Dancing in Circles (Circles Trilogy) (36 page)

BOOK: Dancing in Circles (Circles Trilogy)
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Chapter Twenty-Two

He looked so peaceful sprawled across the bed. They'd fallen asleep, chatting about their lives and getting to know one another. But now it was morning and Julie needed to wake him. Having just gotten out of the shower, she let her wet hair drip onto his chest. He rolled out of the way and settled back down to sleep. She snaked her hair along his naked back. "Time to get up."

"No. Sleep."

"Get up."


"Come on, Robert." She tapped his shoulder. "It's breakfast time. Let's go."

He opened his eyes, yawned, stretched and rolled over. "Damn, ya got clothes on." Sighing, he crawled out of bed and stumbled towards the bathroom, yawning and scratching his chest. "Need more sleep."

Twenty minutes later, he exited the shower, dressed then walked over to Julie, he slipped his hands around her waist and pulled her close. Gazing into her eyes, he said, "I want ya to remember that no matter what happens from now on, remember that I love ya."

"What are you talking about? What's going to happen?"

"Life. Life's gonna get in the way. Just remember, no matter what, I love ya. Promise me you'll remember."

"I promise." She kissed him then headed for the door.

Robert shook his head as he stared at her back.
You're not takin' me seriously. Ya don't understand. How could ya?
He hurried to the door and followed Julie to the morning room.

Julie loved this room. Tropical plants and bright flowers filled the large windowed enclosure. Being on the eastern side of the house, on a sunny morning, like today, the room was illuminated with sunlight. A round glass table dominated the center, with wicker chairs and thick comfortable cushions.

With the aura of being on a tropical isle, it had been a place of refuge for young Kelly and Julie on cold winter holidays. They spent hours pretending to be shipwrecked in the South Seas, being terrorized by wicked pirates and rescued by dashing young princes. But today, nerves of jelly made Julie hesitate at the doorway.

"Come on. I'm starved." Robert grabbed her hand and led the way. Julie tightened her grip on his.

"Good morning." Aunt Kathy smiled.

"Morning," Julie and Robert mumbled as they crossed the room to the two seats on the other side of the table.

As they passed cousin Ralph, he turned and leered. "So this is the gang stud, is it?"

Julie froze in disbelief at Ralph's overwhelming need to humiliate.

Robert backed up one step. He moved Ralph's glass of orange juice to the edge of the table then popped a light punch on Ralph's left upper arm. "Cousin Ralph, is it?"

Ralph winced. As he turned to respond, his elbow knocked the glass of juice and it poured down his shirt.

"Oh my, how clumsy of you. Really embarrassin', isn't it? Here let me help you up." Robert grabbed Ralph's collar, hauled him out of his seat and half-pushed him closer to the doorway. He leaned in close and whispered something. The colour drained from Ralph's face, and he scurried from the room.

Robert returned to the table and pointed to Ralph's place setting. "He's done. He won't be back." Taking hold of Julie's hand, Robert escorted her to her seat and pulled out a chair. He glanced around the table at everyone staring at him. "What? Look, I resisted the urge to slam his face into his plate."

"You know." Uncle Benjamin spoke to no one in particular. "I've wanted to slam his face into his plate for a long time."

Aunt Kathy, Julie's parents and grandparents and her other aunt all nodded. "So you're a gang leader?" Aunt Marie asked as they settled into their seats.

"Yes, ma'am." Robert nodded. "Shoresmen. Toughest gang in Midtown and North Shore. We rule."

Julie opened her mouth to calm what she thought would be a blast of anger from Robert, but was startled into silence when she noticed he was struggling to suppress a smile.

Taking a sip of English Breakfast tea, the aunt continued, "So what is life like in a gang?"

"It sucks, ma'am. Pass me the toast." He held out his hand. "If you're wonderin', no I ain't killed nobody...recently. The last time I got busted was Friday night. My babe is your niece, Julie. Oh, yea, I do have a really cool black leather jacket and a ride a smokin' hot bike."

Pressing his lips together, he glanced at Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. Both had shock written on their faces. Robert relaxed when he saw their lips curve into wide grins. "So, is there anythin' anybody else would like to ask me or have I just about covered everythin'?"

Julie's father cleared his throat. "Before we all get the wrong impression—"

"No, Bill." Aunt Kathy waved her hand. "He's justified in his tongue in cheek attitude. Marie's questions were unfair. Innocent but unfair. Robert is a guest in this house, and he should be treated as an equal like everyone else."

"Now do I get the toast or not?"

Julie bounced her knee against his. She was about to lean in and whisper but stopped. Her mother groaned and grabbed the table. Her husband turned to face her as Robert raced to her side. They helped her stand and escorted her out of the room.

Julie rose to join them, but Aunt Kathy shook her head. "She's in good hands. A moment's patience."

A cold fear swept through Julie. What if something was happening to her mother? Or the babies? They weren't due for several more weeks. Julie reached for her orange juice, but missed and knocked it over. "Darn. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She grabbed her napkin and blotted up the spill.

"No worries." Aunt Kathy rose but sat when Robert entered.

"How's Mom?" Worry etched Julie's face.

"She wants to see her doctor. So she and your dad are leavin' with your grandparents. We'll drive your brother and sisters home."

