacking. She might have uncovered some important information
during her exercise. She learns very quickly and retains data very
thoroughly.” Stockton babbles.


“Never, she’s a babe in the woods.” Geneva


“Then, where is she?” Stockton pitches.


“NO!” Female alto clarinet yells, loudly.
Geneva & Stockton pace, hurriedly to outer office. Lacy cries,
physically tears & points, rudely at screen.


Geneva & Stockton, Ilenn hurry to her
side. She talks, sparsely, points, rudely at PC. “I…trace… cell.
See, see that.”


“What have you discovered, Lacy?” Ilenn
inquires, curiously. She shifts, closely to screen & scans,
studiously. “You accessed GPS on cell phone. Good thinking, Lacy.
Let’s locate your missing phone.” Ilenn studies screen &
frowns, ugly. “This…the number…205-555-5873.” She retypes telephone
number onto screen then waits, patiently for results. She frowns,
ugly & stares at screen. “I don’t get it.”


“Where’s the cell?” Geneva asks.


“GPS locates cell in…this is not correct.”
She re-types cell number & waits, impatiently showing same
results. “GPS locates cell in New Jersey.” Ilenn works,


“What city in New Jersey?” Geneva


Ilenn types keyboard then halts, suddenly.
“GPS located cell in…” She reads, loudly. “IP address conflict
error. Computer can’t live with them and hate them more than…”


“Re-boot your computer, Ilenn.” Geneva


“Yes, ma’am!” Ilenn executes re-boot of
Lacy’s computer.


“Let’s check GPS on Ilenn’s computer while
this one re-boots.” Geneva orders, commandingly.


“Sure, Geneva.” Ilenn sits, swiftly &
types, quickly number on screen then waits, patiently for results.
“I will be a Monkey’s Uncle. GPS tells that your cell’s location is
in Pakistan.” Ilenn picks up receiver of landline. “We got big time
problems with mainframe server. I’m calling this one in for trouble


“Excellent work, Ilenn! Let the IT boys
figure out the computer error. I…we are going into a private
meeting for the next…hour or so. Could you watch the door, Lacy?”
Lacy nods, once. “Also, when Pamela returns, please send her to


“Yes, ma’am.” Ilenn nods, once.


Geneva taps, loudly heels back to office then
closes, gently door. “Cell phone location in New Jersey then
Pakistan, does that GPS pattern sound familiar?” She points, rudely
at screen. “Get that number traced from original source, Stockton,
we gotta find that girl? She’s hiding somewhere nearby without car
or transportation.”


“Your IP address lesson from last week. Told
ya, Pamela’s smart. She’s got money stolen from Ilenn and more if I
believe her unique resourcefulness.” Stockton calls.


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