Dancing in Circles (Circles Trilogy) (32 page)

BOOK: Dancing in Circles (Circles Trilogy)
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Finished at the mall and settled onto the highway out of Westland, Robert cleared his throat. "We have a problem and her name's Julie. I don't know if this relationship is goin' anywhere. There seems to be too many problems and most of them are 'cause of me. Julie's great! She's beautiful and sexy and...."
Shut up, stupid! You don't tell a father his daughter's sexy.

"I guess what I'm tryin' to say is." Robert rubbed his forehead. "We both love Julie, but we can't rip her in two. So what're we going to do? I'm pretty sure I'm not your number one choice, but she's the best thing that has ever happened to me."

Mr. Anderson scratched his upper lip. "I've been watching you since Julie brought you home. You're certainly not the same kid who was in my court."

"Mouthy little kid, wasn't I?" His childhood had been a terrible experience, but he was proud he'd survived it.

"Yes, but you were fighting for your survival. The theory of the law is that it's applied equally to everybody, but the law of the streets in your part of town is different than in Westland." Mr. Anderson looked over at Robert. "I was impressed with you when I jailed you. I gave you the minimum sentence. You were guilty but there should've been a better way to serve you."

Robert met Julie's father's gaze. "I hated you for lockin' me up. I knew I was guilty, but I didn't know what else to do to survive."

Mr. Anderson focused on the highway. "As to Julie, I can't say get out of her life. It's her life. But I think you and I have a history to get over."

"So ask me whatever ya want. I'll answer as honestly as possible."

"Your honesty has always impressed me."

"I don't have much in my life but people know I'm tellin' the truth. It ain't a bluff. I mean what I say."

"Why do you still belong to the gang? They're the cause of most of your problems."

Robert rubbed the healing scars on his stomach. "They're also the reason I'm still alive. If I walked away now, chaos would result. Marco has a romantic vision of the good old biker days, and the gang would go back to the stupid, senseless violence that only got everyone killed. I need to find another strong intellectual leader to rule. I've done some good for the gang and the town, and I'd hate to lose that."

"If I said gang or Julie, which would it be?"

Robert glanced at Julie's father then back out the side window.
Is this it? Is this the test?
"Are you asking me to decide?"

"No." He shook his head. "It's a hypothetical question. I want your gut reaction."

Robert shifted in his seat. "I'd say gang. Julie can always find someone else. No one's gonna die if I walk away from her. If I quit the gang, innocent people'll get hurt from the internal struggle."

He watched the passing scenery. It wasn't very often that he got this far away from home. "You haven't answered my question yet, sir. Do I have your permission to continue this relationship?"

"If you could spend your life doing whatever you wanted, what would it be?"

"Man to man, not boyfriend to dad?"

Mr. Anderson nodded.

"Get Julie and myself shipwrecked on some tropical island. I haven't had enough time to get to know her. Life keeps gettin' in the way. I wanna be there when she wakes up in the morning. Or to hold her when she's scared. But I also wanna know what's going on inside her head."

"As the father, I'm leery of this relationship. But as a Judge, I see no reason not to let you continue. I weighed what I know about you and what I've learned and I'm impressed with what I see."

Robert's eyebrows rose to his hairline. "Not the answer I was expectin'. I'll try and not screw this up."

Julie's father chuckled. "You're going to make mistakes, but that's all part of life. You've got to quit condemning yourself because of your past. You a few years ago and you today are two different people. This new person is a mature, rational, intelligent adult."

Robert was dumbfounded. The man he hated for so long accepted him as an equal. As he pondered this amazing revelation, sleep overtook him. The motion of the car stopping and then continuing woke him. He glanced out the window at the business towers of Highgate.

Mr. Anderson signalled then changed lanes. "Nice nap?"

"Yup. At least my headache's gone." Robert stretched. "Think this Aunt Kathy knows about me?"

"I'm sure she does by now." Mr. Anderson looked at Robert and grinned. "Not only is Sheila excellent at gathering information, she's equally good at dispensing it."

"Oh, great."

Mr. Anderson stopped the car next to a small gatehouse. A man exited it, checked the licence plate and raised the barrier. Bill drove past several estates and pulled into the long driveway leading to Aunt Kathy's. When the house came into view, Robert sat taller in his seat. "Oh, shit!"

"Spectacular, isn't it? Been in the family for a few generations."

"Look, Highgate's a big city. Couldn't we just like find a hotel?"

Mr. Anderson laughed and drove toward the parking area.

"No, I'm mildly serious here." Robert ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm gonna be way out of my element. Take a fish out of water and put it on a busy street, that's me in rich society. Just waitin' for someone to step on me. Put me in front of a drug-crazed, knife carryin' gang banger and no problem I know what to do. Swear at'im, beat'im up and go party. But this…this ain't me."

Mr. Anderson parked the car. "I'm going to sneak you in. To avoid Julie. We've got about an hour before I have to deliver Julie to the church. Shower, dress and hang around your room. We'll come and get you when it's time to surprise her."

Robert pulled his bag off the back seat and followed Julie's father into the house. They entered at the kitchen. It was full of people, busy with their assigned tasks.

Aunt Kathy turned from speaking with the chef. "Bill, I see you found the prize. Good, Julie's been out of sorts all morning, but trying to put on a brave face. So, you're Robert. I've heard a lot about you." She extended her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet such a brave, young fellow."

Robert dropped his bag and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, Mrs...?"

"Aunt Kathy. Everyone calls me Aunt Kathy."

"I'm off to get ready and collect the rest of my family. You're good?" Mr. Anderson smiled.

"No problem."

Mr. Anderson waved and exited. Robert's nose twitched at the delicious aromas.