Julie closed her eyes and exhaled a huge breath. Robert placed his hand on her arm. "If you want we can go now. You can pack, and I can go get the others."

She placed her hand on her chest, trying to slow the beat of her pounding heart. "Yes, I want to go. What if something happens?"

"Ok, your dad gave me his car keys. Somebody tell me how to get to wherever your brother and sisters are and I'm gone."

Aunt Kathy stood. "Follow me. I'll call Karen and tell her to get the kids ready and I'll set the address into Bill's navigation system." Robert followed her out of the room.


Julie sat on the edge of the bed and dragged her toe across the carpet. She'd packed all of her clothes and collected Robert's things from his room. She wasn't ready to leave. Robert had finally relaxed and told her he loved her, and she had a sad impression that when he returned to Westland, their fantasy would be over. He'd be forced to turned back into the old Robert. Not the one who felt secure enough to tell her he loved her, but the Robert who lived cringing, waiting for another slap from society.


She glanced up. He was standing in the doorway.

"The little ones are downstairs having a snack."

Julie sniffled back a tear. "Hug me." She stood. "And tell me you love me."

Worry crossed Robert's face as he stepped nearer and enveloped Julie in his arms. "What's the matter?"

She pressed her cheek against his chest and listened to his heart. "I'm going to miss this room."

"I'm gonna miss this weekend."

"But she's my mom."

"I understand."

"I ... oh, excuse me." Aunt Kathy stepped backed.

Julie turned. "What Aunt Kathy?"

"No, I can come back later." The red flushed to Aunt Kathy's cheeks.

"Don't be silly, come back."

She stepped back into the room. "Marie printed some of the pictures she took yesterday. I thought you might like to have these." She handed Julie the photos.

Robert peered over her shoulder. One was a picture of them just after the wedding as they walked back down the aisle. Another was him looking at Julie as they stood in the receiving line. Two were of them dancing and the final two were a close up of them kissing when they'd forgotten about the other people on the dance floor.

"Can I ask ya a question?" Robert scratched his chin.

Aunt Kathy nodded.

"Did ya set us up?"

She smiled and raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Well, ya saved the most romantic room for Julie. Ya had the one across the hall empty. It's pretty isolated up in this end of the house. Both wood boxes were full of firewood." He flashed a grin. "It looks like someone planned this."

"I did nothing." She put her hands up to show her innocence.

Robert stepped past Julie and kissed her aunt's cheek. "Thanks for nothing."

"Can I ask you a question, Robert?"


"Do you love Julie?"

He nodded.

"Did you tell her that?"

"Every way I know how."

She beamed. "Then all is right with the world."

Robert looked at the floor.
Only 'til we cross the Westland city line, then reality returns and I go back to bein' Shore.

Hugging her niece, Aunt Kathy said, "You made a beautiful maid of honour. Take care, love. And you...." She hugged Robert. "You were a pleasure to meet. My instinct to trust Julie was right. My advice to you is, keep loving my niece. You need each other." She kissed him on the cheek and left.

Julie reached for her purse and slid the pictures inside.

"Can I have those for a sec?" Robert held out his hand. "Just the ones of us kissin'." Julie handed him the photos. He picked a pen up off the desk, turned the photos over and signed the back of both: Within the bounds of this fantasy, I thee wed. Love, R

He handed them back with a smile. "Time to go home."


Clicking her seatbelt shut, Julie turned to face her siblings. "Everybody ready?"

Ashley smiled as she pressed the button and lowered the TV screen then popped her earbuds in. Jason and Sheila had already turned on whichever was the electronic game of the month and were lost in their own little worlds.

"Good to go?" Robert smiled at her.

"Yes, everybody's seat belted in and busy. So, it should be quiet for a little while."

He turned the key, put the van into drive and headed toward Westland.

Julie waved to Aunt Kathy until the van turned a corner. She released a contented sigh and patted Robert's thigh. "Good weekend?"

He glanced at her. "Awesome. Can we do it again next weekend?"

"How about every weekend for the rest of our lives?"

"Works for me."

Julie leaned back in her seat and watched the scenery pass by.
Not that long ago, he was the strange, new guy in school. Distant and cold, but for some reason willing to be friends with me. Isn't it amazing how people connect? Maybe it was physics, opposites attract.

She giggled.
No, I think it was biology.

"What's so funny over there?"

"Just thinking about us?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Happy thoughts?"

"Contented thoughts. Thoughts of how you are I were meant to be. How much we are in love. How wonderful it feels every time you tell me you love me." A surge of warmth flowed through her.

"Want me to tell ya again?"


"I love you." He chuckled. "Want me to say it again?"

Julie laughed. "Again and again and again."

"I love you. I love you." He checked his rear-view, signalled and changed lanes. "And I love you."

Joy filled Julie's heart at the sound of his words. Although his tone was playful, she could hear the underlying passion. That passion thrilled her. What a change since September. At first, she was a mouse, terrified to be near him, but soon she found her strength to reach out to break his shell and let him love her.

Rain drops splashed against the window. She smiled. The greyness of the sky could not defeat the love that shone in her world. He was hers. Julie loved Robert and Robert had learned how to love Julie. They had found their happy ending.

Nothing could separate them. Nothing.

An icy chill slithered through Julie.





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Dancing in Circles

Copyright © 2012 Victoria Adams

Cover art by Fantasia Frog

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