"Are you hungry?" Aunt Kathy's eyes twinkled. "You missed lunch." She signalled to the head chef and requested he prepare a lunch for Robert. "It'll be sent to your room. Now let's get you settled so we can get on with this wedding."

"I'm staying here?"
No f'in' way!

Aunt Kathy led the way through the back narrow hallways. "The place is such a madhouse today. All the extra domestics, the catering staff, the...I'm not sure I know who all is in my house. These secret back hallways were so in the old days the servants could move about without disturbing the master. But everyone uses them now as it's often faster to get around." She stopped at the head of a flight of stairs.

"I've situated you across the hall from Julie. I think it's wonderful you surprising her like this." Aunt Kathy smiled. "I love romance, and this is champagne and a single red rose."

Almost afraid to ask, Robert rubbed his chin. "Do you know who I am?"

"Yes, Sandra told me and showed me the video on the internet of your gang fight."

Robert dropped his head and shook it in disgust. "Right now I look the part. I spent the night in jail. A misunderstandin' with the police."

"The police can be very misunderstanding."

Robert laughed. "I like you."

"Good. Because I wanted to meet you. I'm more than entranced by the fact that Julie has fallen in love with a gang leader. I'm quite willing to accept you, as I trust Julie's instincts implicitly. But there are others." She shrugged.

Aunt Kathy poked her head into the hallway and motioned Robert to follow her. She opened the door to his room, turned and pointed to a door across the hall. "Julie's room."

She turned on the lights, illuminating the room with a soft glow. The bed was large and inviting. Robert pictured Julie lying across it. There was a small fireplace that would add a cozy, romantic warmth to the room. The furniture was antique but suited the atmosphere of quiet wealth.

Robert placed his tuxedo and gym bag on the bed. "Shower?"

Aunt Kathy opened a door.

"My own private shower?"

She nodded.

"Can I move in here? This is cool."

A young man knocked then entered carrying Robert's lunch on a tray. Aunt Kathy pointed to a night table. He placed the tray on it and left. "You've got forty-five minutes to eat, shower and dress. I'll see you at the church."


"No problem."

He chuckled.

Aunt Kathy turned. "I caught that in the kitchen. You weren't very comfortable about coming here were you?"

"No, ma'am."

"I'll leave you to your lunch." She shut the door behind her.

Robert looked around his room and let out a long low whistle. "I could get used to being rich." Trying to decide whether to shower or eat lunch, the rumblings of his stomach sealed his decision. He wolfed down his meal then headed for the shower. Robert stood under the spray letting the water rinse off the stench of the cell and promised himself, he'd never go back to jail again.

After drying off with thick soft towels, he shaved and dressed. Looking at his reflection, he thought he was looking at someone else. The tuxedo fit to perfection and the shoes weren't as uncomfortable as he expected.
Guess I can deal with this for a weekend.
The only flaw would be corrected when Julie joined him. He looked over at the wall separating them and wondered what she was doing.




Chapter Twenty

I look this beautiful and no Robert to see me.
Julie sighed.
I'm so not looking forward to this evening. I'll probably spend the whole night dodging Ralph.
A cold shudder shot through her core.

Julie smoothed the front of her champagne-coloured, silk, maid of honour's gown. The material clung to her sleek body rounding every corner.

She remembered with pride the day Kelly asked her to be maid of honour. Kelly was selective about who'd be paired with Stan's relatives and friends. The wedding was in the biggest cathedral in Highgate and the reception on the lawn of her adoptive parent's estate. If the weather forecaster knew what was good for him, it would be a cloudless, sunny day. A wedding set to perfection.

Kelly, Julie and the six other bridesmaids spent the morning at a spa having a massage, facial, manicure and pedicure while being served a breakfast of strawberries, orange juice and croissants. Julie and Kelly gossiped about other cousins, friends, Kelly's husband-to-be and Robert.

A knock on her bedroom made Julie blink. Her mother entered. Her hand flew to her mouth. "I've never seen you more beautiful."

Julie felt the blush rise on her cheeks. "Thank you, Mom. I just wish Robert was here to see me."

"I bet he'd be speechless." Her mother tapped her watch. "It's time to go, so you'll be there when Kelly arrives. She sent a text that the photographer would be done in twenty minutes, then he can do the group photos in the gardens beside the church."

"I'll be down in two secs." Julie glanced back in the mirror, checked her makeup, spritzed her favorite perfume and grabbed her clutch.

Mrs. Anderson closed Julie's door as Mr. Anderson exited Robert's room. In a low voice, he whispered, "Get a load of this. He cleans up pretty good."

Robert exited his room and shut the door. At first glance, Julie's mother didn't recognize him. His self-confidence and magnetism was something she'd never witnessed. But for all the sexiness and sophistication he portrayed, she still saw the shyness behind his eyes and smile.

"Looking good, Robert." She reached up and adjusted his bow tie.


"You know," she whispered. "I think it's your shy side that makes the girls fall for you."

Robert's eye's opened wide. Stunned, he didn't move for a moment then hurried down the stairs.

Julie's father waited at the bottom. "If you stand over there." He indicated a spot to the side. "You'll see her before she sees you."

When Julie reached the head of the last flight of stairs, her parents were waiting in the main hallway. She could read the smile on their faces and blushed at the love she saw. The third last step was a small landing allowing the person to exit in any one of three directions. Julie stepped on it and paused. "Like?" With little steps, she turned, displaying the gown.

Robert walked out from his hiding place and stood at the foot of the stairs. Julie finished her turn. When their gazes met, she gasped and smiled.

Before her stood, not Robert the gang leader punk everyone else saw, but Robert the man she knew he was. His dark eyes were like magnets. She couldn't look away even if she wanted to. Her head swam from the sensuality emanating from the depth of his soul.

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